Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding the Light by Majie

Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding The Light By Majie Chapter 22



“This matter is something that could affect the destiny of the whole werekind.” “This matter... is the prince talking about the princess’ assassination? Or is he referring to my ability?’ I thought as I stared at the prince. Both answers could be correct. In my vision, the princess’ assassination was the starting point of the fall of the royalty. After her death, a problem that could ruin the entire family arose. And because of this internal

struggle, they were not able to properly lead and protect the different packs from the upcoming attacks. Truly, it was not far-fetched to say that the princess’ death was the cause of the disaster of the werekind. On the other hand, my ability could be the key to evading these upcoming disasters. Thus, the prince could be referring to my ability when he talked about something that could affect the destiny of the werekind.

Just like in my vision..." ...when Alec often used me and my wolf in all his plans,’l thought to myself. “But looking at the prince right now... it feels like he is a different person altogether.’ The image that the prince had previously shown me was that of a funny and happy-go-lucky prince. At that moment, however, his eyes were sharp as a dagger and no emotion leaked on his face. There was not even a hint of his previous personality on his face. “Indeed, the members of the royal family could not be taken lightly," I thought. The prince, however, did not clarify his statement. Instead, he asked, “Regarding this matter, it would be best if my sister will deal with this.” It was not a question but rather a statement.

Lewis gave him a quick nod in agreement. And after just a few seconds, a familiar figure entered Lewis’ study. “Ahh. It is really her,’ that was my thought when I saw a beautiful lady walking inside the room.

Like how I saw her earlier, she looked very graceful and kind. Her presence alone was enough to reduce the tension inside the room. Indeed, she was the one who woke me up earlier. The princess gave me a big smile the moment she arrived. Then, she went towards where the prince was. The prince immediately stood up and gave his seat to his sister before standing behind her.

“I could not see it earlier. But now that they are next to each other, I can clearly see that they are siblings.

“Aside from the difference in the colors of their hair and eyes, their facial features are almost identical to each other,’ I thought as I observed them. The prince had platinum hair and violet eyes. On the other hand, the princess had brown hair and silver eyes. Both were very beautiful to the point that it was blinding.

“Halen relayed everything to me,” the princess started to say, her eyes never leaving mine. “I heard that you had the eyes of the oracle and could see the future.”

“I also heard that in one of your visions, I would be assassinated on my way to the castle,” she directly added.

The tone of her voice was very mellow, but I still felt slightly nervous upon hearing her question. I took a deep breath before nodding to her. “Yes, princess,” I truthfully answered. “Ah? Did I say something wrong?’ I thought when I noticed the prince looking awkward. “My dear, don't call me prince. Just call me Regina. That is my name,” the princess stated. 1 “Calling the royalty by theit name... can I really do that?" I thought hesitantly. “But I guess I have no choice... especially when it's the princess who is telling me to do so.’ Thus, I slowly nodded at her and called her, “Regina.” Ahhh. Me calling her like that... it feels like we became friends,’l thought as I subconsciously blushed. The princess chuckled before she said, “How adorable. Too bad Alpha Lewis got you first.” 1 “Perhaps, do you have brothers and sisters? If so, can I have them?” I heard her asked. Somehow, I felt that something would happen upon hearing her statement. “l only have my brother Alphonse. If the princess is serious, will she really take him away?’ My mind could not help but think.

Suddenly, I felt a warm palm wrapping around my hand and squeezing it slightly. His palm was round and warm. Suddenly, I felt that something started tickling my heart. Subconsciously, I lifted my eyes and met Lewis’ eyes. My heart started beating faster. Lewis’ eyes narrowed slightly at me as if he were giving me a knowing look, making me immediately look away and look at my lap to hide the blush that I knew appeared on my face.

A few seconds later, I heard Lewis’ voice saying, “Your highness, please don't get derailed on the main topic.” The princess let out another chuckle. “Alright, alright,” she repeated before returning her glance at me. “First, I would like to say my gratitude for sharing this important information to us, my dear Adelia,” the princess stated. “Second, this piece of information that you shared is something that could greatly affect everything around us. Hal and I would like to share with the two of you the secret of our world,” suddenly she said. “So, I request that you completely lend us your ears for a couple of minutes. Will that be okay?” she asked me. I blinked once as I stared back at the princess. The secret of our world... one that could greatly affect everything around us..." “~seems to be connected with me.’ “What could it be?’ I thought before nodding at the prince and the princess, “I will listen to you, your highness,” I told them without knowing that the said secret would make my carefully crafted plans on how to survive thrown out of the window.

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