Another Half

REX -- Chapter 19 Pt 1

Rex woke up cold and alone. He scowled and looked over to where his mate had slept. Even though it was still dark outside, he saw that there was an index card on her pillow, one she likely picked up from his personal desk in the corner. Rex squinted as he read her sharp, clear cursive handwriting.


I’m sorry I didn’t wake you. After last night, I knew you needed to rest. I didn’t want to leave you, but I had to run with the elites.

I’ll return to you as soon as possible.

Your Mate,


Your mate, she had written. Your mate.

“You’re forgiven, my mate,” he murmured.

He fell back on his pillow still staring at the note.

Last night.

Her Marking him had been the complete opposite of his Marking her, which had been wrought with violence.

Blade had taken off his black shirt and laid him on the bed, on his back. She had taken off her pants and the black shirt he had lent her. He had watched with dizzying anticipation as she climbed on top of him in nothing but black panties and a sports bra.

She had sat on his abdomen and pinned his arms to his side with her thighs. For a long time, she kissed his lips, softly at first and then passionately before kissing her way down to his neck, where she licked the place on his neck she intended to Mark him. Her hands slowly roamed up all over his chest and shoulders while she started nibbling at that same spot on his neck, biting it softly without breaking the skin. And she stopped, only to start the process all over again by kissing his lips. She repeated this cycle several times.

His body was on edge not long after she started kissing him, and he tried to calm down that eager part of him that had sprung with longing and arousal. But it was a lost cause, and he was full of want. He tried to loosen his hands so he could grab her, but she tightened her thighs around his arms. He began to growl from the pent-up frustration when she stopped touching him yet again.

“Blade,” he said in a raspy tone. “Get on with it!”

She giggled. “Such an impatient alpha.”

He growled again when her hands wandered on his upper abdomen.

Blade leaned down, and he held his breath.

“Consider that my revenge for Marking me without my permission,” she whispered in his ear.

Before he could retort, she sunk her teeth into the flesh of his neck without warning, and he closed his eyes and groaned. She must have released her hold on his neck and then she licked his wounds, but he never registered either.

A soft violet light that he recognized as a link to his mate’s consciousness flashed in his head as he felt his mate bond with him. She was a gentle but confident presence next to his, one he wanted to drown in—sweet and loving, fierce and strong, playful and piquant. Rex was overwhelmed with a desire to protect this soft light that he now considered his from harm and pain. He smiled when he heard her thoughts.

Damn. I overdid it. Looks like I bit the jugular. Figures. And these sheets—I hope he’s not too attached to them.

“You didn’t overdo it,” he said, opening his eyes and giving her a sly smile. “And I don’t care about the sheets.”

She grinned at him. Good to know! I’ll bite harder next time.

He bucked her off of him then, grabbed her by the waist, and pinned her to the bed. He kissed her until his mind shut down from all the emotional and mental overload of being Marked. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep on her chest, enjoying the delicious feeling of his mate playing with his hair and hearing her thoughts,

Goddess, I love his beautiful hair.

I’m never cutting it, Rex had managed to think.

She had laughed.

Rex was putting his mate’s card on his nightstand when he heard Nakon.

Sounds like you two finally finished Marking each other, Nakon said. What took you so long?

Glad you’re back! Where were you?

Giving you and Blade space. Talon and I are linked, too, so we spent time together if only in spirit. We’re looking forward to tonight.


Blood Moon. We take over the entire night, remember?

Rex grudgingly agreed. The nights of the full moon were for wolves to take over while their human consciousness lay dormant, just like Nakon had done.

Doesn’t feel like you mated? Nakon asked slyly.

No. Not until she’s ready, Rex said.

Nakon harumphed. We should present our mates to the pack as our Luna.

Rex must have fallen back asleep because when he woke up again Blade was in his arms. Her hair was still damp from her shower and now she wore a black lace bra with black boyshorts.

He was content and at peace now that he had his mate. Rex wasn’t with the original half of his soul, but he figured he was happier and better off. Intelligent and competent, Blade was another half that fit much better with him than Caroline ever would have.

He only hoped Blade felt the same way about him.

Rex closed his eyes and sought their link, and he was happy to see a thick bright twist of purple and blue light in the same place where Caroline had left a broken stump.

Alpha? Are you available? Yet?

Rex rubbed his face with one hand as Sergio’s voice came across the mind link clear.

What is it, Sergio?

Sorry to bother you, but we have issues with the sick members we need to discuss.

My understanding is that they are no longer sick.

Yes, sir. Luna Blade made them a special concoction that cured them. Sir.


Yes, sir?

Fuck you. We’ve been best friends since before either of us has any memory. Stop shitting me and be my friend again. Or has my being mated changed that?

Sergio’s pause was long.

It’s not that at all, man. We’re happy for you. Shit, Ax is thrilled. He thinks that having Blade as both the Luna and the Training Master is the funniest thing since the invention of Lunas and Training Masters. But you fucking scared us yesterday. You were going to murder that little kid!

Rex tried to remember what little kid Sergio was talking about.

Blade’s son. Shit.

I was not going to kill my mate’s son. You know me better than that, Rex said. He hoped he sounded more convincing than he felt. He doubted he would have killed an innocent over wanting to be alone with his mate, but it was hard to say. His mind had been clouded with a possessiveness he was still struggling to control. He was still not happy Blade had run off that morning and left him alone.

Fine. Sergio said. When are you coming down?


Come down sooner.

Someone tried to poison the lake last night. The patrols tried to catch them, but they got away. They also left some shit behind that everyone’s afraid to touch.

Rex sat up in bed, waking up Blade in the process.

We think it’s the same person Luna Blade said has been poisoning people.

Blade sat up next to Rex, rubbing her eyes.

Meet us in my office in half an hour. Tell Ax to be there.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Someone tried to poison the lake.”

“Did someone catch them?”

Rex shook his head. “But whoever it was left some shit behind.”

“They must have figured out that the lake is the pack’s source of water.”

Rex looked at her. “How did you know that?”

She shrugged. “A big body of water that’s fed by natural springs. Where else would the pack get its water?”

Blade got up and moved toward a black duffle bag Rex had never seen before and pulled out black pants, socks, and a black shirt.

She spoke as she dressed. “What worries me is they must have found out that we have an antidote for the sick pack members. They’ll be using something else to poison the water.”

“Do you think you can figure out what they were planning to use?”

“Maybe. Depends on what they left behind, but it would obviously be more helpful to bring in the poisoner.”

Rex got up and took her duffle bag. “Is this all you have? We need to move you into our rooms.”

“This is all I brought with me from my house.”

He took her hand and pulled her into the large walk-in closet. “We’ll get the rest of your stuff soon.” He had cleared all of his parents’ clothes when he had moved in, and Rex’s clothes took less than a quarter of the closet. “Do you think you’ll need more space?”

She laughed. “Rex, this place is huge! Not to mention that I have even fewer clothes than you.”

Rex was puzzled. “Why? Do you not like clothes and shoes?”

“When we were on the run, having a lot of clothes was not an option,” she said pensively. “I guess I’ve gotten used to only having what I need.” Blade smiled at him. “And fine with that.”

“Well, everything I have is also yours so I can provide you with anything.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll eventually buy whatever I need when I need it.” She gave him a smile that warmed him, but he frowned.

“Don’t you need anything right now? Something I can give you? Anything at all.”

“How about somewhere I can put my knife and collection?” She winked at him, but her face was suddenly serious. “I’ll also need a small, private lab, preferably one only you and I will have access to. Sounds like we’re going to need it.”


Rex pulled Blade by the hand as he gave her a short tour of the Pack House en route to where they were going.

“As Luna, you can change the decor of this place to whatever you want. It hasn’t been changed since before my mother died.”

Blade looked around surprised. “Why would I want to change anything? It looks perfect the way it is.”

Rex was confused. “I’m just saying that you can decorate this old place so it will reflect your taste and personality.”


Rex felt a wave of discomfort from his mate. This feeling from her was new, so clearly something he said came out wrong. Before he could ask, they had arrived at his office and Sergio and Ax were already waiting for them.

Why am I not surprised that you have a bar in your office, too?

Rex laughed, and he laughed harder when he saw Sergio’s shocked face at his good mood.

You have one in your office, too. In fact, almost every room in the Pack House has a bar. They’re very useful! Do you have any idea how much strife I’ve avoided with one drink?

“Sergio, Ax–the usual?” he asked smoothly as he went behind the bar.

Both of his friends nodded.

I have wine in the fridge—a California Rosé and a Pinot Blanc from Australia—if you’d prefer that instead, Rex said to Blade.

Nah. Bourbon neat is fine. I really liked it last night.

Rex felt his chest lighten and his grin grew.

“Looks like you two are getting along well,” Ax said. He looked smug.

“She likes bourbon neat and hates vodka,” Rex said with a wide grin. “That’s all I need in a mate.”

Blade mock-scowled. “I had no idea the bar was set so low.”

Ax laughed along with them. To Rex’s surprise, Sergio looked thoughtful.

“How is it,” Sergio said, “that this happened so quickly? I mean, I’m glad for you that it did, but—this is completely unexpected. You’d never even met!”

Rex passed out the drinks but remained behind the bar.

“Same thing that happened with your mates, I supposed,” Rex said with a shrug. He took a drink and watched as Blade took a drink from her glass.

“With us, it happened quickly because—wait, you’re saying that Blade is your Fated Mate?” Sergio said, skepticism written all over his face.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Rex said, setting his glass down. He knew they’d ask about the nature of his relationship with Blade, and he still had no idea how to explain it. He doubted anyone would ever believe that Blade was as much his Fated Mate as Caroline would have been and that Rex was as much Blade’s Fated Mate as Nick.

“And you agree with this?” Sergio asked Blade.

“I think you’re missing a few pieces, Sergio,” she said. “We didn't go through any of the Mating Rituals until now, so neither of us has had a mate. So, essentially, we’ve never had Fated Mates. There’s also the issue that we were both rejected without much of a say. I’d like to think the Universe or the Moon Goddess or someone out there thought it fair to reshuffle us another Fated Mate.” She shrugged.

“You were rejected, too?” Ax said with surprise. “I didn’t know that!”

“Well, more like abandoned while I got to watch him chase his girlfriend,” she said. “That was fun.” She took a long sip.

As best as he could, Rex immediately sent her a wave of love and support through their bond to counteract the pain and humiliation she was feeling. Surprised, Blade looked up at him, and her eyes lost their bitter edge as they softened. She smiled.

“Well, I don’t get it,” Sergio said, “but I suppose we’ll have time to discuss it later. Right now we need to talk about how someone tried to poison our water last night.”

Sergio went to retrieve a large plastic sack on the floor next to one of the black leather couches. He carefully dumped its contents on the wooden coffee table.

“I tried not to touch anything, but I’m sure some of this stuff has my scent. Hopefully, we all know I’m not the poisoner.”

Everyone else joined Sergio at the table, sitting on the surrounding sofas, except for Blade, who knelt in front of the table.

“It wouldn’t have mattered if you had not touched anything,” she said. “Whoever did this was using rubber gloves. Do you smell it?” She sniffed the air. “The smell of rubber is faint, but it’s there.”

Much to Rex’s growing worry, Blade picked up each bottle, opened it, sniffed its contents, and set it aside.

She glanced at him and smiled as she set the third bottle down. Don’t worry. As long as I don’t put anything in my mouth, I’ll be fine.

Blade saved the largest bottle for last, but she quickly discarded it, too.

“Strange,” she murmured.

“Which one is the poison?” Ax asked.

“All of them, except this one.” She picked up the largest bottle. Through the thick amber glass, Rex saw it was full of a milky white liquid. “This is actually the same antitoxin we used two nights ago. As for the rest, they’re all mostly compounds for more complex poisons. Even if they’d dump all these poisons into the lake, though, it wouldn’t have been enough to poison it.” She shrugged. “Maybe they would’ve killed off a few fish, depending on which fish, but that’s it.”

“So what are you thinking?” Rex asked without knowing what to expect. He squatted next to her.

“I don’t think they’re targeting the entire pack, just a few people—or a person. That’s what the size of this kit tells me.” She at Rex, searching his face. “Do you have any enemies that you know of? Or do you have any you suspect?”

“Me? You think they’re targeting me?”

“Rex, it makes sense,” Sergio said. “You’re the alpha.”

“Your pack has been at peace for a long time, hasn’t it?”

“Well, up until about a couple of years ago when peace went to hell, yeah,” Ax said.

Rex frowned at Blade. Her mind was working out a lot of different scenarios in quick succession, and he was having a hard time keeping up with them when Sergio and Ax kept asking him questions about potential enemies inside the four packs. He was in the middle of explaining to Sergio that Maverick did not have any living relatives when Blade cleared her throat.

“I don’t think this is a home-grown poisoner.” Blade She picked up the large bottle and raised it, looking into its contents. “If this valley has been at peace for so long, this isn’t something from any packs in the valley. It’s from outside. Have you had any visitors or new pack members as of late?”

“Do three refugees count?” Ax said.

Rex got up and helped Blade rise, too. “Sergio? Where are they?”

“That’s one of the things we wanted to talk to you about, Rex," Sergio said. "They've been discharged, and we've set them free for now. Do we allow them to stay in Azul?"

“I may have an idea,” Blade said.

She gave him a mischievous side glance that made Rex think that the refugees were in for a special treat.

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