Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 112

Chapter 112
Everything happened so suddenly. One moment, we were walking down the
corridor, and the next, Sidonnie collapsed, screaming in agony. I felt utterly
helpless, kneeling beside her, trying to soothe her pain, but it was like trying to
calm a raging storm.
The voice from above, cryptic and unsettling, only added to my confusion.
“It's the full moon. She's ascending.” What did that even mean? All I knew was
that my beloved Sidonnie was in excruciating pain, and I couldn't bear to see her
What struck me the most was that it seemed like it was only Sidonnie and me
who could hear her screams and groans. It was as if we were trapped in some
twisted nightmare, isolated from the world around us.
I tried everything to ease her agony, but nothing seemed to work. Panic clawed
at my chest as I realized that
something was terribly wrong, and I didn’t know how to fix it. All I could do was
hold onto her tightly, praying for
the torment to end and for the dawn to break, bringing relief and clarity with it.
As minutes stretched into eternity, Sidonnie’s groans transformed into something
primal, echoing through the corridor. Suddenly, she began to shimmer and shift,
her form elongating and contorting until she shifted into a magnificent wolf, her
fur vibrant and alive with color.
“Oh, my goddess” I watched in awe and fear as she bounded away, her
movements graceful and powerful. I called out to her, my voice filled with concern
and confusion, but she only ran faster, disappearing into the depths of the forest
that bordered the estate.
Without hesitation, I shifted into my own wolf form, the transformation swift and
The moonlight filtered through the dense canopy of trees, casting an ethereal
glow upon the forest floor. Now transformed into my wolf form, Larlyl chased after
Sidonnie’s wolf under our bonded instinct. My heart pounded
with a mix of fear and determination as I walked across the shadow of trees.
“Sidonnie! Please, wait!” My voice echoed around.
But Sidonnie’s graceful wolf, showed no signs of slowing down. Her fur
shimmered in the moonlight as she darted effortlessly through the undergrowth,
her movements fluid and mesmerizing.
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Chapter 112
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“Sidonnie, what's happening to you? Come back to me!” I yelled desperately but
it seemed as though I was
pouring water I to a basket. It wasn't yielding any positive results for me.
My pleas fell on deaf ears as Sidonnie continued her relentless sprint, her pace
quickening with each passing
moment. Pushing myself harder, my muscles burned with exertion as I struggled
to keep up with her.
“I can't lose you, Sidonnie! Please, slow down!” My voice reverberated with
But Sidonnie remains undeterred, her form disappearing into the darkness
ahead. My heart clenched with fear as I pushed mysey to the brink, determined
to catch up to her before it's too late.
“Don't leave me, Sidonnie. Please...”
With a final burst of speed, I pushed past my limits, my eyes fixed on the elusive
figure ahead. As I raced deeper into the heart of the forest, the echoes of my
desperate calls faded into the night, leaving behind an eerie silence
punctuated only by the rhythmic pounding of paws against the forest floor.
Panic coursing through my veins, I frantically searched the forest for any signs of
Sidonnie since I could see her
anymore. I lost her unfortunately. My senses heightened in my wolf form, I relied
on my acute sense of smell to guide me through the dense foliage, my heart
pounding with dread at the thought of losing her.
“Sidonnie! Where are you?”
With each passing moment, my desperation grew, until finally, I caught a faint
scent in the air. Following it deeper into the forest, my heart leapt with relief as I
stumbled upon a surreal scene.
There she was, my woman was suspended in mid-air, surrounded by a colorful
aura by a kaleidoscope of colors that danced around her in a mesmerizing
display with her form radiant and otherworldly.
“Sidonnie...” I was breathless.
As I watched in awe and confusion, Sidonnie slowly descended to the forest
floor, her eyes closed in concentration. Quickly, I shifted back to my human form
too and I approached her cautiously, my heart pounding with a mixture of relief
and curiosity.
wouldn't bo
“Sidonnie, what...what just happened?” I whispered the questions hoping for a
response, though I knew I
getting one anytime soon.
As she landed gracefully on her feet, her eyes snapped open, revealing a
newfound aura of dominance and
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Chapter 112
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My breath was held in my throat at the sight as my mind raced to comprehend
the profound changes I witnesses in my Luna.
“Thank goodness, you''re back.” I uttered softly.
Despite the shift in her aura, my foremost concern was her well-being. Relief
floods through me as I realized that she was safe and unharmed. I reached out to
her, needing to feel the warmth of her touch, so that I could be reassured of her
presence behind me.
“Are you alright? What...what was that?”
As I waited for her response, I braced myself for whatever revelations may come
but she fainted for about five
She fell into my arms and I caught her instinctively, holding her close as she
opened her eyes, gently supporting her as she slowly regained consciousness,
her eyes fluttering open to meet my worried gaze. My heart ached at the sight of
her distress, and I showered her with questions, desperate for answers about
what had just transpired.
“Sidonnie, are you alright? What happened out there? How do you feel?” I asked
with concern and uncertainty.
But instead of answering, she countered with her own question, her brow
furrowing in confusion as she struggled to make sense of her surroundings.
“Carlyle, what are we doing here? Why are we in the forest?”
My heart sank at her words, realizing that she had no memory of our ordeal. With
a heavy sigh, I recounted the events that had unfolded: her sudden
transformation, the mysterious voice, her ascension into the air surrounded by a
colorful aura. I spared no detail, hoping to jog her memory and make sense of
the inexplicable.
“We were walking towards your quarters to check on Mason when something...
unexpected happened. You transformed, Sidonnie. It was like nothing I've ever
seen before.”
As I finished speaking, Sidonnie pressed her hand to her temple, a flicker of pain
crossing her features. And then, slowly but surely, the pieces began to fall into
place, her memories resurfacing like fragments of a shattered mirror slowly
piecing themselves back together.
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Chapter 112
“Oh... remember now,” she whispered. “It all seems so...unreal. But it
happened, didn’t it?”
I nodded, relief flooding through me as she regained her bearings.
“It's the Blue Moon...” She paused to glance at the sky.
“The Blue Moon?” I asked, trying to understand what she meant fully. I've always
heard about the blue moon
since I be ame an Alpha. It was a moment of elevation and reborn which all
werewolves of each pack expects dearly. But it only happens once in several
“Yes, the full blue moon. That was what she told me.”
“Who is this “she’?” I asked.
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« p )
I don't know. I couldn't see her face.
She was wearing a pure white a
ing aired bay
garment coveripg\a body,” she
oBuSed! Hig to recall other details.
“ :
She had her side to me as she
5 » 5
conversed with me.” The content is
on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“What other thing did she say?”
sudden in
“When I shifted, it was like my bones were being broken into small bits again and
again. I don't know where this
surge of p Came from but I knew that something was calling on me, drawing me
to itself with a huge
Wouldn't define. But I knew I had to ease her
force. Do you get me?” She stared right at my eyes with
nerves as they were a bit frayed.
“Of course, my love. I'm listening to you.” I whispered, cupping her cheek with my
right palm.
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« . . .
At first, I wanted to resist but it
, 3
wasn't possible the farther I ran.
Something else was oe Hen I
think, en gotHere, hifted.
11] h, I can’t remember how or
when I did. All I can say is that I found
myself in another world at that
moment. It was short but it felt like
, »
I've always been there.” The content
is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“So, you met her?” I searched her eyes for an answer.
Unable to recall the rest. “.
“Yes. She said something about me being the survivor....” She trailed off, and the
destiny changer. I can’t really lay my hands on all she said.”
“It's fine, Donnie. It's all passed now. You're fine now, that's all that matters.” I
kissed her forehead, patting her back after pulling her into a comforting hug.
“You see, Carl...I felt familiar with that woman and that place.” She voiced out
again. Obviously, she was still
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Chapter 112
giving it some thoughts.
“Yes, but I can’t seem to figure it out...yet.”
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You need not worry much about it.
1 , .
Let's go see Mason like we planned
. @
to. We've Hae oxo dime out here,
Pe ”
Te been waiting.” I
suggested, trying to ease her worries
of the moment. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Yeah, sure. Let's go.”

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