Ava- Ever Green Series Book Two

Chapter 15

Ava sat in the room listening for the trackers to come by the door but nothing happened. She watched TV like everything was normal. Everyone knew what their situation was like. Ava was very anxious for the rest of the day.

Nightfall came, Margo was still asleep and Selma had to shake awake to let her know that they were going to precede to go with their plan. They checked everything before leaving the room. On the road, they watched Selma trying to find this mysterious library. No one said anything when we all thought the same thing. Pulling the car to a complete stop, Selma turned to everyone.

“Here’s the deal. Don’t make eye contact with anyone in here. They could tell the council that we have been here. The trackers keep watch on places like this. So, we must be careful who comes in close contact with us. We stick together at all times.” Selma instructed them to follow.

We shuffle out of the van and make our way over to the library. Trackers were manning the main entrance. So, well acted naturally as possible and hopefully weren’t discovered by them.

“Do you know exactly what we are looking for?” Ava asked.

“Yes, I do. I did something like this for a friend once.” Selma replied.

Selma walked over to the section that held the binding spells. Margo was amazed by how many spellbound there were and she didn’t know where to start. She stayed with Selma who was taking pictures with her phone of all the ones that could be useful. No one could take out any of the books anyway.

Ava kept getting this feeling that something was off like they were being watched. She looked around and spotted someone watching down from one of the stacks up the aisle. Not sure she should mention this to them.

The person caught her eye and just walked away to be never seen again for the rest of their time at the library. They spent over two hours browsing and Selma told us she had enough information on spellbinding that it could help them. Gathering the other, they left the library and ran towards the van.

“Why does it feel like the whole time we were in there that someone was watching us?” Serena questioned

“Maybe because we are outsiders using their library for information” Selma answers trying to get out of the library parking lot.

“I saw someone watching us at the end of the aisle we were in” Ava mentions.

“Were they doing anything suspicious or just browsing like we were?” Selma questioned.

“I don’t think so. All they did was stare at us then left soon after not seen again.” Ava shrugged.

“That’s too weird. Then again, everything is weird nowadays.” Serena says.

Thomas and Margo were silent like nothing happened. They have been acting weird lately. Guess they might be tired from today. Ava decided to mind her own business for the rest of the ride back to the hotel. They made it back to the hotel but there was that same vehicle from Selma’s house in the parking lot.

“Is that the trackers over that car watching the hotel for us?” Serena questions.

“Yes, it is. I am going to see if we can park on the other side of the hotel.” Selma puts the van into drive.

Ava observed the parking lot to make sure the car doesn’t follow them. Selma finds a space far away from any suspecting street lights so, that it hid the van. They went into the hotel the back way from the front desk and made it to their room without running in with the trackers. Something tells them they will have to move sooner than later.

“We are going to check out of the hotel tomorrow anyway just to be safe,” Selma said entering the bathroom.

Not bothering to get changed, Ava decided to just leave her clothes on and slept in them. Selma spent the night reading and looking at the pictures she took. Serena was reading on her phone. Thomas and Margo were watching TV and Ava notices their hands were grasped together. Ava didn’t see that coming. Thomas and Margo might have a thing going under everyone’s noses.

Everyone was asleep, Ava just listened to the hotel noises until she fell asleep.

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