Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 100

Chapter 100


“You're reeking of happiness, human.” Laryl taunted but I didn't care. I couldn't
care less. Walking through the corridors towards, Donnie’s chambers, my heart
pounded with excitement.

The elders had finally granted their approval for Donnie and me to proceed with
our wedding after so many discussion and word battles, and I couldn't wait to
share the news with her. Every step I took felt lighter, as if I were walking on air.
When I reached her quarters, I found Donnie sitting by the window, staring at the
outside world from it. Her face was illuminated by the soft glow of the setting sun.
She looked up when she noticed my presence, her eyes sparkling with warmth
and affection.

“Hey, love,” she greeted me with her usual soft and melodic voice.

“Hey, Donnie,” I replied, unable to contain the grin that spread across my face.
“You're smiling so wife today. I guess you had a really good day.” She kept
staring at my face.

“You could say that. And guess the good news,”

“What's that?” Her eyes widened in curiosity as she tilted her head, waiting for
me to continue. With a sense of anticipation coursing through me, I took a deep
breath and delivered the news I had been longing to share.

“The Elders has given us their blessing,” I exclaimed, unable to hide the
excitement in my voice. “We're finally getting married!”

Donnie’s eyes widened in shock, her hand flying to her mouth as she gasped in
disbelief. “Are you serious?” she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.
oice bare

I nodded eagerly, unable to contain my joy. “Yes, I'm serious. They've given us
her approval, Donnie. We can finally make our union official. You'll be my queen,
my woman!”

Tears welled up in Donnie’s eyes as she launched herself into my arms, wrapping
me in a tight embrace.




11:19 Wed, 20 Mar

Chapter 100

“Oh, Carl,” she murmured. “I can’t believe it.”

“You have to, Donnie. It has finally happened, the date has been fixed.”

“Oh my, thank goodness. I didn’t learn all that Luna duties and royal rites for
nothing. It was tiring all through, but now, I guess it's worth it.”


“Of course, it's worth it I'm sorry you had to pass through all that stress. If I had a
choice, you wouldn't experience it.”

“It's nothing to worry about, Carl. It's for my own good. Being a Luna naturally
comes with these responsibilities.”

“You're right there.”

“This is the happiest day of my life.” She uttered, all smiles.

“You bet.” I chuckled, caressing her nicely packed hair.

“What day is the ceremony fixed for?”

“Six days from now.” I but her ear playfully.

“Six days?” Her eyes widened, “Isn't that too early?”

“No, it isn’t. We'll be performing you and Mason's ascension ceremony that day

“Can't believe you decided all these without consulting me.” Her shoulders
slumped in disappoint.

“I'm sorry about that, love. But it's for the best.”


Pulling back slightly, I cupped her face in my hands, gazing into her the love and
adoration I felt in my heart.


with all

“I love you, Donnie,” I whispered, my voice filled with sincerity. “And I can’t wait to
spend the rest of my life with you.”

Her lips curved into a radiant smile as she leaned in to press a tender kiss


Just when I was about to reciprocate Donnie’s action towards me, her maid came
in interrupting the moment. We both turned to see her standing in the doorway,




Chapter 100

with a mixture and surprise and apology.

“Forgive me for interrupting, Alpha Carlyle, but Beta Donald is here to see you,”
the maid announced, her voice hesitant as she glanced between us.

Donnie and I exchanged a quick glance, our expressions mirroring a shared
disappointment at the interruption. But duty called, and I knew I couldn't keep
Beta Donald waiting, especially if he sought my audience.

“Thank you,” I replied, offering the maid a reassuring smile. “Please inform Beta
Donald that I'll be with him shortly.”

The maid nodded in understanding before they retreating from the


leaving Donnie and me alone once again. As the door closed behind her, I turned
back to face my woman.

“I'm sorry, Donnie,” I murmured, reaching out to gently cup her cheek. “I didn’t
mean for our moment to be interrupted.”

Donnie shook her head, her smile still lingering on her lips despite the
interruption. “It's okay, Carl,” she reassured me, her voice filled with
understanding. “Duty calls, and I know you have to attend to Donald.”

I leaned in to press a quick kiss to her forehead before reluctantly pulling away.
“I'll be back as soon as I can,” I promised, lingering for a moment longer before
finally tearing myself away to attend to my Beta.


Outside, I saw Donald patiently waiting. As soon as he saw me approach, he
walked up to me.

“I heard the news, congratulations.” That was the first thing he said to me but I
didn’t reply him that well. Deep down inside me, I was pis sed at him for his
recent act of negligence towards his duties.

“Thank you,” I muttered, heading for my chambers. There, we would be able to
sort our differences in a manly way.

“How come I never heard about this before the whole pack knew about it?"
Wow! Just good of him. How dare he ask me such a question? Who was the
person sneaking out of the pack every now and then? Who cultivated the habit of
leaving the pack at the slightest chance of being free? Was it me? Or him?



11:19 Wed, 20 Mar

Chapter 100

I didn't bother replying his question as I walked ahead.



“You're not saying anything, Carl. Is something wrong?” He asked again but got
no reply from me.

Now, we had gotten to my chambers and he stood in front of me, face to face.
“What's wrong, man?”

“Really, Donald. Are you for real? Are you pretending or you're really oblivious of
what's going on here?”.

“I don't get.”

Right then, the urge to land him some blows and kicks made my limbs itch, but I
didn’t want to tense the pack atmosphere as my wedding was fast approaching.
“Where are you always leaving the pack and your duties for? I've checked, and
it's definitely not for some investigation or anything related to the pack. So

Immediately I broached this topic, he recoiled to himself, keeping mute.

“Oh, not this reaction again. Please, if you're not going to open up, you can leave
till when you want to. I don’t want my mood getting any more ruined than it
already has.” I said to him, pointing my warning fingers at him.

“It's Amelia” he finally decided to reply and I was taken aback.

“Who's that?”

“My mate, the one I told




For a moment, I was silent. So, Donald has been seeing a Canthrastra without
letting me know? What if things had gone wrong? What if all these he’s feeling
was all a facade?

I was worried that I couldn't take my fingers off my chin.

“She’s a Canthrastra, Donald. Why will you meet her in secret?”

“She’s my mate too, Carl. My fated mate at that”

“That doesn’t mean. As a Beta, you should be able to prioritize which should
come first. Can you tell what's going on in her mind? Do you know what plan she
possibly has in mind before approaching you in the first place? Can't...”

“It's fine, Carl. I knew you were going to be like this. That was why I met her
outside the pack,”

“Really, Donald?”



“If you didn’t know how to treat your mate right when you saw her, don’t expect
me to head to you because I definitely don’t want to be a sc umbag to my mate
like you were!” He yelled at me before I could say any other thing to him.

I really didn’t expect that comment from him. He might not know it, but his words
hit home.

“This isn’t the Donald I know.” I said with a resigned tone. It hurt for so many

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