A Mother's Love

Chapter 47

Angie, Gaetano and Gabrielle stood on the front lawn taking in the damage done to Gaetano’s home.

There wasn’t much left to it but it was still standing. The roof had been destroyed in about three places that they could see and the front and side walls on the right corner of the building were blown away. They ascended the stairs that led to the front porch of the house. Gaetano tried to open the front door of the house and found it locked. He let out a half hearted laugh and walked to the right of the door and entered through a large hole in the wall. Gabrielle and Angie followed him in shaking their heads in disbelief at the condition of the home and Gaetano’s laughter.

Together they wade through the debris moving pieces of broken furniture, timber and plaster board to make their way into the living room. There is a wall safe in the living room and that’s what Gaetano is heading for. In it he keeps his most treasured possessions, confidential documents and money. Right now he wasn’t interested in the money or possessions as much as the documents. In those documents was Gaetano’s home insurance policy and he was hoping it would cover the damage to the house. They had cleared a path to the wall safe and one last chunk of debris was all that stood between them and it. Angie and Gaetano lifted the large piece of debris out of the way and there underneath it they found a decorated wooden box. Gabrielle picked it up and examined it. “Gaetano I’ve never seen this box before. Is it yours?” she asked. Gaetano took it from her examined it himself. It wasn’t his he knew that, but it seemed to him that he’d seen it once before but couldn’t remember where or when. He then noticed something sticking out of the lid of the box and on examination he realized that it was the corner of a one thousand dollar bill. He tried to open the box and it wouldn’t open but he could not see any type of lock or keyhole.

Gabrielle noticed that the top of the box had an image and there appeared to be a missing piece. She then realized that it wasn’t missing but that it was an empty space to move around pieces to form the image. It was a puzzle of some sort. After studying it she realized that just three pieces had to be rearranged to complete the image. She moved the pieces into their correct position and the box popped open and money fell out. Angie and Gaetano quickly picked up the paper money and they were all one thousand denominations. Gabrielle took the rest of the money out of the box and below it laid a red book with gold initials of C.S. and a vial with some blue gelatinous liquid in it. She opened the book and on the inside cover she read a note and it was signed by Doctor Caleb Scull. She handed the book over to Gaetano and said “Hey isn’t this the name of the doctor that the military guys told us about?” Gaetano and Angie read the entry and the signature and both answered together “It sure is the guy they were asking us about.

A voice filled their minds and it said the phrase “Straight on till morning.” They all felt a cloud lift from their minds and started to remember the events that led to the destruction of the house. “Well hello again Mister Blue.” Angie said with a bit of humor in his voice. “I have removed the memory blocks and the false memories I planted in your mind. I have not done so for the Garrisons yet so do not discuss anything with them about your regained memories. These items you have found are quite important. The blue liquid is the genetic substance created by Doctor Scull from samples of my blood. It must be destroyed,” responded Mister Blue. Without warning the vial of the blue liquid started to dissolve into nothingness. Atom by atom it came apart and dispersed into the air as a bluish vapor. “The book you have in your possession is the doctor’s journal. It also should be destroyed but I feel it may contain information that we may find useful at a later time.

Please guard its presents and knowledge until I can determine when it is no longer needed.” “Destroy it now.

If it falls into the wrong hands they could create more humans like James.” Angie said aloud so that Gaetano and Gabrielle would hear his opinion on the matter. “Without a sample of my DNA his work cannot be recreated, but other information within its pages could be useful.” Mister Blue responded to Angie’s statement.

“What about the money?” asked Gabrielle? “It is of no importance to me, do with it as you see fit. My race has long ago abolished such primitive things as monetary values.” responded Mister Blue. “Well the human race on this planet hasn’t evolved that far yet so we are going to keep it.” remarked Gaetano. With that said he and Gabrielle started to count the money. Angie had taken possession of the red book and opened it and started to read it. At first he just flipped through the pages trying to understand the technical medical jargon which he realized was beyond his comprehension. He then came to a page with a name on it that he recognized, Fawn Moore.

From what Angie got out of reading the journal was that Doctor Scull was very much impressed with Fawn. He noted that she was remarkably intelligent and in excellent health, but also that her particular DNA structure was very unique. Angie didn’t quite understand what the doctor had written about her unique DNA but he understood that it was better suited for the doctor’s experiments. The doctor made a statement concerning something he referred as 1A3249. Angie had seen that number code on a label that was affixed to the vial that Mister Blue destroyed just minutes ago. He wrote that Fawn would be a perfect subject to impregnate with it. A much better female subject than the one that produced James, the first of the children produced by his research.. The doctor went on to say that he didn’t think it was 1A3249 that cause the deformity in James but the female subject lifestyle. He had altered the genetic structure of 1A3249 to eliminate the deformity gene for all the other children, but used it one more time on Fawn.

He read on and found that Doctor Scull always assumed that Fawn had killed the child after giving birth because it was a deformed monstrosity. The fact that he could not locate the child after years of searching led him to believe this theory. Because of this assumption he never used the 1A3249 formula again and thought that James was the only living person on the planet to carry the full extra terrestrial DNA genome.

“This book holds the secrets to Doctor Scull’s manipulation of my DNA so it would graft with yours.

Fawn’s DNA carried the information that would one day cause an evolutionary mutated gene to take mankind to step in its destiny. It also contains information on how to control and subdue the evolutionary process. In the right hands it is a great defense against beings like James but in the wrong hands it could destroy humanity and your world.” Echoed the voice of Mister blue in the mind of Angie. He thought back to Mister Blue “I will guard its contents from falling into the wrong hands with my life. I swear.” He did not say it verbally just thought it in his mind so that Gabrielle and Gaetano would not know. He loved his friend Gaetano like a brother, but he knew that something like this book would cause Gaetano to see its potential worth and the profit he could make from it. He closed the book and stuck it in the waist band of his pants and pulled his shirt down over it. Gaetano and Gabrielle were to busy counting the money to even notice what he did with the book.

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