Abe, a weird and short werewolf novel

Chapter 8

Abbygail’s point of view:

I opened my eyes, carefully looking around the room I was laying in. Annoying sounds surrounded my ears and the bright light made my headache that much worse.

“Hey.” I heard a nice female’s voice. Oh wait, that is Linda.

“Hi.” I replied back, while trying to sit myself up against the thin cushions of this hospital bed.

Wait what?

“Am I in a hospital? What happened?” I asked her as I rubbed my eyes, hoping to get rid of the headache somehow.

“You passed out.” She said and then it all came back to me again.

Shit, shit, shit! This wasn’t supposed to happen! I didn’t want this! My panic started to come back again, raising the speed of the beeping sounds.

“Calm down, nothing is going to happen! It’s just you and me, we are still at the mansion.” Linda soothed me, making the beeping sounds calm down as well.

“Here, let’s take them off of you, alright?” She smiled gently and plucked the pads off my chest and turned off the machine that was connected to it. “Better now?” She asked me and I nodded my head.

Only then did I take some time to really look around and noticed some very specific items standing on the table next to me. No… she knew…

“I see you called my friend.” I said, while picking up the coffee and slowly sipping the hot beverage in delight.

“Yes, we did.” Linda said and lowered her shoulders, sighing in anticipation.

“No, Andrea is not my real name.” I answered the thoughts she must have had, knowing that Harley must have picked up the phone, using my real name. Linda’s head burst up, probably going mad for giving her a fake name, but I had my reasons so it wouldn’t matter how mad she would be at me.

Harley, her twins, and my safety has always been my main objective to keep. Our lives had to be a secret, for no one to find out and make a possible threat. Yet, I have made a stupid decision by coming here, staying here for too long, showing my capabilities, my face… and now my name.

“I’ll be taking my leave then, as soon as I have finished this cup of coffee.” I said and Linda’s eyes grew wide.


“Because you are angry at me, for lying to you.” I stated.

“So what if I’m angry? Do you really believe I would let you go, out of our friendship, just because you made a mistake?” She asked me incredulously.

“Why wouldn’t you? It was a big secret, at least for me.” I replied, taking another sip of the coffee.

“Yes, it might be, but what I’m more curious about is, why you had to give us a fake name?”

Us? So he knows too? This is so going sideways…

“Please, Linda, I can’t be near him. Not like that.” I held the mug tightly in between my fingers, closing my eyes and facing my head down.

I was ashamed, ashamed that I had allowed another man to get this close to me. It can’t happen again, please no…

“Hey, hey, I’m here, breath in, breath out.” Linda took the coffee out of my hands and put an arm around my shoulders. “Do you have someone to talk to? Can I get you anything?” She asked me worried, at which I cried out.

No one, besides Harley, ever took care of me in a loving way, so why is Linda doing this? I just can’t understand! I wanted to leave, to lie in my bed and not worry about anything anymore. I just wanted all the mess that was cleaned out of my house, back in again, and make myself feel miserable again! That’s what I was comfortable with, for all these months, not this! Not feeling loved!

There were so many things I wanted to talk about, but I can’t risk my secrets and safety, Linda and Scott wouldn’t understand! They just wouldn’t!

“Should I call your friend again? Maybe she could tell me something, just to help you out?” Linda said, and that was actually a good idea.

Harley knows about everything about me, and also about our security protocol. Besides, she is the sane one out of the two of us, so she will be a good person to tell just enough. I took my phone from the table, made sure that all my other documents and accounts were still sealed, good, they hadn’t found those, and called for Harley.

“Abby, you woke up again?”

“Yes, I’m sorry to bother you like this, on your vacation.”

“No worries, I’m glad you’re okay.”

“This is the time, code orange.” I said, giving her my permission.

“Really? Alright, give me the girl I spoke with earlier.”

Scott’s point of view:

“That’s all she is willing to share with us right now.” Linda said, after talking to me for thirty minutes.

I hadn’t said a word, not one, with every single piece of information, even though it isn’t everything. Linda said she had been talking to Abbygail’s friend, giving her code orange, which only included the most important details. Details which she would only give out in emergencies, like this.

Apparently, Abbygail does technical projects for a living, which weren’t always completely legal. So, that’s why she had given us a fake name. To keep her life a secret, to protect her friend and herself.

But this wasn’t the information I was searching for, even though it explained some of her behaviour. The thing I wanted to know, was what had happened in the past, what had wronged her and how to fix it. I wanted to be able to love her, without her shooting in a panic attack again!

But all Linda could tell, was that a man had broken her heart in more ways than one. She had been both humiliated to the lowest degree and left behind, her body beaten and broken, by the one she thought she loved. But luckily she had gotten away from him, which resulted in her secluding herself for months, only working on projects from her laptop.

“Can I go and see her now? Or will my presence cause her to freak out again?” I asked Linda, dreading the answer.

“Sure, she has calmed down, even after finding out that we are werewolves. But keep your wolf in reign, Alpha.” She replied, gently smiling.

“Yes, that’s going to be a challenge.” I grinned with a sad face, knowing that I was happy to get close to her again, yet not too close as then she would lose her comfort.

I walked over to the guest room, knocking on the door and entering upon permission.

“Hi.” She gently greeted me, pulling the blanket closer to her body.

“Don’t worry, I won’t get any closer.” I said while sitting at the edge of the bed.

Some relieve washed out of her, letting go of the blanket and patted it flat. She was nervous, but so was I, I wanted to break down this wall as soon as possible.

“I’m sorry I tried to kiss you.”

“It wasn’t that, that would have been fine. I’m not a prude.” She said and I rose my eyebrow. She wanted me to kiss her? I’m confused… “it’s just the thought behind it that frightened me.” She started to explain, and I gave her the space to do so.

“Before I was taken, locked up I mean, this guy…” She stopped for a moment. “Dominic…” She spat out his name, breathing heavy, nearly choking on her own saliva. “He, he said he loved me, he said all those nice things and treated me like a queen… until he didn’t.” My blood started to boil, especially when hearing that name. It would be a name that could never be erased from my mind, until I find him and skin him alive! But I had to remain calm for now, how hard that would be.

“So, when you picked me up and rubbed your dick against me, showing affection and… love… I just couldn’t understand it. I can’t just believe this is real. That I won’t be broken and beaten down this time. That’s why I’m afraid, that’s why I broke down.” She ended her monologue and I just stared at her beautiful eyes.

“But you said you weren’t afraid of me, of what I am, so what happened? Was it something I said or did, that made you realise to be frightened of me after all?” I asked her, and she had to think really hard, until her mind came up with the answer.

“You holding me, that tightly, would have taken me out of my fear, but when you said those words… ‘baby girl’ that’s when I truly snapped. He used to call me that.”

“Then I will never say it again.” I said and she smiled.

“I’d like that.”

“I can call you, little bee, gorgeous, beautiful, magnificent, marvelouss… Plenty of words to choose from, so that’s no problem.” I continued and made her laugh. “Or, honey, sweet-pea, love-bird -

“Okay, stop!” She chuckled and it was the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.

I turned my body around, ready to get closer to her, but I needed her consent in this. “Can I sit with you?” I asked her and she nodded.

“But not under the blankets, I’m naked.” She said, and I groaned heavily.

“You are not making this any easier.” I replied and readjusted my cock, in my pants.

She saw what I did, and chuckled. Nope she clearly isn’t a prude, but a tease! She is one hell of a tease!

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