Alpha Black

Chapter 15 - Dignity and Disgrace

Nathaniel Black

She walked down the staircase, wearing a simple black dress with a long silver necklace highlighting her low neckline. The silver of the necklace shimmered, but not nearly as brightly as the silver mark that sparkled on her neck. Each step she seemed to take was done carefully, her fingers lightly grazing the handrail and a composed smile graced her lips.

She was truly trying her hardest. To make a good impression, to not be the subject of any ridicule or cause any commotion.

But I was perplexed by her beauty, she did not know it yet, but I knew in my heart that she was a powerful werewolf, that she would be a Luna that would go down in history. She had appeared just as my family had arrived at the front door, making a dramatic entrance purely by coincidence.

“You look lovely, my darling,” I said taking her hand and giving it a light kiss.

“Thankyou,” she mouthed, and her eyes met mine.

“Now I know why you’ve been keeping her locked away up here,” my mother said, pushing me aside and embracing my mate. “Welcome my darling, I’m sorry for my son, I hope he hasn’t been treating you too badly,” she said, flooding her with questions.

“No, it’s truly lovely here, nothing like my hometown, in all the best ways of course.”

“Oh of course, moving away from your home is always difficult, I cry just thinking about my children who don’t live here anymore, I feel for your poor mother.”

“Alice’s mother is dead, mama’,” I said, placing my hand on my mother’s shoulder.

“Oh, dearest, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”

“It’s alright, really,” she said forcing a smile.

“Let’s make our way into the house, eh?” my Grandfather said, whacking the open front door with his walking stick. My father and grandfather were once built like me and my brother, people would often say we were bigger than bridges and they were sure that we must have doors built bigger to allow for our height. But with age, my grandfather embraced the ‘old man’ aesthetic, his once black hair now white, his perfect posture now curved, but he was still the grumpy old bastard he had always been.

“Yes, lets,” I said ushering them into the living area.

Patricia then latched onto Alice’s arm, “I’m sorry about our mother, I do hope Nate warned you about us.”

“Indeed he did, but I don’t know if warned is quite the word I would use,”

“oh? What word then?” Patricia challenged.

“How about a quick family history,” Alice laughed.

“You’re quite talkative, aren’t you, eh.” my Grandfather commented.

I felt the twinge of irritation flow through my mate, she glanced at me for barely a second, before facing my Grandfather. “I’m so sorry Mr. Black, I do apologies for not greeting you earlier. I’m truly honoured to be in the presence of such a reputable Alpha, your work in the Battle with the White Moon pack was truly awe inspiring.”

For the first time in my life, I witnessed my Grandfather short of words. He had obviously been bating my mate, wanting to obsess on her flaws and weaknesses, bring her down and force her into submission. He had not anticipated a strong and smart woman to battle with this evening. “You still talk to much,” he finally answered with sucking on his teeth and sauntering towards the liquor cabinet.

“I’m honoured to meet you too,” Alice said, bowing her head slightly to my father, “not only as another impressive Alpha of the Moon Pack, but the father of my mate, such a strong and impressive Leader himself.”

“Words of flattery won’t get you anywhere with me missy, while you were off galivanting doing who knows what for the last ten years, our pack has been without it’s Luna. You don’t know what that does to an Alpha and a Pack. Who do you think you are?” he hissed.

A simple smile graced Alice’s face, “you’re right, but I’d never left my hometown and I never could have imaged my mate would live so far away.”

Her answer simple, yet calculated, I knew there was so much more she could have said, that she would have said. But I was blown away by her ability to keep compose, she was not a sheep amongst wolves, she was a wolf amongst wolves.

We sat down in the living room, Patricia sitting on the floor playing with Nathan, Robert, Noah and Gracie, who had poured out of box of Lego onto the white run.

“So, Alice, what did you do in Portland?” Louisa asked, curling up into Thomas’ arms, happy not to have a toddler dangling from her body.

My little mate threw a hesitant glance in my direction, “I was studying at the university,” she said with an uncomfortable smile.

“Oh wow, that’s incredible, what were you studying?” she said her eyes lighting up.

“Well, I did a bachelor’s degree in fine arts, and I just graduated with a mater’s in architecture and fine arts.”

“Oh wow, two degrees, you must be quite the smartie then, I would have loved to go to University, but I ended up becoming a patrol guard until I met Thomas. What were you hoping to be with your degrees? Did you have any career aspirations?”

“Oh, thank you,” Alice said, and I found feel the panic beginning to rise in her, placing my hand carefully on her thigh to comfort her, she threw another glance at me.

“Actually, Alice had just got offered a position at the University of Portland to complete a P.H.D. with them.”

“I assume you turned that down, we can’t have our Luna in Portland,” my Grandfather spat.

“Yes, I did turn it down. Nate made it very clear that I was coming back to Portland.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that, dear,” my Mother said placing her hands on Alice’s, “but we are so happy to have you here, I hope you know that.”

“Of course,” Alice replied with another forced smile. I could feel the pain, fresh under her skin, her thoughts racing through her mind and the stress of this whole situation.

“What does your father do?” my father said, flicking to a conversation he was more interested in.

“He was a Beta for the Seaport Pack.”

“I thought Beta Stone was around your age?”

“Ah, no, he was Beta Forrest. He stepped down after my mother died.”

My father crosses his arms, a scowl covering his face, “is there are reason you haven’t marked my son. You wear his mark so casually, yet you refuse to complete the mating process.”

“Alice and I have an agreement,” I interjected.

“An agreement?” Darius said with a smirk.

I let out a sigh and wrapped my arm protectively around Alice, “Alice and I came to an understanding. I told her what was I needed to be happy and she told me what she needed to be happy.”

“That’s very diplomatic of you two,” Lilian, Darius’ wife said with a laugh.

“What exactly were in these terms?” my grandfather growled.

“That’s between me and Alice, and I command you to respect that,” I replied standing us and looking down at the old man.

“How about we eat?” Alice said, standing and placing a hand on my abdomen. Her touch sent shivers down my spine and a swirl of emotions stemmed from her touch, I wanted nothing more than to kiss her passionately.

* * * * * * * * * *

The rest of the evening proceeded on the same tone, with aggressive comments from my father and grandfather, yet my little mate deflected them and impressed them. By the end of the evening, my mother and youngest sister were in love with my mate.

“Darling, don’t like Nate bully you, you can come to me if you need anything. And don’t feel the need to stay cooped up in this house, here, have my phone number, don’t hesitate to call me, any time.”

“Thank you Mrs. Black,” Alice said with a smile, accepting the little piece of paper with my mother’s number on it.

“Please, darling, call me by my name.”

“Of course, Ellianna.”

“Or mother, you’re family now.”

Darius walked up to me and clutched my hand, “I’m happy for you brother,” he said with a forced smile.

“Are you okay?” I asked, noticing his rigidity.

He leaned in, embracing me in a hug, “there are whispers of war, Uncle Nathan is trying to declare you unfit for leadership. He has been talking with those beyond our boarders to over throw you.”

“I’m sorry to hear, you’re not feeling well,” I said loudly, “go home and have an early night, I hope you feel better in the morning.”

I realised his hand and gave him a nod as we pulled away from the embrace. This would have to be dealt with quickly, I was already not happy with how far this had already gone.

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