Alpha King’s Wolfless Mate by Scarlett Higgins

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Chapter 29 I rolled my eyes and grabbed a napkin. “Let me get that.” I dabbed at the corner of his mouth. I sighed and set the soup and napkin aside. I stood up and got him a fresh, warm roll that was soft and doughy on the inside, “Here,” I muttered, thrusting my hand out with the roll. Jeremy took it and winced as he brought the roll to his l*ps. “Come on, Nora, humor me a little. You feed me and everything, Can’t we talk?” he asked, smirking at me. “No. This is a business arrangement, remember?” “Don’t you remember when you had to feed me like this when we were kids?” he asked. I bit my l*p, trying not to smile at the memory, Jeremy had been sick and I made it my mission to cure him. It was nothing more than a cold but I had fed him and cared for him. I even made him lie in bed like he was now, Shaking my head, I looked away from him. “You just wouldn’t accept that I’d get better on my own. I’m surprised you didn’t want to be a doctor,” he said. I glanced over my shoulder at Jeremy. He was smiling wryly at me. “Now you want to remember the good times?” I asked, arching an eyebrow. “Well, we don’t have much else to talk about.” “The last time I asked you to think about the good times, you told me it didn’t matter. Are you saying that is different now?” I questioned. “I’m just trying to make the most of our time. It isn’t like I have anyone else to talk to,” he said, looking down. “Well, honestly, I’d prefer the silence. I don’t want to be your ‘last resort’ person that you talk to just because I’m here.” I put my hands on my hips for emphasis. Jeremy creased his brow. A grin touched his l*ps and he looked up at me. “I still remember it. Gavin was there too. The three of us were so close when we were younger,” Jeremy continued. “Don’t.” I whispered. This death and I don’t want to carry that burden for you.” bee Ving No pale he was Thinking his wound had opened up, I rushed over and lifted the High blood Baybay be visa were unblinking as he stared off into space. of crept in. I could only do so much with a basic first-aid kit. If there was more internal pany heast He closed his eyes and turned away from me. Twos Paping to stay as detached as possible. The pspotbang memories Jeremy had. I hadn’t been the one to turn my back on that, though. I had to sucked back into those emotions. la that Jeremy would feel the same after he healed. White grey all went through the cottage and did some minor cleaning. I also started preparing his dinner meal. densely a full-time job. It wasn’t how I imagined spending my days once I got away from Blake. White, bough about Gavin and our childhood. Jeremy was right, the three of us had always been so close. the mansion and cause mischief. I never thought those days would end, until Gavin didn’t come home. me that had lost a best friend. 1 woped and he rears down before bringing Jeremy his dinner. Per te fare was gloomy when I entered. I sat on the beddendum share of food We took slow fred me from around the spoon. “Are you going to gif king care of you?” I asked sharply. Jeremy sighed and swallowed det understand why you did this. “Did wha “Why you spied for ano po ay yar tipped off our enemies? I don’t get it,” he said, shrugging. 1 groaned and put he food da Jeremy’s eyes we longingly of cat få prepared. He sighed again and looked at his lap. “You really believe I would betray Moonery, you, or Gavin?” I countered. “It had to be you! Who else? I trust Helen and I know she wouldn’t lie about this. You leaked information that got Gavin killed,” Jeremy accused.

I sniffed and stood up, walking to the other side of the room. I rubbed my hands on my thighs. “You only believe Helen because you think she’s your mate,” I muttered. “What was that?” “Nothing.” I shook my head and got his dinner again. I wasn’t looking to dredge up old arguments. Once Jeremy could walk and take care of himself, I’d get paid and we’d go on with our separate lives. “Doesn’t it bother you at all that you got Gavin killed? I mean, he was our friend. We grew up together,” Jeremy said when I tried to feed him again. “Ugh!” I snapped. I stood up, his bowl flying off my lap and smashing on the floor. “Nora,” Jeremy gasped. 1 paced back and forth, nostrils flaring as I breathed heavily. “I can’t stand this! I can’t stand you!” I snapped. I punched the air in his direction. My fist was miles from hitting Jeremy, but he still flinched. My blood boiled with anger. Every time Jeremy and I had talked about this, he’d always just walked away, or had me sent away. Now, he was trapped in a bed and I could finally say my piece. “When did we get to you hating me?” he asked softly. “I just want to know what your motives were.” “I had no motives!” I cried. I took a deep breath and clasped my hands over my galloping heart. I closed my eyes and willed the tremors from my bones. “Jeremy, I didn’t do anything to betray Moonery, you, or Gavin. I would never,” I insisted. “Then why…” I held up a hand. “Why did Helen say I did? I don’t know, you’ll have to ask her. The bigger question is why do you believe her? You’re sitting there reminding me of the good times you had with me and Gavin, yet you still think I’m capable of hurting him?” When I opened my eyes, I saw Jeremy chewing on his lower l*p with his teeth. “She’s my mate. She wouldn’t lie to me,” he said. For the first time, I heard his voice waver, like he wasn’t sure he believed it anymore. “And our mate bond? What do you think happened to that?” “I…” “Helen told you I stole her wolf and your mate bond to her, right? She claims I stole her wolf before she turned eighteen so that I could be the next Luna, right?” I asked. “Yes. That’s what she said. It makes sense,” Jeremy muttered. “Oh really?” I asked, throwing my arms into the air. “How would I know Helen was your mate if she hadn’t turned eighteen yet? She wouldn’t have even known! What would be the point of stealing a random female’s wolf who hadn’t discovered her mate yet?” Jeremy remained silent. “Besides, if my goal was to become Luna, what are the odds that I’d randomly select your mate before she turned eighteen?” Again, Jeremy was silent. “You turned on me so fast. The whole pack did. I was raised with you and those wolves and because some low-level wolf started throwing accusations, you all believed her.” I was ranting now. I wasn’t sure I could stop. “Nora, that’s not what happened,” Jeremy argued. 1 scoffed and threw my head back. “It isn’t? Then what about how I was tortured and interrogated by your father’s orders? I had nothing to tell him and he claimed it was because I was too well trained to break under torture.” “It isn’t impossible. Spies are trained to resist,” Jeremy said, holding his palms up. It was all he could do for a gesture with his injury. “You and I went to school together. When the f*ck did I ever have time to train as a spy and become resistant to torture? Seriously, I was always the worst at keeping secrets between you, me, and Gavin.” I started pacing back and forth again. My heart still ached with the memories and feelings of betrayal from the people that I loved and trusted, the ones that were like a surrogate family to me. “It was so easy to believe her,” Jeremy admitted softly. I stopped pacing to hear his gentle words.  “I felt the mate bond and it was so strong. The bond I thought we had became a distant memory. Then she brought up Gavin and I just lost it…” He trailed off and shook his head. His eyes were distant again. “Tell me everything that happened.” I sighed but sat on the edge of the bed again. I told Jeremy the whole story, the same way I’d told Blake. I didn’t leave out any detail. Now that he’d got me talking about it, the details were fresh in my mind again. I thought I’d gotten over most of it, but it still stung. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get over that kind of betrayal. When I brought up the drink, Jeremy’s brow creased. “That’s when things… changed,” he muttered. I nodded. After a few more moments of silence, I left. I could practically see the wheels turning in Jeremy’s eyes, so I left him with his thoughts.

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