Alpha Lucias’ Banished Luna by ANNA

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 

“What’s wrong with you?” 

My heart was shaking so badly. He was always a healthy man and never had these kinds of problems. What happened to him all of sudden? I helped him to lay on the bed. My head was spinning as I couldn’t think about what to do right now. Before everything. I got up from the bed and grabbed the shirt he was wearing earlier. Then I wore it. Still Lucias stared at me as I did it. He’s not 

– vel. 

“Why are you bleeding?” I wiped off the blood from his mouth and nose. All these things that are happening with him are new to me. When he was with me, something like this never happened. He was healthy, he was strong and he just simply had a perfect life but why now? I know that I can use this opportunity to run away but my heart didn’t let me do it. I can’t leave him after witnessing this. 

“Lucias… What is this? What’s happening with you?” I cupped his face helplessly. My heart was beating faster and I could feel the fear rising inside of me as I looked. at him. I’m scared… I’m scared thinking something bad might happen to him or has happened to him. My vision slowly began to blur as the tears suppressed my eyes. I’m still crying for him. 

I’ve been crying for years because of him but at this moment I’m crying for him. Although I spoke, Lucias said nothing. He just stared at me and eventually he averted his gaze as he stared out of the window. 

“Wait…” He was holding my hand. 

So, I gently removed his hand from me and left the room. Thank the moon. goddess, he hasn’t locked the room after coming in Hurrying my steps through the staircase I looked around everywhere but I couldn’t see anyone. What am I going to do? What should I do now? When my eyes stopped at the door of the house my heart began to feel selfish thoughts of running away. I wanted to leave and go to my son. And I know Lucias won’t be able to find me with the current situation he’s in. 

Derek… Are you here? DEREK!” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before walking into the house. I can’t leave him like this. I want to leave but not when he’s weak and has no ability to stop me. 

“Derek!” I shouted his name not knowing if he’s here or not. Derek must be the only one who knows what’s happening with Lucias. He remained by Lucias‘ side from the beginning and he must know everything. 

“Luna?” When his voice appeared behind me, I immediately grabbed his arm. I know I’m acting crazy and reckless. 

“Lucias is bleeding… he… what’s wrong with him? What happened when I was away?” Derek clenched his jaws hearing me. Then he didn’t think twice to run upstairs to the room where Lucias locked me up. As we entered, I almost lost my balance seeing the black patterns on his chest. I pushed Derek aside and went to Lucias. I stared at the weird patterns on his chest. All those patterns are spreading from the scar in his chest. 

“Lucias! Wake up! You should explain this to me!” 

I held his face but his eyes were closed. Fear rocked in my heart giving me a hard time to breath. I felt suffocation. I wiped his blood before leaving the room but now he’s bleeding again. I again wiped the blood on his l*ps as I placed my head. against his chest listening to his heartbeat. I can hear the rhythm of his heartbeat and there was no problem in it but why. 

“Lucias….” I whispered. 

When I spoke, his eyes slightly opened but he closed them again. I helplessly turned to Derek who had a pale face. He knows something about this! I could guess it observing the look Derek had on his face. “Do something… you know what’s happening with him right? So do something!” I hissed at Derek. He clenched his jaws. His eyes were on Lucias but he didn’t even utter a word. 

“I have nothing to do about this Luna, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry… he will be okay in a while. Please stay with him until he recovers from this.” He will be okay? No need for any medications? Is he kidding me? I faced Derek not knowing how to express my anger. How could he be so careless about his alpha? 

“How can you say that? He’s bleeding! And look at his chest! What are these. patterns? Call a doctor, Derek! Ask someone to come and give him medications! You can’t leave 

im here like that and me staying closer to him will do nothing!” Derek sighed. I haven’t spoken to him in this tone before. I was always kind to him. but I couldn’t cope with anything with Lucias‘ situation. 

“No one can help him with this. As long as Luna remains by his side, he will recover. Please… don’t misunderstand anything or overthink. Just stay with him. He will be okay in a while. This is not the first time this happened.” With that, Derek bowed his head and turned to leave. I stood there dumbfounded and confused watching him walking out of the room. Then he shut the door. I wiped the tears in my eyes and looked at Lucias. He was breathing heavily now. 

Cupter 12 

“What happened to you? I don’t understand… don’t put me into this position…. I want to leave you but how can I do it when you are like this? When you just revealed to me the weakest side of you?” 

I laid on the bed against his b*dy as my weak mind and emotions caused my tears. and cries. I hugged him. I buried my face against his n*eck inhaling his scent which 

him, I felt his one hand swathing around my waist pulling me even closer to him. Is he awake? Is he okay? 

I love the most. As I cried hug yf 

“How do you feel?” I faced him. 

His eyes are reddened and his l*ps are pale along with his face. He still didn’t speak. He casually shook his head and closed his eyes. He should sleep now. With so many painful feelings and thoughts, I relaxed my b*dy in his embrace. Moving my fingers, I touched the scar in his chest and all the black patterns. Those are like his veins. As I roamed my fingers on his chest while observing all the patterns carefully, a groan escaped from Lucias. 

“Does it hurt?” 

I was concerned about his pain. Again he shook his head. He didn’t even open his eyes to look at me. Okay, let him rest. I told myself, closing my eyes, hugging him tightly without thinking about all the things he did to me. I let the painful thoughts. and memories drown in my heart. He needs me now and let him have me. Although he wasn’t there for me when I needed him, I can’t do it. I need to find what exactly happened to him. 

I opened my eyes as I felt it was already morning. The moment my eyes opened, they swiftly scanned for the person who I was with last night. But when I saw Lucias was not in the bed and was nowhere to be seen my heart ached. Did he really leave without any explanation? Without telling me why something like that happened to him? I got up from the bed hurrying my steps to the door but before I could approach, Lucias came out of the washroom. I sighed. I thought he had left. 

He had a weird look on his face as he looked at me, I don’t know but this expression is new to me. He had never looked at me like this before. “Why don’t you explain?” I turned to him as my heart was already crazy to know the truth. He’s suffering from some serious illness or whatever. And this thing happened after we were parteed and I’m so sure about it. Without saying a word, he found his way towards the door. Is he trying to leave? 

15:44 Sat, 30 Dec A 

Chapter 12 


星 3.57% 

I didn’t let him leave. I won’t let him leave without saying a word. I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me. Why is he ignoring me now? I could have run away last night but I still stayed because of him. Because I couldn’t make up my mind to leave him when he’s so weak and needed someone’s care. “What’s happening with you?” I asked him again. This is not the first time I’m asking this. question. I’ve been asking this from him since last night. 

“Nothing. I need to leave” 

Really? Is this the answer he gives me? I let go of his hand and nodded. Okay… he can go. He doesn’t have to tell me anything. I worried for nothing. I need to clear all these love and emotions I have towards him. If not, I will not be able to leave him. As I let go of his hand, he looked at me. After all… nothing has changed. The only thing that has changed is him keeping me here forcefully. 

“If you are horny, go to your wife. Don’t come to me again.” 

I said because I couldn’t hold the pain and anger in my heart. Why do I have to still please him after everything he did? He rejected me! He gave me the worst pain that a woman could go through. He abandoned me. So why am I still loving him and worrying about him? I should hate him! I should ignore him. My words made Lucias sigh. He touched my face, pinching my cheek gently. Just like the way he used to do when we were together. 

“This is complicated, Emilina. I’m trying. I’m trying to get you back. I know I did something terrible but listen…. I did it not because I hated you or didn’t love you. It was because that was the only choice I had. Believe me or not, I’ll get you back to me.” Why are his words affecting me so much? Why are those so painful? I pushed his hand away. 

“Isn’t it too late? Too late to try to get me back! I don’t want you to do anything for me anymore. Just let me go. Right now, the only person I care about and love is 

my son. 

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