A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 27

Part 3

Eight-thirty p.m.

I stared at myself in the mirror, taking in my reflection and wondering if how I looked was okay enough for my meet-up w Aaron Hart. I was in a black silk dress with a hollow chest that showed just about a hint of my cleavages. It has slim hand and left my shoulders bare. The outfits hugged every curve I had from up to down. It doubled in size after I had Zion and though I thought it would leave in its time; it hadn't. I wasn't complaining.

My dirty blonde hair I held up in a loose bun, letting a few curls fall onto my shoulders. I applied a little make-up and touch my lips with red lipstick and my lashes with black mascara. I needed to look my best and though I felt as if this was too much; I reminded myself the man I was going to meet was Aaron Hart. He might have seemed like a normal man five years ago, but he was a businessman, a multimillionaire, and I didn't want to appear wretched before him.

Tonight, however, wasn't about me, it was about Zion, our son and what the stakes were now that he was back in my life, into his life. A lot was going to change, and I wanted to know firsthand what those changes would be like.

With the change in my schedule, I had to hire a nanny to watch over Zion while I was away. I already schedule the meetin to not be over two hours at most and I pray to god that Aaron would be considerate in using the time for the meeting. 1 a mother to a four-year-old son, after all.

Daniel asked if we could make plans for the night, but I told him I couldn't. I wanted to tell him how the events of today had turned bad, but I wanted to have the full story before revealing it to him. 1 also hadn't told Diya yet for the same reason.

I packed my car in the parking lot, which was easier said than done because of the many cars already parked outside. The vanity restaurant was one of the largest in the city and it had great ratings from what I've heard, but this was my first time coming here. I didn't know it had this much pull on people, but the environment was as warm and welcoming as the critics said.

Aaron chose here, he must have liked it too.

I stepped inside and 1 glanced at the massive restaurant hall which had much people seated around. My eyes trying to fir Aaron from where I stood, but I didn't after a long while of a visual scan. A young male attendant approached me with a bright smile on his face and my attention settled on him.

“Good evening and welcome to the vanity restaurant. Would you like a table or have you already made an order for one? “I'm here to meet someone, Mr Aaron Hart," I answered, and he nodded, knowing who I spoke about and beckoned that I followed him.

I silently did, and he led me up the stairs to the executive floor, which had only but a few people present. It also appeare well organised and provided maximum privacy compared to the outer hall.

I caught the sight of Aaron on the right side of the room, holding the menu in his hand and reading through it. His attention was keen as always and his brows furrowed. He was now in a blue suit that would have complimented his eyes it were daytime. His hair was in a neat ponytail, which brought out his broad, handsome face. It didn't feel right that I wasn't on the same page with him.

I spoke up to the attendant, “I have seen him; I can make my way from here, thank you.”

He smiled and nodded before taking his leave.

I clutched hard on my purse and guided my legs towards him. I reached the table where he sat and I drew myself into the other empty chair to take my seat.

“You're late." He said with a displeased tone as my butt touched the seat, forcing me to glance at my wristwatch to see th indeed it was five minutes later than the time he gave.

“Iam here," I grumbled under my breath, but he heard because his head lifted from the menu he read and his hard gaze rested on me.

I felt chills at his haughty stare and I adjusted in my seat as if I just had a bucket of ice water emptied on my head.

This wasn't the side of Aaron I knew all those years. I knew the kind side, the gentle side, and so this side of him felt alier to me.

“Well, you kept the existence of his son away from him for four years. If you're honest with yourself, you would admit you don't deserve to see that side either!

And 1 will keep paying for the choice I made for the rest of my life. What a horrible life.

I realised my response wasn't the best either. He was right. I was late and once again; I was in the wrong. “I'm sorry," I sai and I knew this won't be the last time I would use that line tonight.

My apology was loud enough, but he behaved as if I said nothing. His gaze returned to the menu in his hand and after a while of me sitting at the table awkwardly, I spoke.

“I'm here, just like you requested.”

He placed the menu in his hand down on the table and he folded his arms across his chest. “I want to know why." He said his eyes levelling down on me.

I knew what he wanted to know; he wanted to know why I cut him out of the first five years of his son's life. He wanted to know why I chose not to contact him after I found out I was pregnant with his baby.

I opened my mouth to reply with all the words I had rehearsed on the way down here, but none of those reasons came ot of my mouth. After a few seconds, my mouth snapped shut and my eyes dropped to the table.

I fidgeted with my fingers, contemplating the words to say. “I thought it was the best decision. There was no reason to involve you in my business.’

The last line must have triggered him because his eyes flickered. “Except he isn't just your business. He's my son as much as he is yours, if not more.”

I stayed silent despite every fibre of my bones wanting me to rebel and tell him his last line was a lie, but 1 bit down on tongue. I didn't want to upset this man; he seemed ready to bite off my head if the chance presented itself tonight.

“You denied me five years of being a part of his life. Now tell me why I shouldn't take him away from you?”

There was no reason he shouldn't, but I could not imagine a world without my son. It would be a dark and miserable one and 1 will not survive or want to live in it.

“It was a weekend together. I thought nothing would come of it, but it did. Understand there were a lot of things to consider. I barely knew you, and I had to make the decision all by myself”

His teeth clenched at my words, and he shook his head. “You could have told me when we met at the fundraiser. You cou have come out with the truth."

“How did you want me to do that? Hello Aaron, I saw you came in today, but we have a son and he came out from the weekend we spent together over four years ago. Was that what you wanted me to say?” I demanded.

“Yes, exactly like that." his response showed he saw nothing wrong with it. “You had the last three weeks to come out witt the truth, and you chose to keep it from me. There's no excuse. That is on you."

I dragged a deep breath and rubbed my hand over my forehead. “Then I'm sorry about everything. For not telling you abc your son, and if there's a way to get on the same page about it, I want to hear it"

He placed his hands down on the table and my eyes caught the file sitting on the table before him beside the menu. My gaze immediately narrowed, wondering what it was.

“l want my son. 1 want to be a part of his life. 1 want him to get to know me, his father. I do not want to get the lawyers involved and take him away from you and so I had this drafted.” he pushed the file towards me and I picked it up and rea through it.

It was a very detailed consenting agreement in which I would sign my right over to him. He didn't want fifty per cent; he wanted eighty per cent.

I scoffed after reading through the terms stated in the document. He was pushing all the limits and my back was already against the wall. “This is ridiculous.’ I slammed the file on the table and shoved it away from me. I felt anger turn within r being and I couldn't control it.

“How?” he asked, as if he wasn't there when this got drafted.

“You literally just want to take him from me" I slammed, exhausted with trying to find reasons with him. It was obvious th would never work. He wanted to make me pay for my shortcoming and he was doing that. These terms didn't appear one made by someone who was being considerate, it appeared one who was being an a*****el

He raised a challenging brow at me. “Isn't that what you have done for four years?”

“It's not!” I insisted, “I didn’t know if you would accept him as yours or if you were just going to reject him!” he had his life planned out. He seems to have found completeness with the woman he was searching for then, and a baby would have disrupted that.

“You took that choice from me and it was never your place to do that” he snapped at me for the very first time.

I pressed my lips together, “And now you're gonna pay me back in kind."

“That's not what this is,” he argued.

My eyes grew glassy, but I blink them back. My heart was breaking, and I couldn't fathom the very thought of losing my so to this man. “Then what is it? You're making demand for more times than I will have with my son. This is cruel”

“I do not deny you access to your son. He is still yours and you can still see him.”

“Yes, but I'd have to get permission from you before doing everything. My son would no longer be mine but yours!" “Because he is mine."

I didn’t want to accept this offer; it was too cruel. A painful tear slid down my face and it burnt my skin. 1 quickly reached for it and wiped it off.

“You want to punish me, that's all you want to do. You want to take him from me, but you don’t even know him or what he like!"

“And whose fault is that?”

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