Back to Her Teens: A Lesbian Ageplay Spanking Romance

Back to Her Teens: Chapter 14

Despite the looming dread starting to gnaw at the base of her stomach, Rhen still made a valiant attempt to try and look on the bright side of things as she and Dana led the gaggle of kids from her daycare back home through the neighborhood after they’d had their fill of playing in the park that afternoon.

Instead of dwelling on the punishment that she knew she still had coming, she did her best to try and focus on the fact that it was only a few short blocks from the park to her auntie’s house, which meant that she only had to put up with the uncomfortable sensation of having her snug denim shorts rubbing against her still-tender bottom with every step for a little while longer. Once they were back home she could slip away to her bedroom and change into a loose skirt and ditch her panties so that her buns could have a chance to cool off for a bit before dinner. Not to mention that once everyone else had left for the evening, she’d be able to hide out in her bedroom and forget all about the embarrassing stuff that had happened to her at the park that afternoon as she played some video games and chatted with her friends online.

Really, honestly, things were starting to look up for her.

Kind of…

Unfortunately though, the trip back home being a short one also meant that they made it back that much sooner, which in turn meant that an end had come to her brief reprieve from further punishment. At last the time had come to deal with her “potty mouth” as Dana had taken to calling it as she’d tut-tutted to herself disapprovingly all the way back to their house. And that cast a rather dark shadow over the meager bright side that Rhen had been trying to warm herself in.

Well, shit.

Even with the impending mouth soaping that she knew she had coming, she couldn’t help but smirk a little at the rebellious thought.

Although she did make doubly sure to keep her lips firmly pressed together while she thought it, just in case.

Once they were all inside, everyone else except for Rhen and her aunt immediately dashed off to go play some more before their parents or older siblings arrived to pick them up in an hour or so; though in reality both she and Dana knew that they were actually just retreating to out of the way hiding spots from which they’d be able to watch all of the upcoming excitement without running the risk of being scolded for it. Which left just the two of them standing “alone” in the entryway hall, with Rhen waiting anxiously for whatever was about to happen next as she kicked off her dirty tennis shoes and toed them over to join the rest of the recently discarded sneakers and high-tops piled up beside the welcome mat.

She wasn’t left waiting for long.

Planting her hands on her hips, the stern, red-headed older woman fixed her with her best no-nonsense glare.

“Young lady, those clothes are absolutely filthy, and I want you out of them this instant,” she said in a tone that made it very clear that she wasn’t making a request. Extending out a hand, palm up, she went on to add. “I need to get them into the washing machine before they stain, so hurry up. You can keep your panties and camisole on if you’d like, but I want you down to your undies. Now.”

Although Rhen had been expecting something like this to happen just as soon as she’d walked in through the front door, the order still had her stomach tightening and her heart leaping in her chest.

Everyone has already seen me in my panties once today, so it’s not that big of a deal, right? she tried to reassure herself, even though she wasn’t quite able to buy her own line of logic.

“Fine….” she said with a roll of her eyes, stretching the word out into a petulant groan as she reluctantly moved to do as she’d been told.

Balancing on first one foot and then the other, and managing to only hop around a little bit, she slipped off her dirty socks from her feet one at a time and handed them over to her patiently waiting aunt. Then with a grimace, she gripped the hem of her t-shirt as a fresh wave of butterflies started to stir up inside her stomach, and pulled it up and off of her slim torso as well.

Shaking it out a couple of times, Rhen winced as she saw just how

dirty she’d somehow managed to get it, and part of her had to wonder just how it was that she’d been able to get some of the grass stains she saw on there where she had. But she knew too that such thoughts were just her attempts at stalling for time and knew even better that that would get her nowhere. And so with another groan, she forced herself to set those musings aside as she passed the still mostly pastel pink garment over too.

Ugh. You’d think I’d be used to this by now with how often Aunt Dana likes to spank me, but of freaking course it’s still just the absolute worst, she silently grumbled to herself. I mean, I guess I should at least be grateful that she’s not stripping me out of my clothes herself. I’m pretty sure I’d wind up showing off a lot more than just my panties if that were the case, but still…

Heaving out an embarrassed sigh at what she knew had to come next and blushing despite having tried to convince herself that it wasn’t that big of a deal, Rhen moved her hands to grip the waistband of her shorts on either side of her hips. Doing her best to ignore the stifled giggles she heard coming from just around the corner, she hooked her thumbs into the elastic and then pushed them down her thighs as quickly as she could while still avoiding accidentally catching her panties in the process.

Dana had said that she only wanted her down to her undies, after all, and she fully intended to not expose anything more than she absolutely had to if she could at all help it.

Rhen let gravity take care of sliding her shorts the rest of the way down her legs for her as they plopped to the floor, pooling around her ankles for the second time in less than an hour that day. Now left standing in just her white and hot pink panties and their matching camisole, the reality that she was just a naughty teenager being treated like a child hit her like a ton of bricks. And in an effort to channel some of that mortified energy that was currently flushing her cheeks a delightful shade of crimson, she found herself folding her arms defiantly across her chest and kicking her feet until her shorts at last came free, turning them inside-out in the process as they flew off to land in a tangled heap in front of her smugly smiling aunt.

“Happy?” she demanded with a huff, only just barely managing to stop herself from stomping a bare foot with the question.

“I sure am,” answered Dana smoothly, her voice sugary sweet as she squatted down to scoop up the shorts at her feet.

Seemingly without a care in the world, she laid them out across her forearm along with her niece’s t-shirt, and then leaned in to playfully tap the end of Rhen’s nose with her forefinger, just a couple of inches below where her eyebrows had knitted themselves together into an absolutely adorable little frown.

“Cutie pie.”

Unfazed by the dirty look that this produced, she flashed the pouting girl in front of her an indulgent smirk as she straightened up to her full height once again.

“Now, I want you go ahead and park that nose of yours in the corner while I take care of these, alright?”

She hefted Rhen’s still warm, discarded clothes in her arms and flashed her a look that made it all too clear that she was on very thin ice and that giving her any more attitude just then would not be a smart idea.

“Yes ma’am,” squeaked the younger girl, taking the hint and dashing off to do as she’d been told before her aunt could change her mind about wanting to wash her panties as well.

But the older woman just chuckled to herself as she watched her scurry out of sight, before she too turned and started to move off at an easy pace toward the laundry room.

“Goodness gracious, that girl is very lucky she’s so cute.”

Once Dana had finished going over the worst spots on her naughty niece’s dirty clothes with a stain remover pen and had set the laundry machine for a very thorough wash cycle, choosing not to rush so as to give Rhen plenty of time to stew in her own worries over what was coming next, she casually made her way back through the house and into her cozy front room. There she was pleased to find the younger girl still pouting but exactly where she’d been expecting her to be.

With her arms folded in front of her as she glared at her usual spot facing the corner in front of the big bay windows that looked out onto their front lawn.

“Well I’m glad to see that you managed to mostly do as you were told,” she tut-tutted, stepping up behind her and giving the taut seat of her panties a few hearty swats.


“But little girls who’re sent to stand in the corner are supposed to do so with their hands on their head and their noses actually in the corner.

Aren’t they, young lady?”

“Ack! Okay, okay, I’m sorry!”

Rhen yelped and danced in place as her aunt’s unexpected smacks reignited the flames in her nether cheeks from earlier, but much as she wanted to do so now she found that she was unable to move her hands up to where they were supposed to have been already due to the grip she had on her left elbow.

“Yeah, Rhen, don’t be a brat,” teased a blonde-haired girl suddenly, leaning out from around a corner to snicker at her before ducking back when Dana flashed her a disapproving frown.

Rather than reprimand the taunting twelve year old though, she just rolled her eyes and heaved out a falsely-long-suffering sigh as a faint smile traced itself across her lips. She knew full well just how much the younger girl still squirming around in her grip hated having others see her get punished like the child that she truly acted like so much of the time.

Which was just fine with her, since Dana intended for this to be the one and only time that she had to have this particular discussion with the college sophomore turned thirteen-year-old she was looking after.

“Alright then, come along, cutie pie,” she ordered breezily, guiding her niece away from the corner and steering her toward the kitchen by her elbow. “Let’s get this over and done with so that you can get back to your corner time.”

Stepping into the kitchen, she marched them both right up to the front of the sink, where she at last let go of Rhen. Dana then squatted down onto her heels and pulled open the cabinet beneath the counter, rummaging around in it for a moment or two before at last emerging with a bar of soap wrapped in thick white paper and pushing herself back to her feet.

“Ahhh, Ivory,” she cooed, running her fingers lovingly across the waxy paper before she began peeling it away, piling it up into a neat little stack on the countertop beside her as she went. “So cheap, and yet so very, very effective for fibbers and potty mouths.”

Yeah, I just fucking bet it is…

Rhen continued to grumble some decidedly unladylike things under her breath as she glared daggers at the bar of soap in her aunt’s graceful hands, feeling the butterflies inside her stomach starting to return in force.

Thankfully though, her words were lost amid the sounds of tearing paper and the flow of water as Dana reached out and twisted the tap on the sink in front of her, and so she avoided getting herself into any further trouble.

Pointedly ignoring the younger girl and her pouting, Dana rolled up her sleeves and brought the freshly unwrapped bar of soap beneath the warm, running water, taking her time to work up a nice frothy lather on its slick white surface. Though it was actually rather rare for her to have to make good on her threats to wash out a dirty mouth, she’d done so enough times by now that the preparation movements were second nature to her.

They were rather simple, actually.

She just had to get the soap nice and bubbly so that there was no escaping its horribly bitter taste once it was inside its intended target’s mouth. The real trick was making sure that the naughty boy or girl who it was about to be used on watched her do it, and to give them ample opportunity to squirm and regret their actions. So once again she did not rush as she worked the bar in her hands into a lather, humming quietly to herself as she cast sidelong glances toward her blanching niece from time to time to gauge how she was feeling.

Oh yes, she was definitely one regretful little girl at that particular moment.

Which was perfect.

Faster than Rhen would have liked her to, Dana had gotten the bar of soap in her hands sufficiently bubbly enough to be put to use, and she turned to face her with a determined look in her eyes after she’d finished shutting off the flow of water from the sink.

“Now I know that this isn’t going to be pleasant, but I hope that I won’t be having any undue dramatics or whining from you, Rhen, dear,”

she scolded lightly, wagging a sudsy forefinger at her as she frowned ever so slightly. “There will be no trying to hold your mouth shut so that I have to pinch your nose to get you to open it. Is that understood, young lady?”

Mortified that she would even be asked something like that, surely she was more mature than to stoop to something that childish, Rhen’s face flushed with color once again and she nodded at the challenge.

“I… I won’t, Aunt Dana,” she said, sounding much less confident than she’d been hoping to as the reality of what was about to happen made her stomach drop to her feet. “Um, if it makes you feel any better, I’m really, really sorry about swearing earlier.”

“Well… It’s not going to get you out of your punishment, butI do appreciate the apology, cutie pie.”

Dana’s mouth quirked up into a gentle smile with those words, and she reached out to tap the end of the younger girl’s nose with the tip of her forefinger, leaving a dollop of bubbles on the end of it in the process.

“Now be a good girl for me and say ‘ahhhh’.”

Balling her hands into worried fists at her sides, Rhen danced in place for a moment or two as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, trying (and failing) to mentally prepare herself for what she knew was not going to be an easy time. But after she’d gotten the last little bit of exasperated moaning out of her system, she did indeed tilt her head back and opened her mouth nice and wide for the soap.


It was then that Dana surprised her by snaking her free hand out and around to grip the back of her head, threading her fingers through her long, dark hair and squeezing tight.

“To keep you from getting too far,” she explained with a sympathetic smile as she brought the wet and dripping bar of soap up to Rhen’s lips and began easing it into her still open mouth. “You’ll just have to take my word for it when I say that it’s for your own good, I’m afraid.”

Humph, if you say so…

The bitter taste that flooded Rhen’s mouth was just a little bit worse than she’d been expecting it would be and she immediately tried to spit the foul thing out as her aunt started to scrub it up and down over the top of her tongue. But the grip on the back of her head kept her from moving far enough to get away, and she was forced to stand there and endure it as the bar of soap was slowly and inexorably worked in and out of her gaping mouth.

And it was just, awful.

“Doesn’t taste so good, does it?” crooned Dana with a knowing look.

She took her sweet time pushing the slippery bar of soap into every nook and cranny of the petite sophomore’s formerly foul mouth. Working up a foamy lather against the insides of her cheeks and even rasping it along the edges of her molars so that little pieces were left embedded between the gaps there, ensuring that she’d be remembering this lesson for a long, long time to come.

“Uh-uh,” came Rhen’s grunted reply, her words coming out in a barely intelligible burble as she shook her head as much as the smugly preening older woman’s grip on her hair would allow.

Tears pooled at the corners of her eyes and soon began to slide down her cheeks to intermix with the river of drool and bubbles already dribbling down her chin to soak the front of her camisole and panties; thankfully obscuring the damp spot between her legs, but doing very little to hide the twin, diamond-hard points of her nipples pointing out in front of her. Despite the pure unadulterated unpleasantness that was being wrought upon the inside of her mouth though, part of her couldn’t help but snort a little as it occurred to her that Dana could have just left her in her dirty clothes to begin with instead of making her strip for this.

She was certain that she would have had them sparkling clean by the time they were through.

“Good,” chirped her aunt after a couple more vigorous pumps of the soap in and out of her mouth, yanking Rhen out of her attempts to distract herself.

Her eyes were dancing with grim amusement and self-satisfaction now as she continued to twist and turn the somewhat-mushy bar against her teeth.

“I want you to remember this awful, yucky taste every time you so much as even think about saying a bad word, little girl. And I want you to remember too that if I ever hear anything like what I heard coming out of your mouth today, we’ll be right back here to do this all over again, and next time I won’t be nearly so nice. Do you hear me?”

Rhen just made a grunting, whining, gurgle of a noise as she continued to gently cry around the bar of soap wedging open her aching jaw. Thankfully though, Dana chose to interpret that as a “yes”.


“Alright, sweetie, I think we’re just about done here,” Dana cooed a couple of agonizing minutes later, giving the back of Rhen’s head a reassuring little squeeze as she at last pulled the bar of soap out of her mouth completely.

Still holding it in her hand in case it was needed again, she let go of the hair she’d been gripping and took a step away to retrieve a clean glass from the cabinet beside them, before returning to hold it out to the miserable looking girl.

“You may rinse as much as you’d like to for the next minute,” she said in a firm, but not unkind, voice before hefting the bar of soap in her other hand and waving it warningly as she added with a bit more steel.

“But then you’re going straight back into the corner until dinner time, okay?”

At that moment Rhen was prepared to stand in the corner until the end of the world if it meant getting some relief from the horrible taste inside her mouth. Accepting the glass from her aunt with a frantic nod, she gave a great, heaving sniffle and then turned toward the sink, spitting out a fat globule of bubbly saliva into it.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’,” the older woman said with a light laugh, ruffling the back of her hair and tossing the spent bar of soap into the sink before reaching past her to turn on the water for her. “Alright then, cutie pie, get rinsing. You’ve got sixty seconds, starting… now!”


Rhen squeaked as Dana landed a hefty swat directly in the middle of her slightly soggy bottom to kick off the start of her countdown, but decided to save her pouting for until after she’d finished clearing out as much soap from her mouth as she could.

She made the next sixty seconds count as she filled her glass, took a swig from it, swished the water around inside her mouth, and then spat it out, before repeating the entire process all over again. It did very little to help get rid of the little bits and pieces of soap still wedged in among the gaps in the tops and sides of her molars, but little by little, mouthful by mouthful, the disgustingly bitter taste of Ivory soap began to disappear from her mouth. Not completely, but enough so that it was at least no longer overwhelming.

By the time her aunt declared that time was up, actually nearly two minutes later though Rhen had no idea, she plucked the half-full glass from her fingertips and gave her another swat in the middle of her jiggly caboose.


“That’s enough rinsing for now,” she said as she poured the remaining water out before setting the glass aside to clean the soapy residue off of later. “You can do some more after your corner time,


It was a rhetorical question, Rhen knew, but not wanting to tempt fate, she still reluctantly nodded her head anyway and allowed herself to be escorted back out into their front room without complaint. There, she was once more parked in the corner she’d grown so familiar with over the last few weeks.

“Remember to keep your hands on top of your head this time,”

Dana admonished, moving her wrists up for her so that she could interlace her fingers on top of her inky black tresses. “I don’t want to have to give you another spanking today, you know.”

“Oh yeah, I’m sure,” deadpanned the petite sophomore with an unseen roll of her eyes.

Dana ignored her though, smirking to herself as she gently pushed on the back of her head, forcing her face forward so that she had no other choice than to arch her back and part her legs slightly, thrusting her bottom out toward the room as her nose was guided all the way into the spot where the two walls met.

“Hmmm, and I think we’ll have these down as well while we’re at it.”

Suiting actions to words, she stooped down behind Rhen and whisked her panties down to her ankles in one smooth motion. Although this time, she didn’t bother with letting them stay there.


Well, I guess I probably should have seen that one coming…

“Step out, please,” she ordered, lightly slapping the backs of the younger girl’s thighs to help encourage her to move as she waited patiently for her to do as she’d been told.

A moment later she scooped up her discarded panties from off of the floor and pocketed them as she straightened up to admire her handiwork and the adorable sight of her bedraggled niece.

Rhen stood there facing the corner in nothing but a wet, white camisole that clung to her arched back like a second skin as her still fairly dark pink and very naked bare bottom poked out toward the half-drawn curtains of the bay windows looking out onto their front lawn.


Dana cast a quick glance toward the great, old grandfather clock that dominated the wall beside her, and smiled. Dinner time was in just over two hours from now.

“I’d get comfy if I were you, cutie pie,” she said with a low chuckle, reaching out to adjust the way the hem of her niece’s camisole fell across her rounded hips before giving her tush a couple more affectionate pats. “You’re going to be there a while, I’m afraid.”

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