A Stranger in the Night

Chapter 21

Luna's POV

Lucas and Bronson had escorted Shiloh and I to do some dress shopping for the upcoming wedding. At the next full moon, Shiloh and Carter would be married. I was so excited for them. They were the sweetest couple you could ever meet. Shiloh had asked me to help her get some things sorted for the wedding and one of those was helping her pick her dress, mind you she looked stunning in every one she tried on.

"What do you think? Does it look good?". I smiled at her as she turned and swayed in the stunning, floor length, seashell coloured wedding gown. "Shiloh, you look so beautiful!" She was truly stunning. The dress fell perfectly on her and accentuated all the right parts of her body. "Carter is one lucky fellow dear.". Shiloh smiled softly and breathed out a slow sigh.

I turned to look out the window where Lucas and Bronson were waiting outside for us. Bronson was one of the warrior's in the pack, he was tall and well built, young and a bit clumsy at times. He was also Shiloh's younger brother. He made me laugh with how clumsy he was and loved talking about the most random things, although Lucas wouldn't admit it, he had a soft spot for Bronson. I watched Lucas, as he leant his back against the shop window. Bronson pointing off to the distance and talking about something that Lucas was definitely not interested in, if his facial expression was anything to go off. "So....what's going on with you and Lucas?". Shiloh gave a little shove with her hip. "Ouch. Cut it out. Nothing is going on.". She chuckled loudly at me as she stood to admire the dress in the mirror. "Oh I'm sure there isn't. That's why you two have pretty much been inseparable for the last week.". I shook my head, "No. He's just looking after me, like he promised Draven.". Again she chuckled. "OK. I'm sure that's why he's given up his bed and sleeps in wolf form at the end of it every night. Or why he has to be everywhere you are to make sure your safe. Or why he can't keep his damn eyes off you!". I turned back to the window see Lucas watching us, before he smiled and waved and turned back to Bronson and their conversation. "Oh whatever Shiloh. Nothing is going on.". She nodded and smiled to herself.

"I think this is the one.". She gushed like a small school girl. "It just feels right and I love the way it looks on me.". I had to agree. She looked like an angel. It was a sleeveless, fitted, mermaid style dress with diamontes and beading over the bodice. It was such a beautiful dress and complimented her so much. "I agree!". We both smiled as she called for the attendant and gave her all the details she needed.

As we walked out the store, Lucas stood aside and let Bronson walk with Shiloh, before he began walking alongside me. "So....did you find what you were looking for? You know the full moon ain't that far away.". Shiloh gave Bronson a shove. "Yes brother. We got my dress. All sorted.". Bronson shoved her back to which she pounced on his back and pretty much started wrestling with him. "So, did you find something to wear to the wedding Luna?". Lucas asked me casually as we walked towards the van. "No. I didn't. I didn't know I was invited.". Shiloh dropped off Bronson's back and stopped just in front of me. "What are you talking about? Of course you are coming! Who else is going to go with Lucas?". She swung open the door and jumped in. Giggling and whispering to Bronson as they both slid to the back seat. Lucas' cheeks turned a slight pink colour as he pushed his blond hair back off his face. He held open the door on the van and offered a hand to help me in. I took his hand and moved to my seat.

The drive back to the packs' commune was short. It was a beautiful place, tucked away on the side of a mountain. There were 5 houses built on this land, with different parts of the pack staying in different houses. Lucas lived in the large, main house, by himself. All the meetings happened in the meeting room within his house. I had been there for a couple and was in awe of how Lucas commanded the room. The respect he commanded and got from his pack was admirable. There was something about him that made everyone in his presence stop and listen to what he had to say. They all loved and respected him so much and it was nice to be included in that.

As the van pulled up outside the main house, Carter was waiting to greet us. He swung open the door of the van, "Hello lovelies! Did we have a fun excursion today?". Lucas and Bronson laughed and slapped him on the shoulder as they climbed out the van. Shiloh went to help me out the van, but was dismissed by Lucas. "It's ok Shiloh. I've got her.". Shiloh whispered in my ear as she walked past, "see I told you...". She giggled, grabbing onto Carter's arm and walking off towards their house. Lucas helped me down and walked with me to the main house. "Luna, about the wedding, if you did decide to go....ummm...what I'm trying to say is....". He made me laugh at how he was fumbling over himself. "I guess, I'm asking if you want to go to Shiloh and Carter's wedding with me?". I nodded straight back at him. "Of course.". He stared at me, looking deep into my eyes, "not as my guest....but as my date.".

Holy hell! I was not expecting this. I mean, yes, Shiloh did say he had been watching me and yes we had been hanging out, but I put it all down to him doing as Draven asked, you know, cause they are friends. I never imagined Lucas wanting anything more from me than friendship. I am not even one of his kind. Surely as the leader of the pack, as the Alpha, he would have any pick of the single girls to ask to be his date. I must have pulled a funny face at him as when he began to speak, he seemed kind of heart broken. "Well, it's up to you. You don't have to be my date or come if you don't want to.". He went to start babbling again, in an effort to deflect. I put my hand on his hand softly. "I would love to go with you." and smiled at him. He nudged me a little, with a cute smile on his face, as we continued up the front concrete stairs towards his house. Lucas must have sensed something in the air and spun back to look at the dirt path that lead to the commune. It was then I saw it. A sleek, black sedan emerging from the forest line.

"It's Draven.". Lucas said, eyeing the car with a look of concern. He tucked me in behind his back, where I could still see what was going on but had his protection should anything happen. Although it was kind of sweet that he wanted to protect me, I placed my hand on his back gently and felt the icy prickles run from my hand to his back. I had been practicing whilst I had been here, and was starting to get a bit better with using it. "Ouch. Shit. Ok. Ok.". I stepped slightly sideways so I could be seen, but still keeping a little way back and partially behind him. "Just stay close to me please. That's all I ask.". His gaze returning to the car as it pulled up to a stop.

The door closest to us, opened slowly, and I watched as Draven climbed out. "Hey guys! Why so tense! Is that the welcome I get! Geez!" He shouted, almost as if he had been hurt by the sentiment before he began to laugh. Lucas relaxed slightly and began to proceed down the stairs towards the car, with me following closely behind. It was then that I saw him offering his hand and like in slow motion, this beautiful blonde haired, tall figure slid out of the car. She turned to look straight at me. "Luna! Oh my God!". I rushed towards her, taking her in a tight embrace. "Jess! I can't believe it! The last time I saw you....I swore you were going to die! I can't believe it. I have missed you so much!". Jess smiled and wiped tears away from her eyes, a small flash of white fangs caught my eye. "Oh my God...are you? It worked?". She nodded excitedly. "Yes...holy hell I have so much to tell you.". When all of a sudden, the door on the other side began to open. Lucas rushed to my side and again tucked me behind him. I couldn't see who it was at first thanks to Lucas blocking my view. It was only when they began to speak that I knew who it was. "Good afternoon Lucas. It's good to see you.".

I felt Lucas' body tense and heard a low growl emanating from his throat. "Yes...you too Alex...". Lucas replied through gritted teeth. My heart sank. Alex was here. Why was he here? It had been almost a month since the last time I spoke to him, which was when I saw him at the House. "Hi Luna. It's good to see you again too.". Lucas put his hand out infront of me as I stood out from behind him. I gently lowered his hand down, nodding to him, signalling him that I was ok. "Hi Alex. Long time no see.". Jess came and grabbed my hand, "Come on Luna. We've got some catching up to do. Where's Shiloh?". I hadn't even noticed with everything going on, that the entire pack had surrounded the five of us. All eyes on Alex and Draven. "I'm right here!". I could have sworn that she almost snarled that at Jess. "Why are you all here? And don't for one minute think we will leave Lucas alone with Draven or Alex!" She snapped again at Jess. I turned back to the 3 men by the car. "Calm down everyone! We come in peace! Hahaha did you see that! We come in peace! Hahaha" Draven made his best attempt to diffuse the situation as he began to walk around holding his arms out pretending to be an alien. I admired his attempt but I don't think he was actually successful. Lucas and Alex's eye contact never broke once. "So why are you here then Draven?" Lucas queried. "Well, I said I would pop in and let you know how Jess is. So here we are. Alex just wanted to see her." Pointing his finger at me. I could feel Lucas tensing up again. "How about we all go inside and have a chat? Out of the open?" Jess suggested, trying to redirect the tension again. "That sounds like a good idea.". Lucas turned and swiftly came to me, before picking up my hands in his. I looked up at his face, I could see he was torn up about this. He looked deep into my eyes, brushed the hair off my cheek, before running his hand down my arm till he had a hold of my hand again. "If you don't want to talk to them...if you don't want to talk to him....just say the word and we will send them away.". Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Alex. He looked both a mixture of shocked and heartbroken at the intimate interaction Lucas and I were having. I looked back at Lucas, into his eyes and placed my hand on his cheek. "It's ok. I think I need this chat.".

Jess, Carter and Shiloh sat around the dining room table in Lucas' house. They chatted about a few things including why it took so long to check in on me, Jess' transformation and what it was like and what happened with the interrogation. Shiloh ever so inquisitive as to the process Jess went through. Carter had to keep calming her down as she got carried away with it all. Lucas and Draven were standing by the kitchen bench, discussing the Halfling attack and some new information that had been found. Draven was attempting to convince Lucas to help him trace this final lead down, but it didn't look like Lucas was having a bar of it. Alex and I were seated in the sitting room across from each other in small lounge chairs. "I am so sorry Luna." I could see the heartbreak on his face. I tried my hardest not to crumble, I was still so angry. "Oh yeah, why is that?". I asked, taking a sip of the cool glass of water on the table infront of me. "Well, for all of this. I said I would be there for you, whenever you needed me and I wasn't. You and Jess were attacked and I couldn't help you.

I made you a promise that I had to break, but I had to, to keep you safe.". If I wasn't angry before, I was pissed now! I stood up, "Keep me safe? Keep me safe? How! We were attacked, Jess almost died and would have if he didn't give her his blood. I was attacked too! If Lucas and Draven hadn't arrived when they did, I would have been killed too. I asked Draven, after the first time that Jess was attacked to take her to the House. He said you wouldn't allow it. So tell me again how you were keeping me safe, when your actions have only contradicted that!". I threw myself back into the chair. I couldn't stop the tears from running down my face. I was upset....and angry. He stood and came straight to where I was and knelt down infront of me. "Luna, I couldn't come. I had my parents arrive and also an unwanted house guest, Meredith. Someone my Father wants me to partner with. I couldn't leave them. I couldn't risk them finding out about you.".

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