Alpha Lucias’ Banished Luna by ANNA

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 

The moment I jumped, I heard the sound of door breaking which added more fear to my heart. He.. he just broke the door! What kind of man is he and where. did he even come from? I’m glad that I came out because I don’t know what he’s going to do to us if he catches us. 

But what was struggling in my mind was about Lucias… where is he? I don’t know what’s happening and why but where is he? Why is he so late to come home today? I didn’t think twice about running towards the road. No one is there and I can’t even see a sign or any living person around here. But that doesn’t matter, I should protect both my son and myself. Without thinking much I ran through the road without looking back. 

However, I stopped running looking at the forest. My b*dy and my heart didn’t let me enter the forest because I’ve already had a bad experience there. I still remember myself entering a forest and almost dying. The forest is so dangerous and haunted. I don’t know what will come to me. 

Suddenly I felt Luan waking up. I chewed the inside of my cheek and moved to a dark corner because I knew that man must be following me for sure. It was obvious. Before Luan could wake up completely, I hummed in a low voice so he would sleep again knowing that I’m beside him. What I did was successful, he fell asleep again hugging my n*eck. 

Lucias….. Where are you? My mind could only begin thinking about him. I just want him to come here. I don’t want to face any danger when I’m with my son, 

“You can’t hide from me, Emilina.” I almost choked on my breath when heard the voice behind me. How… how… How come? A reflective shudder ran through my spine. I hugged Luan even tighter, wanting to calm my crazily horrified heart. I shut my eyes and took a few heavy breaths but I couldn’t calm myself down. How am I going to calm myself down when I’m terrified like this? Tears sl*pped out of my eyes because of the fear. 

“Why did you jump down from the window?” He asked as he appeared in front of 

  1. me

My l*ps trembled and I stared at the same looking eyes as Lucias, not knowing what to say. I pressed my l*ps together while looking around me. Who is this man? I clearly know that this is not Lucias. I know it very well…. I can feel it. But why is he speaking as if he was Lucias? I had no weapon to defend myself other than my claws. I stared at the man without saying anything. But I couldn’t keep my mouth shut anymore. 

Chapter 21 

“Who arc.. you?” Even my voice is trembling. My heart is so scared of facing something unpredictable. 

“Lucias….” He smiled, drawing his hand closer to my face wanting to touch. But I slapped his hand away. What kind of stupid craziness is this? Am I dreaming? Did I already fall asleep while waiting for Lucias? No… but that isn’t true. 

I’m not sleeping. I can feel things now. As I pushed his hand away, he smirked at me. I am wondering what this is…. I can be sure that this isn’t the same kind of creature who I encountered in that forest because that creature didn’t speak while this man in front of me did. Is this a ghost? But it can’t be either but I felt him when he touched me. What should I do now? What should I do now? 

All the efforts I had as I ran here are useless as this man is already in front of me. I looked around me. The pitch black darkness is consuming everywhere. I still can’t believe what’s happening. When I was about to move, suddenly the man in front of me held my n*eck as he squeezed a little bit tighter. 

I choked on my breath. I couldn’t even move because he was using his strength to pin me like this. I wanted to speak but I found myself failing to do so as he increased the pressure against my n*eck. Is he trying to kill me? I questioned myself. He moved closer to me and as if he was trying to k*ss me but I looked away. Why would I let a random man or a creature k*ss me? 

“Let go….” I forced my words out but he didn’t. Instead of letting me go, he gripped my face and forced me to look at him. 

“Your Lucias is no longer alive!!” He growled, pressing his l*ps on mine. I was helpless and I had no strength to push him away. Wh–what did…. he just said? Lucias… is no longer alive? No… what was that? I don’t believe… I felt the tears in my eyes slowly coming out. I wanted to push this bastard away from me but I couldn’t do it because I was holding Luan. 

I couldn’t do even more. I pressed my l*ps together using every bit of my strength without letting him k*ss me. I don’t believe what he just uttered… How come? Lucias is no longer alive? No… I don’t believe it. After realizing that I’m not letting him k*ss me, he finally let go of me. He clenched his jaws gazing at me. 

“Does it hurt to believe that your man is gone? Do you want to know how he died? I smashed his head against a rock after he lost to me.” whoever this man is, his words had my limbs go numb. I could hardly balance myself to stay still. But I just didn’t let myself fall because Luan is sleeping in my arms. 

He’s asleep and not aware of anything. My l*ps trembled and my eyes let out 

Chapter 21 

uncontrollable tears but I still couldn’t believe what I just heard. I just don’t want to believe that something like that happened to Lucias. And why does this man look like Lucias? And he’s saying he killed my Lucias… no… Lucias was not a man who easily got defeated! He would never.. I’ve known him for years and I’ve seen him fight and I’ve seen how strong he is so I’m not going to believe this lie. 

“Don’t touch me!!” I hissed at him the moment his hand moved to my waist. Hist eyes turned cold. He smirked at me and gripped my face again as he moved his face so closer to mine. I stared at his eyes helplessly wishing Lucias would come 


“I’ll give you two options. Either I kill this child or you let me fuck you! What do you want?” My heart ached. Kill my child? Or sleep with him? 

I chewed my bottom l*p while my mind was busy thinking about a way to run away. A way to escape from this inhuman. But more than that my mind is worried. about Lucias. What exactly happened to him? Why is he so late? Did he… did he really die? No no no… I don’t believe it. He’s not going to die so easily like that. 

“Let me go!” 

I said to the man even though I knew he wasn’t going to let me go but I still begged. I just felt miserable. What is this? I was living well with Lucias and my son for the past month and now suddenly this happened, making me believe that I’m such an unlucky woman. Is this all happening because I’m unlucky? Am I a curse? I couldn’t control my tears. I felt one thing and it was that I can’t escape from this man now because he had caught me. 

I don’t want to sleep with him and I don’t want to let anything happen to my child either. So I need to think about something else. “Choose one, woman!” He growled once again. This time he tried to take Luan from me but I didn’t let him. “I am dying to screw almighty Alpha Lucias‘ mate. Everyone was right, you are such a beauty” My eyes turned empty when he touched my shoulders. 

Am… I going to get raped now? I won’t let anything happen to my son and it’s obvious. But he just threatened to kill my son if I don’t sleep with him. That means…I have to let him do it 

I have to let him do it? Lucias….. Please… where are you? Where are you? See.. I’m in danger…. Please… My whole soul begged and my wolf let out a helpless whimper. I have so many ways to defend myself but I can’t do it when I’m with my son. I have to protect him by ignoring my life. I would rather die than seeing anything happen to him. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. 

Do I have a way to escape?‘ I asked my wolf. 

Chapter 21 

She was silent. She can’t do anything for me either. All she can do is let me shift but if I shift, I have to put Luan away and I’m not going to do it. I can’t shift into my wolf while carrying him like this. And I can’t run away either because this man is blocking my path and he will eventually catch me. 

‘We can’t Emilina… we can’t put our baby in danger. She finally replied. Yeah… we can’t do anything. 

We tried escaping but this man found us. I don’t know how to endure what’s going to happen. If he’s saying Lucias is gone, no no no… I won’t believe that Lucias will come… I know he will. How can he just leave us like that? He has a son who’s waiting for him. How? So how did he? 

“Either you warm me up or watch him bleed to death” He gripped my face and it was painful. With the way he was touching me, I can already sense that he’s going to torture me in bed. I lowered my eyes and didn’t answer him. I don’t want… 

How can I let something like that happen? I only want to sleep with Lucias and that’s all. I don’t want others or I can’t even imagine myself with another man. This man might look exactly the same to Lucias but he isn’t Lucias… so please… don’t let this happen to me… I’m scared. Maybe my silence angered the man in front of me. He just casually tried to grab Luan from me but I stopped him. 

“No… please don’t hurt him… I will come..” 

I betrayed my whole soul as I uttered those words. A satisfied sneer appeared on his face and he glanced at me from my head to tose. His gaze screamed with abusing desire. Lucias had never looked at me like this. He had acted rough in bed but he… he never abused but now I’m going to go through something like this. This is so unpredictable and terrible. I never thought I would have to face something like this… 

My heart still begged for Lcuais‘ appearance. Maybe, Derek? Or one of Lucias‘ men who can help me? I broke down. No one comes to our house at night because everyone must be thinking that Lucias is with me. 

“Good choice” He k*ssed my hair as he grabbed me by my arm and dragged me through the road towards our house again. My mind kept telling me to bite his arm and run away but if I do that, I’m afraid the result will hurt my baby. 

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