A Mother Before A Mate

Chapter 32

I pulled out of my sleep with the sound of my own groans. At first, I thought I was dreaming, but I'm definitely not. I lift th blankets, and I see my naked naughty wife. Her warm mouth on me, and she’s looking up with the most mischievous eyes as she takes me in, and out. f**ki

she’s really good at this, so it doesn't take long before I warn her I'm going to cm. I thought this was just a warm up, but she doesn't stop. When she comes up, there's no evidence of what she just did to me. I lay there catching my breath for a minute, before I get up and returned the favour, which of course leads to more.

It's 10:30 am, and after a very lusty morning, we're starving so I order room service. I asked for them to send up everythin on the breakfast menu, with two orange juices and two coffees. Lexi said she didn't know what she wanted, so I made it easy, now she doesn't have to choose.

We have a shower together while we wait for our room service. I just want to stay here, and enjoy all day with her here alone without any interruptions, but Molly will be waiting for us, and today is the Luna ceremony. They put our big breakfast spread at the table, and I pull Lexi’s chair next to mine. I just want her close. Always.

She drapes her legs over mine, and we enjoy the huge spread, periodically feeding each other. I can't get enough of her. Her laugh, her smile, her lips, it's everything.

“Thanks for planning this babe, it was perfect!” 1 admit and then give her a little kiss.

“Ym glad you enjoyed it... I know I thoroughly did,” she smirks.

We make it back home a little before 1 pm. When we walk through the door, Lev is on the couch watching TV, and Molly is napping.

“Thank you for watching her, Sorry we took so long to get home, Lev,” Lex says.

“Yeah, thanks man. We really appreciated it," I add.

“It's all good. I wasn't expecting you back until 3-4. I figured you'd stay until you had to be back to get ready for the ceremony,” he shrugs.

“Jack has some preparations for the ceremony he needs to do," Lexi explains. 'm not sure how I'm supposed to leave my mate at this point. I really don't want to. It's actually the last thing I want to do.

“Ill bring our bag up, and then I'll get to work," I frown and so does she.

“Ym going to head to the packhouse, to the room I'm staying in, and have a nap. I'll see you guys later,” Lev tells Lexi. “Can I help with anything, Jack,” she asks and I wish there was something she could help me with because then I would have an excuse to spend time with her.

At 6:00 pm, everyone's at our place again to get ready. The ladies all look great, but Lexi is breathtaking. As Luna, her dres had to be extra special, and she delivered. She's wearing a white dress with lots of gold detailing. She looks like a damn queen. My queen!

She has a bun in her hair, and you can see parts of a braid, and it looks very intricate, but effortless and beautiful all at once. She asked me what I thought of her “smoky eyes; and I assured her that it looks great. It makes her bright blue eye: pop and she wears deep red lipstick. She stuns me constantly with her beauty, but she’s so much more than that.

The ballroom is decorated perfectly. of the room has round tables decorated with white linen and black and white flowers. Black flowers are a tradition for Alpha and Luna ceremonies at Black Moon, for obvious reasons. Everyone is seat when we arrive. Our table consists of Lex, me, Molly, my parents, Lev and Zac. At 6:30, I stand and walk to where the dance floor is with Lexi. Within seconds, the room is silent.

“Thank you all so much for being here this evening. This is such a special night for me as Alpha. I am so proud of the woman that I have been fated to lead you all with. I do have an announcement to make as well. Yesterday, Lexi and 1, ver privately, got married. She is officially my wife, and a Lavard” I pause because the crowd is clapping. Lexi and I smile at each other and when everyone quiets down I continue.

“I have waited longer than I would have liked to find my mate and your Luna, but she was worth the wait, and I know she will make the best Luna to all of you. Alexandria Lavard, do you accept Black Moon as your pack?” I ask.

“Yes, I do,” she smiles, and I'm radiating pride.

“Do you accept the position of Luna, to Black Moon?” I add.

“Yes, I do."

“Do you promise that you will, to the best of your ability, act in a manner that is in the best interest of Black Moon?” “Always.”

“Mrs. Alexandria Lavard,” I say, and I can't help the broad proud smile on my face at the fact that my woman shares my las name. “It is the greatest honour, for me to present to all of you, for the first time, my wife, Luna Alexandria Lavard!” My pa is clapping and cheering for her, and I couldn't be more proud. When the crowd quiets down, Lexi starts to speak.

“I want to thank you all so much for the warm welcome that you all showed Molly and 1 from the moment we arrived. Tha you for not only welcoming us, but accepting us and making us feel like we belong here. I can never express how much th means to me, and how grateful I am. In regards to being your Luna, I feel honoured, and I don't take the title lightly. I hop that you all know that 1 will always do all that I can for the safety and well being of this pack. Thank you,” she finishes an everyone is clapping for her again. She spoke to our pack with strength and grace, and I'm blown away by her.

After dinner, the dance portion of the night starts, but we left early to get Molly to bed by 8:30. It's uncommon for a Luna and Alpha to leave their own ceremonial party so early, but we left Molly last night, so we didn’t want anyone to watch he tonight. We were both actually exhausted too, because it's been a crazy couple of days, and we didn't get a lot of sleep la night.

I open my eyes, and I see the clock says 6:30 am. Lex and I went to bed at 9:30 last night. I'm feeling completely refreshed wrap an arm around her waist and pull her closer to me. “Mmm... Good morning,” she says quietly. “Good morning, Luna Lavard,” and she smiles, and I kiss her neck. She turns to her other side so she’s facing me now. She nestles into my neck, and wraps an arm and a leg around me, and holds me close.

“Hey, it's still early," I remind her. “Molly isn't going to wake up for probably another hour,” I smile.

“Mmm... should we wake her up early? We haven't gotten to spend too much time with her lately," she asks. I furrow my brows, and she starts laughing. She wiggles a little, and pulls off my t-shirt that she’s wearing, and she’s not wearing anything underneath.

“What are you waiting for, get these off, Alpha,” she says while tugging at my boxer briefs.

We had an hour alone this morning before Molly woke up, thankfully. I'm craving her already and I just had her an hour ago. I wasn't even this horney as a teenager, but with Lex, I want her all the time. We're in the kitchen now, and Lexi and I are working on breakfast. Her friends and Lev are coming over for breakfast this morning, before more of them head bach home.

“Babe, Lev just texted me asking me if he could bring a guest to breakfast,” she says furrowing her brows.

“Do you think he found his mate?” She asks.

“I doubt it, we would have found out before we left, wouldn't we?” 1 ask.

“I actually didn't see him after dinner, I don't think. Did you?”

“Hmm... I don't think I did. Maybe he did?” I muse.

We have the table all set. We cut a ton of fruit. Now I'm working on cooking bacon and sausages and she’s working on the waffle iron, and cooking pancakes. When everyone shows up, we're just finishing up cooking. Lev and his mystery guest ar the last to arrive, and Lex is all too excited to get to the door, and I follow because I'm curious too.

When the door opens, we see Lev with his arm draped over her shoulder and smiling more than I have ever seen.

“Is Brit your mate?” Lex asks, excitedly. Lev nods and looks at Brit with adoration, and she does the same.

Lexi is squealing with delight. “'m so happy you finally found her; she starts to tear up and she pulls both of them in for hug.

“Thanks, Lex, me too,” Lev responds. We find out they met right after dinner. Everyone enjoys breakfast, and we talk them into staying until after dinner tonight, to have a pool party with everyone.

Lexi's Point of View

The pool party is so fun, and it's great to just hang out with everyone. Jos is planning on moving here next weekend. Brad is going to go to Cold Moon tonight with her, and they are going to pack up her house, and then head back. Jos is so happ and giddy about her man, and I'm so happy for her.

She waited so long and she was shocked to find her mate here. Lev and Brit are so cute together. Cora is the only single 0 left now, and I actually feel really bad for her. She is happy for her friends, but I know how much she craves finding her mate too. I'll talk privately with Jett about it, so 1 don't put him on the spot, but maybe Jett can send Cora to do the travelling work Lev was supposed to do.

We all had a great afternoon together.

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