All I Wanted

Chapter 26

“I..I am so sorry master Palmer” she begs knowing that she could lose her job.

“I don't want to see you anywhere near this house henceforth” Justin angrily commands and the maid was already on her knees begging in tears.

“Please master, I am the only left to take care of my grandmother” she folds her palms together begging for mercy.

“It's fine, you can go continue with your work but this will be your last chance” I tell the maid as I held on to Justin's hand firmly giving him a soft squeeze.

“Thank you madam Fisher” she says as she ran back to her duty.

“Silly girlt” Justin cusses.

“It's fine” I gave him a smile as I got down from the counter.

“I think we should both rest, tomorrow's s big day” I say trying to lighten the atmosphere.

“Yes, we should” he agrees and I walked back to my room,

I met the suit well ironed and smoothened on a hanger as I got to my room and I smiled hoping tomorrow would go well The thought of my father surfaced my mind as I couldn't sleep, I checked the time and it was just IIpm so I decided to sleep on Justin's room, he wouldn't mind.

I knocked on his room door and he opened it immediately, he must've been busy with his computer as usual and my guess was right as I saw the bright light from his laptop shining in the room.

“I can't seem to sleep, can I sleep in your room overnight” I ask even though I was on the bed already, I don't need his permission.

“Suit yourself” he says and shut the door.

“Aren't you going to sleep?” I ask

“I just have to finish with this then I'll sleep” he says and I closed my eyes hoping sleep would take me away.

“Mum!” I yell as I saw her lying hopelessly on the ground and my father grip tightened on me as there was commotion everywhere.

“Jane, Jane, Jane are you okay?” Justin shakes my body trying to wake me up from my nightmare as I realized I must have been screaming loudly.

“Ym fine” I pant and then realized I wasn't fine like I claimed as my body was dripping in sweat.

“Jeez you're burning out!” He exclaims after touching my forehead.

“I's normal, 'm fine" I ensured him as I checked my phone for the time and it was past six already so I might as well take my bath now and prepare for my new work.

Istood up from the bed with my phone in my hand as I headed towards the door and went out of the room, I could see the fear in Justin's face as he immediately jumped from his bed to run after me probably thinking 'm going insane.

He stops me as firmly held my hands, “where are you going to?”

“It's past six, I wanna take my bath so I don't arrive late for work on my first day”

“Oh! Okay” he releases his grip on my hands and I walked straight to my room.

I could see the maids rushing into a room and locking the door as soon as they sighted me and I assumed they had been listening to our conversations or probably thought justin and I were having s*x when I screamed

I walked past the door without showing no sign of emotion or knowledge about their pesky behavior. A gossip will forever be a gossip.

I met my room well arranged and neater than I left it and I assumed they must've cleaned the room already.

I went into the bathroom as I turned the shower on to take a quick bath but it turned out to be longer than I planned as I really needed to relax my head under the warm showers.

I looked into the mirow and my face was a little but full and there were eye bags underneath, I might as well wear a make up today.

I brought out my make up kit as I applied some light make up on my face and covered the eye bags with a little foundation and powder.

The time ran by really fast as it was already past eight when Justin knocked on my door.

“Jane are you ready, come down for breakfast” he says and I responded assuring him that I'm alright before he starts to worry himself.

I went down for breakfast and some maids greeted me on my way down, at least they're not hiding and gossiping but holy crap he has way too much of maids.

“Wow” Justin exclaims as he sighted me in my outfit, “you look stunning”

“Thank you” I smiled as he approaches me and brought out my hands to his lips, he’s really charming.

“Omg I wish it was me” a maid murmurs.

“Let's eat, I cooked” he says and I smiled as I sat on the chair to eat.

We shortly finished eating as we went outside the mansion and I couldn't find my car anywhere.

“Your car is at the maintenance, my servant took it there we'll take mine” he says leading me towards a sleek white Range Rover with a driver already sited waiting for us to get in.

We got in the car and the smell from the car soothed me as I relaxed my back comfortably in the soft seats.

The hospital wasn't strange to me as I've been here a couple of times to meet Justin just to hang out with him.

“I should probably introduce you” he says and gestured to a worker to call out the attention of the other workers.

When the hall was filled with some good numbers of people he cleared his throat, “we have a new worker in our midst and she's Miss Jane Fisher for now” he gives me a dirty wink and I chuckled.

The workers welcomed me even though most of their hearts were filled with envy and jealousness.

“Let's take you to your office” he stretches out his hands to take mine as we both walked to my new office while all eyes wer staring at us while working.

If could read their minds I would actually be happy because I love hearing how jealous people get of me, a simple girl.

We entered my office and it looked really big and we'll furnished and I just had to ask if it was mine or his but then it turned out to be mine and I was so excited as I have him a tight hug.

I knew Justin was a soft person and he offered me a job so I knew it was going to be a good one but I didn't expect this from him.

“You should probably settle down and if there's anything else you need, feel free to ask any of the non doctoring staff working around here”

“Okay thank you” I released him from the hug and adjusted my hair hoping that my makeup wasn't ruined.

He left my office and I walked round the very huge office taking glances at every details and structure of the room.

I thought of making some new friends on my first day when though u knew I wasn't probably going to talk to them afterwards.

I went out of my office to get a cup of coffee smiling at everyone I cross paths with and then a young doctor walked up to me “Hi?” She smiles at me

“Hey” I smile back. She looks like she was in her late twenties just like me and I couldn't stop to admire her skin complexion and her curly and puffy hair.

“I am Bella and you're Jane” she says taking a cup to fill with coffee.

“Yes, nice to meet you” I smile at her as I took my cup and headed to my office, I wished I had said more but being social isn't just my thing anymore but then I was glad she didn't take offense.

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