Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 11

Carlton sighed, he looked at his
daughter in a pityful manner and he could tell that she was going through a lot, he can‘t tell what she was going through at the m
oment precisely but he discerned it. “Can you tell me how you have been? I know we have been in distance with eachother but I
still keep track of
you, last thing I knew about you was that you and your husband divorced six years ago?” Carlton asked. “I‘m fine. I‘m loosing my
patience and
I will just walk out now, I don‘t want to be rude so please go straight to the point,” Amy said, trying not to let out her anger and pai
n. Carlton of course understood the reason for the anger of her daughter towards him, he went straight to the point, “A woman fro
m a rich and powerful family approached me a long time ago when her husband‘s company was almost going bankrupt and altho
ugh I‘m not half as rich as them, I have what
it takes to help them at that moment.” He continued,” I realized that if I tell the woman to pay me back in the future, the payback
won‘t last so I did what I thought best for me. Seeing that you are my only daughter then, I made the woman enter an agreement
with me that their only son must marry my daughter in the future.” Amy found what her father was saying to be very ridiculous, to
her, he was just ranting. “The
reason why I didn‘t talk about the promise nine years back when you got married to Callan was because their son married some
one else at that same time, I felt like there was no reason to interfere into your happiness anymore. But now,
the woman‘s son is single again just like you are single again and the woman is ready to make the promise a reality. When Carlt
on was done speaking, Amy smirked,” is this what
you called me for? To fulfil an agreement you entered into in the past? To be precise, you want to use me to increase your wealth
after everything that you have done to me? Then you had to lure me here with a matter of life and
death situation...” Amy shook her head and thought that she had never seen anyone as shameless as
her father.
She stood and carried her handbag ready to leave when a woman walked in,” is this your daughter?” The woman asked Carlton.
“Yes, she‘s the one. She‘s Amy,” Carlton responded. She examined Amy from head to toe with an indifferent face then suddenly
smiled,” she looked beautiful, she must perfectly fit my son.”
Carlton was glad that the woman loved Amy.
“Sorry, I‘m not interested in this, I need to leave now,” Amy said, but she didn‘t want to walk away from the two elderly people in t
he room so as not to sound
rude. “Please leave, Carlton,” the woman said and Carlton stood and left. The woman sat and said to Amy,” my daughter, please

sit.” Amy loved the woman‘s gentle
and kind aura already, she sat politely and placed her handbag gently beside her “Yes, it‘s true that the marriage of you and my s
on will benefit your father greatly but at the same time, it will benefit you the more. My son has not married a woman for years an
d although I have
persuaded him again and again, he always tell me he would do that but he never does. Seeing that you are single, you could agr
ee to get married to him and I‘m sure that when he sees you, he
must take interest in you and shower on you all the love their is in the world,” the woman said. “Ma, I‘m
actually not ready to marry anyone, marriage is not in my agenda for now,” Amy said. “But you are getting old and you
don‘t even a have child, yet. Your father told me that you couldn‘t conceive for your first husband and that it was the reason why
he divorced
you, if that‘s your fear, then you don‘t have to worry about it at all. My son will accept you and love you irrespective of whether yo
u give birth to a child or not,” the woman said. It‘s even good that no one knows she has a child, yet. Amy thought. The main reas
on why she can‘t even think of marriage was her six children. Which man will marry a woman that has six children, huh? No man
in his right senses will take on that responsibility. “I‘m sorry, ma but I can‘t get married to a stranger, plus, I love my single life an
d I‘ll appreciate it if I‘m not being forced to do what I‘m not willing to do,” Amy said determinedly.
When she saw that the woman wasn‘t saying any word even after another three minutes, she carried her handbag and stood.
“I‘m take my leave, ma,” she said and as she wanted to leave, the woman stood too and said,” wait!”
The woman whispered some words to her ear and pulled back slowly, Amy‘s eyes trailed the woman from
head to toe, She immediately felt pitfyful for her and began to make calculations in her head about the right choice to make
“The both of you will be living in my husband‘s mansion where I also am, should in case he wants to bully you, you can be sure t
hat I‘ll always be there for you but I‘m sure he would treat you with utmost love,” the woman said.
What the woman said now wasn‘t the main reason why she was considering her offer, it was what she whispered to her ears. Tho
“Go ahead,” the woman said. “I have six children,” Amy watched the woman‘s reaction, she looked surprised and asked,” who is
their father?” “I don‘t know whom their father is as I only had a one night stand with him six years back but mother, can you please
keep this a secrete? I don‘t want even my father to know,” Amy said. “You have my promise. If that‘s the reason why you don‘t wa

Won‘t he say I deceived him? Even if I were to live with him then my six children had to live with me too. I will never part ways with
Agreed To A Risky Deal my twin sister,” the woman said. “You have a twin sister, ma?” Amy asked. “I do and she‘s barren, but
lost her husband six years ago and she‘s coming over to stay with me now. I can simply lias with her to say the six children are fo
are actually sextuplets” Amy responded. “Perfect! My twin sister can
simply say that she gave birth to the six children a year before her husband died.” The
woman said,” don‘t worry, you will still be able to see the children, have fun with them as usual, just see my twin sister as their
nanny.” Amy thought that what the woman actually said made perfect sense. If she gets married to her son who is
obviously rich, her children will commence school immediately and begin to live a better life. The only risky part of it
is when the truth is finally out, the son may think that... Well, according to her
calculated plan, she wouldn‘t even stay up to a year in the marriage. If the marriage didn‘t work out, she
will divorce him and move on with her kids, by then, she should have been financially stable. And peradventure the marriage work
the six children are actually hers and not for his mother‘s twin. She will accept this deal for the sake of
her children and for the sake of this woman. “I agree to the deal, ma.” Amy declared.
Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot

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