Absolute Chaos

Chapter 17.

Lykus climbed the last few granite steps of the hillside that led to Araphel’s vast cave. Merkha and Sabaf were standing guard over their Kings doors.

Approaching the guards warily, he knew they were vicious men, having a fearsome reputation around Otamia, they did whatever Araphel asked of them, both men seeming to enjoy anything involving rape and murder.

“As Salaam Alykum,..Merkha....Sabaf.” Nodding towards each of them in turn.

“What is it you want little man?!.” Merkha mocked him, both guards laughing.

Lykus carefully spoke his next words, he did not want these men knowing his secret, although he knew Araphel would be very pleased with what he was to tell him. He had taken the curved bone to his hut and hidden it safely below his ration of mead and bread. He wanted to make a deal with Araphel before he showed him the amazing treasure.

Clearing his throat, Lykus continued.

“I would like to see our King, I have some important information for him.” He watched both men’s eyes as Merkha answered.

“Well... the King is indisposed at this moment...tell me Lykus, what is this information you hold?.” All three men heads jerked up then, they could hear a shrill scream come from inside Araphel’s caves, it echoed off the rocks around them.

Merkha and Sabaf began laughing again.

“He has himself a nice young thing in there tonight,...sounds like she’s loving it!.” They both continued laughing.

Lykus was horrified in himself, his skin turned cold, now joining them in their revelry, knowing whoever was in there with Araphel was been raped and probably tortured by the sound of the now muffled screams.


Araphel answered his doors, he looked enraged by the interruption. Lykus and Merkha bowed low towards him. Lykus had always secretly wanted to be Raijen, he would have made Araphel a proud son and his greatest warrior, feared by all, just like Araphel!.

“Sorry my King,...Lykus here has some interesting news, he demanded he speak with you right away.” Merkha bowed and stepped back from the doors, leaving Lykus to face Araphel.

“Well Lykus, this better be worth my while, I am busy entertaining a guest as I’m sure you can hear.” Araphel grumbled.

Bowing low, Lykus assured him he would be pleased and ushered him inside closing his heavy doors on Merkha and Sabaf faces.

He told his King of Amaunet, how she had fallen from the stars, explaining the battle between Am-heh and Shesmu and what they were digging for.

The King of Otamia listened carefully, pouring Lykus a large mug of mead. He pat him on the back, both men’s laughter echoing off the cave walls as they toasted to their god Temu and made a deal with the ‘devil’ himself.

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