Balance of the World

Chapter 3-Pirates

Chapter 3: Pirates

“It’s beautiful!” Zoey grinned with wide eyes.

Elias smiled as he held the teardrop necklace in front of her and she reached for it, but he jerked it out of her reach, dangling it above her head.

“I thought you’d like it,” he chuckled when she tried to reach again, but he dangled it higher above her head.

“Not fair!” Zoey laughed. “Give it here!”

Elias laughed as he teased her, like a cat with a ball of yarn.

They stood on the shore of the ocean, a raft sitting not too far from them. They stood on the shore of the Shae Ocean, a raft sitting not too far from them. They were going to meet the King of Kalina. Captain Kaysar Pitkam. They could see his ship from the shore and it was only a few miles from where they stood.

Zoey stopped reaching for the necklace to place her hands on her hips and pout, making Elias stare at her in worry.

“What’s wrong?” he wondered, lowering the necklace slightly and Zoey went to grab it again, but Elias yanked it up again, laughing.

“Elias!” Zoey nearly whined. “Come on! Stop teasing me with the pretty necklace!”

She placed a hand on his shoulder to hoist herself up and Elias stared at her in amusement as she kept her eye on the necklace. She suddenly felt something brush her bottom lip and her heart skipped a beat. She shot surprised eyes at Elias who also looked at her in shock.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured, handing her the necklace.

“It-It’s ok,” she mumbled, taking a small step away from him as she fiddled with the necklace.

“No,” Elias mumbled. “I-I shouldn’t have kissed you…without asking.”

Zoey swallowed as he started toward the raft, saying, “We should get to the Mela Ear. His Majesty is waiting.”

“That’s a pretty name for a ship,” Zoey smiled, trying to change the subject as Elias pushed the raft into the water.

“It’s Elvish for Love Sea,” he explained, wading up to his knees in the water, then turning to her. “Get in.”

Zoey nodded and quickly jumped in, Elias following her as the raft drifted away from the shore.

“Elias?” she called and he looked up at her as he sat. “On the shore, I noticed a line on the sand before we set off. What was it?”

“That was the border between the sirens and the mermaids,” Elias explained. “The left of that line is siren territory and the right side is mermaid waters. That’s why we’re sailing farther right, and why the Mela Ear is anchored farther right as well.”

Zoey nodded in understanding with a smile as she sat then asked, “Now what?”

“Now, we wait,” Elias replied.

“Wait for what?” she wondered with a slight frown.

At that moment she suddenly felt a splash of water on the back of her neck, followed by a giggle then a splash. She spun around but saw nothing except the Mela Ear on the horizon. She heard another splash behind her and turned to Elias only to find a beautiful mermaid sitting next to him, smiling and not even noticing Zoey was there.

The mermaid had a shimmering aqua blue tail hanging partially in the water, her skin creamy white, a slight offset to her bleach blonde hair that fell to her shoulders. Her eyes were bright pulls of amber and they were glued to Elias as a graceful hand came up toward it to stroke his jaw with a slender index finger.

“Hello, Elias,” she sighed with a smile. “To what do I owe this pleasure? You haven’t visited me in some time.”

“I’m visiting Kaysar,” Elias smiled.

The mermaid pouted cutely and he chuckled at her as Zoey felt herself getting a little annoyed that she was being ignored and cleared her throat. The two looked to her with wide eyes and she waved sarcastically to Elias with a tight smile.

“Hi, remember me?” she called irritably.

“Of course,” Elias smirked, seeing her irritation then gestured to the mermaid to introduce, “This is Liona.”

Liona looked Zoey up and down as the redhead smiled, but after another moment of being under Liona’s intense glare, she began to feel a bit uneasy. She still held the necklace Elias had given her and decided to put it on to keep herself from fidgeting.

“So, when are you leaving?” Liona snapped at Zoey and Elias shot a wide-eyed stare of disbelief at her.

“Liona!” he scolded. “That was rude! Behave yourself!”

Zoey rolled her eyes as she looked out to the water, and Liona looked to Elias to argue, “It’s only a question, Elias. What is it you want, anyway?”

“Could you get us to the Mela Ear?” he asked, hesitantly.

I won’t,” Liona shot back, defiantly. “But I can have two of my friends do it.”

She gave Zoey a hard glare before diving into the water and splashing Elias as her tail hit the water. He growled in irritation as he was drenched and Zoey couldn’t help but giggle making Elias glare at her for a split second.

“She’s not bitter…much,” Zoey muttered and he shook his head in exasperation as the raft suddenly started gliding a little faster toward the ship. “What’s the history with you two?”

“She’s tried, several times, to convince me to love her,” he sighed. “She’s done everything short of casting a love spell on me. I admit she’s attractive to a point, but her personality lacks something to be desired.”

“What’s that?” Zoey muttered, regretting asking the question.

“She’s vain,” he replied. “She is spoiled and extremely jealous.”

“Jealous?” Zoey falsely gasped. “Her? You’re joking!”

“Your sarcasm is not appreciated,” he retorted.

Zoey couldn’t help but giggle, making Elias smirk and she waited another moment before asking, “Can I ask you something?”

“If I said no, would that stop you?” he smirked and Zoey stuck her tongue out at him, making him chuckle before replying, “Go ahead.”

“Why do you wear that mask?” she murmured and didn’t fail to see him stiffen and he rolled his shoulder to loosen up before looking to the water again.

“I wear it to hide the part of my face that reminds me of my past,” he replied in a low voice. “It’s something I don’t like to talk about.”

Zoey nodded in understanding, but said nothing as she looked to the water as well. She unconsciously began humming to fill the silence that had suddenly swept over them. Elias glanced at her with a small smile then looked at her in surprise when she began singing the words to a song he’d never heard before. Whether he’d heard it or not, he was enthralled by it. Or perhaps it was the sound of her voice? Either way he couldn’t stop staring at her and he certainly didn’t want her to stop.

Zoey didn’t look at him as she sang, but she knew he was staring at her. She saw him out of the corner of her eye that his mouth was slightly agape as well. She finished off a verse and stopped, still not looking at him and when she didn’t continue, Elias looked to her in wonder.

“Why did you stop singing?” he questioned, drawing her gaze to his.

“You…didn’t seem like you were enjoying it,” she admitted.

“I was,” he insisted, honestly. “Please, continue. Your voice is soothing.”

She stared at him for a moment before giving a smile and looking back to the water, resuming the song. When she reached the end she felt herself blush when she heard Elias start clapping. She tried waving him off but he shook his head in argument.

“You have a great talent, Zoey,” he murmured. “Don’t let it go to waste.”

Zoey nodded but said nothing as the raft slowed and bumped into something. She spun around and saw the Mela Ear as big as life in front of her.

“Ahoy!” Elias called, standing and helping Zoey to her feet as well. “General Elias Blackwood requesting permission to come aboard to visit Captain Kaysar Pitkam, King of Kalina!”

“Permission granted!” a feminine voice called back.

Zoey frowned in wonder as Elias began climbing a rope ladder hanging from the ship and she followed him up. He helped her over the railing as she reached the top and she stood close to Elias, watching the crew of men bustle around the ship.

“Well, well! General Blackwood!”

Zoey jumped as Elias only smirked, turning them both toward the left as a pirate with short, black hair and bright brown eyes approached them with a drunk swagger.

“Your Majesty,” Elias greeted as he bowed, tapping Zoey to do the same.

She glanced at him before giving a curtsy as best she could without a dress and Kaysar smirked at her in amusement murmuring, “And who might you be, love?”

“Captain Pitkam,” Elias chimed in. “Allow me to present Zoey Walsh, the newest resident of Kalina.”

Newest, ye say?” Kaysar noticed.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty,” Zoey nodded with another awkward curtsy, making Kaysar smile at her in amusement.

“Well, aren’t you a charming lass?” he complimented, taking one of her hands into his bejeweled one and bowing grandly at the waist, kissing the back of her hand softly. “I’m Captain Kaysar Pitkam. The pleasure, rest assured, is all mine.”

Zoey smiled, unable to help blushing and didn’t fail to notice Elias straighten with a scowl on his face out of the corner of her eye.

“Your Majesty,” the masked general piped up as Kaysar stood tall again, letting go of Zoey’s hand. “If I may have a word with you?”

“‘Acourse, mate!” Kaysar grinned at him. “Hang on a moment.”

He turned to look around his bustling men then shouted, “Miss Nassar!”

Zoey jumped at the sudden bark he’d let out then smiled when she saw a young female appear from a hatch and hurry toward them. She had sapphire blue eyes and long black hair that stopped midway down her back and wore a red sash over her head. Zoey instantly realized she couldn’t be a human girl, however. Looking at her eyes she noticed slits of black cutting the irises in half and her ears were delicately pointed.

“You yelled, Sir?” the elven girl said with a straight face and even tone, making Zoey give a giggle.

“Yes,” Kaysar nodded sharply at her. “I’d like to show Miss Walsh around my fine vessel and keep her entertained while General Blackwood bores me with reports on the warfront.” He turned back to Zoey and continued, “Zoey, I’d like you to meet my first mate, Namir Nassar.”

“Call me Namir,” she nodded to Zoey. “It would be my honor to give you a tour of the Mela Ear.”

“You lead, I’ll follow,” Zoey smiled.

The two men watched them walk away to begin their tour and Kaysar turned to Elias to wave him toward his cabin, shutting and locking the door once they were inside.

“We’ll have to talk in here, mate,” he explained, heading toward his table, gesturing to the walls, resuming, “Some parts of this hull have ears.”

He sat and reclined in his chair, Elias standing at attention in front of him on the other side of the table.

“I wanted to talk to you—”

“About this lovely lady being the Enuria?” Kaysar finished with a smirk, causing Elias to shoot a wide-eyed stare at him. “I knew the moment I saw her. I just have some questions for you.”

“And what would that be, Your Majesty?” Elias wondered.

“You’re her Protector, aye?”


“Fallen in love with her yet?”

Elias stared at his king in utter disbelief before replying, “I-I’m not sure what to say to that…”

“Yes or no? It’s fairly simple. Either you love her or you don’t.”

“I’ve known her for one day!”

“It’s possible to fall in love in a day. Why, the moment I laid my eyes on that elf-lass gone pirate I’ve got for a first mate, I fell hook, line and sinker for that one.”

“Well, that’s you Kaysar,” Elias replied, realizing now that the king was speaking as his friend. “Though I will admit, I find her rather charming. I enjoy being with her.”

“It’s love.”


“Impossible, eh? I saw the look on your face when I kissed her hand. You. Were. Jealous.”

Unnerved that you were being a bit too familiar with her for my liking.”

“Green is a nice color on you, mate,” Kaysar smirked then asked, “Where did she stay last night?”

“My house,” Elias replied, making Kaysar’s smirk widen so he quickly continued, “In my guest room. But I can’t keep her there for long. No doubt Jellina knows she’s here and who she is.”

“Leave her here tonight,” Kaysar offered. “We’ll take good care of her. No finer crew than on the Mela Ear. Especially Namir. The things she can do with a sword…”

Kaysar trailed off at the thought of her before Elias agreed, “Yes, she’ll have to stay on the move. I’ll be here tonight after I finish my duties in Edan.”

“She can borrow my fine cabin,” Kaysar grinned. “Only the best for the Enuria, and you can—”

“Sleep separately,” Elias finished, making Kaysar smirk again.

“You shouldn’t fight your feelings, mate. It’s nice to fall for somebody once in a while.”

“Last time I did that, I let my guard down and ended up with this mask on my face. Not that anything like that would happen now, but I won’t take that risk. It could endanger her life. I have no feelings for her or any other female.”

Kaysar sat up and leaned on the table, narrowing his eyes at the general.



Zoey stumbled behind Namir as the elf dragged her by the wrist through the ship, showing her every room. The girls finally stopped in a rum cache and Namir stood at attention in front of Zoey.

“This is the rum supply,” Namir explained. “This is the most important room in the ship. The Captain enjoys his rum very much.”

“I’m sure,” Zoey laughed, softly.

“Do you have any questions?” Namir wondered.

“I have a few questions to ask about you, if you don’t mind,” Zoey smiled.

Namir straightened, her eyes shifting before she asked, “What about me?”

“Just the basics,” Zoey shrugged. “Why don’t we start with how you ended up a pirate?”

“Well,” Namir began, stepping toward a barrel to sit on it as Zoey quickly found a barrel as well to sit next to her. “It’s a bit of a long story.”

“We’ve got all day,” Zoey smiled.

“Alright,” Namir nodded. “Well, the elves live deep in the forest in grand houses made of trees. We don’t come out much, except to go to the shore to gather fish, shrimp and other sea-life for meals. One day, my family and I went to the shore and I went exploring. Well, I was walking and walking and off in the distance on the ocean I see this ship. Next thing I know, I’m face to face with the King himself. He asked to talk to me, and who would I be to refuse the King? Well, we talked for some time and I realize the sun is beginning to set. I tell him I have to find my family, and he walks with me till I do, but I can’t find them anywhere.

“You see, Elf families can get very big. Me? I’ve got twelve brothers and sisters. I wouldn’t blame my parents if they lost track of me. Well, Captain offered that I stay on his ship till my family came back for me. Trouble is, they never came back. Days, weeks, months passed and no sign of them. It’s been five years and they have yet to come back to that spot.”

“Weren’t you afraid?” Zoey breathed.

“Not really,” Namir shrugged. “I’ve got family right here. Captain and the rest of the crew are my family now. I’m just fine.”

Zoey smiled and nodded in understanding then wondered, “Should we get back on deck?”

“Aye,” Namir smiled with a nod and they stood to head up the nearest hatch.

“Alright, Blackwood!”

The girls looked to Kaysar’s cabin when they heard him talking to Elias at the starboard railing.

“I’ll see you tonight then, eh?” the captain guessed.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Elias nodded. “As soon as I prepare a few things with my men in Edan.”

“Elias!” Zoey called, running toward him and he looked to her with a small smile as she stopped in front of him. “You’re leaving?”

“Yes,” he nodded, flatly. “I’m still a general, after all.”

Zoey sighed in disappointment and gave a pout at the deck but she looked back at him when he assured her, “I’m coming back. I am your protector as well. I can’t very well leave you for too long, can I?”

“As long as you come back,” she insisted and threw her arms around his neck for a hug then whispered, “Be careful.”

“I will,” he promised in a murmur, hugging her tightly and not being able to keep from looking over her shoulder at Kaysar who was grinning in triumph.

Zoey pulled away and left a small kiss on his cheek, murmuring, “Bye.”

“G-Good bye,” he sputtered. “I’ll be back near sunset.”

Kaysar came up next to Zoey as she took a small step back and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, grinning, “No need to worry, Elias. She’ll be well taken care of.”

Zoey smiled, slightly when she noticed Elias glare at Kaysar but the general nodded before turning to climb down the railing to the raft waiting for him below. As he drifted away, Zoey leaned over the railing to wave to him.

“I’ll see you tonight!” she called as he waved back, Namir stepping up next to Zoey to lean back on the railing with a smirk.

“You seem to have taken an immediate shine to the General,” Namir observed, making Zoey look at her in surprise. “Captain told me you’ve only been here a day.”

“Well—” Zoey choked then cleared her throat. “He did rescue me from a group of…things that were gonna eat me, so I guess I’d get attached quickly.”

“Ramrans?” Namir guessed and Zoey nodded.

“Miss Walsh!” Kaysar grinned, shooting their attention to him. “Won’t you entertain us with a song?!”

Zoey felt the blood drain from her face then sputtered, “N-No…that’s alright. I’m not much good at singing anyway.”

“That’s not what General Blackwood told me,” Kaysar smirked, throwing his arm around her neck to rest on her shoulders. “Come along! I’m sure you know a few good ditties!”

I’m gonna kill him, she thought to herself.

“Why not, Zoey?” Namir wondered. “What harm could it do?”

Zoey suddenly felt herself being pulled to the center of the deck by Kaysar’s arm around her neck and she was instantly surrounded by the crew, Kaysar leaving her side.

“Go ahead!” Kaysar waved her on. “Sing a little something!”

“I-I…uh…I can’t sing without music!” she tried to excuse.

“That’s what us musicians are for!” a man laughed behind her and she spun around to see a group of men with musical instruments. “We make the music!”

Zoey groaned in disappointment and turned to the rest of the crew. Her stage fright instantly kicked in. She began wringing her hands and glancing around in panic, making Namir frown at her, but Zoey quickly looked away and took a deep breath. She started an old sea shanty she’d heard once and the musicians almost instantly started after when they recalled it.

The crew seemed entertained. Halfway through the song they began stomping their feet and clapping their hands, smiles lighting up their faces as they began singing with her. Zoey smiled as she felt her heart start to slow its frightened pace and she couldn’t stop herself from dancing. She was sure she wasn’t doing it right, but they all cheered her on, and just as the music stopped she gave a grand bow as they all clapped and cheered.

“Well done, love!” Kaysar grinned, clapping.

“That was marvelous!” Namir grinned, hurrying toward her and taking her hands to twirl them around.

“Truly talented.”

Kaysar only glanced in the direction he’d heard the voice come from before ordering his crew, including Namir, to get to work as Zoey stared at the man standing at the starboard railing in a long, royal blue robe.

“A voice belonging to a true angel,” he added, making Zoey frown at him.

“Who are you?” she instantly questioned.

“My name is Felix,” he replied. “I’m a friend of Elias Blackwood. I am here to tutor you in Magic Wielding.”

“You’re a wizard?” she guessed and he nodded.

She suddenly recalled the prophecy Elias had told her about that night, and why she was there.

“So, you’ll teach me how to fight using magic?” she wondered and he glanced around the ship before beckoning her to follow him toward a hatch.

“Let us steal away from should not hear of such things as of yet,” he explained as Zoey followed him down the hatch, exchanging silent nods with Kaysar.

Once below deck, Felix led her to a supply room filled with barrels and he gestured that she have a seat. She did as entreated, looking to him expectantly as he took his own seat on the barrel in front of her.

“I suppose Elias has told you of the Prophecy,” he guessed and she nodded. “Then you know that you must defeat the Mor Witch with the magic I am about to teach you. The Mor witch uses dark magic, something that would corrupt you if you were to learn it. Do not allow anyone, but myself or anyone I approve of, to show you anything about magic. Wizards, witches and most elves, if taught, are the only ones who can distinguish the dark magic from the light magic.”

“I understand,” Zoey nodded.

“Now, there is a lifetime’s worth of knowledge you must learn within a week, at most,” Felix continued. “There are some spells you will use often and others that should not be used unless it is absolutely necessary. Using certain spells can weaken and even kill you if abused. You use energy when you wield spells and that is why it is crucial that you know your limits.

“You should learn and memorize the words before actually starting to use these spells,” he explained, reaching into one of his sleeves and pulling out a piece of parchment to hand it to her, which she took to read.





Create-A Chruthú




Return (Deposes) -Ar Ais



Dispel-Deireadh A Chur





“Which ones weaken and which ones kill?” Zoey frowned in wonder, still looking at the parchment.

“All in good time, Zoey,” Felix replied. “First you must memorize them. I shall leave that with you. Memorize them by tomorrow and the next time we meet, I will test you.”

“I look forward to that,” she smiled as he stood to head up the hatch. “I won’t disappoint.”

“I’m sure you won’t,” he nodded with a small smile of his own and headed up the steps.

She frowned when she noticed Namir hurrying down the steps, zooming past Felix to stop at the bottom to report, “Zoey! Come quick! We’re trying to get Captain to take a bath!”

Zoey frowned in confusion as Namir ran back up to the deck and the red head ran after her, shoving the parchment into her pocket. As she stepped out of the hatch, she saw Kaysar being pulled to the port side, forcibly, by two men and Namir standing in the middle of the deck. She stepped up next to the elf, frowning at Kaysar trying to be free of the two men.

“Namir?” Zoey called, gently. “What are we doing?”

“Captain’s not one for bathing,” Namir explained, crossing her arms. “We’re trying to get him to do it. Even bathing in the sea will get the smell off him a bit.”

“I heard that, love!” Kaysar growled under the strain of trying to free himself, making Namir smirk.

“We do this at least once a month,” she continued. “The mermaids help us, sometimes.”

“Really?” Zoey smirked, coming up with a plan and Namir frowned in confusion when the red head ran to the port railing to stare into the water below. “Look, Kaysar! There’re some mermaids down here! One of them wantsa kiss!”

Kaysar instantly stopped struggling and stared at her for a moment before shoving the men away and running to the railing to lean over it.

“Who does?!” he demanded, looking into the water.

Zoey smirked before pushing Kaysar over the railing and Namir ran toward the railing to watch Kaysar fall into the water. However, he spun around and grabbed onto the railing before falling in.

“Well, it almost worked,” Zoey muttered as the girls both leaned on the railing to look at him and he grinned up at them.

“If I’m going in, you two have to come with me!” he ordered.

He grabbed one of Namir’s hands and pulled her overboard, making her shout in surprise as she fell into the water below.

“You next!” he shouted at Zoey, gripping her arm and trying to pull her in as well.

She dug her heels into the wood, laughing and struggling away from his grip. She suddenly lost her footing a moment later and Kaysar pulled her over the rail, making her shout, but she quickly caught his boot, now dangling over the water.

“You’re not getting away that easy!” she laughed up at him as he struggled to kick her off.

With her weight, Kaysar couldn’t hold on long and lost his grip on the rail, falling into the water, making Namir laugh as they hit the water with a huge splash and the two quickly came to the surface for air.

“We got him in!” Namir cheered.

“Now we have to get him clean,” Zoey laughed.

“I brought soap!” Namir called, pulling out a bar of soap.

“Get him!” Zoey shouted, seeing Kaysar trying to swim away.

Namir lunged at him, throwing her arms around his neck as Zoey grabbed his foot again. He tried to kick Zoey off as Namir took the soap and started rubbing it on his neck and chest while Kaysar tried to push her away. Zoey came to the surface for air and laughed at the two as Namir still tried to clean him.

“Captain! Stop struggling and it’ll be done in no time!” Namir laughed, making Zoey laugh a little harder.

Zoey was suddenly pulled by the foot underwater and dragged away from the King and his first mate. She struggled to get to the surface to get a proper breath of air, but was only dragged farther down. She felt a pair of hands on her shoulders and her eyes shot wide at the face that suddenly appeared in front of her.

“Elias is mine!” she snarled.

Namir noticed Zoey disappear beneath the surface and knew something was wrong. She pushed away from Kaysar, leaving him stunned and her frowned at her in wonder as he asked, “What’s wrong, love?”

She said nothing as she tossed the soap away and dove down after the red head. She swam toward Zoey as she saw her being held captive by a blonde mermaid, and it seemed like they were struggling.

What does that scaly tail think she’s doing?! Namir thought, swimming as fast as she could.

When she reached the two she began to pull Zoey away but Liona pulled her back as Zoey grabbed onto Namir’s wrists, Namir gripping tighter to Zoey to try to pull her away from the mermaid. Namir came close enough to kick Liona in the stomach, making the mermaid double over in pain and let go of Zoey. Namir wrapped her arm under Zoey’s arms and swam to the surface, but something pulled them down. Liona was pulling on Zoey’s foot, trying to keep them below the surface and the red head kicked violently to shake her off. Without thinking she pulled her leg up to bring Liona close enough and shoved her hand onto the mermaid’s face.

“Ar Ais!” she shouted, bubbles spouting from her mouth.

Liona suddenly fell limp and floated away before Zoey passed out, Namir still heading toward the surface. Once they broke the surface, Namir pulled Zoey’s head above water, panicking when she wasn’t moving.

“Namir!” Kaysar called, swimming toward them. “What happened?”

“Zoey’s unconscious!” Namir coughed just as a rope was tossed down from the Mela Ear and slapped the water with a splash. Kaysar grabbed it with one hand, he and Namir holding onto Zoey between them, and they were pulled out of the water and back onto the ship. Zoey was set down on the deck and Kaysar knelt over her.

“Oi!” he snapped at her. “Zoey! Wake up!”

He slapped her across the face with an open palm, making Namir stare at him in disbelief.

“Kaysar—!” Namir attempted to scold him, but was interrupted when Zoey’s eyes snapped open and she began coughing, making Namir sigh in relief and helped Zoey sit up.

“See?” Kaysar smirked. “It worked!”

“Liona—!” Zoey coughed, drawing their attention to her in confusion. “Not herself…She’s jealous Elias was with me. She must’ve been…sprinkled with Dark Fairy dust.”

She continued coughing and Namir looked to Kaysar in worry. It made sense. Mermaids would play a bit rough sometimes, but they wouldn’t drown someone, even if they were jealous of them. But jealousy could be a strong weapon when mixed with dark thoughts. This was no coincidence.

“Get her something to drink,” Kaysar told Namir, sternly. “Watch her close. Keep her safe.”

Namir nodded as he stood and waved a crew member toward him.

“I need you to deliver a message to General Elias Blackwood in Edan,” he ordered. “Tell him there’s been an attempt on the life of Miss Walsh and I have no doubt it was cooked up by Jellina herself.”

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