Alkine Academy

Chapter Jaci • 44

3 months later...

"Two and half months."

I think I might faint. Dizziness hits me hard from the unexpected news.

"Are you sure?" I ask the well care doctor.

I started feeling lightheaded, nauseous, and had a loss of appetite for the last week or more.

I thought it was some type of cold but pregnant? That thought never even crossed my mind.


What am I going to tell the guys?

"Thank you." I tell Dr. Gallen. He goes on to tell me of some supplements I need to start taking then mentions something about an ultrasound.

I unintentionally drone him out. Hardly hearing a word he's uttering to focused on my unexpected pregnancy and how the guys will react to the life changing news.

I know Asher will be ecstatic. Cal will probably be also. I'm not sure about Ora though. It's hard for me to visualize him being a daddy.

Driving back to the manor from my doctors visit I try to think of ways that I can tell the guys about my pregnancy.

My anxiety is sky rocketing over their reactions.

Just hoping against hope that the news will be at least welcoming.

I decided to cook them a special dinner, consisting of a theme for my upcoming news.

Making sure I have all of the ingredients I name them all off in my head:

baby carrots

baby red potatos

baby back ribs

baby corn

Maybe this meal will help me to take the edge off of my surprise for them?

Or at least help me tell them.

Stirring the potatoes in the pot, Ora comes up behind me, wrapping his arms gently around my waist, I cringe. Hoping he didn't notice any changes on my body around that area.

He tenderly plants feathery like kisses on my neck, I can feel the tingles shoot through me. I melt into his touch instantly.

"Smells good sweet cheeks. What are we having?" He tries to look over my shoulder at what I'm cooking.

Placing the wooden spoon on the stovetop counter, I turn around in his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"It's almost done. Can you tell the others?" I sweetly ask him. Avoiding his question.

"Sure." He grants me with one of his mouth watering kisses before he turns to leave to retrieve his brothers for me.

Exhaling, I turn back to the stove, finishing up our dinner anxiously.

"This is good baby." Asher compliments me.

They haven't caught on to the meals theme yet unfortunately. Knowing I'm just going to have to give them little hints to get them to even notice what I was trying to suggest from it, irks me.

"It's. theme meal." I simply state, watching them all closely.

They continue to eat not realizing the intentions behind the meal.

Ugh! Men!

Sometimes I wonder about the male species. How obvious can it be?

"Baby carrots, baby corn, baby back ribs, and baby corn." I hint.

Ora stops with his fork midway between his mouth and his plate, staring at me wide eyed, with his mouth agape. He drops the fork on his plate suddenly, gazing at me with a little sexy smirk on his face.

Here we go, finally!

"Are you trying to tell us something sweet cheeks?" Ora asks me with a tremendous amount of curiosity.

"No." I try to act innocent. Taking a bite of the tiny baby carrots.

"What? What's going on?" Leave it to Cal to be the only one in the room obviously to what's going on.

I roll my eyes at him.

"Are you?" Asher ask, sitting across the table from me, with a questionable look on his handsome face.

"Two and half months." I finally give them a nonchalant answer.

Ora and Asher jump up from their seats, excitingly, forgetting all about their food.

They pull me from my seat, at the table, wrapping me up in their arms swiftly.

"What did I miss?" Cal ask dubiously.

We all laugh at his oblivious question.

"She's pregnant dumb ass!" Faron fills him in as he walks over to me wrapping me in his arms with a longing kiss.

Ora drops to his knees in front of me, placing his hands on my stomach, he leans his head up against my abdomen.

"Hello. I'm your sexy as hell daddy!" He tells the fetus.

"Language." I sternly reprimanded him. He just laughs proceeding to talk to our unborn child.

"No matter what your mother tells you I'm the sexy one. Cal is a runner up but doesn't come close. I'll be the fun one. I can't wait to meet you." Everyone laughs at Oras absurdity. Then he kisses my stomach, sending flutters deep inside of me from his sudden tenderness.

Cal finally stands from his seat, slowly making his way to me, he pushes Faron out of his way to get to me. Placing his hand so my cheeks, his deep chocolate eyes penetrate mine.

"You're having our baby?" I can see a tear start to well up in his eye. His emotions are in full display for everyone to see and it doesn't phase him in the slightest.

"Yes. Are you all okay with this?" I ask them nervously. I don't know what I would do if they weren't happy about this news.

"Of course we are baby. You have made us the happiest men on earth. We love you and we love our child." Faron assures me. Looking over Cals shoulder.

We had a rocky time after he left. I ignored him for almost a month. I wouldn't take his calls or text and I blocked him from mind-linking with me.

After he left I was a disaster. Hardly slept, rarely ate, I was just miserable without him.

Asher is the one that convinced me that I should at least talk to him. It took about two weeks of him begging me before I caved and done it.

We started off slow at first. Going on dates, late night talks, and text. It was like meeting him all over again for the first time.

It was odd at first but we grew to know each other more. I learned that he ultimately did have the upmost faith in me and he learned that I truly needed him.

It took a while but we finally reached an understanding. We've been back together for a little over a month and it has been ten times better than it was ever before between us.

He won we back by courting me. Sending me flowers, going on special dates, and showing me how much he truly loved me.

Now with the news of my pregnancy I'm hoping it will draw us even closer together. Although, I can't imagine us being any closer than we already are now.

"The doctor would like to do an ultrasound soon, would any of you like to go with me?" I want them to be involved in every aspect of this pregnancy.

"I will." Asher says.

"Same." Ora insist.

"Wouldn't miss it." Cal informs me.

"You couldn't keep me away." Faron acknowledges.

The thrill I feel from them wanting to be with me through all of this excites me.

I can't wait to meet our baby.

The cold gloop lands on my stomach with a chilling plop.

All of my guys are standing to my right, watching the doctors assistant doing my ultrasound with anxious glances.

"Let's see here. See right there?" She points to the screen, placing her finger on the black and white imagine, I squint trying to make heads or tails out of what I'm viewing. "That is the babies leg, and there, oh wait just...a minute," she starts pushing buttons on the keyboard, making me nervous from her look of hard concentration of the screen before me, "okay there we go.." she finally speaks.

"Right here," she points to the screen again, focusing on a small little fuzzy blob, that I can't make out unfortunately, "that's your babies leg and right there beside the leg is an arm." She confirms. With a enormous smile on her face.

We all look at her completely confused.

She laughs at our expressions.

"You're having twins. There is two of them scrunched in there." She happily tells us.

I look over to my guys to observe their reaction to the surprising news.

All four them looked stunned. All of them are scowling looking bewildered at the screen.

I can't help it. Even though I'm scared at the thought of us having two babies instead of one, I bust out laughing at my strong mens reactions to the surprising news.

When they hear my apparent laughter they all at once seem to break out of their trance like states instantly.

"You're joking?" Asher ask unassumingly.

I don't know if he's asking me or the doctor's assistant but either way it's honestly comical to see him in such a state.

"Nope. There's two. See." The assistant answers. Pointing her finger again at the screen. She snaps some pictures as she explains in detail everything that she's doing.

When she finishes she wipes my stomach clean from the gloop, handing me a tiny picture of our babies.

It's hard to make out any features but it definitely shows that there in fact are two precious babies inside of me.

Ora snatches the picture from my hand, eyeing it eagerly, while my other men view it over his shoulder.

"We are really having two?" Faron states. Clearly amazed at what he's seeing.

"I can't believe it." Cal adds. Still shocked.

"Thank you sweet cheeks." Ora chokes out over emotional with tears suddenly appearing in his brown eyes.

"Why are you thanking me? I didn't do it on my own." Ora shakes his head vehemently. Breaking away from his brothers he slowly makes his way to me sitting on the side of the bed.

He stops, standing in between my legs, putting his enormous hands on my cheeks, directing my head to look up at him.

"Thank you. You have blessed us with two children. Something I thought I would never have the fortune of having. A loving and strong family. You...made that possible. You and my brothers and now my children. Together we are a family. Without you this never would of happened." He kisses me deeply, pouring all of his passion into his magical kiss.

I get lost in his loving touches, forgetting that I'm still in a gown in the middle of an examining room.

There is so much passion behind the kiss that I nearly swoon sitting down. It's that damn euphoric.

Tearing his lips away from mine, with my eyes still closed, I relish the after effects of his mind blowing kiss.

Groaning in my sleep, I wake myself from my astonishing wet dream.

Blinking rapidly, from my hazy state, I try to focus on my surroundings.

When I notice a unexpected moving shadow at the end of my bed, I scream.

Rushing I reach over to turn on my lamp that's on the bedside table, foraging a light throughout my bedroom suddenly.

When I see my guys standing around my bed, with curious looks, I inhale deeply trying to calm my wayward hearts racing.

"What the hell? You scared the shit out of me. What are doing in here?" I frantically ask them.

Ora steps forward, climbing on the right side of my bed, the bed dips when he positions himself right beside me. Cal joins him, sitting behind him with Faron and Asher making their way to the other side sitting down on the bed with Faron sitting right in front of Asher.

"You we're having a dream. Are you ok?" Cal ask from behind Ora. I eye them all suspiciously. How the hell did they know I was having a dream?

"People dream. That doesn't explain why you are all in here."

"Was it a wet dream?" Ora ask me mischievously. With a gleam in his chocolate eyes.

"N-no." I lie.

"Really? Then why were you moaning out so seductively then?" Faron ask, tracing his finger down my arm slowly.

"I wasn't?" I lie again. Did they actually hear me. That's so fucking embarrassing.

"And you screamed out a name." Asher confirms. While tracing his finger across my thigh gently.



I just shrug my shoulder, trying to avoid their lurking stares.

"Sweet cheeks. You didn't scream out our names." Ora insist.


Totally busted.

"Wh-who's name did I scream." I stutter. Realizing I just fucking admitted to them all that I actually did have a wet dream.

I mentally face palm myself.

"I think his name was Damon." Cal looks at me innocently. Smirking a little sly smirk.

"I did?" I don't want to admit this.

"Who is Damon?" Faron ask curiously.

Holy fuck!

Guess I'll swallow my pride and admit it. I'm busted anyway.

"He is an actor from The Vampire Diaries. I was watching it before I fell asleep." I confess. Pointing my finger at my tv anchored on the far wall.

"So you had a wet dream about fucking Ian Somerhalder!" Ora accuses. I don't know which fucking he's actually referring to so I keep my mouth shut.

"Why don't we take her mind off of him. Show her exactly what Damon can't do." Cal suggests.

Oh! Fuck!

I think I'm actually screwed. Literally.

"I think we should." Ora agrees.

He climbs in between my thighs, I didn't even realize he was nude until this very moment. Looking at the others I notice that all of them are as naked as the day they were born. How did I not notice this?

Good thing I like to sleep in the nude then, I think to myself, suddenly realizing that Cal has made his way to the back of me. Placing me directly on top of his chiseled chest.

With Ora laying on top of me and Cal laying behind me, I think I'm in for a hell of a ride.


Faron climbs to knees, stroking his enormous cock, positioning himself in front of my face. Asher leans over, rubbing his finger along my juicy clit.

Ora pushes into me with a frantic plunge, as Cal eases his harden dick into my tight ass rim.

Good thing I pooped earlier, I think to myself. Half laughing at my own morbid thoughts.

Faron slowly pushes his dick into my mouth while Asher continues his onslaught on my over sensitive nub.

With Ora pounding into my core and Cal thrusting into my ass, I reach my hand down wrapping my hand around Asher's expanded cock. Pumping his shaft vigorously, he groans out in delightful pleasure.

I swallow Faron's cock easily, only slightly gagging when he pushes further down my throat. "Fuck Jaci?" Faron moans out with his eyes closed and his fingers pinching my perk nipples I begin to speed up my motions on Asher's dick squeezing around his shaft harder. Ora keeps up his masterful thrust into my welcoming pussy while Cal grabs my hips plummeting harder into my ass rim.

My over loaded senses start to become over bearing, I feel my walls starting to convulse and my bundle of nerves tighten. Faron cums inside of my mind instantly. Roaring out a giant "Fuck!" With strings of his warm cum filling up my mouth. I swallow it all like a good little girl. Licking my lips to catch the overflow. Asher then cums all over my hand groaning out with each spurt that he bust.

Cal finishes right after Asher, "Holy fucking shit!" He screams when his sperm fills my ass to over flowing.

I go next. My walls clamp down on Oras cock tightly, my clit tightens to the point of an intoxicating pleasurable pain. "Damn!" I moan out, arching my back, with each of Oras thrust pivoting into me. Closing my eyes from the intimate climax.

Ora releases his seed inside of me, "Mother Fucker!" He growls out when he orgasms spraying out strings of cum deep inside of my over worked divide.

Well he's not lying.

Sedated, completely exhausted, I crash down on my bed, in an euphoric ecstasy. Loving the aftermath of our make out session.

Ora falls on top of me panting heavily. He hand starts to rub my belly, in a circular pattern, with his head laying across my breast.

"I love you Jaci." Ora quietly tells me. He's lost in his own thoughts as he continues to rub my stomach tenderly.

"I love you too Ora. I love all of you so damn much." I share my devotion to them.

"I love you." Cal says.

"I love you also." Asher adds.

Faron is silent.

We all start to get off of the bed. Ora goes to my bathroom to start running a tub full of water for me to bathe in.

Cal walks to my dresser, grabbing me some clothes to dress in. Asher goes to my closest to grab some clean sheets to change my bed covering.

Faron stands to the side of the room, eyeing me closely, scowling like he's in deep concentration.

Shrugging, I walk off to my bathroom, Ora squirts in some bubble bath into the tub of water just as I'm walking in.

"All nice and warm for you. I'm going to go grab us some food then I'll be back." He informs me, placing a kiss on my cheek before he leaves the room.

I nearly fell asleep in the warm relaxing bath. I felt someone pick me up, not even registering which one of my guys who came to my rescue actually was.

I was placed on my soft comfy bed, with a towel apparently wrapped around me, I felt my covers being thrown over me then I felt my bed dip with someone climbing into my bed with me. Nice strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me to them, when his smell hits me of musk and cedar I acknowledged that it was Faron that was so lovingly taking care me surprisingly.

Rolling over, with his arms still locked around me, I place one hand under my cheek, with my other I gently caress Faron's cheek.

"Why didn't you say you loved me?" I asked him with my voice barely above a whisper.

When he didn't say that he loved me earlier he actually hurt me. I know our road has been rough lately but I thought we have worked out all of our issues already.

"I was just lost in my own thoughts." That doesn't answer my question really. It doesn't explain why he didn't reply to me.

"About what?" I ask curiously.

"Our past. I shouldn't have left Jaci. I was a damn fool. How can you so easily forgive me?" His pleading eyes melt me.

"Because i love you. Because I understand why you left and because you were right. We both needed it. Our relationship is stronger now. If you didn't leave then it might of ended up totally different between us." I try to explain.

"I do love you Jaci. More than you will ever know. I was so damn lost without you after I left. I wasn't complete. I wasn't me. But I'm glad I'm back and I am so damn happy you are carrying our child. Children. I still can't believe we're having two of them." His heartfelt declaration send shivers through me.

And I know with the loss of time that we endured between us that he's not the biological father of the twins.

But it doesn't matter who the actual father of our babies are, they will all be these babies fathers in my eyes no matter what.

"I love you Faron. Now we have to pick out some names for our little bundles of joy." His smile is so invigorating.

"How about George?" I shake my head.

"Roger?" I shake my head again.

"Zeus?" I laugh at him.

"I know Godzilla!" I take my hand away from his cheek, lightly slapping him on his arm playfully.

"Noooo!" I disagree.

Naming our babies should be interesting!

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