Alkine Academy

Chapter Cal • 33

Different povs.

Graphic and mature scenes ahead. I do not condone any type of violence! This is for entertainment purposes only. If this upsets you in any way please skip to the next chapter. If you or anyone that you know has experienced this type of violence please call the following number for assistance.


Thank you!


He took her to Frankensteins damn playhouse?

The place looks like a fucking haunted house on steroids.

Yonan, Greg, and I are standing in the shadows just beyond the giant gate entrance. I already mindlinked the others with our location, thankfully they aren't too far behind making this situation a hell of lot easier.

Cynthia never showed her bitch ass up to do the masking spell. I knew she couldn't be counted on with something like this. She fucking hates Jaci, Ora should have known that she would do something like this but the jackass for some undistinguishable reason put his faith in her. Maybe this will show him exactly how corrupt Cynthia's heart really is.


Yonan and Greg are driving me nuts. With their consistent non related chatter. For a dark fae and a necromancer you would think that they would have more common sense than an immature second grader.

"What do you call a fake noodle?" Greg ask us both, laughing at his own joke comically.

"An im-pasta." Yonan laughs at Greg's ridiculous joke. I just roll my eyes at the duo.

Looking at Greg, while I'm leaning against the iron fencing, I can't help but wonder at his idiocy.

Being a necromancer you would honestly think that he would be more evil in characterization but the dude is more like a comical clown than anything remotely devilish.

Yonan on the other hand seems to me to be more like a down to earth guy than what he portrays for others to see. He also has a jokester aura about him but out of the two of them Yonan is definitely the more serious one.

Each one is a conundrum, they both mystify me. Though loyal, they never take anything to seriously. Not until the shit really hits the fan anyway.

"Here's one for ya. What did the policeman say to his belly button?" Yonan ask, Greg waits with anticipation for Yonans answer. I on the other hand roll my eyes at the morons a second time.

"You're under a vest!" Yonan screeched out with his laughter along with Greg. I shake my head at their antics. They are good guys but sometimes they make me wonder.

Whenever I'm around them I can't help but to think of the famous joke Robin Williams made.

"God gave men a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time."

I haven't got the faintest idea about their sex lives but in the brain department they are a bit lacking.

Listening to them both crone on, regaling one stupid joke after another, I disrupt their non-humorous dialect when a hollow twinge of pain hits me completely out of blue.

Doubling over, I lose my breath instantly, grabbing my chest from the force of the pain.

When the pain eventually subsided I realized horrifically that It can only mean three things.

One, Jaci is cheating on us. That one I highly doubt is true in any way.

Two, Jacis connection to us through the bonding is drastically severed or,

Three, Jacis dead.

The latter I refuse to believe or even accept.

I try to mind-link Jaci immediately but I get no response to my call. When there's no reply I start to hyperventilate. I can feel Yonan and Greg patting my back encouragingly. I can hear both of their mumbles but my mind isn't able to correctly absorb any of it.

"Ora!" I scream out to him through the mind-link.

"I know. I felt it too. Somethings wrong. We're almost there." His voice when he response to me is quivering and hectic.

I can't wait for his arrival. Something is definitely wrong and it's scaring the ever living shit out of me. Patience in this situation is not something I'm able to have.

"Back up!" I demand of Yonan and Greg after I get most of my bearings back.

They both hesitate for a second but eventually start to back way from me, eyeing me curiously.

When they are both far enough away from me, at least at a safe distance. I start to shift into my dragon.

Ignoring their looks of wonderment on their faces I transform in front of them in a matter of mere seconds.

My beast is unleashed and ready to do some major fucking damage.


We pull up to what looks like Vlad the Impalers homestead.

When we lost our connection to Jaci, Ora nearly crashed the vehicle, running off the road hitting three roadside cones before he was able to gain control of it the SUV again.

Luckily, no one was injured but the emotional turmoil we we're all feeling at that moment was disheartening.

Feeling the loss of our bond is detrimentally heartbreaking.

We all went hysterical.

Finally reaching the location that Cal informed us of I was more than surprised at seeing Cal stomping around angrily in his dragon form.

We watched as he rammed his way through the gates like they were nothing but garden gnomes that were unfortunate to be in his way.

I rarely get to witness Cals dragon in action, the only time I have ever seen him before was when Cal is either overwhelmed or pissed off and at this second I can only assume that Cal is more than pissed.

Ora drives over the fallen gates, jolting Asher and I in our seats over the rough terrain.

As soon as we get close enough to the entranceway Asher and I both jump out of the vehicle quickly.

I hear Ora behind us as his shoes are hitting the pavement Asher and myself are enter the dwelling, eyes scanning everywhere in search of Jaci.

Ora bumps into my shoulder, coming to quick halt behind me, Cal enters behind him dressed now in a pair of black gym shorts and nothing else.

"Split up! Search damn every room!" Ora demands of all of us. Some of our gang members are finally scrambling through the door behind Cal joining us.

We all run off frantically in search of our missing mate and Queen.

This place is huge! I've searched every room I have come across and still can find no clue as to where Jaci might be.

Samson keeps going ballistic inside of my head. Screaming out profanities that echo throughout my brain. The anxiety riddled deep inside of us is reaching its peak. If we don't find Jaci soon I'm afraid Samson will lose all of his control, basically going feral without her.

"Got something." I hear Asher scream out on the lower floor. I rush down the stairs swiftly, nearly tripping on the red carpeted rug laid out on them.

When I reach the bottom floor I notice a lot of our gang members circled around a side door that's located just off the kitchen.

Pushing my way forward through them roughly, I spot Asher, Cal, Ora, and Yonan positioned around a large pile of blood that's soaked into the cellar floor. The oblong shape of the fallen blood temporarily immobilizes me.

On the ceiling theres a bolt screwed into it with a rusty chain and cuffs hanging from the bolt itself.

I go into a full blown panic!

With the blood and the chains my mind goes into a frenzy.

Asher notices that Samson is fighting his way to the fore front, I can feel the change alight within me. My eyes start to go from there normal chocolate brown coloring to red in a mass of foregone fury.

Asher places his hand on my back, rubbing soothing circles on it, cooing to me. Trying to calm the beast within from unleashing and killing everybody around me.

Trying with all of my might I take deep relaxing breaths. This is not helping.



I finally hear the calming words that Asher is speaking, "Relax. It's not her blood."

When the realization hits me that it's not Jacis blood on the floor Samson and I start to calm down immediately.

Focusing on the conversation that's taken place around me, I finally zoom in on what their saying.

"If she's not here then where is she?" Ora practically yells out his question to whom ever is listening.

I can completely relate to his anger. The same rage is coursing through all of us.

"I have no damn idea but DC isn't here either." Cal answers Oras question. We're all absolutely panicked, with both Jaci and DC missing there's no telling what could have happened to our mate. I could give a rats ass less about whatever has happened to DC though.

The pit in my stomach keeps growing immensely with each passing second.

"Hey boss I just saw DC cut out of here like his ass was on fire." Greg hesitantly informs us.

"And you didn't stop him?" Asher pushes Greg roughly his body crashes into Yonan who is standing directly behind him. Throwing both off them off balance for a second.

"I couldn't boss. He was in his car he left spinning tires as soon as he saw me." Greg amends. Beyond aggravated, I comb my fingers through my hair pacing the cellar floor.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice our other gang members haphazardly standing on the stairs that lead out of the cellar room. Every single one of them have worry written all over on their faces with the exception of Max of course he's fidgeting like he was through our meeting. There's an odd look on his face. One that I can't distinguish.

Bumping Asher on his arm I tilt my head in Maxs direction. Asher turns eyeing Max curiously. Cal suddenly notices Asher's and I questioning glares toward Max. He turns his head looking at Max with a cold hard stare.

"Something you need to inform us of Max?" Asher ask Max accusingly.

Max eyes everyone around him apprehensively, the look on his face answers Asher's question instantly: guilty.

Cal storms up the stairs, pushing the others out of his way, he grabs Max by the collar of his shirt dragging him down the cellar stairs carelessly.

When they reach the bottom of the stairs Cal throws Maxs body on the hard floor causing him to roughly slide along the cellar room floor. Crashing into a large wooden shelf behind him.

"Start talking!" Cal gruffly demands. Edging his way closer to Maxs supine position.

"Why should I tell you a damn thing? You pushed me aside for that bitch! I hope she fucking dies?" Max angrily yells at Cal.

Ora grabs Max by his throat pushing him up against the shelf that he crashed up against. Some items that were on the shelf fall off of the shelf onto the floor from the brutal impact.

"Talk or you're the one that's going to die!" Ora venomously tells him. Pushing him harder against the shelf aggressively.

Regardless if Max tells us any helpful information leading us to locate Jaci from his actions he's just taken tonight upon us and her, he's definitely a dead man either way.

"I didn'" Max squeezes out between each breath he desperately tries to take. Max is starting to lose consciousness.

When Ora notices this he loosens his grasp around Maxs throat dropping him back unto the floor again dramatically.

Max wheezes, trying desperately to regain his breath, he rubs his hand along his neck while he glares daggers up at Ora.

"Then why do you look so damn guilty Max?" Cal ask as he takes a step toward Max slowly but very menacingly.

"It wasn't me but I wish I did do it! It would serve you right to lose the one you claim you care so much about. Talk about karma." Max is digging himself into an early grave with all of his damn dramatics.

I grow restless and extremely exhausted of all of Maxs hysterical bullshit.

Reaching into my front pocket of my jeans, I drag out my lucky pocketknife. Opening it, I take the sharpened knife and drive it deep into Maxs upper leg. I push the knife in so deep into the fleshy part of his leg that the knife sinks all the way in surprisingly.

Twisting the knife around painfully, bringing the knife up I slice his skin apart eagerly. Max releases a giant horror filled scream, clutching the area that's sliced opened on his leg firmly. Blood oozes out of his leg, gushing out in areas on the cellar floor quickly.

"Fine. I'll tell you just stop!" Smiling devilishly at Max, I cock my head to the side waiting patiently for his stupid ass to finally confess.

When Max tentatively confesses everything he knows to us. We all stand around him momentarily shocked at his horrifying confession.

What the actual fuck?


Slowly coming to, I feel my entire body pressed against a hard cold hard surface. My attention is suddenly drawn to the fact that I'm on someone's floor, face down, completely naked, and chained again.

My arms and legs are spread out and cuffed. When I turn my head to my right the cuff links around my wrist are hooked to some sort of spike that's poking out of the floor.

I try to free my arms from the tight restraints on my wrist but they are so completely wedged to the spike that I can't even get them to loosen a fraction of an inch, unfortunately.

Banging my head on the cement flooring out of aggravation, fear engulfs me.

Why does this shit keep happening to me? What I have done to invoke such treatment? I have never harmed anybody! I don't deserve this!

My current predicament suddenly infuriates me.

Whoever was in the cellar didn't save me! Apparently they wanted me for themselves. Is there nobody that's trustworthy?

I'm so damn tired of being everyone's fucking punching bag. If I ever get out of this I'm never going to be the nice, sweet, and innocent person that I have been recently.

The next person that crosses me will regret ever meeting me. I can't keep allowing things like this to happen me.

I want my mates. I want my Uncle. I want my parents.

This is so damn unfair. Why me?

"Finally awake?" Someone says behind me.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear anyone entering the room. I have got to stop being so damn gullible.

"Who are you?" I ask with more force in my voice that been I'm not even use to hearing. I'm so damn infuriated!

"Doesn't matter. I finally have you. Now that your here the fun can begin!" His voice sounds so familiar to me. The deep baritone that bellows out when he speaks seems somewhat recognizable. I know I've heard it somewhere before.

Trying to crane my neck to identify assailant, he steps back quickly not allowing me to view his image.

Frustrated at not being able to see him, I shake my arms in the restraints, screaming profanities at him.

"Look asshole I don't know who you are mother fucker but when my mates find out where I'm at they are going to fucking kill you! Do you hear me? You cunt!" The stranger just laughs at my outburst making me feel even more resentful.

Sighing out loudly from my discomfort, I drop my head back onto the hard cement flooring.

"Such a dirty little mouth. You shouldn't say such things precious. You're far to beautiful to spew out such hatred." This guy has to be one fucked up individual.

"What do you want with me?" I tireless ask him. Tears start to well up in my eyes. All of my pent up frustrations are turning into hysterical desperation.

"Isn't it obvious? You and I are about to have the time of our lives. I'm about to show you exactly what your fucking mates should have showed you a long time ago." What the hell is he talking about?

"What?" I ask him cluelessly.

He starts walker closer to me. He lays his body across my backside, his head is leaning down close to my ear. My eyes widen in shock. With his body laying on my back I notice that he's completely nude!

My entire body begins to shake. I'm so scared that I close my eyes wishing that I had a way out of what I fear is about to happen.

Please, please, please! No this can't happen!

"I'm about to fuck your brains out!" He tries to seductively warn me.

I scream out in complete terror at his statement. "No! Please! I'll do anything you ask! Please don't do this!" My screams turns to sobs. I'm bellowing out with my pleading. "Don't hurt me....please! What....have I ever...done to you? Please...I'm begging you!" My tears are streaming down my face.

He wipes them away tenderly. His very touch is making my skin crawl.

I want to puke.

"Shhhh. Don't cry. You're going to love it. I've been waiting way too long to stop now. You're mine Jaci! All mine!" He coos at me.

He suddenly moves off of me, his hand slides down my back gently, he shuffles his way in between my legs.

He touches my ass, his hands rubbing my asscheeks as he groans out hungrily.

I wiggle around trying to dislodge him off of me. He gets upset and smacks his hand down hard on my asscheek.

The searing pain makes me cry out even more. "Please don't. Please! I'll do anything." I croak out barely at a whisper.

"Anything?" He ask me sarcastically.

"Yes anything. Please don't do this. I'm begging you!" I would agree to anything at this point.

"How about shutting the fuck up and enjoy this!" His admission startles me.

The anger in his voice distracts me, I try to crane my neck again to look at him but it's futile. I can't see him clearly.

"I will never..." before I can finish my thought he rams his unwanted appendage into me furiously.

I scream out in absolute terror. The tears are coming out eyes rapidly flooding my face entirely.

"Yesss. You were so worth the wait." He pushes into me roughly. Pounded harder and harder with each thrust.

I continue screaming, he stills inside of me suddenly. I feel a sense of relief hoping he's done with this nightmare but unfortunately the relief is only temporary, he punches me directly in my face roughly. "Shut the fuck up and let me enjoy this!" He demands of me.

I see stars. I never thought that someone could actually see stars when they get punched but apparently you can. Stars are floating in my vision, the pain from the punch is overwhelming.

He starts up again. Grunting dramatically with every thrust he pushes into me.

I get extremely dizzy. I can feel my consciousness start to drift away.

Before I fall completely into a welcomed oblivion I can hear his grunts and growls as he keeps forcing his disgusting penis into me.

The last words I hear before everything fades to black is from his agonizing baritone voice as he reaches his climax.

"Fuck! Yes pretty little precious eyes!"

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