Ace of Spades ( Mc No limits Book 2)

Chapter 15


When we got home, Nora took a shower, and I lay on the couch. Since Dr. Owen's visit, she was different, and I noticed her tension. I didn't know what they had talked about and didn't want to ask Nora. This was her safe place where she could heal now, and I respected that. When she came out of the bathroom, I had already found a movie to watch, but she took the remote and turned off the TV, sat next to me and turned to me.

"What's wrong, doll?" I asked her, and she looked at me nervously.

“Dr. Owen told me I needed to get my life together,” she said quietly.

“Okay, we’ll work on it,” I replied.

"I...she said I needed a routine and stuff," she said nervously.

“What are you worried about?” I asked her. "Every job I did was illegal work... I never finished school," she said sadly.

“Do you want to go to school?” I asked her.

“I don’t think I’m capable of this… I need work,” she told me.

“What are you good at, doll?” I asked her.

“I worked in restaurants and bakeries for a long time. I enjoyed that,” she said, smiling.

I thought about what she said for a moment. She did cook really well; a small restaurant or bakery wouldn't be bad here. A fast-food or snack place with things she could sell would certainly be good. Most of the boys couldn't even fry an egg, so there would be one place to eat, Blessing. “Maybe I could find something here,” she said to me.

"Or...we'll open something ourselves?" I asked her.

"Oh, I don't have any money, Ace... and no documents either," she said to me.

"I know that Void and Erin can create the documents very quickly; they are like magicians in this cyber world." I said to her, and she looked at me with a smile.

“And money won’t be a problem. I'll talk to Wrath; he's our treasurer and manages club business. We'll talk to King and if he says OK, it won't be a problem," I explained it to her.

"But what about the place where do you want to open it?" She asked me.

“You saw that the front part of the street is cut off from the houses where we live by the small gate. Everything in front is ours up to the big gate at the entrance. This is all business space. Doc's ambulance, the workshop, the tattoo parlor, and Ivy's gym, which will be finished soon. I think in a few weeks an assembly house will be built and ready for a “Nora’s snack,” I told her.

She looked at her hands, and I sat up when I noticed she started to cry.

“We can call it something else, doll,” I said, and she laughed and cried at the same time.

“Thanks, Andrew,” she said as she looked at me.

“You don’t take me seriously when I say I would do anything for you,” I answered her. “Get dressed, I want to show you something,” I said to her.

She looked at me confused but did as I said, and we soon walked out of the safe house to the end of the street. It was night and dark, but I knew the way to my parents' house by heart. As a child, John gave me the keys, and I would sometimes come there and look at the house. I wondered who my parents were, what kind of people they were, and kept all their things there all these years. I never lived in the house because I couldn't. I also couldn't be King's vice president when he asked me. My father was John's vice president, and I couldn't fill the shoes of someone I didn't know. Besides, I was definitely more useful to him as his Sgt. at Arms.

Nora didn't know how everything we did worked, and I had to explain to her the dangerous side of our work. I didn't have my scars for fun; they were all injuries from missions.

As we entered the front yard, I looked at Nora, who was looking around in surprise.

“Welcome home,” I said to her as I opened the door and turned to her.

" At home?" she asked me confused.

“This is my parents’ house, Nora. It's mine... I still need to fix a few things and buy some new stuff, but I thought we could move in?" I asked her.

" What?" She asked me.

I looked at her as she looked at me in shock and held her forehead.

"I just...thought," I started but she interrupted me as she started sobbing. "Honey, we don't have to live here if you don't want to," I said worriedly.

She hugged me and didn't stop sobbing.

"A home... you are building a home for us," she said crying.

"I know it's not exactly pretty right now, but I just need to do some work on it. A few repairs, new furniture," I said, and she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"You make me so happy, Andrew," she said, and I was relieved.

“I thought you were crying because you didn’t like it,” I said, laughing.

“Oh no... it's beautiful. But Ace, you can’t charge that much money from the club because of me,” she said to me, and I laughed.

“I'm repairing the house with my money. I have money, Nora; I inherited a lot of money and earned even more at the club,” I explained to her.

“And the Nora snack bar?” she asked me worriedly.

“If King likes the idea, then it also falls under the club business. You keep 80% of the revenue; the club gets 20% like all other businesses in the street.” I explained it to her, and she nodded.

“It's just... you do so much for me,” she said to me.

“I want you to be happy, Nora. If the snack makes you happy, then you get your snack." I said, and she laughed. “I love you, Nora. I want you to stay with me and be happy with me." I explained.

"You make me happy... I'm happy, Ace," she said sobbing, and I hugged her.

"So stop crying and let's look at the house," I said to her, and she nodded while wiping her tears.

As I took her by the hand and led her through the house, she beamed. The house wasn't in great shape, but it was a sturdy building, and I could make a lot out of it. “I was thinking about knocking down this wall and enlarging the kitchen so we would have a dining room here too. I would leave the living room, just replace the window, it looks shabby... and" I started talking until she turned to me, and I stopped.

"You're building a home for us!" she said again, and I laughed.

"Yes, I'm building a home for us, Nora," I said, and she hugged me again.

Her little heart was beating so fast I could feel it, and I just held her tighter in my arms. When she finally calmed down, we looked at the rest of the house, and I explained to her what I had to do. "It will probably take me a few weeks to finish, but King is giving me all the prospects so we can do a lot of work." I said, and she looked at me gratefully.

"I'm so excited," she said, and I smiled.

"You'll have a job here too doll," I said to her, and she looked at me curiously.

"You have to choose the furniture and decorate the house," I said to her, laughing, and she looked at me with wide eyes.

" Really?" she asked me, surprised.

"Nora... this is our home. I want you to like it. Set it up the way you want." I told her.

"But what if you don't like it?" she asked me.

"I love you...I don't give a fuck about furniture as long as you are happy," I replied, and she smiled.

We sat for a long time on the stairs that led to the upper floor and talked about our home. Nora talked about flowers that she wanted to plant and would ask Evelyn for help. And a back garden that she would decorate where we could sit in the evening. Everything she said sounded like the most beautiful fairy tale I heard, and I lived in the middle of it with my girl.

The next morning, I went to King and told him about our proposal. He wanted to see what Nora could do and asked for food, which she made. Nora was excited but baked and cooked all morning to put everything on a table. King came with Ivy and Duke, also Alice and Wrath joining in too. Storm came with Ink and Gears, and even Doc came to support Nora.

I believed in Nora and her cooking skills - I've seen her cook, but she looked at them worriedly as they ate.

"Damn! That's good," Duke said as he stuffed himself with food.

"If Duke likes it, then it's good," I said to Nora to calm her down.

"Trashboy is right, that's really good, Nora," said King, and Ivy nodded as she held the appetizers in both hands and ate them.

"Should I wait for approval or can I start charging straight away?" Wrath asked with a smile.

"Oh God, please open the snack bar, it's too good," said Alice, and Doc agreed, smiling happily at Nora.

"What do you think, Storm?" King asked, and I looked at Storm who made a face.

"I'll be broke... broke and fat," he said and laughed.

"Is that good?" Nora asked, confused.

"That's great, girl. You feed them, and then they come to my gym to stay fit. A win-win deal for both of us," Ivy said with a laugh and gave Nora a high five.

Duke and Ink were fighting over the last piece on the plate, and I laughed as I looked at them.

"I congratulate Nora, you just got your snack bar approved," said King, and Nora jumped up with joy. Her joy was enormous, and I looked at her proudly.

My girl... my brave girl, she has come so far since she arrived here. I was so happy for her. Over time, the once empty and fearful eyes were filled with dreamy eyes full of life. I will give her everything she needs, a home, a job, an identity, everything she wants as long as she is happy. She is my woman, and I will be damned if I ever let her be sad in her life again. We will fix her together. Heal all the broken pieces inside her with friendship and love and finally see her happy and healed. Her laughter and relief as she is talking business with King was my reward for everything. She looked at me, and for the first time, I saw no fear, no worry, just happiness. My doll is happy.

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