Another Chance for the Luna Queen

Chapter My Prince 208

Chapter (208



It had been a situation I couldn't easily escape, nothing more. My mother knew that, and so did Alexander, so Diana's remark didn't sting as she probably intended.

Still, Alexander's jaw tightened slightly as he turned back to me, and I gave him a reassuring smile. This was one battle I wasn't about to fight-Diana's words didn't have power here.

The conversation shifted as the waitress came to take our orders. Polite chatter filled the majority of the meal, with Diana seemingly having a wonderful time. My mother ever the gracious conversationalist, kept things flowing, filling the silences when I couldn't think of anything to say to the woman who had so easily gotten under my skin.

Each time I glanced at Alexander, I noticed him watching not in the playful, suggestive way he had back at the pool, but with a quiet, steady gaze that spoke of concern

He could sense my unease, and it made me feel guilty. Alexander already had enough on his plate

without me adding to his worries.


It wasn't long before we were wrapping up our meal and preparing to head our separate ways. The days leading up to the wedding were going to be incredibly busy, leaving little time for Alexander and me to relax together.

Perhaps that was why my mother hooked her arm around Diana's and murmured conspiratorially, "Let's give the kids a moment to say their goodbyes," before ushering Diana toward the door.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Alexander turned to me. "Are you all right?" he asked, his voice low and full of concern.

"Yes," I replied automatically, but then I hesitated, frowning as I shook my head. "Actually... no. There's something I want to talk to you about, but I'm not sure this is the time or place."

"Is it about my mother?" he asked.

"Yes," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Has she been making comments like that to you all day?"

"No, it's not about what she's said to me. It's the way she's been talking about you," I admitted, watching his face carefully.

Alexander's eyes widened slightly. "How do you mean?"

"She keeps implying there's more to the rumors about you than meets the eye," I said hesitantly, "and that you're hiding things.

"Ah," Alexander murmured, his expression growing serious. He glanced over his shoulder in the direction our mothers had gone before turning back to me. "Well, she's not wrong. I do have secrets." His lips quirked into a small, knowing smile. "But you and I both know, my pretty little puzzle, that so do you. So, it doesn't really bother you, does it?"

His words made me pause, and despite myself, I smiled. He was right-we both had our secrets. Perhaps Diana's behavior came from a place of genuine concern, fearing that I didn't fully understand what I was getting into. Could I really begrudge her that, even if I thought her approach was wrong?

"I suppose that's true," I said softly. "But... it doesn't bother you that your mother talks about you like that behind your back?"

"Not really," Alexander said with a shrug, though there was a flicker of frustration in his eyes. "I'll talk to



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Chapter 0209

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