Banking on Him

: Chapter 11

A few days later, she bumped into Kirk in the wine cellar. Her stomach tightened when she caught sight of him dressed in a white polo shirt and black pants. Even when he dressed casually, he looked like a million dollars. Kirk might not know everything about the upper-class world he now inhabited, but he definitely looked the part. Calling him handsome was an understatement.

“Thanks for doing this.” His deep voice echoed off the brick walls.

As cool as it was down in the temperature-controlled cellar, she felt heat flare within her. Her desire for him was like a wild, uncontrollable thing. The more she tried to suppress it, the more intense it became. Swallowing hard, she finally said, “No problem. Happy to help.”

He motioned to an elaborate oak table in the corner. “I had the butler take out some of the Italian wines like you requested.”

“I know about other wines, so I can teach you about European wines and a little about those from California, Argentina, and South Africa,” she told him. “After that we can move on to hard liquors if you like.”

“How do you know all this stuff?” he asked. “I know you went to Italy, but you seem to have pretty extensive knowledge.”

She bit her lip, forcing back the panic. Growing up on her father’s estate had been a lesson in all the luxury that the world had to offer. What she knew about wine, food, fashion, travel, and etiquette would probably stun even the most well-bred debutante. Her father’s family had made their fortune during the first World War. Her mother’s family had struck it rich during the Gold Rush. Breeding was in her blood. But telling Kirk was a danger she couldn’t afford.

“Let’s just say my father was a bit of a wine aficionado,” she finally said. “And I toured Europe a little during my year in Italy.”

“He sounds like a fascinating figure, this father of yours. Maybe I’ll meet him someday.”

If her father was ever in the same room as Kirk, she knew that neither of them would come out unscathed. That thought sped up her heart rate, and she wobbled.

“Whoa, easy.” Kirk placed his strong hand on the small of her back, steadying her. “You okay?”

“Fine,” she said quickly. “Just getting used to the dark, is all.”

With his hand scorching her right through her dress, he guided her across the dimly lit cellar. As she made her way through the cellar, she took a calming breath. The familiar smell of oak and wine reminded her of the wine cellar in her father’s mansion.

When they got to the table, he pulled a seat out for her and helped her sink down into the plush, antique chair.

Kirk took a seat across from her. “If you need help, I can have Chef Henri come down here. He knows a lot about wine as well, though I’ve never taken him up on any offers to teach me.”

“No, that’s okay,” she said quickly. Too quickly, because doubt flashed in his green eyes. “He’s obviously busy with plans for the wedding,” she added. “I’d hate to get in his way.”

“Guess we can proceed without him. Where do you want to start?”

Bethany glanced at the array of wine bottles and glasses on the table. So many choices. That was something she missed terribly about her old life. The freedom to choose. To not be at the mercy of the whims of the powerful. Now, she could choose. It was a small choice in the grand scheme of things, but she was going to enjoy it. This was why she had been so eager to teach Kirk what she knew. Not only did it give her an excuse to get to know him better, but she could also get access to a little bit of the luxury she had missed.

Once she made her choice, she reached for a bottle of Chianti. “The first thing you need to remember is that Italy’s best wines are reds.” She held the bottle out to him. “Care to do the honors?”

He took the bottle from her and uncorked it with deft hands. “This is the first time I’ve ever taken the time to have a drink down here.”

“You’re kidding,” she said in disbelief as he poured some wine into two glasses.

“No. Chef Henri or Rathbone come down here to get wine if I request the stuff for whatever tedious dinner parties my mother plans, but I’ve never had the time to enjoy it.” Kirk set the bottle aside and pushed a glass over to her.

She frowned, wondering how he hadn’t taken the time to enjoy his wealth. “Don’t you like all the perks that come with being wealthy? A good dinner party can be fun.”

“It’s not the perks that are the problem,” he explained. “It’s the snobbery and pretentiousness that I can’t stand. People should be direct. Say what they mean. Ask for what they want. Instead, the upper class spends its time backstabbing, manipulating, and faking its way into what it wants.”

That was one part of upper class life she didn’t miss. Enduring fake smiles from people who eventually relished her family’s downfall still haunted her. Filled her with bitterness. Because now, not only did she not know when someone was being sincere, but she didn’t know if sincerity was even genuine. All those years of attending garden parties, polo matches, and mountain excursions with her upper-class friends had ended with them all slamming the door in her face in her hour of need. “Rich people can be exceedingly polite when they’re destroying you. And they aren’t always welcoming. Especially not to newcomers,” she murmured.

“That’s the thing that drives me crazy. Instead of flat-out telling me to get lost, they’ll make a big show of being nice and inviting. Then, give me and my family the cold shoulder. Or try to humiliate us. It’s all subtle enough for them to pretend they aren’t doing it. So, you’re right. They’re polite while they destroy people.”

The condemnation in his voice sent an icy shiver down her spine. She was doing the exact thing he hated. Being polite to him while she plotted his family’s demise. It shouldn’t have bothered her, yet it did. Kirk’s opinion mattered to her. His good opinion of her was important for some reason. A reason she knew she’d hate if she explored it too extensively.

“I do like some of the perks, though,” he continued. “The problem is, I don’t often get to enjoy them. I’ve travelled all over the world, but I rarely get time to actually explore the places I visit. I’m usually in and out of business meetings or stuck in hotels. While I’ve been learning about Latin America lately, it’s rare for me to get up close to different cultures or learn all the stuff my father wants me to learn. I know I scoff at learning some of this aristocratic stuff, but the truth is, even if I was committed to learning I haven’t had much time.”

“You’ve made the time now, though,” she pointed out.

He gave her a lopsided grin. “If I’d had a teacher as lovely as you, maybe I would have taken the time to learn much sooner.”

Face flushing with heat, she picked up her wine glass and held it up.

“Enough about my caviar problems,” he went on. “Nothing is more annoying than hearing rich people whine about their petty problems.”

The truth was, she didn’t mind listening to him. It was much better than stewing in her own problems. “How about a toast, then?”

“What should we toast to?” He paused to hold up his wine glass. “To you.”

“Me?” She blinked in surprise.

Kirk nodded. “Yes, to you. For being the best teacher I could ever ask for.”

Her icy heart warmed. Doing her best to stifle her flaring emotions, she clinked her wine glass against his and took a small sip.

Bethany’s eyes widened as she saw Kirk down the wine in one gulp.

A laugh escaped her throat. “Kirk, you’re supposed to take the time to savor the wine. Taste the flavor.”

“I might have been forced to cultivate patience in order to succeed in business, but it’s not one of my natural virtues.” He gazed at her, a hunger lighting his eyes. “You’ve probably guessed that already.”

The weight of his gaze on her was almost unbearable. She could feel his eyes sweeping over her, from her mouth all the way down to her heaving breasts. There was an electricity between them that he seemed to control with his gaze alone. And that terrified her. Terrified her because he could reduce her to ash with one burning look.

He was holding himself back. Maybe he hadn’t said it explicitly, but she understood the implication of his words. That well-cultivated patience had kept him from mentioning their almost-kiss. Kept him from kissing her for real. From the hungry look he wasn’t even bothering to hide, she knew that his patience would run out. And her treacherous body wanted his patience to run out. “How about another taste?” she asked in a shaky voice.

“How could I say no?” He held out his glass and she grabbed the bottle to pour him a splash of wine.

This time, he brought the glass to his lips and took a sip. He tilted his head back as he did it, and watching him drink filled her with so much erotic tension that she gripped her wine glass in an effort to contain herself. His jaw clenched as he drank, his harsh mouth grabbing her attention.

When he let out a satisfied groan, her grip on her wine glass tightened.

“I see what you mean about patience,” Kirk said, putting his glass back down on the table. “There’s something to be said about taking your time to discover something.” His eyes were on her again, burning brighter than ever.

Being in this confined space without being able to touch him was torture. Suppressing her desire wasn’t working. And picking a fight with him hadn’t been wise. He might have forgiven her for her outburst in the fabric store, but he had admitted to her that he wasn’t a patient man. Picking another fight with him was liable to make things worse. After all, she had his trust now. If she couldn’t suppress her desire for him, maybe she could use it to her advantage. Use it against him to get what she wanted.

“Let’s try another wine,” she said. “That way we can compare and contrast flavors.”

For the next hour they tried different wines as she taught him all the things she knew. It was hard to stay focused with him looking so sinfully handsome, but somehow she got through the lesson.

When it was done Kirk asked, “How are things coming along with the suit?”

“I’m almost done,” she said. “In fact, we could do a fitting right now if you have time.”

The moment she said the words she regretted them. She remembered the last time she had to put her hands on him to get his measurements. If she wanted to use his desire against him, she was going to have to be on top of her game. And with a head full of wine and her body burning with need for him, she was worried that she would be at the mercy of her own lust.

Right now she was merely tipsy, and not drunk. But desire had a way of intoxicating her in a way wine didn’t. Worse, Kirk was the most intriguing man she had ever met. Out of all the wealthy guys she had known throughout her life, he was by far the most likely to force her guard down. He was too handsome and too charming for her own good. Which would have been wonderful if she was looking for a relationship, but a total disaster for her purposes.

Her mind knew it was best not to have him in the guesthouse, but her body absolutely did not care. She yearned for him so desperately it was like an ache.

Kirk stood up, his full height making her stomach flutter. “I’m ready if you are.”

KIRK HELD THE GUESTHOUSE door open for her. As he stepped in after her, his eyes finally began to adjust to the bright afternoon sunlight after being in the dim wine cellar for so long.

He shouldn’t have been surprised that Bethany had made the lesson enjoyable. Instead of pretentious, she had been open and warm. She didn’t use her knowledge as a weapon to make herself feel superior. All she seemed to want to do was genuinely teach him. Her enthusiasm was starting to rub off on him; plus, it didn’t hurt that she looked sexy as hell drinking wine.

When he walked into the living room, Bethany disappeared for a moment and returned with the nearly complete suit on a hanger.

“Since the pants aren’t quite finished you can try the shirt, vest, and jacket.” She approached him and held up the hanger.

Even without touching the fabric, Kirk knew it was of the finest quality. The stitching was impeccable. He might be new money, but he knew fine tailoring when he saw it. A suit like this could have easily come out of one of the designer houses. “Bethany, this is incredible.”

“Try it on and see how it feels before you make any declarations,” she said. “If something doesn’t feel comfortable, let me know and I’ll adjust it.”

“Okay.” He reached for the hem of the polo shirt he was wearing and took it off.

With a loud gasp and widened eyes, she took a step back. “What are you doing?”

“Trying the suit on like you said.” He arched an eyebrow. “I doubt I’ve got something you haven’t seen before.”

Another gasp. Only this time, her breasts started heaving as she sucked in a breath. “Trust me, I haven’t seen…” Her voice trailed off as she stared at him.

He wasn’t going to lie: her reaction was kind of an ego boost. Kirk wasn’t ashamed of the fact that he took care of his body. If he was going to be disciplined in the board room he had to start maintaining that discipline by staying in shape.

“You’re ripped,” she said.

That made him laugh. “Can I try the suit?”

“Yes.” She thrust the hanger at him and he took it from her.

He started with the shirt, pulling it on and then buttoning it. But instead of just standing there and watching him, Bethany reached out and started helping him. First with the buttons and then with smoothing down the fabric. The touch of her small, nimble hands aroused him almost immediately. None of this was good for his libido, but he only had himself to blame. Finding excuses to be around her while he tried to keep his desire in check was bound to lead to trouble.

By the time he pulled the jacket on, he was holding on to this last strand of control.

“How does it feel?” she asked. “Does it fit well?”

“It does.” In fact, it fit better than well. It fit him perfectly.

“Let’s get you in front of a mirror.” She got behind him, placed her hands on his shoulders, and steered him to the bedroom.

There was a full-length mirror in the room and he looked into it. He knew he should have been looking at how the suit fit him, but his eyes were glued to her reflection. Oblivious to his reaction to her Bethany fussed with the suit, her hands smoothing down over his chest and shoulders.

Stifling a groan, he fought to keep from enjoying the sensation of her hands on him.

“So, do you like what you see?” She took a step back.

He stared right at her blue eyes looking back at him in the mirror. “Yes.”

“Do you want any alterations or adjustments?”


“Okay, great. Time to get these clothes off you.” Her hands were back on him, unbuttoning and peeling the clothes off until he was bare-chested again.

After setting everything down on the bed, she took a step towards him. “Oh, no. I forgot the tie.”

She was standing so close to him now, he caught the scent of her perfume. Feminine and yet darkly sensual underneath. “Do you want to put everything back on, so we can see how it looks with the tie?” she asked.

Hell no. He didn’t want to put a damn thing back on. Right now, he wanted to tear her clothes off and have her bare flesh on his. A request like that would probably earn him a well-deserved slap, so he kept that thought to himself.

That was the last shred of his control. The primal urge to touch her was so strong that he wrapped his arms around her small waist and pulled her to him. “Forget the tie,” he commanded.

Her gaze met his, a dreamy look in her eyes. “Kirk.” The sound of his name on her sensuous lips was driving him crazy.

He pressed his forehead against hers and shut his eyes. Before he could contemplate how to proceed without making an ass of himself, her soft lips pressed against his. This was what he had wanted for so long. It was like drinking after days in a desert. This was nothing like the nearly non-existent kiss all those days ago.

This kiss was urgent, bruising. His hand slid up to the nape of her slender neck and he thrust his tongue into her mouth. Bethany quivered against him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders like she was desperate for an anchor to steady her.

A low, insistent moan sounded in the back of her throat. With a firm hand on her neck he gently tipped her back, deepening the kiss as their tongues collided. She tasted like sin. The wine was still on her lips and he had never tasted anything sweeter or more forbidden in his life.

His grip around her waist tightened as he pinned her in place. Having her breasts crushed up against his bare chest was making him so painfully hard he could barely stand. Greedy for more of her he seduced her with his tongue, branding her. Claiming her even though he didn’t have the right to.

Dammit, he’d let things go out of hand. In an effort to slake his lust by touching her, he’d ended up kissing her. With a reluctant groan, he tore his lips from hers and pulled back.

Bethany’s blue eyes went wide with shock. Her lips were glistening from their kiss, and the sight was so arousing it knocked the wind out of him. She took a step away from him. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“It’s my fault,” he insisted. “I don’t want to take advantage of you. Forgive me.”

She shook her head. “It’s not your fault. I kissed you first. I’m the one taking advantage of you. Don’t you see that?” Shock flickered in her eyes as she took another step away from him.

Before he could say anything else, she backed out of the room and fled.

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