A Warrior's Love

Chapter 5: Jealousy strikes Wyatt

“Wyatt!” Becky yelled as moved swiftly toward the door.

Mrs. Freedman stepped back out of the doorway so Becky could run through it and reach Wyatt.

Wyatt held out his arms for Becky to walk into. His eyes were a stormy black and as he hugged her, burying his face in her hair.

“I returned to your home, and your mom said you went for a run. So, I waited for you. When you didn’t return within an hour, I asked her where you might go, and she reluctantly told me. I don’t think she likes me much,” Wyatt said quietly in her ear.

Becky raised her face from his chest to look at him. His eyes appeared calmer now, although, they had a bit of a glow to them. She vaguely recalled that glowing eyes meant that his wolf spirit was close to the surface.

“I like you Wyatt,” Becky whispered, wanting him to know. Then, realizing she’d just blurted out her feelings in front of everyone, she became slightly embarrassed. So, clearing her throat, she said, “I thought you would be gone most of the day, so I decided to go for a run. Then I had questions and thought Demi might could help me.”

“Demi?” Wyatt questioned with the slight tilting of his head.

“Oh, I’m so sorry! I am so manner less!” Becky cried as she turned back toward the door where Demi and her mom stood. She then said, “This is Wyatt. Wyatt, this is Demi and you might remember her mom, Mrs. Freedman, she is originally from the Stone Pack.”

Wyatt gave a slight bow of his head, saying, “It has been a long time, but yes, I remember you. You are now Bradley’s mate, and this is obviously your child. She looks just as I remember you looking when you lived in the pack.”

Mrs. Freedman bowed her head slightly also as she agreed, “Yes, Bradley is mine. I must say you have grown up to be quite handsome Wyatt.”

Wyatt then looked at Demi, as if he wasn’t sure what to say to her.

Demi grinned, and never one at a loss for words said, “So, you’re Becky’s tall glass of good-looking she was telling us about. I’ll admit you aren’t bad looking, but Jake’s cuter. Well, to me he is anyway. I’m sure Becky would argue that it’s the other way around.”

Becky felt her cheeks heat once more as everyone turned to look at her. She opened her mouth to say something but was saved by a voice from behind.

“Hey Becky.”

Turning around, Becky saw Mr. Freedman, Jake, and Tim. Becky smiled when she realized it had been Tim who had spoken.

Wyatt turned then also.

“Hi Tim, Jake, Mr. Freedman,” Becky said. She then turned, ready to introduce Wyatt to everyone just as he growled. Confused by his reaction, she questioned, “Wyatt?”

Wyatt never looked Becky’s way as he pulled her closer to him. His lip curled up in a growl as he spoke in a deep gruff voice saying, “Mine.”

Becky heard a giggle behind her and tried to look but Wyatt only held on tighter.

Demi stated for everyone to hear, “Somebody’s jealous.”

Mr. Freedman looked amused.

Jake looked surprised.

Tim just looked confused.

“Um... Wyatt?” Becky asked questioningly, still wondering what had upset him.

At the same time Tim said, “I didn’t know you had a mate Becky.”

Becky turned from Wyatt to look at Tim as she explained, “Well, when I saw you yesterday I didn’t because I just met him this morning when he showed up with my brother. He’s part of the Stone pack. Tim, this is Wyatt. Wyatt, this is Tim, this is his brother Jake, who is Demi’s mate. I’m sure you already know Mr. Freedman.”

“Warrior Wyatt and I met a few years ago at the annual training. He wasn’t much more than a pup then, but already a strong fighter,” Mr. Freedman said.

“Wow, I can’t believe little Becky has a mate,” Jake said as he put his arm around Demi who had walked over to him. Then, with a grin in Demi’s direction, he said, “Now she can drag him along with her to the mall, and I’ll have someone to grumble with when you two are spending all our money on useless stuff.”

“Hey, what I buy isn’t useless and you know you enjoy going with us!” Demi said pouting.

Jake laughed and said, “Yeah, I enjoy it when we hit the food court! Mm... all that food!”

Demi pouted at Jake as she crossed her arms.

Jake closed his eyes as he licked his lips as if he were remembering food he eaten there.

Becky had to laugh at Jake because he was so crazy. Then, leaning up against Wyatt she looked up at him. Her laughter faded as she saw him looking angrily at Tim. That was when she realized that Wyatt was shaking with anger, but she didn’t understand why. Have I done something wrong? I don’t think I did. I mean, I spoke to everyone, but I didn’t hug a male, which I knew was a big no-no when you had a mate. I remember when Demi hugged my brother after she and Jake met, and Jake almost took Jeff’s head off! I won’t make that mistake. So, turning to Demi, Becky asked soundlessly, “What did I do?”

Demi smiled knowingly, and soundlessly replied, “Have him carry you home, now.”

“Carry?” Becky questioned soundlessly with a frown of confusion.

Demi nodded.

Becky turned back to Wyatt with a sigh, thinking, I don’t see how him carrying me is going to help but I must try something to calm him. Everyone is standing quietly, as if they’re waiting for something, what I don’t know, but something. Poor Tim though, he’s standing nervously twitching, as if he’s trying so hard not to run. Wolves love a good chase though, and if he were to try running, I don’t think it wouldn’t end well for him, not the way Wyatt is glaring at him.

Deciding to try Demi’s suggestion, she tugged on Wyatt’s sleeve.

After a moment he looked down.

“I ran here Wyatt and... um... I’m kind of tired. So, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind carrying me to your vehicle?”

“I walked here,” Wyatt informed her.

Becky bit her lower lip as she thought fast. She then asked, “Oh, well then, would you mind carrying me home? I’m not heavy, promise.”

Wyatt gave a slight nod, he then placed his hands on her waist and lifted her up.

Becky quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist.

Wyatt then placed one arm under her butt, the other around her waist, holding her tightly to his chest. Then he began to walk at a fast pace down the driveway.

Becky waved goodbye to everyone.

Demi gave her a thumbs up.

With a soft sigh, Becky lay her head on Wyatt’s shoulder and said, “I’m sorry for making you mad Wyatt. I didn’t mean too. Could you tell me what I did to make you mad?”

Wyatt continued to walk not saying anything.

Soon she found her fingers tangling in his hair, fascinated by how thick and soft it was.

Wyatt gave a low growl of content and his shoulders relaxed. He then asked, “Is Tim your boyfriend?”

Startled at his question, Becky pulled back, so she could look into his eyes. There she saw his jealousy, so she denied, “Boyfriend? No. I’ve never had one of those, and I only met Tim yesterday Wyatt! Jake brought him along to the mall with him yesterday and we talked when Jake and Demi... um... err...started kissing and stuff.” Feeling the heat in her face, she cleared her throat, the continued, “I guess Jake felt bad, because I always end up being a third wheel when him and Demi get together.”

“Oh, so you don’t like him?”

“Well, yeah, I like him. I think he could be a good friend to me. I don’t have a lot of friends Wyatt, and it gets lonely sometimes. He doesn’t hold my affections though,” she told him as she lay her head back down.

Wyatt didn’t say anything else, but she felt his body relax even more, his hand giving her butt a gentle squeeze. Slowly his even gate began to lull her to sleep and her eyes closed.

Wyatt felt Becky’s body relax, her heartbeat evening out, and he knew she slept. He continued to walk, slower now than when he’d had started because he wanted to keep her in his arms as long as he could. He knew as soon as he reached her home, she would be taken from him, mostly because her mom didn’t like him.

He would admit to doing things in his past that he wasn’t proud of, things her mom surely knew. It still ticked him off that because of those things she would try to keep him and Becky apart. No matter what was in his past, it was his past, and he didn’t deserve to have his mate kept from him because of it.

His thoughts went from that thought to what had happened just moments ago. He had been so angry when the boy had spoken to her, but her sweet voice and soothing scent had calmed him quickly. Now he could feel his wolf growling low his content inside him. Neither he nor his wolf had felt this calm in a very long time, and he knew it was one of the perks of having a mate.

Seeing Becky’s house in front of him, he gave a sad sigh. He knew his time with her was almost over and it saddened him. He walked up the steps to the front door which was already open.

Jeff stood in the open door waiting, and said, “I see you found her.”

“Yes, she was at her friend’s home,” Wyatt informed Jeff.

“Demi?” Jeff asked.


“Come on in and we’ll put her on her bed,” Jeff said. He led the way up the stairs to Becky’s room and pulled her covers back for Wyatt to lay her down.

Becky whimpered a bit when Wyatt pulled away.

So, Wyatt picked up her hand and sat down next to her on the bed. He then questioned Jeff, “Since I am to be here for the training, I wondered if there is a place I might rent for a short period of time.”

“Why would you want to rent a place when you have a room here?” Jeff asked. “I even made sure you received the room next to Becky.”

Wyatt looked up at Jeff’s confused face. The alpha wolf in didn’t like they fact that they were being questioned. Yet, the human in him felt that Jeff deserved an answer. So, he began, “Your mom doesn’t like me Jeff. I know she knows things about me, about my past mistakes, and really doesn’t want me for your sister’s mate. I also know because of this she will try her best to keep us apart. So, I wish to get a place for us to stay until we go back home to the Stone Pack.”

“Wyatt, she’s only seventeen, and she’s human. I’m not sure Dad would let you move her into a house with you even if Mom agreed,” Jeff said quietly. “Don’t get me wrong, I understand the pull of mates, I grew up watching it at work but... she’s a papa’s girl through and through.” He sighed heavily then as he added, “Sadly, I’m not sure Mom ever really understood her.”

“All the more reason to take her with me. Jeff, I can’t be without her, human or not, and if I stay here... I’m afraid your mom will like me even less,” Wyatt told Jeff as he stood and began to pace.


“Because if she tries to keep me from Becky, I’m afraid my wolf will take over and put her in her place,” Wyatt answered. Stopping, he looked Jeff in the eyes as he said, “Frankly, my wolf isn’t always the nicest, even on a good day.”

“Ah... yeah, I’ve heard stories about him in battle,” Jeff said cringing slightly.

“Yeah, now think about that and add the mate bond,” Wyatt suggested.

Jeff’s face seemed to pale, and he swallowed hard before saying, “Okay, best not to have you around Mom because you’re right. She will try keep Becky away if she doesn’t like you, mate or not. Let’s go talk to Dad, I’m sure he’ll know of a place you could stay.”

So, walking downstairs they found Jeff’s father Gary outside on the porch.

“Hello boys, enjoying your free time while you can before training starts?” Gary asked when he saw them.

“Something like that,” Jeff said. Then, scratching the back of his neck he said, “Dad, Wyatt was wondering if you knew of any places he could rent while he’s here.”

“Oh, is there a problem with your room Wyatt?” Gary asked turning to Wyatt.

“No. Look sir, I’m sure it’s fine, although I have yet to step foot in it. The thing is, I would be more comfortable with my own place.”

“Hm...” Gary said as he looked at Wyatt carefully. Then, as if he had figured something out, he gave a slight nod and stood up. Next, he said, “I think I have just the place. Let me get my keys and tell Julie where we’re going then we’ll go.”

Wyatt nodded in agreement.

Gary walked inside the house.

“You didn’t tell him,” Jeff said quietly as they head for his dad’s truck.

“I will when we’re alone,” Wyatt replied just as quietly. He then added, “I think it is a discussion he and I need to have privately.”

Jeff nodded his agreement before saying, “Alright. I’ll see you later then.”

“Later,” Wyatt said and got in the truck just as Gary came back outside.

Gary drove them to a small house not far from his own and stopped. He then said, “This was my sister’s house. I keep it up and rent it from time to time. Rain lives with her mate Brand over in the Green Pack. They visit when they can and stay here, but since she’s pregnant with their second child right now, I know they won’t visit while you’re here.”

Stepping out of the truck they headed inside.

The house was a small single story with three-bedrooms and two bathrooms. After taking a quick look around Wyatt decided it was cozy and simple, but he liked it. Just from the little he knew of his sweet Becky, he was confident she would too. So, he turned to tell Gary he’d take it.

Gary was already watching him and quickly asked, “Have we done something to offend you? Is that the reason you don’t want to stay in my home?”

“No sir, although your mate doesn’t seem to like me. I believe her dislike stems from the fact that she doesn’t want me as your daughter’s mate,” Wyatt told Gary honestly. He then told him, “I will be a good mate to Becky, but your mate only sees me as a warrior wolf, aggressive and violent. She does not see me as a man who craves the love of his mate more than anything else.”

“I know you will be a good mate,” Gary told him with a smile. “You’ll just need to give my mate time and she’ll see it too.”

Wyatt decided it was time for him to tell Gary his intentions. So, he said, “I know Becky is only seventeen, but I will be bringing her here to stay with me. My wolf will not allow for separation.”

Wyatt then waited for an argument, but it never came.

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