Animal's Sanctum

Chapter 3

“Goodbye Dr. K! I’m headed home, I’ll see you tomorrow!” Ellie calls out having finished her day twenty minutes ago.

“Good night Ellie, I’ll see you tomorrow, are you working up front again?”

“Yeah! Micah is going to be working with Kyle tomorrow.” With that I hear the front door open and close, the bell ringing it’s greeting. Another day of working by myself, oh what fun.

I don’t hate working alone, but I have to admit that I have become spoiled having an assistant in day to day clinic activities, such as exams. Sure if I am performing a surgery then I do have an assistant, but other than that, I fly solo. Well until our receptionist gets back off of maternity leave.

With any luck that won’t be too much longer, Sadie has been on maternity leave for two months already, she had an adorable baby boy last week. Sadie and her husband Daniel named their son Morgan and he is the cutest. I smile at that thought and glance out the window, thankful for the recent time change, I can’t wait for warm weather to get here.

Hearing my phone ring I pull it out as I finish closing down my office. My eyebrows furrow as I read the name. Marcy, a close family friend; I’m not really sure why she is calling me, normally she likes to talk to my parents.

Answering the phone I raise it to my ear, confused and curious as to what is going on. “Hello?”

“Kimana, how are you doing sweetie?” Her sugary sweet tone only seems to put me more on edge. Marcy isn’t someone that I would classify as the cuddly sweet person. So hearing the nickname makes me very cautious.

“I’m doing alright, how are you Marcy?” Pinching the phone between my head and shoulder I slide my jacket on awkwardly. Stepping outside I lock up the clinic, feeling a slight breeze roll over the parking lot.

“Well, I’ve been better. Listen, I was wondering if you could come down to the Sanctuary?” Her words make me want to groan and stomp my foot like a child, normally I wouldn’t even have to think about it, but I’m tired and just want to go home. Take a hot bath and then curl up under a crap ton of blankets.

“Is it important? I’ve had a long day at work.” Pulling open my door I drop my things inside on the passenger side and climb in.

“It’s an emergency. I would really appreciate your time.” Making a face, I internally groan. I’m probably going to regret saying yes.

“Alright, I’ll head over now. I shouldn’t be long.” Starting my truck, I back out listening for her response.

“Thank you Kimmy, I’ll be waiting for you.” Marcy hangs up and I am left wondering what kind of emergency she is in. Is it an animal that is hurt? Or is it just one of those moments where she just wants to get me there and it isn’t dire? I’m not all that sure, she does use it’s an emergency for things that aren’t really life threatening, or much of an emergency.

Because when I hear emergency I think more of life or death, not I’ve run out of coffee. And believe it or not, she actually gave Mac a call one day saying it was an emergency and it just turned out that she ran out of coffee.

Mac wasn’t happy about that call that’s for sure. He had a late night drinking, had a hangover and rushed to help her out with her said emergency when she just needed coffee.

Driving towards the sanctuary I really hope that whatever she needs my help with will be quick. I don’t have the patience to put up with a lot of nonsense. Marcy has owned an animal sanctuary for as long as I’ve known her. Although she never really has had much to do with it besides paying the bills.

I can’t ever remember a time where she was personally involved in rescuing animals, or the rehabilitation process. It makes me wonder why on earth she even has it. Then again I try not to question the woman’s thought process. Marcy has always been one of those people who just do things without really caring for consequences.

While it gives her an air of fun and carefree personality. It bugs me to see someone just not caring and not acting responsible. Like in some situations it’s cool to just go out on a whim and do something, like trying something new. Not just going out and blowing your husband’s life insurance on an animal sanctuary because you could.

Pulling into the parking lot I look around, seeing the not so welcoming exterior. The chipping paint and gardens look like they haven’t seen care in the past year. It doesn’t exactly look like I remember it. Looking off to the side I see the vast pastures in need of some lawn care, the fencing could use some touch ups as well.

Stepping out I look around, in wonder, I know the last time I visited was a few years ago. I don’t remember it looking so abandoned. “Kimmy, I’m happy you could make it.” Turning I watch as Marcy’s plump form makes her way down the steps towards me.

Her thin blond hair pulled back in a ponytail, brown eyes smiling at me. “Hey Marcy, what exactly is the emergency?” I ask even as she brings me in for a hug.

“I just want you to take a look at an animal that came in.” She pulls away, taking a step back. I nod and open up the back of my truck grabbing my bag and waving her forward.

“What happened do you know?” Marcy just gives me a shrug walking in the front door. I take my time sidestepping the swinging door. I’d rather not earn another bruise.

Looking around I realize that not only does the outside look neglected. The inside seems to be faring so much worse. From peeling wallpaper, to dirty floors, and dusty tables, desks or animal plaques.

“I found him on the side of the road, I’m not really sure.” Stumbling, I look back over my shoulder seeing the cracked and warped floor. This doesn’t even look like it’s open anymore.

“Are you still running the place?” I can’t help myself as I ask looking around at all of the mess. I’m shocked that it has gotten this bad.

“I don’t have a lot of people coming so it’s just open when I’m free.” I look at her funny confused at her statement. It’s just open when I’m free? Does she not have office hours anymore? I can’t say that I blame people for not coming. The place looks like a hurricane blew through.

“What about the animals you have here?” I haven’t seen any real sign of life besides herself so I wonder how many animals she has left.

“Well, I don’t have all that many left. That’s something I wanted to talk to you about.” I raise an eyebrow pulling out a pair of gloves, I’m not sure if I like how that sounds.

“Wanted to talk to me about what?” She opens one of the backroom doors, wandering in becoming distracted with something. I step my eyes automatically becoming drawn to the wolf sitting in the cage with a half-assed bandaged wrapped around his midsection.

“I’m giving you the sanctuary. This is the wolf I wanted you to look at, I wrapped his wound the best I could.” She glazes over the first statement like it isn’t a big deal. I stumble once more over the warped flooring stunned with what she just said.

“Excuse me? You can’t just give this place to me. That’s not how it works, Marcy.” I momentarily forget about the injured wolf, too stunned with what she just admitted.

“Well I don’t want it anymore, it’s a burden. Besides I know you like animals. Just think of this as a fun hobby to do.” She shrugs not really caring about this. I run my hand over my face aggravated.

“A hobby?! This isn’t a freaking hobby! How do you see this as a hobby? You can’t just come and go as you please. This is a full time thing!” I’m dumbfounded dropping my bag on the floor as I stare at her.

“It doesn’t take that much time. I already have the paperwork being signed over to your name. It’s not that big of a deal.” Wait, what? I feel my mouth drop open, my mind can’t seem to process that. I blink and release a hysterical laugh covering my mouth.

“You have to be joking. Please tell me you’re joking.” I don’t doubt that I sound like I’m losing it.

“Why would I be joking? I don’t want this place anymore, you like animals it seems like the best thing to do.” Closing my eyes I look up and blow out a harsh breath and look around.

“How is this the best thing to do? I have a full time job at the clinic that I co-own! I own my house that still needs work done. Not only that but I don’t have the money for this place. So please tell me how this is the best thing to do?” I fling my arms out trying to get her to understand that this needs more thought than just I don’t want it.

“Well there is a cabin on the land that you can move into and sell the one you have now. It’s simple.” I pinch the bridge of my nose, groaning, or making some sort of frustrated noise. I don’t even know what sound it was.

“It’s not simple! Marcy, you can’t just drop this on me. Do you know how much planning I’ll need to do to take this place over, sell my house, AND my half of the clinic. Because I really don’t think that you’ve done any planning!” I don’t have this time, or money to take this on.

Even if I sell my half of the practice, I’d just be dumping money into this place. What about the state of the house? How much work will I need to put into that? Marcy just crosses her arms over her chest and squints at me.

“Why can’t you just be grateful for getting this place? Not only do you have the sanctuary but now you have another house.” Another house, the sanctuary, my half of the clinic, my house. This is just a growing list of responsibilities that I can’t handle.

“Marcy I can’t have this place. I don’t have the money, time or resources that I need for this place. You are gonna have to figure something else out.” Shaking my head I push the loose strands of hair from my face. It’s simple I can’t do this. There just isn’t any possible way for me to take this on. Marcy walks over to the desk flipping through paperwork and I narrow my eyes.

“Kimana, I don’t think you have a choice. I’ve already wiped my hands of this place. See your name is already on everything. Plus I have a flight to Greece tomorrow.” Stunned my eyes bug out as she hands me a folder forcing me to peel it open.

Reading over the paperwork, I force myself to blink and stare at it. It does say my name. How the hell did she manage to do this? Doesn’t someone have to tell the person that their name is being added to shit?

“Marcy, what the hell? How did you manage this?” Looking up I already see that she has disappeared, I walk to the door.

And hear a whine from the wolf, I watch helplessly as Marcy leaves. She doesn’t bother to turn around, she really did that. Another whine falls from the injured wolf and I turn around and stare at him. What the hell just happened?

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