Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 106

Chapter 106
The last time I met Donald, he invited me to his Alpha’s upcoming wedding.
Donald and I stood facing each other while we conversed, talking about random
Suddenly, I noticed his countenance change and he was a bit nervous.
“Amelia, there's something I wanted to ask you. I don't know your take on it.”
This made me curious.
“What is it, Donald?” I asked, thinking if what's so weighty for him to feel anxious
before telling me.
Donald took a deep breath, gathering his courage before speaking.
“Alpha Carlyle and Sidonnie are getting married soon, and I was wondering if you
would accompany me to the wedding as my guest.” He said.
My eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected invitation, as my mind raced with
conflicting emotions. I was short for words at that moment because I really wasn't
expecting such an invitation from him. Not so soon. We have met a couple of
times and we've bonded as the Queen mother wanted. But for me, it was
something more. My feelings for him were more than just using him which was
the reason I approached him at first. I fell in love with him completely. Over the
time, I found myself drawn and attracted to him day by day. I just couldn't help it.
“Oh, Donald, I... I'm not sure if that's a good idea.” I replied, stuttering a little.
Donald's expression fell slightly at my response, but he quickly brushed the effect
my reply had on him away, determined to persuade me.
“Why is it not a good idea?” He asked.
“I...1 just feel it's awkward. My identity...”
“Please, Amelia, it would mean a lot to me if you were there. You're important to
me, and I want you to be a part of this special occasion. Trust me, your identity
won't be an hindrance.”
Emergency calls onlyML
Chapter 106
I hesitated, torn between my desire to attend the wedding and my apprehension
about being in such a public
setting of my species arch enemy.
“I appreciate the invitation, Donald, I really do. But I'm not sure if I'm ready for
something like that. It's all happening so fast. I can’t take that risk.” I stood my
ground on my decision.
Donald nodded understandingly, but his eyes betrayed a hint of disappointment.
“I understand, Amelia. But please, think about it. The wedding is an opportunity
for us to spend more time together, and I would be honored to have you by my
side.” He paused, trying to see if I'll change my mind. “Moreover, this is an
opportunity for you to blend with my pack members and see what they really look
I sighed softly, touched by Donald's sincerity and determination to include me in
his life. If not for my identity and the role I play in my pack as a Canthrastra, I
would have said yes to him without a second thought.
But here, a lot things have to be considered.
“Okay, Donald. I'll think about it. Thank you for inviting me. When is the
“Four days from now. I should have told you about it the last time we met, but I
had to consider it well”
Donald smiled gratefully, hoping that I would give him a positive reply at the end.
1 could read him.
“Thank you, Amelia. Just let me know your decision whenever you're ready. I'll be
looking forward to it.”
We parted ways and I returned home. I'm my room, I paced back and forth as my
mind was consumed with indecision. I knew Kyla was watching, observing me
but that was the least of my thoughts. She was free to.
“Is everything alright, my lady? You seem troubled.” Kyla asked gently, trying to
figure out what was wrong
I paused in my tracks, my brow furrowed in deep thought, before turning to face
With hesitation, I replied, “I'm not sure, Kyla. I've been invited to a wedding, but I
don’t know if I should go.”
Kyla's eyes widened in surprise at my revelation.
“A wedding? Whose wedding is it?” She asked curiously.
I took a moment before responding, my voice tinged with uncertainty.
Emergency calls only
Chapter 106
“It's Alpha Carlyle and Sidonnie’s wedding. Donald, invited me to accompany
“You mean, the Moon Shadow Alpha’s wedding?”
“Yes, his wedding.”
Kyla's expression grew somber as she processed the information.
“I see... That's a significant event indeed.” She uttered thoughtfully in a low tone.
I nodded to her words, feeling conflicted about what to do next.
“I'm just not sure if I belong there, Kyla. It's all happening so fast, and I don't want
to intrude on their special day.”
“Those aren't just your concerns, right?” Kyla asked. She knew me too well to
know I was concerned about other things too.
“Yes, that's not my only concern. I'm also concerned about what Canthra Minerva
would say if I let her know beforehand. You know...the issue with Careful and all,
I don't want her getting the wrong idea that I'm getting too interested and
attached to Donald.”
“You're right, that would be dangerous.” Kyla commented.
“Exactly! Especially if Varef is there.” I bit on my lower lips frustratedly.
“Then don’t go! It's better safe than to be in trouble. Remember you just healed
from the last wound.”
“But I want to go.”
“Don't tell the Queen mother, then. Go to the ceremony and I'll try my best to
cover for you.”
“I can’t put you in danger, Kyla. What if she finds out?”
“It's your choice, then. Moreover, isn't it part of the mission she assigned to you?
Just take it as getting closer to him under her command.” She advised and I
began pacing about again.
Kyla placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, smiling at me.
Emergency calls onlyML
Chapter 106
“Amelia, you must follow your heart in this matter. If attending the wedding feels
right to you, then you should go. But if you're unsure, it's okay to decline.”
I considers Kyla's words carefully, feeling torn between my desire to attend and
my fear of overstepping
“” her words rang in my mind again and again.
“I suppose you're right, Kyla. Perhaps I'm just overthinking things.”
Kyla smiled reassuringly at me, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding.
Remember, Amelia, everything happens for a reason. Trust in the guidance of the
moon Goddess, and she will lead you down the right path. Follow your heart,
everything has been ordained.”
Feeling comforted by Kyla's words, I nodded in agreement, a sense of clarity
washing over me.
“Thank you, Kyla. I'll take your advice to heart.”
With Kyla’s support, I resolved to make a decision that felt true to myself,
knowing that whatever choice I made, the moon Goddess was watching. With
that, I decided to attend the ceremony like I wanted to.
On The Wedding Day
I stood before the mirror, my reflection adorned in a stunning gown as my hair
cascaded in elegant waves.
“My lady, you look absolutely radiant. You're sure to turn heads at the wedding.”
Kyla admired me, placing a light kiss on my cheek.
I smiled, grateful for
as I gave myself one last glance in the mirror. Da mn! I was indeed beautiful.
“Thank you, Kyla. Thanks for do.”
8 you
With a final adjustment to my attire, Amelia set off for the wedding venue, my
heart fluttering with anticipation.
Emergency calls only Mu
Chapter 106
As I arrived at the venue, I scanned the crowd, searching for Donald amidst the
bustling activity.
“Amelia! You made it.” Donald approached me from behind. It wasn't difficult for
us to meet because of the mating bond.
My face lit up with a smile as Donald approached, his presence bringing me a
sense of comfort.
“Donald! It's good to see you.” I uttered, trying my best to look elegant as
Donald's eyes sparkle with admiration as he checked me out.
“You look absolutely stunning, Amelia. Truly breathtaking.”
Blushing at his compliment, I thanked him graciously before he extended his arm,
offering to escort me inside.
“Shall we? The ceremony is about to begin.”
“Sure!” I nodded in agreement, linking my arm with his as we made our way
towards the entrance, ready to partake in the joyous celebration ahead.
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The celebration began and I really felt
like I belonged there. The
atmosphere was Tres fijled
ae al appy. It was
really worth attending. Throughout
the ceremony, Donald never left my
side. He made sure I was at ease and
not scared. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
After the ceremony, I got to talk to the Alpha and his beautiful Luna one on one.
Such a privilege! Well, that was a given since I was his Beta's mate.
Concluding our discussion with the Alpha, I heard the Luna point backwards,
“Athena is here”
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Definitely, she was expecting
someone. I and Donald, turned in the
direction she was headed to n

welcome the pesspivdad I Clon t
bRlive Ny eyes at all. Canthra
Minerval How come? What was she
doing there? How did the Moon
Shadow Luna know her? Why did she
refer to her a Athena? Is that her
name? The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Oh no! I'm done for.” I whispered to myself, hiding behind Donald on reflex.
“Is something wrong?” Donald asked, noticing my uneasiness.
Emergency calls only Mu
Chapter 106
“Definitely not!” I managed to smile.
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Not until I spotted Canthra Minerva
approaching us did I Kiow hidtngr,
behind Resid ab ht n option and
I hale to leave as soon as possible
before she caught sight of me. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
“Donald, we need to go. Now.” I whispered urgently.
Donald's brows furrowed in confusion as I took his hand, pulling him away from
the Alpha and his Luna.
“Amelia, what's wrong? Is everything alright?” He asked with concern.
“I just need a moment to myself. Can you show me where the restroom is?” I
forced a smile.
Donald's concern deepened, but he nodded in understanding, leading me
towards a secluded corner away from prying eyes.
“Of course. Follow me.”
As we made our way through the bustling crowd, Donald guided me towards the
restroom, his worry evident in his eyes.
“Are you sure you're okay, Amelia? You seem a bit... off.”
I forced a reassuring smile, my mind racing with thoughts of avoiding Canthra
Minerva's gaze and making a hasty escape.
“I'm fine, Donald. Just a little overwhelmed by the crowd. Thank you for your
With a grateful nod from him, I slipped into the restroom, my heart pounding with
the need to evade Canthra Minerva’s scrutiny, if only for a little while longer.
“Oh Goddess!” I cursed inwardly. I never expected this. Not in my wildest

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