Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chatper 95

Waking up, knowing that the day was going to be real stressful, I did my chores
quickly and took proper care of Mason in preparation for his classes at the
As the soon-to-be royal Luna, I knew that my duties extended far beyond simply
bearing the title. I was expected to embody grace, poise, and elegance in every
aspect of my life from the way I walked and talked to the way I interacted with
others. And so, when
Cora the eldest female werewolf of the Moon Shadow
summoned me to begin my training on royal etiquette, I knew that I had to
approach it with the utmost seriousness and dedication.
As I entered the grand chamber where the training would take place, I was
greeted by the Cora, a stern yet kind-hearted woman who had served the Moon
Shadow Royals for many years. She wasted no time in getting down to business,
explaining the importance of each aspect of royal etiquette and what was
expected of me as the royal Luna.
“First things first,” she began, her voice firm but gentle. “We must work on your
posture and your walk. As the royal Luna, you must carry yourself with
confidence and grace at all times.”
With that, she proceeded to demonstrate the proper way to walk — head held
high, shoulders back, and steps measured and deliberate. I watched closely,
committing each movement to memory as I prepared to emulate her example.
“Now, you try,” she instructed, stepping aside to give me room to practice. Taking
a deep breath, I straightened my spine and lifted my chin, channeling the regal
bearing that was expected of me. With each step, I focused on moving with
purpose and intention, determined to master the art of royal walking.
As the training progressed, we moved on to other aspects of royal etiquette —
how to greet pack elders with respect and deference, how to serve royal guests
with grace and hospitality, and even how to prepare the Alpha’s special dishes to
perfection. With each lesson, I absorbed the knowledge like a sponge, eager to
prove myself worthy of my title and responsibilities.
But it wasn’t just about learning the practical skills — it was also about
understanding the significance behind each task. The head maid took the time to
Chapter 95
explain the importance of each duty, from showing respect to our elders to
ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of our guests. It was about upholding the
traditions and values of our pack, and I was determined to do so with honor and
As the minutes turned into hours, I could feel myself growing more confident in
my role as the royal Luna. My posture became more assured, my greetings more
polished, and my culinary skills more refined. But perhaps more importantly, I
began to develop a deeper understanding of what it meant to serve my pack with
humility and dedication.
And as I stood before the head maid at the end of my training, I knew that I had
come a long way from the timid girl who had first entered the grand chamber. I
was ready to take on the responsibilities of my title with pride and determination,
knowing that I had been trained well and that I would do my pack proud.
But even as I embarked on this new chapter of my life, I knew that my training
was far from over. Being the royal Luna was not just a duty — it was a lifelong
commitment to serving my pack and upholding the honor and dignity of our royal
As I was deep in my training, focused on perfecting each movement and gesture,
the grand chamber suddenly grew silent as the door swung open, admitting the
imposing figure of Carlyle, our Alpha. He greeted the Cora with a respectful nod
before turning his attention to me.
“Ah, Sidonnie,” he said warmly, his voice carrying the weight of his authority. “I
hope your training is going well.”
I straightened up instinctively at his presence, feeling a rush of excitement and
nervousness coursing through me.
“Yes, Alpha,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the butterflies in my
“She really tried today. I can proudly say she’s going to make a good one.” Cora
commented and I bet by now, flushes of red was all over my face.
Carlyle stepped forward, closing the distance between us in a few long strides.
With a gentle smile, he reached out and pulled me into a warm embrace,
enveloping me in the comforting strength of his arms.
10:33 Thu, 14 Mar
Chapter 95
“How was your day?” he asked softly, his voice a soothing rumble in my ear.
Cora stiffled a light cough, “I'll leave you two lovers to each other.” She said
before leaving while. I giggled inwardly.
I leaned into his embrace, feeling the tension melt away as I breathed in his famili
scent of him- a mixture of pine and earth, with a hint of something uniquely him.
“It was... productive,” I replied, trying to sound confident.
Carlyle chuckled, the sound vibrating against my cheek.
“That's good to hear,” he said, his tone filled with genuine warmth. “I'm proud of
you, Luna.”
I smiled up at him, feeling a swell of pride and gratitude in my chest. Carlyle had
always been a pillar of support for me, guiding me with wisdom and
encouragement as I navigated the complexities of my role as the roy al L una.
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As we stood there in each other's
arms, I couldn't help but marvel at the
b ond that existed between us a bond
forged not just by duty and
obligation, but by a deep and ab iding
I ove that transcended the
boundaries of rank and status. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
“Thank you, Carl,” I said softly, my voice barely above a whisper. “For
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Carlyle squeezed me tighter, his
embrace a silent reassurance of his
“ 5
unwavering support. “Anytime, my
» 5 5 > 5
love,” he replied, his voice filled with
affection. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“How was your day too?” I asked and he heaved a sigh.
“Tedious as usual. The whole workload and all.”
“It's normal. Just make sure you give yourself the proper rest you need.”
“Of course, that’s necessary. I just can’t stop getting worried about Donald”
Now, my interest was piqued.
“What's wrong with him?”
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He's been acting all sneaky these
) 5
days and I'm worried. I tried talking to
him but he seems to be avoiding a
proper conversation about his action
= » : 5
with me.” Carlyle complained while I
listened The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!

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