Acid Reign : Genesis

Chapter 25: Dumping Ground

A small square-shaped transport jostled along a broken road in the middle of the night. The headlights barely shed enough light for the driver to see the road just in front of him.

A crooked and long-faded stop sign appeared and let the man know he was close. He let the transport crawl to a stop. The headlights, no longer illuminating the shattered road, now pointed into a giant black hole. Bodies in all stages of decomposition were piled at the bottom.

He got out and walked around the back of the transport, opened the back door, and pulled a body wrapped tightly in plastic to the ground. He gripped the leg and with some difficulty dragged the body over broken road and brick to the edge of the abyss, took a deep breath, and rolled the body into the darkness.

The sounds of the body rolling and coming to a sudden stop eerily echoed all around him. The man turned to get back into the transport but froze as a moaning sound crept out of the dark. He stood motionless, listening for anything else, but there was nothing. With a shaky hand, he grabbed a flashlight from a compartment in the door, walked back to the edge of the abyss, and listened.


He hesitated for a moment, but, gathering courage, turned the flashlight on and slowly aimed it down the slope of the crater. The man stood out in the pile of bodies. Mostly because of the plastic he was wrapped in, but also because the other bodies had settled into one another. The man’s mind was simply playing tricks on him. He focused the beam on the upper half of the body where one arm had come free from the plastic. He waited for the man to start coughing, screaming, something, but there was no movement, nothing. Only a dragon tattoo.

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