
Chapter My Brother’s Keeper

Whispered voices buzzed in my head. It was as if the entire world was speaking to me. Evander they would call. But I was not Evander. I was Gareth or as I more recently learned, I was Ivaner. The voices however didn’t seem to know that.

Evander, Evander, Evander they called. I clapped my hands over my ears trying to block them. But it didn’t work. The noise was locked in my head and not in the world. How foolish of me to try and stop it. Cold sweat dripped down my neck and I crumbled in tears and pain as I thrashed from side to side. Evander, Evander they called.

I am not Evander. I told them. Yet you are. Do you not know thy self Evander?

I am Gareth or Ivaner or Evander. I was beginning to become confused and not sure of myself. The voices had finally taken my sanity.

“Evander!” this one was the loudest and it woke me from my sleep. I jumped up to find myself looking in the face of Sonis. “Noräin and Andreas are back and with them are men from Ré Al.” he beamed.

“Who?” I said wiping my hand across my face. It was hard enough keeping up this façade with those who were already here, but now there were others to contend with.

“The princess.” He looked at me with a worried expression. “Sleep seemed to have addled your mind lad and made you slow. The princess is back.”

“Noräin, right. But the dispatch said that I should be expecting her in a week’s time.” I said jumping up with the fervour I somehow sensed was expected of me. I turned around trying to remember where it was I kept my clothing. Not that there was much in this tent. How Evander survived on such little possessions both amazed and annoyed me. There were chests piled in the corner, but I couldn’t bother going through them as it was probably more garbage he’d brought with him from Au Valley.

“They travelled to a port just north of Dumarack from Ré Al by boat and the rest of the journey was by horseback from what I’ve gathered so far.”

“That would have cut their journey by half I would imagine.”

“Aye.” He nodded. “We will be meeting at her pavilion.”

“I will be out in a second. I just need to be more presentable first.” He again looked at me with eyebrows raised, but he nodded before leaving the tent. I knew what he was thinking with the scanty garb I was left to wear, it was hard imagining looking presentable in that.

Such wild living annoyed me, but that would change once we captured Shaeda. How I longed to lie in my feathered bed in my mansion in Tel Anir. But that wouldn’t be for a while. I needed to survive this next encounter first I told myself as I pulled a shirt over my head and dragged on the pair of furred boots. I had convinced everyone else I was Evander so far. It will much easier to con a blind princess and her handler.

The morning air was smoky from the breakfast fires that burned at each campsite. I stretched the feel of morning from my limbs. My left knee throbbed painfully and was awfully stiff. By now all the Nuwanhe knew of the epic battle that was fought between me and Evander and all were still in awe of my bravery and strength. It was his cunning that had left their army almost unscathed while thousands of my men were either dead or injured.

“Your Highness, happy to see you making a swift recovery.” said one of two soldiers passing as they bowed low.

“I am happy that my recovery was so swift.” I replied and they laughed heartily before moving on. The adoration was welcomed but I was still very unsettled knowing that the praise was not truly mine. I hobbled slowly over to the princess’ pavilion which was heavily guarded not by the Nuwanhe as I had expected but by Láetian warriors. They didn’t wear armour as their bare chests slick with oil glistened dimly under the morning sun. Thankfully they wore pants held in place by belts of threaded gold. Slung over their shoulders were war axes and gilded handle swords hung on to their hips. If common soldiers of Rá Leat wore such finery, I wondered how the royal family was outfitted.

I pushed the flap of the tent uninterrupted and entered.

“Van, come and sit with us.” said an olive skinned man whose black hair was speckled with hints of silver. Andreas I concluded.

“I see that the talks went well with Rammon. He was quite generous in coming to the aid of the Nuwanhe.” I said as I sat down slowly in a way that allowed me to stretch my injured leg.

“These soldiers aren’t for the Nuwanhe. Those will join us when we are ready for our assault on Shaeda.”

“So why are they here then?” I asked confused as I took in the faces of all those around us. The princess whose face was heavily veiled looked down.

“They are here for the protection of me and my wife.” said a stranger who walked in and took the empty place beside Noräin. He snaked his muscled arms around her waist pulling her close so that I knew he spoke of her.

“Wife?” I said stunned. As I took in the tall and bulking figure of the stranger. His skin was unlined and toasted golden brown by hours spent in the sun. His hair was jet black but cropped low. His beard was however bushy and hid most of the features of his face. The angles of his cheeks were sharp and he seemed like he could be handsome if it wasn’t for a single scar whose puckered edged ran from the middle of his forehead across his nose and cheek before disappearing in his beard. His dark brown eyes watched me in part amusement and daring. “And he is?” I said turning to Andreas moderating my voice.

“Evander, this is my husband Prince Bastian, first son and heir to the throne of Rá Leat. While we were in Ré Al, King Rammon thought of ways in which we could improve the standing and strength of both our houses.”

“And by strengthening you mean after the war, he will not only have Rá Leat under his control, but through you Sebán will be his as well.” I said coolly.

“It is a mutually beneficial arrangement. The Nuwanhe gets all the resources of my country…”

“And you will get all the resources of hers. I see.” He smiled. “Well congratulations seem to be in order then.” I said as I raised my goblet in the air and the others around the table joined me. “To the Crown Prince and Princess of Rá Leat. May their marriage be blessed and their reign long.”

“Aye.” agreed the others as they touched goblets.

I smiled weakly at everyone and then put the glass to my lips where it melted into the wine. Things were definitely as I would want them. Bastian being here complicated things. I did not know what Evander had in mind for Noräin or what their relationship was, but from the awkward and slightly uncomfortable look on Andreas’ face and the fact that both he and Noräin avoided looking in my direction, I suspected that it was probably something more than friendship or a working relationship.

My smile widened infinitesimally. Sebán would be hers, as well as Rá Leat. I only needed to get Bastian and Rammon out of the picture. Rammon had other children, but none of the males reached manhood and women had little political pull in Rá Leat. Maybe things were not as bad as they seemed. In fact they were macroscopically better. I fastened my eyes on Noräin and then put down my glass. I needed to play this just right.

“Where is my brother?” I said after clearing my throat.

“He is in the tent adjoining this one.” said Andreas happy to pass the uncomfortable topic.

“I will go and see him. Perhaps we can discuss other business after dinner. The battalion we sent to the mines is expected later today and I suspect they will have more to report.” I said easing myself up slowly. “Congratulations again Your Highnesses.” I inclined my head slightly towards Bastian and Noräin before exiting the tent.

“Evander one second.” said Andreas who came up beside me. I turned to hear what he had to say.

“I am aware that you might still be in a bit of shock regarding the marriage, but this was not planned or expected.” He said as he placed a fatherly hand on my shoulder.

“It was a necessary move. I understand. I should have made my intentions…it doesn’t matter now.” I said looking away. “Things are as they were meant to be.”

He nodded. “Maybe.” He said slowly. There was a brief moment of silence between us before he spoke again. “There is something I need to talk to you about.” I turned back to him furrowing my brow. “It is regarding Curly.”

“Did something happen to him?” I asked in mock concern.

“No, he is fine.” He hurried to reassure me. “When we were in Ré Al Rammon implied that he and you are not really related.”

I inhaled deeply. “I know.” I said as we walked over to a tree out of the earshot of any passers-by.

“You had known all along?”

“No. I learned it from Gareth.”


I lowered my voice and stepped closer. “What I am about to tell you need to be kept between us or it may cause some amount of discord within the camp.” He nodded. “Curly isn’t my brother but I do have or at least had another brother.”

“Who?” he asked intrigued.


“But he is Lord Brenthart’s son.”

“No.” I said as I shook my head. “Curly is Lord Brenthart’s son. My mother had twins, Evander the first and Ivaner the second. It is traditional for...”

“The second to be killed.” finished Andreas and I nodded.

“My parents couldn’t go through with it. They instead sent Ivaner, renamed Gareth to be raised by Lord Brenthart and Lady Lorice who was pregnant but had lost that child. It was the perfect cover. Lord Brenthart would have the heir he desired. The lady went on to have two other children a girl Margaret and then he had a son— Curly. He then sent this son to the palace. An exchange, child for child.”

“And he told you all this?”

“He was sure he was going to win our fight. This would never have come to light after I died.” I smiled briefly.

“I see.” He said as he looked up and stroked his beard.

“Did you tell Curly about what Rammon said?”

“No, they were only insinuations. I thought it best I spoke to you first.”

“I am happy you did. I don’t want him to have to deal with this. We have been through much and I don’t want him to think that he is losing me as well. We are brothers regardless of our birth.”

“That is probably best for him now. But you must tell him the truth eventually.”

“I know, probably after all is settled.”

“That would be the ideal time.” He said stroking his beard again. “I don’t want to keep you.” I nodded and he let me go. “But Evander how did Gareth find out?” he asked as an afterthought.

“He never did say, but he hinted that he learned it from Asher.”

“So the king knows.”

“Maybe.” He nodded. “But I felt it was the truth. Being close to him I could see the resemblance—our eyes, face, even our voice— it was almost like looking into a mirror. I spent some time with him travelling from Indué to Shaeda and I don’t know how I didn’t see it then, but for the whole time, I felt some form of kinship with him and I couldn’t explain why.” I said brushing the unpleasant memory of my brother from my mind.

He nodded again and returned to his tent. I walked towards the tent beside it.

So many things had changed since that odd meeting with the hag on the eve of our battle. It was odd waking up and finding an old woman just sitting over my head knitting, my guards oblivious to her intrusion...

“Don’t say a word and don’t bother reaching for your sword or the dagger under the pillow as they are beside me.” I felt for my weapons and they weren’t there. “I don’t know why you chose not to believe me young prince, but I can imagine your distress. But take heart, I am not here to hurt you.” She said not looking up from her work.

“I think you mistake me for someone else. I am no prince.” I said sitting up.

I rarely make mistakes especially in matters such as this. I say you are a prince so you are. I don’t have much time to explain everything, but that will.” She said pointing to a small lump that sat at the edge of the bed. I stretched for it holding it up and examining it in the dim light. It was a letter. On the front was written—‘To my brother’s keeper.’

“What is this?”

“Your chance to be who you were meant to be. Everything you need to know will be written there. This is an opportunity to choose what and for whom you fight. I trust you will choose wisely Your Highness.”

“I fight for King Asher of Calabar.” I said without hesitation.

“Maybe that will change.” She said getting up soundlessly. She stopped at the front of the tent and then turned to me. “You are not allowed to kill him.”

“Kill who? The king?”

“Yes, the king who is your brother.”

“I have no brother.”

She laughed. “But you do, maybe one maybe two.” She laughed again. “But which one I refer to I will not say, but know if you do kill any one there will be hell to pay.” She then disappeared soundlessly from the tent. I rushed out after her, but I was only in time to see her hunched form disappearing into the woods. One of my guards woke up.

“My Lord is something the matter.” He said getting up.

“You were to be on watch, yet you are sleeping.” I accused.

“I apologise my Lord. I was on watch and then I wasn’t. I don’t know what happened.” He said confused.

“Me either.” I said softly as I looked out into the surrounding woods. “But I am about to find out. Get someone to replace you for the rest of the night. I don’t want whatever it was that bewitched you to cause you to sleep out the rest of the night.” I said as I used my foot to nudge the other guard who was still asleep at my foot. He didn’t wake up, but rolled over silently. “And him as well.”

“My Lord.” He said.

I then returned inside and I took up the thick letter I had tossed unto my bed. I lit a candle, tore the envelope and began reading. The rest was history as is said. Everything I needed to replace my brother was laid out. I learned about how my biological parents had really died. Asher had lied to an entire nation, myself included and I disliked that more than the fact that he killed them. I didn’t know them and they gave me away. They couldn’t have cared that much and neither did I. Besides, I was no one to judge. Had I not done the same?

The truth of my birth and that of Curly’s were revealed. From Evander’s friends, connections, deeds of the last six months stretching from Au Valley to his time before the war was there for me to devour. I wrestled with the new information for the rest of that night. Most of who I was and who I had become was all based on a lie, one started by my biological parents and Asher.

My parents were already dead so the only living person I could hold responsible for all that happened was Asher. I swore that I would make him pay. To do that I could no longer serve him and that was why Evander had to be disposed of. All I needed to do was get him away from the crowd and I would be the perfect bait. If he was anything like me he would jump at any opportunity to exact revenge. It turned out that I was right.

Of all the men I brought with me to the ambush, only one survived and with him I sent word of my death to the king. He was sworn to secrecy of all he witnessed. If that were to change, I assured him that his family would hang on the gallows of Shaeda.

Nothing and no one was going to stop me in my ascension to the throne. I would make sure that all who needed to be silenced would be permanently dealt with and any loose ends that needed to be tied would be knotted securely.

I pushed open the flap of the tent and found the black-haired lad with his head buried in a book. On my appearance he looked, and I smiled slightly as our eyes met.

“Brother.” I greeted him.

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