Bastard Husband

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 

Claire & POV 

Frustrated, I walked to the hospital entrance. I didn’t want our discussion to disturb the people inside. Lucas had been a real embarrassment, and I just wanted him gone. He followed me outside, and I crossed my arms defensively to prevent him from touching me. 

“Just leave,” I said, emphasizing each word. “We’re done.” 

“This is ridiculous, Claire!” he protested. “You can’t just say something like that! I know you still love me!” He grabbed my hand, trying to stop me from leaving. 

I pushed him away outside the hospital. “Don’t you touch me!” I yelled. 

“I’m done with your games, Lucas! If you think you can treat me like a fool, you’re wrong. I’ve had enough of your 


He stepped forward and gripped my wrist tightly, his nails digging into my flesh. Breathing heavily, he seemed skeptical that I was treating him so poorly. 

He narrowed his sharp eyes at me and glared. “Do you think I’ll allow you to divorce me easily? No, Claire, you’re stuck with me. So, give me à f*cking chance! 

Suddenly, I gasped when I saw Jackson suddenly appear out of nowhere. He looked firm yet calm, and he said in an authoritative voice, “Let go of her…” 

Lucas scoffed as he slowly let go of me, then raised his eyebrows at Jackson. “What are you? Are you a hero?!” 

“No, I’m not a hero, but you can rest assured that I don’t want one of the best doctors in my hospital to get assaulted by you,” Jackson said with a tone of authority. 

The atmosphere between Lucas and Jackson becomes thicker and more tense. 

“I’m talking to my wife!” Lucas said in possessiveness as he tried to hold my hand again, but I flinched and put myself behind Jackson’s back. 

Jackson said, “See? Your wife doesn’t want to talk to you anymore. You may leave the hospital in peace…” 

But he pushed Jackson in anger and said, “Who the f*ck are you?!” Then he glanced at me and asked, “Is this why you’re acting cold? Is it because you have a relationship with him? Am I right?” 

I scoffed softly and coldly replied, “Lucas! That’s none of your business anymore. Go away! And make sure you’re going to sign the divorce papers!” 

“YOU!” Lucas pointed his finger at Jackson. “This is all your fault! You have feelings for my wife!” 

And to my surprise, my delusional husband picked a fight with the CEO of the hospital where I’ve been working. 

Damn. My eyes widened as I tried to stop the fight, but no one stopped. Jackson skillfully punched Lucas, and Lucas stumbled on the floor, his anger raised in his system. 

“Lucas! Stop! Are you out of your mind?!” I said as I faced him with a panting voice. 

And he replied, “This man is trying to take you away from me!” 

“Oh my god, Lucas! You‘ re delusional!” I said. 

After that, he didn’t stop; he grabbed Jackson‘ s collar, and they started fighting again. 

And because I was so scared of what would happen to Jackson, I called the authorities, “Hello, 911. I would like to report harassment…” 

Marisa, ever resourceful, sprang into action, dialing the hospital’s security on her phone. “Security!” 

Four guards came in and they took Lucas away, but Lucas glared at me, “This isn‘ t over, Claire! You heard me?!” 

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