Attack (The Aurora Marelup Saga Book 4)

Attack: Chapter 10

Morning comes way too quickly today. I’ve been dreading this day since Aurora started collecting her mates. Everything we could need has been packed in wagons that my people supplied for us, so we don’t look out of place. Aurora was smart when she set up trail buddies. One dragon, one either Lycan or Dire Wolf with each wagon. We will be broken into four teams, taking four different routes to the same campsites each day. We are aware we won’t hide our numbers for long, but the longer we can, the better.

I walk through the house, looking for the rest of my bond mates. I come across Aurora speaking to Elsa and Klaus’s mother—whose name for the life of me I can’t remember. I already know what’s happening, though; Aurora is telling them it’s their job to protect her babies. Elsa is honored, but her daughter doesn’t want the responsibility. Aurora is at her wits’ end when Nicodeamus walks into the room.

“Aurora, baby, I need to speak with you.” Aurora nods and moves to her father’s side.

“You too, Dimitri.” Oh fuck, shit just got real. His tone tells me there will be very little room for argument. We follow Nicodeamus into the library.

“I’ve already spoken to your bond mates, and there will be no arguments. I am staying behind to guard the babies. Not that I don’t trust Elsa, it’s just that she can’t reach out to you if something goes wrong here. She can’t call you back if we’re attacked, nor do they have my fire,” Nicodeamus says, making a very logical and sound decision. Aurora is borderline in tears. I reach for her and pull her to my chest.

“It makes perfect sense, my King. You protect one treasure; we will protect the other.” I bow my head graciously towards my king.

Aurora shoves against my chest and goes to stand before her father. “Daddy, no! How am I supposed to protect you if I’m not with you? How am I supposed to keep you safe?” Aurora is crying, her tears freezing on her cheeks. The rest of the bonded enters the room only to be halted by Nicodeamus raising his hand.

“Aurora!” Nicodeamus says her name with a force I haven’t felt from him before.

His ancient power crackles over his flesh, and his eyes take on an ethereal glow like Aurora’s do. “I will have none of this nonsense. I’m well over a thousand years old, and I don’t need to be babied. Your children, my grandchildren, will be at their safest with me. You know in your heart that I’m correct. I can sense them, call them all without words. I promise to reach out to you daily, so you know they’re safe.” Nicodeamus extends his hand to Aurora.

Aurora draws in a slow, deep breath, then rushes forward and hugs her father tightly. Frost coats them both—something I’ve never seen them do before. On the other hand, Alaric moves forward and hugs them as well, adding to the frost. It’s getting stranger and stranger when Ladon and Tiamat come running in and grab onto Aurora’s and Alaric’s legs. They both end up covered in frost as well.

I shake my head slowly, watching this frozen hug-fest; I have no fucking clue what they are doing. Eventually, they break apart, and I decide now is a good time to question them. “What just happened?”

Nicodeamus starts laughing. “I’m sorry, everyone, it’s an Ice Dragon thing. When we are to separate for a long time, we share our frost; it soothes our beasts. It makes communication between the dragons easier, and it takes less effort. I wish it worked for the rest of the family the way it works for us.”

I can see the gears turning in Aurora’s mind when she starts looking at everyone. “It might, Dad. I mean, if Alaric and I start and the guys hug on in order of binding. It’s worth a shot; the babies will have to grab on before Arnulf. Dad, you’ll have to grab on after Jayce.” Aurora turns and looks at Alaric and opens her arms to him, wanting to start. Of course, Alaric gives in immediately and holds onto Aurora, starting the frost. Dominik and Jayce are next, but the frost burns them.

 “Wait, I have an idea.” I move forward toward Alaric and Aurora and touch them, and the frost moves inch by inch over my skin.

As I suspected, her wolf bonded to me first way back when. I hug Aurora and Alaric tightly, feeling their lifeforce move through me. Next, Dominik and Jayce join, and then Nicodeamus, then Klaus and the babies—Tiamat before Ladon. Finally, Arnulf joins in the hug, and we feel every single person’s lifeforce as if it’s our own. I close my eyes and see all of our animals on the astral plane. Nicodeamus’s dragon has all of its appendages, and he can fly again.

Aurora is standing beside a spectral form of her beast. “Here is our center; if anyone is captured, meditate, and come here. We can find you this way, even in death.”

She breathes in deeply, trying to quell her emotions. “In death, this realm will give us time to say goodbye. Our loved one will only remain here as long as a fragment of their energy pulses through one of us.”

Aurora looks to Nicodeamus. “Father has agreed to be the gatekeeper, my children the vessels. They will hold the lost ones here for as long as they can.”

Now I understand why they were doing what they were. It’s an ancient rite I haven’t witnessed for over two hundred years. I nod, looking down at the babies. It’s a lot of responsibility for them to hold and shoulder. Honestly, I don’t think they understand the gravity of the situation.

Tiamat tugs on my pants leg, drawing my attention to her. “Daddy Bear?”

I look down at Tia and smile at her. “Yes, my Princess?” I kneel down to be closer to her level.

Tia scrambles and climbs up on my bent knee to look me in the eyes. Her little hands grip my face, her tiny fingers digging into my thick beard. “Don’t worry, Daddy Bear, Pop-Pop told us what our jobs are. It’s not difficult for us; we’re big dragons.”

Tia pulls my face closer to hers, and she leans into my ear. “We have Mommy’s wolf strength and funny paws on our dragons. We’re awesome; Mommy says so. No one can beat my Mommy.”

Tia nods firmly, believing her words as gospel. “Mind your Pop-Pop; if he says to hide, you hide. We would be utterly broken if something were to happen to you and Ladon,” I say gently and kiss Tia on the crown of her head.

“We understand, Daddy Bear,” Tia and Ladon say in unison.

A knock is heard at the door, and we turn to face it as it opens. An Elven woman with bright pink hair comes walking in. Gracefully, she bows then stands up again. “King Oberon sends his greetings and well wishes. I was sent to assist with protecting the future Heirs.” She bows again then looks at each of us in turn.

“I remember you…” Aurora says as she moves forward.

The Elven woman smiles and nods at Aurora and holds her hands out to her. “Yes, I’m glad you remember me. It’s been a bit over two hundred years since I last saw you.”

Aurora takes the woman’s hands without hesitation. “Laurel, isn’t it? You had butterfly wings the last time I saw you, if I remember correctly.”

“You are correct on both counts, Aurora.” Laurel looks toward the ceiling for a moment, and her wings shimmer into view. “I’m sorry my blessing went wrong all those years ago.” Laurel looks down sadly.

“What do you mean your blessing went wrong?” Alaric and I manage to ask within seconds of each other. Dominik and Jayce move closer, as do Klaus and Arnulf.

Laurel shuffles her feet briefly and flutters her wings. “I was sent to bless Aurora; I was to help her manage her dual nature. Instead, I accidentally postponed her ascension.” Laurel almost immediately starts crying with her admission.

We watch several emotions flicker over Aurora’s face. Anger, pain, and finally, sympathy and understanding. Aurora shocks us all and pulls Laurel into a big hug.

“Thank you for being honest,” Aurora says softly to Laurel.

 “But please don’t try to bless my children,” Aurora says with a toothy grin.

“I won’t, I promise! I’m here to help protect them and cast a glamor over the village to hide them in your absence. King Oberon sent the spell with me; Nicodeamus is the one who needs to cast it as the Elder Dragon. The concealment spell will last as long as he’s breathing, or as long as he wills it to last.” Laurel breaks away from Aurora and walks over to Nicodeamus, and hands him the amulet.

“It must remain close to your skin for it to remain active. As long as a dragon’s heart beats under it, it will work.” Laurel bows to Nicodeamus and watches him put it in his pocket for safekeeping.

“I’ll put it on after everyone departs. How do you plan to protect us, little one?” Nicodeamus looks at Laurel, studying her now.

Laurel smiles and flourishes her one hand and produces a magnificent bow. She grips the string and draws back, and a magical arrow appears. Harmlessly, she shoots it into the air, and it turns to glitter. “I assure you, my Lord, I am more than capable of defending against attackers.”

Aurora starts to laugh as she watches Laurel. “I like her. She’s spunky!” Aurora turns and looks at the rest of us. “Okay, boys, let’s get this show on the road. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can get back!”

Aurora kisses her father and both babies goodbye. She goes and hugs Elsa and gives Klaus’s mother the evil eye. Just before we are ready to leave, a woman with black hair approaches Dominik and Jayce.

Aurora comes up and leans against my side, staring at the female, watching her interact with the twins. “D, I think that’s my other mother-in-law. Hopefully, this one isn’t a royal bitch.” Aurora smiles as she bounces up and kisses my cheek before heading towards the twins.

I watch Aurora move towards the twins, and I hold my breath—this could be an epic disaster or the best moment ever. The twin’s mother bows to Aurora and bares her neck to her in probably the wisest move I’ve ever seen done by anyone yet. Aurora watches the woman curiously, then scoops her up in a huge hug and spins around with her. I don’t know what was said, but Aurora is happy and tightly held onto the twins’ mother. Aurora catches my eye and drags the poor woman over with her. “D! This is Dominik and Jayce’s mom, Helle!”

Helle bows lightly to me and then stares at Nicodeamus; her eyes are that of her wolf’s. Nicodeamus feels her eyes upon him, and he turns and freezes. Aurora is bouncing up and down, excited as all hell. Dominik is the first to say something. “Um, Mom? Mother? Hello? Earth to Mom.”

Jayce moves between his mom and Nicodeamus and looks between the two of them. “Holy crap! I think they’re mates!” We look between them both when suddenly they embrace each other and kiss passionately like long-lost lovers.’ There is a thud, and we all turn to see Dominik passed out on the floor. Aurora shakes her head, looking at Dom then back to her father, happy he won’t spend the rest of his days on this Earth alone.

I smile and turn to head outside and leave my best friend to meet his mate. I look out at our gathered troops and the caravans. So many are ready to head out into an uncertain future. Sadly, I know many may not make it back, but many more shall fight valiantly and help us rid the world of one of the greatest evils it has known in a while. My remaining blood descendants are here in the village, remaining behind to help keep things running in our absence.

So much more planning has to be done, but things appear to be in order for now. One of the stewards hands me the checklist for the trip for me to double check everything. He knows that when it comes to my family’s safety, I don’t leave that in anyone else’s hands. I’ll spend the next half an hour or so double checking as everyone gathers the last of their things.

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