Alkine Academy

Chapter Jaci • 41

This is how it all went down.

"I was leaving the clinic to go tell Ora thank you for the wonderful roses I received from him. When out of nowhere a man approached me that seemed to come out of nowhere placing a wet cloth on my face.

I fought like hell but unfortunately he still got the upper hand on me, throwing me in the back of a van.

Then my world to faded to black instantly.

Later, I woke up groggily from my unexpected and unwanted slumber, the realization that I was back in DCs cellar pissed me off to no end.

The nerve of that asshole trying to do the same exact thing he did to me before is unrealistically diabolical.

Only this time he fucked up, he didn't chain me to the ceiling, like he did the last time, he just haphazardly threw me into cellar when I was unconscious and that's how I woke up, laying on the cold hard cellar floor. Drained and confused but pissed to the highest degree.

Stumbling around the cellar in the dark, trying to find a possible exit, wanting to unleash my anger on an unsuspecting DC.

After my measly attempts at trying to find a way out I heard footsteps coming toward my direction.

When the door creaked opened, casting a minimal light into the room, I focused on all of my courage waiting for the asshole to enter so I could unleash my wrath upon him.

DC turned on the light in the cellar, illuminating the room with an ominous glow. As he entered the room there were two people accompanying him that I didn't recognize following behind him sheepishly.

When they all finally entered the cold room, I stared DC down with evil intent just daring him to make the first move or to at least do something.

At first he just stood there, hesitating, shooting daggers at me with his ferocious demeaning eyes.

Then he callously walks toward me, I backed up a step, with each step he took toward me I kept stepping back until my back hit the old bookshelf behind me."

"Scared little dove?" Not in the fucking slightest, is what I wanted to tell him instead of saying a word I just bided my time waiting for him to get his evil tirade over with.

Bad guys always want to make their grand little speeches for some stupid ass reason.

"You should be. After all, this will be your last day alive." I ignore his obvious gibes. Looking over his shoulder at the strangers behind me, curious to know exactly who and what they are here for.

He notices my distraction, laughing to himself spitefully, he slowly walks over to another shelf, grabbing the chalice from before and different dagger than before off of the shelf.

"There here for the show. They want to see there sons mate get what's coming to her." DC informs me nonchalantly. "I thought it would be" He added sharply.

So these are the two people who abandoned their own children, for whatever inhumane reason, I won't honor them with a parental title but I honestly can't see any familial resemblance to my mates.

Neither of them were what I was picturing at all in my mind.

"How did you even meet them?" I ask DC overly curious, not even bothering to give my mates so called parental units a moment of my precious time.

They aren't worth it.

"They came to me actually. They heard about you and that I wanted to relieve you of your abilities," DC looks over his shoulder at the two standing there watching us both extremely closely, "they, for some reason hate their kids as much as I hate them. I figured it would be a welcoming partnership between us three." He shrugs his shoulders dismissively. Not really an ounce of caring about the two monstrous characters in the room. "I felt a connection with them...sort of."

"Well I guess assholes are drawn to assholes!" I tell him. Wanting to rile him up to the best of my abilities.

"Guess so." He quips. Ignoring my gibes for him. DC begins walking back to me with the chalice and the dagger in his hands.

"Ready dove?" His term of endearment only manages to piss me off even more.

"Are you?" I challenge him. Smiling deviously to him. "Because I think today is my lucky day. Don't you?" I add on for my personal enjoyment.

DC cocks an eyebrow at my arrogant behavior, placing the items in his hands on a small wooden table sitting just off center to the right side of me.

He rises up slowly, straightening up his posture, giving me a sly smirk.

"I've waited for this moment for a long time. Unfortunately Terry got the upper hand on me the last time but this time," he steps closer to me, leaning down slightly, looking me directly in my eyes, "This time, we shall have no further interruptions," DC grabs a strand of my hair in between his fingers, observing my hair closely, "you are mine Jaci. Terry should have known not to mess with what's mine!" He drops my hair suddenly, rubbing his fingers together, "well, he got was coming to him for his insolence. Even if I wasn't the one to give him his well deserved punishments," DC looks to my mates sperm donor, "remind me to thank your sons for taking care of my little inconvenience." The two parental imposters laugh loudly along with DC at DCs non humorous joke.

So not funny.

"Are you done?" I question DC, scowling at his stupidity, "may I say something before you carry on with your business?" I add on mischievously.

"By all means. These will be your last words after all. Speak your peace." He waves his hand in the air dismissively. "Who am I to deny a woman what she wants."

I block out his blatant response. Instead, I direct my reply to the two assholes standing behind DC. "You two abandon your children, to fend for themselves, without a care about them," I point my finger to my mens so called mother, "and you raped your own child! An innocent little child who couldn't defend himself against you. You are a fucking adult! How fucking sick are you?" My voice keeps rising higher in volume with every hateful word I spew out to her.

"What is she talking about Wilma?" Her husband ask her, there's genuine surprise written on his astonished face.

He didn't have a clue?

How could he not know?

I call bullshit!

"I don't know what the bitch is talking about Harry! I would never! How dare you accuse me of such an accusation!" His wife tries to innocently proclaim. Faking aghast at my revaluation.

"Don't lie whore! Cal told us all about your devious acts! You're fucking disgusting! What type of parent are you?" I'm screaming extremely loudly at this point. Mortified that she could even deny her guilt. "You don't deserve the very air your breathing."

"Wilma did that....with Cal?" Harry ask her clearly confused with a hint of shock laced in his voice.

Which only confuses me more.

"No Harry! Are you going to believe this piece of trash over me?" She denies my accusations vehemently.

"Im trash? Me? I'm not the one who didn't give a rats ass about their own children! I'm not one who raped my child over and over again continuously! He begged you to fucking stop. He cried. You scarred him so badly that he still has issues with it! I'm not trash you low life piece of stinking shit! I'm the mother fucking Queen!" I yell out triumphantly. "And you will pay for what you did to your own kids!" I threaten.

"You don't scare us little girl. You are nothing!" Wilma sneers at me.

I had my fill of these damn evil tyrants.

My mates parents look at me like I'm a piece a shit that they just stepped in!

"You don't believe me? How's this for proof?" I cockily reply.

Without wasting another breath on them, I rear my arm back, with my hand opened, palm up, I drive my hand deep into DCs chest, pass his rib cage, tissue, and muscles. I wrap my fingers around his still beating but soon to be lifeless heart. Griping his worthless organ into my hands, I yank that mother fucker right out of his chest cavity gleefully.

DCs eyes widen in a grievous state of shock, he releases his final breath right before his lifeless body crashes onto the cold hard cellar floor.

"Good riddance!" I sneer.

Breathing erratically, I drop his stone cold dead heart on the floor right beside him, it lands on the floor with a heavy plop, the squishing sound as it lands on the floor echoes throughout the cellar menacingly.

I feel rejuvenated.

Harry and Wilma stare at me wide eyed and their bodies begin shaking, mortified over what I just done to DC.

One down, two to go!

Harry and Wilma suddenly come out of their shocked frozen state, both try to hurriedly rush out of the cellar, stumbling over each other, trying to hectically to get up the cellar stairs away from me.

Raising my blood soaked arm up, I mumble out a spell, "duratus!"freezing them both before they have a chance to escape.

"supernatet!" I say aloud.

Making them both float high above the stairway, they are both immobilized and frightened, making this all the more pleasurable for me.

All I want is justice for my mates.

Exiting DCs gruesome castle, with Harry and Wilma both still floating in the air in front of me, I go to DCs car.

Opening the trunk of the car with another spell, "aperta!" The trunk pops open quickly after I mumble the spell I throw Harry and Wilma into the base of the trunk harshly.

With another spell "somnum!" I make them both fall into a unwanted slumber. Slamming the trunk closed with a dramatic resounding force, smiling devilishly.

Getting into DCs car, in the drivers seat, I look around for the keys. Unfortunately there's no keys to be found. Sighing, I cast yet another spell, "conversus in!" The car suddenly turns over surprising even me.

Who knew I had it on me?

As I'm driving out of the back entrance slowly of DCs driveway I mutter under my breath the biggest spell I have ever tried to cast in my life.

Man I hope it works.



"explodere!" DCs house explodes violently. The force from the explosion rattles the car, surprising me, I dunk in the drivers seat, covering my head with my arms, when shrapnel from the explosion hits the roof of the car unexpectedly. There's a chunk of the castle, smoldering, on the hood of the car. It looks like a giant piece of the fireplace that I once adored.

Well fuck!

I loved that fireplace.

Shrugging my shoulders, I push on the gas headed off back to manor to meet up with my mates hopefully."

"And that's what happened."

After I arrived back at the manor, I locked Harry and Wilma in my bedroom, still unconscious, waiting for the guys to reappear.

I finally got through to them from our mind-link telling them I was home.

When they finally arrived home, kissing and hugging me dramatically because I was safe, I finally got them calmed down enough to tell them of the events of what occurred to me in DCs cellar.

Now we're all standing in the living room, the guys have shocked expressions on their faces which I find a little bit humorous under the circumstances.

They didn't think I had it in me but I proved them wrong. I actually even surprised myself at my abilities and courage in the arms of danger.

I was just sick and damn tired of all of the bullshit that kept happening to me. To us. I couldn't take the crap anymore.

So I decided to stand up for myself.

Regardless, of what my mates might think of me now I'm pretty damn proud and impressed with myself.

"So our parents are here?" Asher timidly ask me.

I hate to see such sadness on all of their faces.

I thought, at the time, that the best decision was to bring their so called parents back for the guys to deal with them personally. Allowing them to execute their own brand of torture and justice to them instead of me making them pay for what they did to them myself.

Now I'm not so sure if I made the right decision.

Searching their faces I suddenly feel like I should've handled their parents myself but honestly I still think that it has to be them to decide the final judgment for their parents, not me.

It's not my place to enact revenge for them. They seriously need to do this for themselves.

They need this closure.

"Yes. They are locked in my bedroom under a sleeping spell I cast. I thought that you would all want to deal with them yourselves. Did I mess up?" My insecurities are showing.

I start to fidget, fiddling with the hem of my shirt with my now dried blood soaked hand.

Maybe I should freshen up?

But I don't want to miss out on them getting their well deserved revenge. I need to be here for this moment. Regardless of they need me to or not.

"Sweet cheeks. You did great. Thank you for bringing them to us." Ora says gratefully. Granting me that sexy smile of his.

I glance over at Cal, standing beside me, because I know this has to be especially hard for him to face the monster from his past, I give him a weak smile.

"You actually killed DC?" Faron ask me astounded.

I raise my hand showing them all the blood that's currently dried up and crusting on my arm, "the proof is in the pudding, so to speak," I'm the only one that laughs at my obscene joke. Tough crowd. "Yes, I ripped his heart right out of his chest." I point blank tell them.

"You blew up his house?" Asher ask me incredulously.

Why are they so damn surprised that I'm capable of doing what I told them I did?

Is this how they really see me? Someone who can't seem to stand up for herself? A weakling? Fragile?

Are they scared I will break?

I'm stronger than what they all give me credit for dammit!

"Yes I killed DC. I blew up his castle. I brought your parents here! Me! I'm more than capable of taking care of myself you should have more faith in me!" Feeling dejected over their bias opinions of me, I turn on my heel, leaving them all in the living room, stewing.

I head for the shower to wash off the blood and grime, sadden that they don't have more fucking faith in me!

What will it take to convince them?

After a well and deserving shower, I feel completely refreshed.

Throwing on a silky pajama suit, I hesitantly walk back into the living room, hoping the guys have a better attitude now that I have given them all some time to rethink over their bias opinions about me.

When I entered the living room, they were having a very deep conversation between themselves that instantly stopped as soon as I walked into the room.

Scowling at their secretive demeanors, I stand there watching them, with my arms crossed across my chest. Steaming.

I haven't got the faintest idea at what they're playing at but it's starting to feel like I can't trust them, again.

Which I hate.

"What's going on? Why are you being so secretive?" I ask them, actually confused by the way they all are suddenly acting.

"Nothing." Cal answers my question far too mysteriously. Jumping up from the sofa trying his hardest to act playfully innocent.

But he can't fool me, I'm way to familiar with his devious side to be that gullible ever again.

"Liar! You're all acting like you're trying to keep something from me. I've had enough with the secrets. No more. No more secrets. No more lies. No more trying to pull one on Jaci! Haven't I proven myself already? I don't want to keep recycling the same old bullshit! If you're keeping secrets from me this is over!" Dropping my hands to my sides, I stomp my way over to the sofa, scowling, fed up with all of it.

With Ora, Faron, and Asher sitting on down on the sofa and Cal off to my side I unleash my wrath on them.

"You have cheated, lied, deceived, and hurt me for the last damn time! I have forgiven you more times than I can even count. I have been nothing but a good mate to all of you! Why are you all still keeping things from me? If this is they way you're going to continue to act then I'm done. I can't take it anymore. You have put me through enough hell already! I won't take anymore and that, my dear mates, you can take to the fucking bank and cash it! Because I will check out without a second damn thought about it!" By the time I'm done with my well over needed rant I feel like a load has been lifted off of my shoulders.

Everything I kept bundled up for so damn long has finally been released from its caged core and I love it.

Directing my attention back to me mates, what I see makes me want to laugh. The expressions on their shocked faces is absolutely priceless.

I think I broke them.

Their stunned into absolute silence.

The big bad boys of the Alkine Academy my ass!

If it only takes one blustering woman to bring them to their knees like this then their not as bad as they might think they are.

Watching their mortification from my outburst fills me with over confidence. It's actually startling to me that just a few moments ago I was doubting myself and my abilities.


Now I feel sort of vindicated and powerful.

"We we're only talking about asking you to marry us." Cal bluntly states.

Well fuck!

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