Alpha’s Moon: A special forces shifter romance (Shifter Ops series Book 1)

Alpha’s Moon: Chapter 11


I wake up in a warm bed. It’s morning already, and Deke’s side of the bed is empty. On his pillow there’s a note that reads “Gone for another run. Meet you at yoga.”

I had hoped for a continuation of our sexual escapades last night, but I didn’t hear Deke come back to the room.

Too bad.

I hop up and get ready for yoga. When I pull the curtains, the gorgeous view greets me. I feel great, sparkly with energy and a good night’s sleep. I slept better last night than I have in weeks. Maybe we didn’t get to fool around in bed again, but it’s wonderful to have Deke here.

Today is going to be a good day. First I have to get through yoga, but then we have free time before the rehearsal dinner tonight. Maybe I can convince Deke to spend it with me in bed.

A half an hour later, I’m outside with the bride and the rest of the ladies assembled on the front deck. I blush when I see the corner where Deke and I spent time last night. I have fond memories of that corner.

“Hey, Sadie,” Brigit greets me when I roll out a mat next to hers. She’s in full makeup and Lululemon from head to toe. Most of the women wear the same. “Sleep well?”

“Yep. All this mountain air,” I say.

“You going to hike later? April and I went out early this morning. It was really nice.”

“Deke already went for a run,” I say. “He was up before I got up.”

“Oh, is he a morning person?”

“Um, yes.” I guess. I actually have no idea. It’s not like Deke and I are actually dating.

“Ask him if he saw any wildlife. We saw a bunch of hawks and April thinks she saw a wolf.”

“It was a giant wolf,” April insists from her mat on the other side of Brigit. “I didn’t see it clearly, but I saw something. It had a big tail.”

“Probably a large coyote.” Brigit sounds skeptical, and April sticks her tongue out at her cousin.

“I bet there are tons of wolves in this area,” I say.

“Yeah, but no way one would come so close to the resort,” Brigit slips in the last word before the instructor starts the class.

“Isn’t Deke supposed to be here?” Brigit whispers. Jenn and her mom, Lacy, turn from their spots to wave at me.

“Whoa,” one of the women murmurs appreciatively. I turn to look to the deck stairs, where Deke has appeared. He’s already barefoot for some reason, and for yoga attire, he’s thrown on a pair of loose sweats. But it doesn’t matter because he’s not wearing anything else. He’s bare chested, with his white t-shirt draped over his broad shoulders, and every muscle on his chest stands out in beautiful relief. He must have gotten hot on his run.

“Sorry, I’m late,” he mutters to the yoga instructor, who looks like she’d like to ditch our class to do a private couple’s yoga session with Deke. There’s a chorus of murmurs from the assembled ladies as Deke prowls among us. Two ladies rush to grab a mat for him. There’s not much room left, so after nodding in my direction, Deke arranges himself next to the instructor. She eventually finds her voice and starts the class, and we all pretend to follow along, though really everyone is watching Deke, who still hasn’t put his shirt back on. There are heaters set up on the deck, but it’s still not that warm, but Deke must be hot blooded, and thank St. Theresa—or whomever is the patron saint of lady boners—for that.

Had I known what Deke was hiding under his James Dean t-shirts and leather jackets, I’d rid the world of every Deke-sized article of clothing, just so he’d go around nude. Each yoga position makes his muscles pop. But his body is smooth and sleek and not stiff like a gym bound body builder. It’s a work of art, and this morning we are all Sister Wendy, the late nun/art critic. Especially when Deke does Warrior II pose, feet planted and arms outstretched. With the mountain range in the background, he looks like a model for athleisure wear.

Jenn swivels her head to me and mouths “Wow.” Even her mom looks impressed.

When the class ends, Deke comes right to my side and drops a kiss on my lips, playing the dutiful boyfriend perfectly.

“Great work,” I whisper to him, and he cocks a curious eyebrow at me. “I’ll tell you later.” I pat his chest and then keep petting it because it’s so yummy.

“You guys want to join us in the hot tub?” Jenn asks. “We’re all headed there.” She drops her voice to add, “Although Scott might be there. He asked me what you were up to today.”

I fake a grimace. “Then I’ll pass.” The truth is, I could care less about Scott, but I know the group socializing isn’t Deke’s thing, and I’m grateful for an excuse to bow out. I feel like a disloyal bridesmaid, but I’d much rather spend time with Deke than the wedding party today.

“You guys have plans for the day?” Lacy pops her nosy head into our circle.

“Uhhhh,” I search my brain for something that involves Deke and I and a low chance of running into Scott.

“I’ve got some ideas,” Deke says, slinging an arm around me.

“I’ll leave it up to you then,” I lean into him, feeling relief. “Deke’s such a romantic, he plans the best dates,” I announce to the group. Jenn and Brigit grin. “But first, brunch. I’m starving.”

“Maybe we can go for a hike,” I whisper to Deke as we head to the restaurant, trying to let him off the hook. “Whatever, I don’t care. I’m fine with ditching the crowd—I know you’re not into it.”

“I’ve got it covered,” he answers, pulling out his phone. He walks me through the buffet line and settles me at a corner table then excuses himself to make a call.

Unfortunately, that leaves me open to a line of attack.

“Is this seat taken?” Lacy and Jenn’s stepdad George sits down before I can say no. They wave over another couple, Jim and John, Lacy’s brother and his husband. By the time Deke gets back, the table is full.

Sorry, I mouth. He squeezes my shoulder and takes his seat, keeping a reassuring hand on me.

“Oh, Sadie, you’re not going to eat those,” Lacy scolds me before I can put a forkful of pancakes into my mouth. Memories of years of playdates at Jenn’s house growing up with her mom imposing all her body issues on the two of us come flooding back. “So many carbs.” She shudders. “But I suppose you can work it off later. Those kindergarteners keep you on your toes, I’m sure.”

I set down my fork with a sigh.

“Are you still enjoying teaching?”

“Yes, I love it,” I insist. Lacy is like the female version of my dad. There’s just no escaping all the judgements.

“I know your father hoped you’d go into law like him. At least you can find a husband to support you.” She pats my hand.

I grimace-smile at my plate and saw my breakfast sausage into tiny pieces. It’s just like a dinner with my dad, where I cut up my food, unable to put it in my stomach. My body is tense, ready for fight or flight as if Lacy’s busybody questions are a threat.

George turns to Deke. “And where did you go to school?”

“Lakewood High,” Deke says without missing a beat.

“No, I meant college.”

“Didn’t go to college. Joined the Army when I turned eighteen. It was not long after 9-11, and I wanted to serve my country. Would’ve joined earlier if I could’ve.”

Swoon. Deke is total hero material.

He’s so different from men like George, my dad and Scott, who are just focused on themselves. Getting ahead. Making appearances.

Deke takes a huge bite of steak. He has no trouble eating.

“Hmmm,” George says. “Any thoughts on getting your degree now?”

“Don’t need it. Army taught me what I needed to know. Rest I can learn on my own.” Deke bares his teeth, and George’s fork clatters to the table.

“You were special ops, right?” I ask, fascinated. I know I shouldn’t reveal how little I know about Deke. Lacy is collecting tidbits of information like a squirrel collects acorns. I’m sure the first time she bumps into my dad back in Taos, she’ll drag all the dirt she picked up out to shame him.

“Special ops in the Army? Night Stalkers?” George asks.

“Something like that,” Deke says.

It’s too much for me. Deke isn’t even a real date. He definitely doesn’t deserve the third degree from these people who aren’t even related to me.

“Okay, that’s enough of grilling my date,” I tell them, using my kind but firm teacher voice.

Lacy looks shocked. I never talk back. At least, I never have before.

I have to say, it feels great. Liberating. With Deke backing me up, it’s easy to be strong.

“Almost finished, babe?” Deke nudges me.

“Yes.” I lay down my utensils, more than ready to be done.

“Going somewhere?” George asks. “A hike perhaps?”

“Not a hike,” Deke says. “Got something special planned for Sadie.” He rises, and I do, too.

“It’s a surprise for me too,” I explain to the table as Deke grabs my jacket and helps me into it. “But I guess I need my jacket.”

“Gotta bundle up,” Deke agrees. “Ride’s almost here.”

And then I hear it. The rhythmic sound of chopper blades. A helicopter is approaching, flying up to the resort.

“What’s that?” Diners turn in their seats.

“Oh my goodness,” Lacy says as the army green helicopter hovers over the huge lawn. “Is there some sort of military exercise?”

“Nope. That’s our ride,” Deke announces. “Called in a favor.”

“Is that even legal?” George frowning, looking over his glasses. The helicopter has landed, but the big rotors still turn, ready to lift off at any moment.

“Come on,” Deke holds out his hand. I grab it, and we head out the doors and then run over the lawn, bent over to the chopper.

“I can’t believe this,” I shout. The sound’s immediately whipped away by the roar of the rotors.

The pilot in the front seat is a giant guy with a bushy brown beard. He’s got muscles bigger than Deke, which I didn’t think was possible.

“This is Teddy,” Deke shouts right in my ear, so I can hear him over the sound of the chopper.

“Nice to meet you!” I shout, and Teddy grins at me. Even though it’s cold, Teddy isn’t wearing a jacket, just old fatigue pants and an army green t-shirt that shows off his impressive tattoos and biceps. Another bad ass from Deke’s world.

Deke lifts me into the chopper and straps me in tight. My hair’s blown all crazy over my face, and he takes a moment to stroke it back before fastening goggles and a helmet on my head.

“This is incredible!” I shout. “I can’t believe this! Where are we going?” I doubt he can hear me over the roar of the helicopter blades.

Instead of answering, he boops my nose and climbs past me to his own seat. Once he’s strapped in, he gives a signal to Teddy, and the helicopter lifts off the lawn. I grab the sides of my seat. My stomach swoops as we rocket away, over the resort grounds towards the range. And then we’re flying up the face of the mountain and over it, heading north with the Sangre de Cristos spread under us in stunning vista. And ahead, nothing but blue sky, the eagles and us.

I reach over for Deke, and he grabs my hand. We hold tight to each other as Teddy tips us one way, then the other, giving us both an eagle-eye view of the New Mexico landscape below. The buildings and roads look like child toys, tiny pieces lost in the greater wilderness. The roads give way to miles and miles of patchwork color—the pine trees aglow with their shimmery yellow leaves, in between the green-blue of the spruce and pine. The tops of the tallest mountains are streaked with white snow.

It’s so beautiful, I choke up. I squeeze Deke’s hand harder, and he squeezes back. The chopper’s too loud for us to talk, but we don’t need words to share the moment.

Finally, Teddy sets the chopper down on a bare hill top. The grass flattens in a wide circle, and the branches of the surrounding trees wave wildly in the man-made wind.

“This is our stop,” Deke shouts. He grabs a picnic basket I didn’t notice strapped in the back and comes around to help me out of my seat again. The cold gusts through me, but the fresh mountain air is worth the chill. Teddy touches his forehead with two fingers and flicks them in my direction in silent farewell before lifting the chopper and flying off again.

“He’ll be back,” Deke says. He puts down the picnic basket and helps me out of my helmet and goggles before stripping off his own.

“This is crazy!” I burst out. I do a spin with my arms flung out like I’m Maria in Sound of Music. Green grass on the mountain top, birds chirping, trees all around, the scene is pretty enough to be in a movie. “I can’t believe you arranged this!”

Deke lays out the red and white checkered picnic blanket. “Figured the wedding party can’t follow us here.”

“So you just rented a helicopter?” I shake my head as I sit on the blanket. “This is unreal.”

“Teddy’s an old friend. He was into it. He packed all this.” Deke sets a picnic basket worthy of Yogi Bear next to me. It’s full of sandwiches, bottled ice tea and all sorts of goodies like grapes and cashews and a cheese plate.

“Oh, yum.” I get busy setting up our meal while Deke stretches out beside me. “Teddy didn’t want to stay for the picnic?”

“Teddy was gonna stick around. His original idea was to serenade us.”

“Aww, that’s so sweet! You told him no?”

“Teddy plays the bagpipes. I told him fuck, no.”

I cover my face and laugh. “This is incredible. My God, Deke, this is the best thing anyone’s ever done for me. Thank you so much.” I bite my lip. I want to lean down and kiss him, but as soon as our lips touch, I know I’m going to want more. Outdoor sex in October never appealed to me before, but if there was a guarantee that Deke’s friend wouldn’t come back and get an aerial view of me naked, I’d totally do it.

Deke shakes his head as if he knows my thoughts. “You want to thank me, eat some of this.” He hands me the cheese plate. “You barely touched breakfast.”

Warmth spreads through me. He noticed.

Who is this guy? He’s too good to be true.

“Don’t have to tell me twice.” My stomach growls.

“I told Teddy to pack girly shit. I figured you’d like that stuff.”

“What girly shit? Olive tapenade?” I spread the tapenade on a cracker and hold it in front of his mouth. “Open,” I order.

He shakes his head but obeys.

“So is Teddy one of your army buddies?” I ask.

“Something like that.” Deke says, cagey as always when he’s talking about his old career.

“So you could tell me, but then you’d have to kill me,” I tease.

His lips quirk. “Something like that.”

“And he threw all this together in what, an hour?”

Deke shrugs. “I may have prepped him.”

“Operation Save Sadie,” I quip, and his cheek curves for a second in a stealth smile.

“What did you do in the military, anyway?” I ask after I’ve devoured most of the cheese plate. I’m fascinated even though I know he’s not going to tell me anything.

“I did whatever the Army told me to do.”

I roll my eyes.

“I’ll tell you,” he says, scooting closer to me on the picnic blanket. “but you got to give me something in return.”

“I’m not giving you my panties,” I say flatly, and he throws back his head and laughs. The sound warms me from the inside out.

I pop a grape into my mouth and enjoy the rare sight of Happy Deke.

“No,” Deke says when he’s done laughing. “I was thinking more you tell me what’s up between you and your dad.”

I bite my lip and look away. “I just never made him happy.”

“Is that your job? Make your dad happy?” Just like Deke to slice to the heart of the matter in as few words as possible.

“He thinks so.” I toy with a few cashews on the plate. “Ever since my mom left me. My mom didn’t want to leave me,” I clarify. “She finally got fed up with my dad but didn’t have the money to divorce him. So she moved away. He didn’t let her take me. She tried, but she couldn’t afford the lawyers to fight. And I was just a kid. I didn’t get a say. I would’ve gone with her.”

“Sucks, babe,” Deke sums it up in his typical Deke manner.

“Yes. Yes, it does.” I toss the cashews into the woods for a lucky squirrel.

Deke takes my hand and threads his fingers with mine. “This wedding, these people, this is your dad’s sort of scene?”

“Yep. All of it. Jenn and I grew up together. Lacy and George are friends of his.”

“You don’t need to impress these people.”

“I know, I know, but—”

“No. They should be working to impress you.”

I let those words settle over me like another warm blanket.

“I felt braver with you beside me,” I admit. “I’m a nice person, but I can be a doormat. Having my own bodyguard makes it easier to set boundaries.”

Deke’s eyes glint green in the sunlight. He cups the back of my neck and yanks my lips to his. I groan and tug him closer, slanting my head to offer my mouth fully up to him. Our tongues tangle, heat rising between us. I want to shrug out of my coat and straddle him. Start something and see where we end up.

But Deke’s phone beeps between us. I draw back, feeling dizzy. “You should probably get that.”

Deke checks his phone, looks away and swears under his breath.

“What? Is something wrong?”

“Nope. Nothing to worry about, babe. C’mon. Let’s pack up before Teddy gets back.”


“What the fuck are you thinking?” The rage in my alpha’s voice sets my teeth on edge. After returning to the resort, I excused myself from Sadie’s side and headed outside to return Rafe’s call. She has no idea how much trouble I’m in. Even if she did, she wouldn’t understand. She’s human, I’m not.

Another reason we don’t belong together.

“We are still trying to sort out the shit that went down in Switzerland, and you decide to take off. I thought you were going for a hunt as a wolf. Burn off that edginess you’ve had since you met that human. I assumed you were alone, doing what you needed to do. Today I get a call from Teddy Medvedev saying he picked up you and the female in a bird in Santa Fe and took you for a ride.”

Fuck. Shoulda known Ted the Med would be in touch with my pack. I didn’t ask him to keep things quiet to keep from raising his suspicion.

I duck around the side of the resort building, heading to the forest where I can speak freely.

“Is it true?” Rafe demands. “Are you with Sadie Diaz right now?”

“Yeah. It’s true.” Frankly, I’m surprised Lance didn’t already rat me out. I expected this call at least twenty-four hours ago.

Rafe cusses so loudly I have to hold the phone away from my ringing ears. “What the fuck, Deke? After all I told you, you do the exact opposite. And now I gotta order you to stay away—”

“It’s a security mission—not a date.” I cut him off before he can finish the order. “She needed a fake date for a wedding to keep Sears off her back. That’s it. And I’m not abandoning her now. I made a promise.”

Silence. My alpha’s so pissed, I can hear his teeth grinding. “This is a bad idea, Adalwulf.”

“I know. Fuck, I know.

“It won’t end well.”

“I can do it.” I rub my forehead with a thumb, trying to keep a pleading tone out of my voice. I’d fall to my knees and pray if Fate would hear. “I can keep control.”

“You have to. The stakes are too high.”

He’s right. If I lose control, I risk damaging the most precious person on earth. “I’ll be careful.”

“That’s not good enough.” Rafe sighs, but he doesn’t order me home.

“I will keep control,” I repeat and mean it. I’ll do anything—even if I have to drive Sadie away.

“You’d better.” Rafe mutters. “You’re a danger to her. Get out as soon as you can, before it’s too late.’


How’s it going? the text comes in at 4:45 pm from Adele. “Great,” I type. “Better than great.”

“Is he behaving?”

“Deke or Scott?” I type, feeling cheeky.

BOTH, she texts back.

“Scott’s himself. Deke’s perfect.” Too perfect. Today was unreal. The helicopter ride, the picnic date… but after Teddy dropped us back off at the resort, Deke excused himself, and I haven’t seen him since. “Got shit to do.” I’m disappointed—after our date I was hoping for some alone time with him. Getting to know him, horizontally. In bed.

So much for Operation Seduce Sadie.

He’s a perfect gentleman, I clarify to Adele.

He better be.

I smile and tuck my phone away in my clutch. Tonight is the rehearsal dinner, and I’ve spent the last hour getting dolled up.

Deke appears right as I’m doing a final lipstick check. He takes the bathroom and emerges dressed in very credible rehearsal dinner wear—a dark blazer over his usual black jeans and a black T. It works, even with his beat up motorcycle boots.

“Hey,” I smile at him. “Ready to do this?”

He nods and bends down to kiss my cheek. But he’s sober, shut down. Remote behind his aviator shades.

“What is it?” I ask. “What’s wrong?”

He shakes his head, and with a hand on my back, escorts me out of our room and down to the lobby to meet up with the bridal party. I put on my game face and air kiss all the bridesmaids. Deke remains at my side, a tall, silent shadow. Eventually we head out to run through the ceremony. There’s an air of excitement, and when Jenn, the bride to be, arrives, we all squeal and clap.

“This is it,” I remind myself. “This is why we’re here.” For my friend’s big day.

Everything goes smoothly, but I can’t help turning my head to check on Deke every few minutes. He sits in the audience on the bride’s side, staring off into the distance. Playing the part of bored boyfriend, except he’s not bored. This is Broody Deke. His mood reminds me of how he acted after our kiss in the alley way, when the clam-jamming biker came by.

He stirs a little when Scott escorts me down the aisle, but Scott behaves himself. I’ll bet he senses the unspoken threat from Deke if he doesn’t.

When I take my place, I search Deke out. I can’t see his eyes because he’s still wearing his badass aviator shades, even though the sun’s almost down behind the mountains. I make a note to tease him about wearing his sunglasses at night and give him a smile. Deke lifts his chin in response.

I’m going to figure out what put him in this broody mood. Seductive Sadie is making her debut tonight.

Rehearsal ends, and we all head off to dinner. A few people mention the helicopter, and Deke finds himself briefly the center of attention. I’m able and willing to step in to deflect questions, but Deke handles it. “Teddy’s Helicopter Tours,” he says, handing out business cards. “Check ‘em out.”

“Quite the impression your man is making,” Elana purrs in my ear as I stand by watching Deke talk to the curious crowd about helicopter tours. He is patient and calm, even leaning down to converse with Jenn’s grandma, who’s in a wheelchair. She pats his cheek, smiling up at him.

“He’s a good man,” Elana tells me, her eyes glued to Deke’s ass as he’s bent over. When he rises, he’s a full head taller than everyone.

“Mmm,” I murmur into my champagne.

Elana stops ogling Deke and faces me fully. “Way better than your ex. What did you even see in him?”

“I don’t even know. Thanks. I thought it’d be awkward with you here.”

“On no, hun, I’m just here to make him look good. He made it worth my while, if you know what I mean.” Her eyes twinkle over her vodka tonic. “But I’d never hurt a sister. We’ve got to stick together.”

I clink glasses with her. She looks around swiftly and leans in close to whisper a warning, “Scott wanted to try to ambush you at the hot tub. But the rate he’s going, he’ll pass out tonight. At least, I hope.” Elana wrinkles her nose. “Does he always snore?”

“Yeah. Sorry.”

“It’s fine, I’ve got earplugs.”

Deke turns, looking over the crowd at me.

“Go, get your man,” Elana waves me away.

I cut through the crowd and thread my arm through Deke’s. “Come on, honey,” I say loudly for everyone to hear. “There’s something I need to show you.”


Sadie grabs my hand and tugs me out of the crowd. I follow willingly, feeling relief as she leads me out of the room.

“Everything okay?” I ask as she pulls me into a side hall. She glances around and pushes me into an alcove before gazing up at me.

“You looked like you needed a break.”

The tension in my spine ebbs away. She’s right. For a moment, I was close to losing it. Too many people around. My wolf was agitated, but just being near Sadie helps.

I let my head drop and press my forehead against hers, breathing her in. She’s my calm in the storm.

Leaving her is gonna suck. My wolf is already frantic, imagining it.

“I want to thank you,” she whispers.

“Sadie.” I don’t mean to touch her—not after my conversation with Rafe, but I find myself rubbing my thumb along her lower lip. My cock wants in that lush mouth again.

But I can’t. This is so fucked up.

I drop my hand and rub the back of my neck. Rafe’s last words ring in my head. You’re a danger to her. Get out as soon as you can, before it’s too late.

He’s right. I’m a monster. I destroy everything I touch.

My wolf howls in my chest. I groan, pressing a hand to my chest. I feel like I’m having a fucking heart attack. But I’m not. It’s my wolf, grieving like it’s lost its mate.

Could Sadie actually be my mate?

I’m an idiot for not realizing it sooner. I’ve had the urge to mark her every time we get sexual, but I chalked it up to my wolf being nuts.

Wolves don’t usually pick humans for mates, but I do know it happens. Especially with our species’ dwindling numbers, I hear of it more and more often these days.

Sadie’s touch brings me back to her. “What is happening? What’s wrong?”

Even just the thought of her being my mate brings my wolf roaring to the surface, my teeth itching to descend and mark her. “I shouldn’t be here,” I mutter.

“No,” she says. “Don’t say that. You’re here to help me. You’re doing great. I’m sorry I had to drag you into this.”

“Babe.” I let my head drop to her shoulder, into the curve of her neck and breathe in her scent. It helps. My wolf calms. “It’s not that. I’m glad to be here. I’d fight to be by your side.”

She inhales quickly and brings her small hand to cup my neck, holding me against her. “You don’t have to fight. I’m right here.”

Fuck. I can’t fight this any longer. I lift my head, cup her cheeks and kiss her, hard.

A loud group of party-goers passes the hall, and I tuck her deeper in the alcove.

They’re right around the corner, anyone could walk down the hall and see us, but Sadie doesn’t seem to care.

“I want you,” she breathes. “I need you.”

And who am I to deny her anything?


Deke’s big hands grip my head, holding me still for his kiss. He backs me against the wall and presses himself against me. And I feel him—all of him. Either there’s a giant gun in his pants, or he’s excited to see me.

My pussy spasms. “Yes,” I breathe.

He kisses down my neck, his right hand still gripping my hair. He tugs me into position, taking control. His other hand finds the edge of my cute little dress and starts to draw it upwards.

And then I realize I’ve made a mistake.

“Wait,” I gasp although I hate to slow him down.

“Not waiting,” Deke growls. “You want this.”

“No, not that, I do want you, but this dress…it’s pretty tight and…” I trail off, wishing I didn’t have to explain. “I’m wearing…shapewear.”

His brows knit together, and he slips his hands under my dress, where he

encounters what I’ve been trying to tell him about.

“What is this?” he growls, sliding his hand along the tight bodysuit, trying to find my skin. “It’s like armor.”

“Yep. Girl armor. Guys wear it too. I think Scott has some although he’d never admit it.”

“Fuck.” His hand goes between my legs, where the bodysuit has made me smooth and sexless as a Barbie doll. “It’s a fucking chastity belt.”

I let out a hysterical giggle. “Yes.”

His laugh is pained.

“Fudge.” I press my center against his palm, grinding. “Just tear it.” I feel his nails scrabbling along the sausage-casing-like tube, trying to find purchase, so he can rip the damn thing off me. Meanwhile, I’m about to explode from the friction of his demanding touch.

“Fuck this shit,” he snarls and grabs my hips. He lifts me bodily, so I’m hitched up between the wall and him, straddling his leg above the knee.

“Grind down, baby,” he orders, and I do. I grab his shoulders and ride his thick thigh, dragging my greedy pussy up and down. The prominent ridge of his quads provides the perfect place for me to rub. I rock my hips, angling so the hard muscle rubs me just right.

There’s a rip, and Deke drags the top of my dress down. His fingers find the top of my strapless bra and tug it down. He bows his head and licks my nipple.

“Oh fudge.” I brace my hands on his broad shoulders, dig my nails into the bunched muscles like granite under my palms, and rock my hips faster. Deke groans, pressing me up against the wall.

“I’m close.”

“Thank fuck.” He hitches me up higher, and a little growl escapes my throat. I surge against him, trying to find the right amount of friction.

“That’s it, baby. Take it.”

My orgasm rises, white hot, burning my brain. I press my face into Deke’s shoulder, and as I climax, I bite down to stop my cry.

“Fuck,” he grunts.

“Oh God,” I pant. “Oh God.” There are voices outside the hall. I want to scream at them to go away. “We have to get back to the party.”

“Fuck that.” He bundles me in his coat to cover my torn dress and scoops me into his arms. “Our room. Our bed. Now.”


To my delight, Deke uses his stealth superpowers to slip past the party undetected and carry me to our room.

Once there, he sets me down and turns to lock the door.

I back into the dark room, letting his jacket fall from my shoulders. My torn dress gapes open at the front. I raise my hands to fix it, and Deke growls.

“Your eyes,” I murmur as he prowls forward, and I back away slowly. His eyes seem to glint in the dark like a cat’s—a bright green. Shivers run up my spine at the sight of him, a predator looming in the darkness, stalking me.

“Take off your clothes,” he growls.

I halt, and I raise my chin, standing my ground, delighting in this game.

“Or what?” I challenge playfully.

“Or I’ll remove them for you.”

“Promise?” My voice is breathy. Breathless.

He moves faster than a guy his size should be capable of. His hands are on me, ripping fabric. With a few harsh cracks of sound, my dress and shapewear are no more. I can’t say that I regret it.

I kick the remains of the fabric away. I’m naked but for a bra and a tiny lace scrap of panties.

“Your turn,” I say and put eager hands on him.

His t-shirt feels as soft as it looks. I whip the dark fabric off, revealing the toned, tanned expanse of Deke’s chest.

“I need you,” I gasp. “Now.” My hands fumble at the button of his jeans. Things aren’t happening fast enough.

“I’ll give you what you need,” he murmurs.

I give a fake growl and shove him down onto the bed. He lets me push him, falling backwards, his gaze undressing me as I climb over him. I am Naughty Sadie. Sadie Uncaged.

“Eager, baby?” he asks, chuckling.

“Shut up.” I grin, and I straddle him and work open the button on his pants. My thighs strain as they splay over his giant frame.

His big hands cup my butt. “You’re a bad girl.”

“Yes. Yes, I am.”

His eyes light with green-gold flame. He rolls, so I’m under him then flips me over and smacks my ass. “Bad, bad girl.”

“Yes.” I knead the bedspread with my hands, bracing myself and pushing my ass up in the air. “Yes, I am.”

Deke smacks my ass again. “Bad girl.” He drapes his lower half over me, rubbing his cock into the crack of my ass. Then he lifts off and spanks me harder.

I hiss, gritting my teeth against the sting of his palm. Deep inside, the pain undergoes some beautiful alchemy, so with each smack, bliss radiates from my core. I moan and push back into his punishing hand.

“Fuck, yes,” he mutters. And then my panties are off, and his mouth is on my backside, his stubbles scraping the chastised skin.

I cry out as he licks between my cheeks, a delicious sensation that’s oh-so-taboo. I tilt my hips inviting him to lick me lower down. His tongue flicks my entrance.

“Fudge!” I pant, crying out for more.

He rolls me back over. I love how strong and sure he is. How easily he takes charge and positions me. I don’t have to worry or wonder if I’m doing something right. He makes it all so easy.

He tugs the cups of my bra down and palms my breasts, squeezing, then brushing his thumbs across my tightened nipples. When he lowers his mouth to take one between his lips, I arch up, moaning. He sucks my nipple, nips it lightly while he kneads my other breast.

Feeling bold—because Deke always makes me feel bold—I push his head lower.

When he lifts his head, his grin is feral. He moves lower.

Deke pushes my knees wide and licks into me, his tongue parting my nether lips, tracing around the insides.

Shiver after shiver of pleasure ripple through me. “Yes,” I moan, my fingers tangling in his dark hair.

He penetrates me with his tongue then swirls it around my clit.

“Please,” I pant.

He circles it again, then flicks it with the tip of his tongue over and over again. I lift my hips, chasing the sensation. My entire body is a live wire, radiating with unspent energy.

Deke slides a finger inside me. It feels delicious, especially when he strokes my inner wall. But I want more. “Deke,” I gasp. “I want you.”

His head jerks up, and he stares at me with those green-lit eyes. His expression is almost alarmed, and for a moment I fear I’ve come on too strong. That he’s going to back off again. But then he gets up and shucks his jeans and briefs, retrieving a condom from his wallet.

I unfasten my bra and untangle myself from it, squirming around on the bed, fully naked. Ready.

So ready.

I’ve never been so enthusiastic for sex in my life. Deke makes everything thrilling. Anything possible.

He pounces over me with a lightness that seems at odds with his large size and nuzzles into my neck, kissing and biting.

I arch to rub my breasts over his hard chest, my head falling back. I cling to his huge arms, trying to pull his body down over mine. “I need you,” I repeat, still half-afraid he’s going to back off.

“I’m gonna give it to you,” he promises, ripping the condom wrapper with his teeth and then rolling it on. He drags the sheathed head of his cock through my wetness. I plant my feet wide, knees wide apart to receive him. I tip my hips up.

His face contorts as if in pain as he eases into me. “Sadie,” he rasps. “Fuck.”

“Yes!” Oh, heck yes. I thrust up to take him deeper because he’s going too slow, and he curses again.

“Deke, yes.” I grab his muscled butt and pull him all the way in, wrapping my legs around his back and hooking my ankles.

A shudder of pleasure runs through him, and he starts undulating slowly. It’s like beautiful, art-film porn. Our bodies are locked together, and we move as one—him giving, me receiving. I don’t know how long the perfect, mindless pleasure goes on, but soon it’s not enough. I bite his shoulder. Unlock my ankles and bring my knees up toward my shoulders, spreading myself wide.

More pain flickers over Deke’s face. “Fuck, Sadie.” He holds my knees and pumps faster, his loins slapping against mine in a delicious rhythm. I stroke my hands everywhere they’ll reach, loving the feel of his skin, the tone of his huge muscles.

“Yes,” I encourage. It feels incredible. “Deke.”

“Sadie,” he rasps, rising to his knees and lifting my hips into the air, his large hands gripping my butt as he pumps into me.

“Oh my God,” I pant, nearly out of my mind. I’ve never had sex like this—so uninhibited and raw. So beautiful and natural and easy.

He gives his head a shake, like he’s trying to clear it. For a moment, I see the glint of his teeth, and they almost appear sharper. Longer. But it must be the way they glow in the moonlight streaming through the window.

He shakes his head again and pulls out, flipping me back over and arranging me on my knees. When he enters me from behind, it’s pure heaven. He gets in deep. I instinctively drop to my elbow to roll my hips even higher, to make the angle even better.

Deke grips my hips and slams in, seeming to lose control. His breath rasps, ragged and harsh. His loins slap against my butt, filling the room with the delicious sounds of our love-making.

“Sadie.” His shout is a warning.

“Yes, please,” I cry. I’m so ready to come, I’m just waiting for him.

“Sadie,” he chokes again. I absolutely adore hearing my name in that strained, guttural tone. Like he can’t hold back. Like I drive him wild. It’s so different from the quick, boring interludes Scott and I used to have.

“Give it to me, Deke,” I rasp.

His shout almost sounds like a roar. Or an animalistic snarl. He buries deep inside me, his fingers squeezing my hips with a bruising grip.

“Yes!” I cry, my muscles spasming around his cock, my own orgasm cresting and splashing over me. “Yes, Deke, oh God.”

He bumps my butt in several tiny thrusts, wringing out more pleasure from me. More squeezing of my internal muscles. More ripples of pleasure.

I love you. The words are in my head, but fortunately, I stop myself from saying them. I don’t know what this means to Deke. I mean, I know he didn’t fake it.

There was nothing fake about anything we just did.

But it might have just been sex.

Which is fine.

Totally fine.

Oh God, it’s not fine. I don’t know why I thought I’d be happy with just having Deke for the weekend.

Now I want him for keeps, and he’s already made it clear he can’t be that for me.


Oh fuck, I nearly marked her. My teeth descended during sex, coated with the serum that would permanently embed my scent in her skin. I almost marked and claimed Sadie as my mate, which would permanently bind her to me.

I was able to hold back, though, and still give Sadie what she needed.

A surge of satisfaction runs through me at that. I did have the discipline to keep my wolf in check. For Sadie, I did it.

For Sadie, I could do anything.

I ease out and dispose of the condom. My wolf is agitated, pissed that I didn’t mark her, but I have him under control. As soon as she’s asleep, I’ll get outside and run it off.

For now, though, I can’t bring myself to leave her side. Not when she’s leaning up on her elbow, looking so fucking vulnerable. I come back to the bed and pull the covers down, helping her into them before I slide in beside her.

She immediately rolls her sweet, soft body into mine, resting her head on the place where shoulder meets arm, stroking her fingernails through the curls of my chest hair. “Thank you,” she murmurs.

Even though I just came, my dick punches out at the honey-sweet sound. The suggestion that I satisfied her, getting me revved up to do it again.

A dozen different answers flip through my head. Glib ones like, “At your service” or boastful like, “there’s more where that came from.” But none of them do her justice. None of them fit the beauty of the sex we just had—and I swear to fate, I’ve never called sex beautiful before in my life.

But with Sadie it was. Even the part where my wolf fought for control and wanted to mark her. It all felt right. Protecting her from my wolf felt right, and wanting to mark her also felt right.

I settle for a rumble of assent and kiss her head.

In a few moments, her breath lengthens, and she falls asleep. I wait another half an hour, savoring the feel of her in my arms, before I slip out of bed to shift and run.

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