A Warrior's Love

Chapter 20: Apology accepted

(K’aalógii: Butterfly in Navajo)

(Ayóó anííníshní: I love you in Navajo)

Early the next morning, Becky was off to school and Wyatt was headed for training

Before leaving, Wyatt mentioned he would be unable to pick her up that afternoon. Apparently, he had a ton of paperwork he needed to complete after his usual training was over. So, he dropped Becky off at the front of the school with a kiss and they went their separate ways for the day.

The School had started off boring that morning, and it seemed as if it was going drag for the rest of it, but that all changed when lunch time rolled around.

“Hey girl, so how did it go with the family last night? Can Wyatt still give you babies after mama wolf finished with him?” Demi asked with a snicker as she opened her pudding cup and spooned some out.

“It wasn’t that bad Demi,” Becky informed her with an eye-roll. Then, after pulling out her carrot sticks, she pointed one at Demi as she added, “In fact, I think Wyatt finally cleared the air with Mom, so she’ll leave him alone now. He told them about things that happened that made him the way he is, and I think she understands him better. Although, I doubt they will ever be friends.”

“Hm, well, I guess that is better than nothing,” Demi murmured. “So, she didn’t throw a big fit than about the two of you... you know?”

“No, she actually had a bigger problem with him biting me,” Becky admitted. “It surprised me, but I guess since she and Papa did the… tango in the sheets the day they met. I guess she figured saying something about that part of it would make her a hypocrite, but she still felt the urge to complain about something.”

Demi snickered and pulled out her chips after finishing her pudding.

“So, anyway...” Becky began only to be interrupted.

“Becky? Could I talk to you for a moment?” A soft female voice asked from behind her.

Becky cringed in recognition of the voice but turned anyway to verify that it truly was Cherry.

Demi snarled, saying, “No, you can’t speak to her! You need to just move on!”

“It’s alright Demi,” Becky said. The apologetic looks on Cherry’s face had her curious as to why she was there. “I’ll speak to her.”

“Thank you,” Cherry whispered.

“Have a seat,” Becky told her as she patted the one next to her. She then asked, “What do you need Cherry?”

Sitting down, Cherry cleared her throat and spoke in a soft un-Cherry like way, saying, “I want to say thank you for what you and Wyatt did, sparing my life. I know he would have rather killed me, and it would have been his right to do that, but I am so thankful he didn’t. You see I’ve met my mate and now that I have him I...” she gave a sad sigh, “I realize how truly awful I was, and I am so sorry Becky. You were never anything than a good friend to me.”

“Cherry, I am so happy for you!” Becky exclaimed as she gave the girl a sideways hug. She had wished that Cherry would find her mate and now that wish had come true, and she was so excited for Cherry as she said, “Tell us about him, tell us about your mate.”

Cherry’s face lit up like a child at Christmas as she began to speak, saying, “His name is Lucas and he’s from the Gideon Pack. He’s tall, like Wyatt, but slim built with blonde hair and blue eyes. He’s so sweet to me and cares about me. Even after I told him about all the terrible things I’ve done, he still wants to give us a chance. I was so afraid to tell him about myself but... he accepts me Becky, even the bad stuff.”

“Oh Cherry, I’m so glad,” Becky told her, and she truly was. “I know how it feels to have someone accept you for everything you are. It feels really good doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, it does but...” Cherry stopped talking. She then looked down at her hands, a sad look on her face.

“But what?” Demi spoke up to ask.

“He isn’t the only one who had to do some accepting,” Cherry said sadly. “And if it hadn’t had been for the fact that you and Wyatt gave me a second chance to turn my life around, I might not have accepted Lucas at all. Not the way I was a few days ago. All I’ve ever thought about was me and what I wanted, I didn’t care about anyone else. Then I saw how Wyatt asked you what you wanted him to do to me. He could have so easily used his anger at me to kill me right there, and he had every right to, but he didn’t because you asked him not to. His love and acceptance of you made a big impression on me Becky. I realized right then that I wanted to be more like you and less like me. I wanted to be someone worthy of my mate’s love, so I determined in myself to change.”

“I didn’t do anything Cherry. If Wyatt had wanted to kill you, he would have no matter what I said,” Becky said.

Cherry shook her head in disagreement as she argued, “No, no he wouldn’t have. He loves you Becky, and he knows if he had killed me it would have upset you. He wouldn’t do that to you.”

“I actually agree with Cherry. You didn’t want him to kill her, and how you felt meant more to him then appeasing his anger,” Demi added.

Becky shrugged. She didn’t agree, but she wasn’t going to argue with them about it either.

“Anyway, back to Lucas,” Cherry said, a soft look on her face. “When he was fourteen his pack was attacked by rogues. While his parents were out fighting, the rogues set his house on fire. Lucas managed to save his sister before it burned to the ground but in doing so, he was burned down one side of his body and he lost an eye.”

Demi and Becky gasped, and Becky took Cherry’s hand in comfort.

“He told me that most of his pack was destroyed, so they ended up joining the closest pack to them which was the Gideon Pack,” Cherry continued. “His parents are dead, and the pack has pretty much shunned him and his sister because of his injuries. He wants to join our pack, but because of how the wolves feel about me here, I think we would be better off with his pack. I want to leave here, he wants to leave there, and... well, it’s a mess really.”

“Cherry, you need to talk to Alpha Bannon,” Becky murmured, “he can give you advice on what you should do. Tell you what though, Mom is throwing me a big birthday bash on Saturday. Why don’t you and your mate come so I can meet him, he sounds like a sweetheart.”

Cherry smiled and agreed, “He is, and I think I love him already. I just want to protect him from anyone who is mean and kiss him senseless at the same time!”

“Oh, now that I can understand!” Becky exclaimed. “I feel that way about Wyatt too. Seriously though, come Saturday.”

“Okay, if you’re sure Wyatt won’t get mad and kick us out,” Cherry said nervously.

“Let me worry about Wyatt, you just come,” Becky told her and she nodded.

The bell rang then and after saying our goodbyes as they made their way to class.

When Becky returned home that evening, she did her homework then started dinner. By the time Wyatt came home, it was late, and she forgot all about Cherry and her new mate. The next two days were just as hectic.

Wyatt finally admitted to why he was working such long hours. He told her it was so that he would have the weekend free to spend with her. He worked training the wolves all day, but he still had his company to run long distance and had to do that in the evenings.

“I didn’t know you owned a company, Wyatt, what kind is it?” Becky asked him Friday after the meal was finished. They were sitting together on the couch, Becky finishing up the last of her homework and Wyatt was busy answering e-mails on his laptop.

“I own Stone Hardware,” Wyatt answered.

Becky raised an eyebrow as she asked, “Hardware, seriously? I would have never taken you for the hardware kind of guy. I would have put you in construction or something... you know something rugged and manly. Maybe a mechanic.”

Wyatt wrinkled his nose at her, a look of disgust crossing his face as he informed her, “Training my warriors gives me enough exercise without having a job like construction, and although I do know my way around a vehicle, I don’t want to make a living doing it. I started the hardware company because there wasn’t one nearby and it was needed in our small town. It employs a few of the older wolves, and it is a good place for the younger ones to step out into the workforce. I work mostly behind the scenes in the office.”

“So how many people work for you?”

“We sell a bit of everything including plants and lumber, so I employ about twenty-five people. I have done well enough now that I’m thinking of expanding, and I’ve found another small town in need of a hardware store. Ben went there before we came here and found a good location. We’ve had some men working on the renovations and by the time training is over we should be ready to move into the building,” Wyatt explained.

“Wow, that is so awesome Wyatt!” Becky exclaimed excitedly as she gave him a hug. She then totally ruined the moment with a big yawn.

“Looks like it’s time for bed,” Wyatt said, shutting down his laptop, then standing. He helped her up and they walked toward the bedroom holding hands.

“Yeah, long day, and I think tomorrow will be longer. Mom predicts a pile of people at my party. Why they would come since most of them have nothing to do with me I don’t know,” Becky told him as she pulled one of Wyatt’s t-shirts out to put on for bed.

“Wolves like a good party,” Wyatt said as he pulled on sleep pants.

Crawling into the bed after changing, Becky yawned again, then murmured sleepily, “Yeah, I know, but still.”

Pulling Becky up against his chest, Wyatt gave her a kiss before saying, “Sleep K’aalógii.

And she did.

The next morning, Becky woke up alone, but she heard the shower running, so I knew Wyatt had been out for a run. Rolling over with a yawn, she looked at the clock, ten a.m.

“Good morning K’aalógii,” Wyatt said.

Turning her head, Becky saw Wyatt standing in the bathroom doorway. He had a towel around his waist and using another to dry his hair. After a moment of drooling, she answered, “Morning Wyatt. Did you already go running?”

“Yes, and I finished my e-mails from last night. I’ve also called the hardware store and took care of the stock issues they were having. Now I have the rest of the day to spend with my birthday girl.”

“Well, well, isn’t Wyatt a busy little wolf this morning,” Becky said with a giggle. She then patted the bed next to her.

Wyatt threw his towel he’d been using for his hair across the bathroom sink and came to sit on the bed.

“So, what are our plans for today?” Becky asked as she threw the covers off her and crawled into his lap. She then sat, running her fingertips along his washboard abs, thinking, he is so sexy.

“I thought maybe we would have breakfast, or I suppose now we could have brunch...” Wyatt told her before his voice trailed off into a moan.

Becky placed a kiss on his chest before she began kissing up his neck. He let out another groan as she reached his ear lobe and gave it a nip before whispering, “Mm... I will admit that I’m hungry, just not for food. So, how about we make it a late lunch instead?”

With a growl, Wyatt twisted them around on the bed. As he did this, she made sure he lost his towel. Soon he had her lying stretched out on the bed with him on top of her. He then swooped down and ravished her lips with his before whispering, “Excellent idea K’aalógii.”

As they continued to kiss, Wyatt’s kisses grew rougher and so did his touch. Soon his chest was rumbling with growls as his hand moved up and down her thighs, squeezing every now and then.

Becky knew his wolf was showing himself, but it didn’t scare her. No, if anything it excited her even more. So, she let her touches grow a bit rougher also. When he began to nibble on her neck, she let her nails scrape down his back and nipped at his shoulder.

When she did those things, he raised up to look at her. The first thing she noticed was his eyes because they were gold and glowing, a sure sign of his wolf. What she didn’t expect was how wolfish his features looked, the sharper cheekbones, the slight tilting up of his eyes, and the sharpness of his teeth. Seeing these things made her wonder if he had looked like that the first time, they had made love. It had been dark in the room then though, unlike now with-it being daylight.

“Precious, you are so beautiful and all mine,” he said in a guttural growl.

“Yes, wolf Wyatt, yours,” Becky agreed wholeheartedly.

Wolf Wyatt raised his hand to push a hair out of her face and she then noticed that his nails were slightly lengthened. He used the hand so carefully though as if he feared he would scratch her, as he once more leaned in to kiss her.

Next, in that growly voice of his, he said, “I need you, Precious. I need to make you scream my name. If you were a wolf, I would make you howl in your pleasure!”

That was when Becky remembered something else. Demi had told her that sometimes she and Jake would shift into their wolf form, and just run for the pleasure of it. Demi had told Becky how the male wolf enjoys a good chase, and how at the end of the chase they proceeded to have a “wolf make-out”, Demi’s words. This made Becky realize that because she couldn’t shift into a wolf, this was as close as Wyatt wolf would ever get to his mate. This was wolf Wyatt’s version of mating with her.

This explained Wyatt’s wolfish features, his wolf has completely taken over in order to mate with her. So, she told him breathlessly, “Then make me scream love.”

Wyatt let out a growl then that sent a shiver of pleasure up Becky’s spine as he turned her over onto her stomach. Then he pulled her up onto her hands and knees before getting behind her. As he positioned her in the way he wanted, she heard him say, “Ayóó anííníshní my precious.”

Then with one hard thrust, he began his rhythm of love at a fast and furious pace, and Becky was helpless to do anything but moan in pleasure. Before long the pleasure had built up until she could feel her release closing in.

In a deep growl, wolf Wyatt demanded, “Scream for me precious!”

At that exact moment, he bit into her shoulder, in the same place as before, causing her to shudder in pleasure. As she tipped over the edge of her pleasure, her release hitting her hard, she screamed.

After Wyatt’s own release hit him, he gently lay Becky down. He then lay down on his side with her in front of him to catch his breath. For a few moments though, he continued to enjoy the pleasurable shivers that moved along his spine as he remembered the sound of his mate’s very vocal pleasure.

“K’aalógii, are you... alright? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Wyatt asked her, frowning slightly as he thought of how his wolf had completely taken over. He had been a bit rough, even biting her again. Although, through his bite, Wyatt had been able to feel her emotions as her pleasure soared. This heightened his pleasure also, and he had enjoyed that very much.

Leaning over her slightly, he waited for her to look at him. He knew his face was probably showing his worry at the possibility that he had hurt her, but she was my mate. So, because of that, he didn’t fear to let her see his emotions.

“No love, you didn’t hurt me,” Becky said soothingly. “In fact, you can do that to me anytime, it felt wonderful.”

All of Wyatt’s worries left him at her words. His pride in pleasing her was sure to be plain on his face, but again, he didn’t care. He kissed her shoulder, then murmured, “I think sometimes my wolf forgets you are more fragile than a she-wolf would be.”

Becky then turned over onto her back so she could face him as she said, “The bite didn’t hurt, in fact, it was almost, pleasurable, at least it caused pleasure. So, you didn’t hurt me Wyatt... he didn’t hurt me...” She huffed. “I’m confused now, are you one or two?”

“Technically, I suppose we are one, but he is the animal side of me, so maybe we are two, kinda,” Wyatt muttered.

Becky laughed at him, then said, “See, you don’t even know!”

Now it was Wyatt’s turn to huff and mutter, “I do know! We are... one, only split, between animal and human!”

“Whatever! All I know is I love you, both of you, and I enjoy both of your affections. You are gentle and sweet, he’s just rougher and wilder. Totally different yet wonderful all the same,” Becky informed him smartly. Then she pulled his head down and gave him a long slow kiss that had them both breathing heavy by the time it ended. When she broke the kiss, she told him, “I think we better get up now or we won’t ever make it to lunch much less my party.”

Wyatt groaned, already feeling his passion rising inside him, and said, “But I want to continue this, not party.”

“Well, I only turn eighteen once, so... up and at it love!” Becky said as she sat up. She then grabbed her crutches from where they were propped against the nightstand. Then, giving him a sad face, she turned and made her way to the bathroom.

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