A Winter's Tale - Book I

Chapter Looks Like a Cold, Cold - Winter

I was used to having visitors, with nine siblings and two doting parents, just not like this. There was a blizzard going on outside after all. I swore as I tied my robe tighter, ready to lecture anyone who dared to go out in this crazy weather just to see me.

Then I pulled the door inward and suddenly I couldn't breathe. My heart picked up its pace, my tummy filled with butterflies, and my eyes widened. Before me stood a behemoth of a man.

"Oh my mistletoe."

Was my voice breathy? Good gosh, I didn't think I could even speak in that moment so those three words were pretty lucky. I definitely had other things pop into my head that I could've said that would've gotten me on the naughty list. If there was such a thing.

Wrapped in a thick fur coat, hat, mittens, and pants to match I couldn't see his boots through the snow covering him above his ankles. Without hesitation I walked backward, sweeping an arm into my home as a welcoming gesture.

"Please, come in. You must be freezing."

He looked me over with dark brown eyes, smoldering pools of hot chocolate I could bathe in. Did he seem angry? Maybe, some of the beings here came to us with too many emotions to sort through in one sitting.

I had to muster up every atom of self-control I possessed not to speak of my physical attraction to this creature. I might have done a novel proud by how much I wanted to drop my robe for him. I knew to stay on my toes here though, and I also knew I was not that much of a daredevil.

The only beings that were able to find this place were lost supernaturals, so I knew he couldn't be fully human. I needed to stay vigilant but also remain calm and hospitable as my parents would want.

He took the invitation with caution, ducking his head a little bit to get inside. I noted that to fix for later. I would never want someone to feel unwelcome simply because of the size of my entrance. Door. I was thinking about the door.

His boots were covered in snow, but just when I thought he would track it through the house he stopped. Turning around he looked at me with those gorgeous eyes of molten chocolate and spoke for the first time. His deep voice felt as if it was echoing through me, his accent thick but unrecognizable. The poor thing, was he lost?

"Forgive my intrusion."

I nodded, pointing toward the closet beside us as I moved closer to him to get out of the way. The hallway felt miniscule with him in it, also something I noted. Thankfully I had made sure all of the houses were built with ten to twelve-foot high ceilings to accommodate all of the creatures we housed. Mine sat at eleven feet, though I hadn't factored in the door to that equation. My mistake, and it would be rectified for all of the homes.

"It's quite alright. If you would like to place your boots and coat in the closet I will make you something warm to drink and stoke the fire."

He nodded, and I could feel his eyes on my backside as I made my way into the kitchen. Why did that flip my switch, so to speak? A stranger, a magnificent one at that, but still an unknown creature and here I was getting all hot and bothered? I needed to get out more.

Distracting myself with the task at hand I wondered. Would he want hot cocoa or tea? Maybe coffee? I should've asked him, but I was so flustered by the size of him that I lost the ability to think straight.

With my back turned I felt the heat of him as he entered the room, my hands moving mechanically. Just remember not to spill it, Winter. Pouring boiling water into a mug of hot cocoa I turned to hand it to him carefully, only to freeze again at the sight of him. Thankfully I stuck to my thought and did not spill the hot beverage.

His bare torso was a sudden shock to my senses, I won't lie. I had never seen anything like him before. He was so tall, so wide, and built like an ox. All muscle. What could he possibly be? Even my tallest brother, Jack, only stood at six-foot-seven. He was our giant for sure.

I stopped growing when I hit five-foot-eleven. One inch away from a perfect six feet. It was something I knew Mother Nature did just to irritate the perfectionist in me.

"Do you like hot cocoa?"

My voice was stuck at a soft whisper, mostly because I worried about scaring him. He may be large but that didn't make him any less able to have fear than a wounded deer in my eyes. Besides, I had no idea why he was here with me now.

Some come to us in mourning, others in fear, and others harboring anger and confusion. We only ever want to help them, but we have to tread lightly. If anyone knew that it was Nicholas, with the scar across his right eye left to tell the tale.

"That's fine, thank you."

That voice melted my heart more than the man could ever know. I would swoon if it wasn't so dramatic. As he reached out for the mug I spoke up, looking into his eyes.

"I have tea and coffee as well if that would be better?"

He stopped moving for a moment, once again looking me over. With a simple movement of his head from side to side he gently took the cup from my hands. I cautiously moved around him, heading into the book nook. He followed on my tail, his eyes looking over everything around him.

Motioning to a chair I waited for him to sit. When he didn't I looked him over and frowned, then pointed toward the window bench. How could I not see the obvious size difference between him and the furniture?

"Forgive me. I'll have to get larger furniture."

That comment made the corner of his lips turn upward, giving my heart a little flutter. Was that a smile? Good Appalachian mountains on high he was gorgeous.

When he was seated by the window I moved to the fireplace, then stopped before picking up a log. Looking toward him, his pants made of what looked to be leather and fur, I thought back to the heat I felt in the kitchen.

"Are you cold?"

He shook his head and I nodded, setting the log down and moving to sit in a chair close to him. His eyes never left me, I knew that. The feel of his hot gaze on me never ebbed. Once I was comfortable I looked up to meet those heated irises and speak.

"What's your name?"

He frowned a bit, his eyes finally connecting with mine.


I couldn't help but smile at his timid answer.

"Mine is Winter."

He raised an eyebrow at that. It was a reaction I was sure I would get with any normal person.

"If my name surprises you knowing my father is Santa Claus might be the cherry on top of the sundae."

That made both his eyebrows shoot up as he looked around suddenly as if the old spirit of Christmas might pop in out of nowhere. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't worry, he uses the front door. No sliding down chimneys when it comes to family."

That seemed to ease his worry a bit, his shoulders relaxing. When he sat back it was to look me over again, this time his gaze seemed different. Softer, as if he had nothing to fear now.

"Winter Claus."

I nodded, my name sounding heavenly when he spoke it.

"Yes. I have nine siblings, all wintery names."

He smiled a bit, nodding his head in awe.

"Ten kids. Wow, they've been busy."

I couldn't help the blush that rushed over my cheeks at the lewd picture he was painting of my parents. Not to mention the way he was looking me up and down like I was his next meal. Like he wanted to get very busy. Clearing my throat I tried to change the topic.

"So, Reynard, are you here for long?"

He was taken off guard a bit by that question but answered me honestly.

"My father died and he talked a lot about this place when I was growing up. I didn't have a plan past coming here."

His eyes were on his now clasped hands, his elbows resting on his knees and the mug forgotten at his side. I couldn't help the hurt that pricked my heart, my mind falling onto my own parents. If I lost them I don't know what I would do, but I think I might understand him a little. Without thinking it through fully I sat forward and placed a hand over his.

"You're looking for him here, in the memory."

He looked surprised once more, his eyes catching mine as if he thought I might be a witch. I let my hand slip away from his warm skin, my heart racing. If I had a mirror I was sure to see a rosy blush covering my face, my freckles bled away by the heat of it all.

"My parents are my world. I can only imagine I would do the same for them."

He nodded, but I could tell he was holding something back. I didn't want to make the same mistake Nicholas made, but something about this man made me say it.

"I can't pretend to know your pain, Reynard, but I am here if you need to talk about it. Or anything. I will not judge your mourning or how you deal with it, ever."

I thought my words were encouraging and friendly, but apparently, I was giving off far more. In the next second, he was kneeling in front of me, his mouth on mine like a sweet touch of chocolate. The hot cocoa on his lips tasted like Christmas, or maybe it was my delusional heart.

I didn't even know what I was doing, this being my first kiss. My body simply moved on its own. Following his lead into a deeper, more passionate makeout session, my heart was racing. Did I want this? Holy Night I just might.

I had just been thinking of my future, of finding a partner to share it with. Was this fate tossing him onto my doorstep? Was she finally tired of my pleas? Was this man who I had been looking for all along?

I was getting my hopes up, I told myself over and over again. This was a stranger. I had no inkling what he could be, yet I was indulging in this spontaneous kiss. My first kiss.

When he backed away it was only a breath, enough to rest his forehead against my own. His hands held to mine as if he was afraid he might fall without my hold.

"Forgive me. I thought I could control myself better."

What was I supposed to say to that? I made him lose control? I hadn't controlled myself one bit either. Could I even speak? In a breathy whisper, I stumbled over my words.

"It's...quite alright. Nothing to...apologize for."

When he looked up to catch my eye I could see the building heat and suddenly I knew that he wanted far more than a kiss. Did I want that? A strong, sexy stranger shows up at my door and gives me the chance at a night of heat and fun. Would I be ok with that?

"I'm so sorry Reynard, but I can't give you what you want."

Slipping out of the chair I forced myself to walk away from him. Once I was a safe distance I turned to look at him. Those cocoa irises had never left me, a hawk on a mouse. He was a hunter and I was his very willing prey. Of course, I didn't want to give in so easily, but it was hard not to with the way I was suddenly feeling. Was this normal? Was this what mother and father felt for one another? No wonder they have so many kids.

"I don't know you. You're gorgeous, there's no doubt, and sweet. Gentle, you're gentle as well, for as much as I've seen. We're strangers though honey, and I can't risk getting attached to someone that might just be passing through."

Did I just call him honey? Oh lord, I had to be losing my mind. I wouldn't blame me one bit though, because he was a god and he chose to kneel before me. I'm not saying I don't think I'm beautiful or something, I have plenty of self-worth, but this? This scene was like a romance novel coming to life.

Grabbing the ribbons of my robe I tightened them a bit, fearful that any exposed flesh might prove to him that I was ready for spontaneous stranger sex. I was being ludicrous, I know. He stood up, making me stumble out more words in a rush as if to halt his steps toward me.

"I can lead you to Daddy tomorrow or whenever the storm lets up some. I'm sure you're eager to meet him. I would hate to waste your time."

His hand cupped my face, running along my flesh as he laced his fingers into the hair at the nape of my neck. His grip tilted my head backward, forcing our eyes to meet. His free hand moved to sit between my breasts, feeling my racing heart hitting his fingertips, I was sure.

"Winter Claus, I am eager for one thing at the moment."

His deep tone slipped lower as he leaned toward me, his eyes flashing a brilliantly icy blue.

"I am eager to cherish my time with you."

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