A Winter's Tale - Book I

Chapter Winter Time - Reynard/Winter

Waking in a strange bed was nothing new for me, but opening my eyes to soft sheets and walls covered in books? That was a bit strange. It took me a minute to realize why my arms felt so empty, the fog in my mind slipping away bit by bit.


My groggy voice was too quiet for anyone not close by to hear. Sitting up I searched for her, but the sound of singing is what caught my attention and eased my growing worry. That and running water. She was safe. She was alive.

Standing to follow the heavenly sound I found myself at a closed door. Was this here the night before? Truth be told there could've been a dozen monsters surrounding us and I would've missed them all to keep my eyes on her. She had been a glorious sight to bathe myself in.

Knocking on the wooden barrier I waited for an answer, but only heard the continued tune of a lullaby. If I had any sense I would've waited in the bedroom for her to come out. That was replaced with a greedy need as I thought of the water running over her naked form. What if she was thinking of me in there, touching herself? That was all the thought it took to push on.

Taking the chance I opened the door, my eyes shut as I slipped inside and closed it behind me. I would give her the chance to yell at me, curse me, or just tell me to leave. I would respect whatever she wanted, but I couldn't make myself stay away


Her singing cut off as soon as she heard me call her name. I kept my eyes closed, but damn it all if I didn't want to open them and head straight for her. Her heart skipped a beat, the water running straight to the floor if the sound of it hitting the stone so strongly was anything to go by.


Cursing in my head I fought the urge to look with the small thread of self-control I had left. It was ripping swiftly. She was gorgeous, a goddess, and I was going to do everything I needed to do and far more to have her in my life, but it wouldn't be easy.

"You can open your eyes."

Her timid tone made my pants tighten in the crotch as I opened my eyes to find her. Just to the side of a huge showerhead, she stood in a dark towel, her eyes locked onto me. She thought I was unpredictable, it was obvious in her wide-eyed surprise, and at that moment she was right. I wanted her, but I wanted all of her.

Would this help or hurt my cause? Did I want to think it through? Honesty, I could try that. She seemed to like it last night. Besides, all she could do was say no and I would walk away. I wouldn't argue or try to convince her otherwise. That wasn't an option, it was disgusting to even think of doing.

"I want you."

Her eyes grew wide once more, my hands moving to the waist of my pants as she caught sight of my movement. Her hands held tight to her towel, her breathing unbalanced. Her rosy cheeks made me want to push her up against the wall and take her hard and rough, but I couldn't. Not yet, not this time.

"I can hear your racing heart. You want me too."

She looked like she might faint, run, or jump my bones. I guess we were both unpredictable. It was hot but also made me realize how she must be feeling, her metaphorical footing as unstable as mine.

"I need to know what you want, bunny. You need to tell me."

I took a step forward, her lips parting as if she wanted to say something. She stayed silent, my bare feet on the other side of the falling water before she finally snapped out of it.

"I want you!"

Her hurried words rang out around us, and I couldn't help the grin that took hold of my mouth as I slipped off my pants. Throwing them back toward the door I closed in on her, pulling the towel gently out of her hands. That's all I needed to know.

She looked like a rabbit, trembling and small before me. Gods, did that make me the wolf? I wanted to devour her, so maybe it was true. I'd be anything if it meant I could hold her like this.

Standing under the water I leaned down, hand in her hair as I claimed her mouth. She would be mine, fully. It was a fact now set in stone. No matter what I wanted, or felt, she would be the one I did it with. The way she handled me the night before, how easily she laid her heart out for me to see. I wouldn't fumble this chance. I couldn't.

The feel of her gorgeous body in my hands made me growl, the sound causing her to jump a little as I let her breathe. Holding a breast in my hand, large and plentiful, I pinched her nipple softly between two fingers. A quick intake of air made it obvious she liked it. She was an open book in my hands.

Watching her face, taking in every reaction, I wanted more. She was so expressive, so obvious with her feelings. Did she know how open she was? Was this how she was with everyone?

My free hand grabbed one thick thigh, her ecstasy-fueled moans a sinful symphony to my ears. No, she could only be like this with me. I would make sure she only ever wanted this with me.


I had dreamt of scenarios like this, but never had I thought I could have it for myself. Now, this giant of a man grabbing me like I was his little sex doll, made me rethink everything I had ever dreamt. None of it was as sexy as him or as fulfilling as his touch on my skin.

I wanted him, all of him, inside me. Gods he was well endowed, his cock hard and standing at attention between us. Pressing into my abdomen it was hard to ignore, not that I wanted to.

Should I tell him though? He would want to know, right? The thought of coming clean made me bite my lip, soaking in his rough fingertips against me for a moment longer. He was supernaturally warm and I wanted his touch to burn itself into me for an eternity.

What if I told him and then he stopped or regretted wanting me? That thought broke my trance. Would it be a turn-off for him? It wouldn't be fair to go into this without the truth being out in the open. No matter what, honesty was a must.


The second her heart stuttered I knew something was wrong. One second she was moaning and practically begging for more and the next she was hesitating. With one hand covering the space between her thighs and the other playing with a tit I worried I had hurt her. Her eyes, dark and full of desire, half-closed in sin, made me slow.

"Did I hurt you?"

She shook her head, but the thought was eating away at the edge of my mind and now it wouldn't stop. I needed answers. Taking my hands away from her flesh had her fully at attention and my head screwed back on right. Her hands moved to cover her breasts self-consciously.

Fuck, I wanted nothing more than to uncover her and ravage that sweet body. She should never be self-conscious, her curves more beautiful than anything I had ever set my eyes on before. Or maybe she was worried about my reaction? I just needed her to be honest. With herself and me.

"What's wrong?"

She moved under the water with me, her hands moving to rest against my chest. I couldn't help myself, my hands lightly grabbing her hips. She seemed to relax a bit at my touch.

"I'm a virgin."

That's what was on her mind? Ok, yeah that was a surprise, but it wasn't the end of the world. She looked to be my age, a little younger maybe? Had she been here her whole life? Oh shit, how old was she? Maybe she had just been stuck here without any prospects, but what if...

"Winter, how old are you?"

That made her lean back and furrow her brow as she looked up at me. She laughed, then stopped when she realized I was serious.

"I'm immortal, Reynard. How old are you?"

I narrowed my gaze at her, not liking the way she was sidestepping the question. Still, hearing her say she was immortal eased the worries I had been piling up in my mind.

"I'm fifty."

She nodded, looking down at my chest as if she was trying to figure out the easiest way out of a trap. Why was this such a horrible question?

"I'm close to your age."


She glared up at me as if I was asking something horrifying of her. What was going on in that pretty little head of hers?

"Reynard you do not ask a woman two things. Her weight and her age. I am close to your age and that's all you need to know."

Well, that felt like a mother's stern voice if I ever heard one. I had, and far worse. I couldn't help but smile, shaking my head.

"You're immortal, it's not like you'll ever look old, bunny."

She rolled her eyes but her smile gave away how little she really cared about keeping her age a secret. Then, as if she remembered what the original topic was, she looked up at me.

"Does it not bother you that I'm a virgin?"

I thought about that, unsure how she wanted me to answer her. I had never been with a virgin but I had heard enough from others about it. A woman's virginity wasn't something she could lose painlessly. Moving her hands away from my body I knelt before her, resting my head against her soft skin.

"Nothing about you could ever make me turn tail if that's what you're worried about. It just means this is not going to happen like this."

I felt her stiffen a little, rubbing reassuring circles into the flesh of her hips. I had started this, got us both heated and now I couldn't finish it. For the second time in a row, I backed down and I was not liking the feel of it.

"But I..."

I held her tight by the hips, refusing to let her go as I cut off her argument. This wasn't something I could be talked into. She needed the softest side of me to make sure she wasn't in too much pain and enjoyed her first time.

"It will happen. Just not like this."

She reached over, turning off the water as I looked up at her. Those green eyes wouldn't meet mine and I knew what she was thinking because I had the same thing on my mind. She was frustrated, and I wanted nothing more than to ease that heavy feeling.

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