Another Chance for the Luna Queen

Chapter My Prince 129

Chapter 0129

I wanted to restore myself. David shouldn't get the satisfaction of knowing that the damage he had done to me would linger even after I escaped him. I wanted to get my wolf back, and I wanted him to know that I had undone all of his wicked, malicious damage.

"There are a few things we can try," Dr. Bowman said, breaking the silence. "It will take time to reverse the damage that's been done and restore your wolf, and it may be weeks before we know if we're making any good progress, so don't get your hopes up too high. This is going to be a very long, drawn-out ordeal." "I understand that," I said. "But you're telling me there is hope?"

He looked at me wide-eyed for a moment, and his expression softened. "Yes," he said, "there's hope."

I felt tears prick my eyes and laughed awkwardly as I wiped them away. "Sorry," I muttered. "I don't know why I got so emotional so quickly."

"It's completely natural to feel that way," he said.

"Where do we start? What do we do first?" I asked, my excitement bubbling over.

He laughed slightly before turning back to his computer screen. "I think we'll begin with physical therapy, I know that might sound odd, but there are some exercises you can do that will help you feel connected to your wolf again.

"Isn't there something more drastic we can try?" I asked.

"We don't want to rush things," he said. "We can do more damage if we're not careful."

"Okay," I said, nodding enthusiastically. "So physical therapy first?"

"And I'll write you a list of vitamins that I want you to start taking. We need to make sure you're in peak health in order to reverse any damage that may have been done by long-term poisoning. I'm not saying that's what happened, but if it is, the best thing we can do to restore your wolf is to improve your health. "That makes sense," I said.

Dr. Bowman began to write in a notebook on the counter, and my mind raced with all the possibilities. I didn't know how David could have pulled it off, but I didn't doubt that it was the kind of thing he would do. I was frustrated that I didn't have more information, but this was still the best chance I had had in years. There was a lot to look into and a lot of work I had to do to deal with all the damage David had caused and was still causing, but he wasn't going to win,

I pulled my phone out and texted Alexander. Even though I would see him for dinner at my parents' house tomorrow, it felt like this couldn't wait.

"The doctor believes my wolf can be recovered," I texted.

I stared at the screen as I waited for a response. I felt anxious, uncertain of how Alexander might reply. Luckily, I didn't have to wait for long. After less than a minute, he replied.

"That's good news. What else?"

"He said that I must be getting low doses of poison to keep my wolf dormant. I don't know how, but someone is continuing to poison me."

It felt so strange to openly talk to him about this. It felt like we should be using a code or keeping it hidden, but I


Chapter 0129

didn't have to do that anymore. I didn't have to face this completely alone, and it made me feel more

confident that I would get through this.

Alexander's response was immediate, and it made me smile as I read it.

"We'll find them."

Today's Bonus Offer

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