A Mother Before A Mate

Chapter 12

Jack's Point of View

“Oooh!” I unintentionally say out loud. Thankfully, most everyone in the audience said it too. Lexi Hammer kicked that gir so fast and swiftly in the face, and the way her head flung back, and she landed on the floor was badass. She would be a badass Luna. f**k!

When she won the races, she seemed happy and proud of herself. She doesn't seem happy and proud right now. Maybe it was too easy for her. I can't help that I find myself staring at her constantly. I see her on the bleachers again, holding her sleeping baby. She's stroking her head and her back, and placing little kisses on her head. She's a good mother. I can tell she really loves her.

This is torture. I want her. If she were mine, I'd want to be close to her all the time. Her mate is sitting 5 feet away from he I'm aching for her, and he chooses to basically ignore her all day. I want to murder him. Mind you, I'd want to murder him even more if he had his hands all over her. I have so much rage and aggression. I wish I was fighting today.

“Hey, Alpha Jett!” I holler out. Everyone from his group looks at me, including my mate. Though once she realizes it's me, she looks away.

“What's up, Jack?” Now I see my mate's partner shaking his head at me, with disgust. She must have told him what happened between us. It actually makes me happy to know that she did. I want him to know that I had a piece of her last night, even if I can't have her again. She was mine for a moment. I know that would eat me up inside if 1 were him, and it has me grinning.

“Why don't you have Alpha fights?” 1 ask.

“My parents planned this event, and they said it was in “poor taste’ to expect Alpha's to fight. But I agree, there should be Alpha fights,” he responds with a smile.

“Well, you're the Alpha now. You make the call," I push.

Jett is a big guy, and I know he’s strong. I've experienced it in Alpha training, but I'm sure I can take him. I've never met someone I thought I couldn't beat, truthfully.

He smiles, “I'm sure I can arrange something, I'm not sure how many will sign up, but I'll give it a go with you," he agrees with a smile. Music to my ears.

“Sounds good,” I beam.

Lexi brought her daughter back to the kids’ area shortly after she woke up, and now she’s just listening to music. I'm watching her like a hawk, and I can't even help it. I wanted to pay attention to the fights, but I'm so drawn to her.

When my 3rd best warrior john, and a guy named James from the Blood moon pack (They guy I saw flirting with Lexi earli start to fight, I pay attention. I want James to have his a*s handed to him, but he ended up winning. Lexi was up next, and Lexi ended up getting her opponent to tap out within a minute. She looked so hot doing it too. The other girl was bloodie up, and Lexi walked away without a scratch.

I hate that she’s a good fighter. A few fights passed, and I just watched her. A girl named Joscelyn went up to fight. She spent the day with my mate, so they're obviously friends. She looks like an intimidating opponent. She looks very muscul and tough against Becka from my pack. Becka is my 3rd best female warrior. The fight was hard to watch. I grew up with Becka, 50 seeing her get beaten so badly was tough.

The next women's fight is with my lead female warrior, Laurel. She's so badass. She's fighting some Bonnie. The fight is quick and Bonnie was no match for laurel. Last in this round is my top guy, Alex. Another quick fight. My warriors are amazing. The next round is the final 4 for each group.

The first fight is with Star, my 2nd best warrior and Lexi. Star is fierce. I'm kind of afraid to watch. Lexi looks confident, as she stands listening to her music waiting to start. She pulls out her headphones, and I see Joscelyn is in her corner talkin to her. Joscelyn must have said something funny because Lexi is laughing. Her mate is sitting on the bleachers watching her.

“You got this, Lex” he hollers and claps his hands. Why is he not up there with her friend, Joscelyn? I would be. The fight starts, and Lexi goes hard on the offence. She's punching and dodging, so quickly. It's impressive how fast she moves around. star isn't landing much, but when she does, it's like it doesn't even phase Lexi. Lexi goes to kick Star and Star gra her foot. I know what Star is going to do, and it won't be good for Lexi. She'll either break her leg or have Lexi tap out. f** Wait, what?

What the f**k? Lexi was fast, she tucked her body and forced the momentum in a different direction, avoiding the move that Star was trying to do to her.

s**t. She's quick,” I hear Zac say under his breath. I want to physically hurt him for admiring her in any way, but he’s righ Both girls were flung to the ground because of the way Lexi moved. Lexi fell in a roll and before she even stops moving st had Star's arm wrapped between her legs and she’s pulling. Holy s**t that happened so quickly. She keeps pulling and st won't tap out.

I see Lexi's face wince and then I hear a pop. Lexi let's go and the fight is called, Lexi won and she immediately tries to he Star up. She looks more concerned for Star than she does excited about the fact she just earned herself a place in the toy 2.

Up next, is Joscelyn and Laurel. This is going to be a good fight. Lexi stays in Joscelyn's corner too. As expected, this is a good fight. It's been 4 minutes, and both women look pretty good. They look pretty evenly matched, they both look like they're getting tired though. Lexi is encouraging her, “You've got this. Get out there and make Cold Moon proud!” Lexi yell at her.

The girls go back in and Laurel seems to come back strong after the break. They fight for another minute, both as strong competitors. Joscelyn misjudges Laurel's movements and Laurel connects with her face hard. Joscelyn stumbles back a little, and Laurel uses the opportunity to roundhouse kick her in the head. Joscelyn is down. After 10 seconds, the whistle blows and Laurel is the winner. Lexi is quick to help her up. That means Lexi and Laurel will be fighting after the men. I don't like the thought of it. I don’t want Lexi to get hurt. I know I should be concerned about Laurel since we're friends, ai she's my warrior, but I can't help it.

Now the Men's final stage in the semi-finals. First up is that James guy, and Alex, from my pack. The fight lasted about 3 minutes. James is tough and strong, but Alex got the best of him. Next, my warrior Josh and Cold Moon's Marcus. I'm happ that my top 2 guys made it this far out of all these packs. Josh and Marcus last about 2 minutes before Marcus beat Josh. For the finals, I have my top fighters competing, which is a great feeling. Finals start in 10 minutes. I see that people are surrounding Lexi, and talking to her. I can’t help but eavesdrop, “I can't beat her guys, she beat Jos, I can't beat jos!” She declares to everyone.

“That's bullshit, you were punching Star harder than you have ever punched us," Joscelyn tells her.

“I don't hold back with you guys,” Lexi states.

“Yes you do, you might not realize it, but you do. I didn't realize it until today." Joscelyn says firmly.

“You've got this! You can do this.” Marcus, the Cold moon warrior, tells her, and he’s looking at her adoringly.

Is he flirting with her? What the f**k? Is he in love with her? Everyone is flirting with her. Her partner is right there too. Wi isn't he doing anything? Marcus strokes one of her braids and rubs her shoulder. I feel the rage boiling over. I see Jett gra her phone, he hands her headphones and she puts them in, and he puts something on for her. He must know what she likes.

Marcus is massaging her shoulders now, while everyone surrounds her. Why is he letting that guy massage her? What the hell? Does he even love her? When the girls make their way to the ring, Lexis friends follow. I can't help it, I need to get closer for this fight too. 1 stand in front of the ring, while each girl is on either side of it.

“You got this. You hear me?” Gamma, her mate, yells at her and slaps her bare back... and f*****g hard.

She just nods. She gets in the ring and I see his handprint on her back. What the F**k is that about? That pisses me off. I' pulled out of my thoughts when the whistle blows. Laurel is immediately coming at Lexi hard and fast. Lexi is dodging an quick on her feet. Lexi is trying to give it right back to her too, but Laurel is dodging and blocking lots too.

By the 4 minute mark, they are starting to tire a little. They've both managed to get a few punches in, but nothing too serious. The whistle blows and they get a minute off. Lexi sits, and someone gives her a drink and they're all trying to say something to her. She just raises her hand and everyone shuts up. With maybe 15 seconds left, her mate grabs her face in his hands and moves his face close to hers. I don't think I could bear to see her kiss him. Thankfully, he doesn't. He starts talking quietly, but I can hear what he’s saying to her.

“Listen, I know you're hurting today and you're pissed off. Use it, you hear me? Use it! f**k him!" He says with anger laced his tone. She nods. What is she so hurt about? I wonder.

“Take down his warrior!” He roars and she nods again.

Holy s**t, he's talking about me? She's hurt and pissed because of me? Why? She's the one with the mate. I take a step forward towards her, but then I hear the whistle blow. She takes a deep breath and heads in. She has a fire in her right no She moves in on Laurel fast. Laurel looks like she’s still a little tired. Laurel lowers her arms to try and kick Lexi. Lexi take the kick, and while Laurel's arms are lowered, Lexi uses the opening and gives her a jab, punch, jab, punch, right hook combination. She connected too.

Laurel's nose is bleeding, and one of her eyes is swelling already. I know I'm supposed to be cheering on Laurel here, but want Lexi to win, so I just stay completely quiet, with my arms crossed, while I'm up close watching it.

Laurel recovers quickly and lunges towards Lexi, throwing Lexi down. Laurel goes to grab Lexi's arm to try and pul, to get her to tap out, but Lexi uses her legs and feet to pull Laurel's head back making her let go. Lexi is good, and the one thing I've noticed about her is she’s really quick. They both jump up quickly. Lexi's friends are constantly screaming and cheeri for her. Even Maximus is there.

Both the girls are getting more tired, now they are not blocking and dodging as well. Laurel has landed a few on Lexi, and her nose and lip are bleeding. I hear the whistle again, another 4 minutes have gone by. When that whistle blows, it's like release the breath I was holding. It feels like I've been holding my breath for much of this fight. Lexi sits and takes a drin} She hands the bottle to Joscelyn, and she squirts water on her head. Lexi just rests for the rest of the minute with her eye closed while that douche bag massages her shoulders again. Lexi stands up, knowing her minute is almost done. “Alexandria... Your father would be really proud if he could see you,” Maximus tells her, and she smiles broadly at him “Hell, yeah!” her mate adds enthusiastically. She smiles and gets back in the ring. The whistle blows, and Laurel looks tire Lexi comes in fast and hard. Laurel blocks and dodges, but it seems like Lexi just gets another burst of energy and she doesn't let up. Connecting more and more with Laurel.

Laurel is trying to grab a hold of Lexi now to just hold her for a second to catch her breath, but Lexi uses her leg to trip he and in one swift movement uses her knee to hit Laurel's stomach as she’s already falling, making her hit the ground even harder. Lexi waits, and they start counting. I notice she never hits someone when they're down. She always gives them a chance to get up. Laurel gets up at 6, out of breath and dizzy. As soon as she’s up, Lexi is on her again, giving her quick an hard punch combinations, landing each one, until Laurel falls to the ground.

The ref counts to 10, and the whistle is blown. Lexi won! Holy f**ki She beat Laurel. She walks to her chair and sits down, head in her hands and starts crying. “Are you okay?” Everyone asks her.

She lifts her head, “I did it. I can’t believe I did it," she says through tears. It's very endearing. I'm so proud of her. I want t hold her and congratulate her. Everyone is screaming and cheering for her. She pulls herself together quickly and gets up She's getting hugged by everyone around her.

“Thanks, guys.” Then she looks at Marcus, “I'm kind of overwhelmed, I need a minute. I'm going to go home for a shower. You got this though, Marcus. You can do it" she says and slaps his back hard. He nods and smiles. What's with the back- slapping? She grabs her stuff and jogs off.

I want to follow her but 1 know as Alpha, I need to stay and watch the final for the men, especially because my lead warri is in it. 1 sit on the bleachers in front of the ring and pretend to pay attention. I just can't stop thinking about my mate. Midway through the fight, I see Lexi’s Gamma mate flirting with some girl. He has his arm around her and whispers into h ear, and she giggles.

What the f**k is that? I can’t even control myself, I'm so mad. I can’t have her because of him, and he’s flirting with her? She's nothing compared to my mate. I jump up, “What the hell are you doing?” I yell at him, in full Alpha voice.

“Excuse me?” He says, looking pissed. He unwraps his arm from the blonde, and I take this opportunity to grab him by the throat, and I throw him to the ground. Everyone is around us now.

“What the hell is going on here?” Alpha Jett asks. He looks at me, and then Gamma. “Lev?” He questions his Gamma.

“I have no idea. This a*****e just attacks me out of nowhere.”

I scoff, “It wasn't out of nowhere”

“What's going on?" Jett yells.

“This a***** has the best woman here, and he’s flirting with this mutt” I roar.

“Hey, don't call me a Mutt,” the mutt whines.

“What the hell are you even talking about?” Gamma yells.

“Lexi” I growl. Everyone is looking at me like I'm crazy now.

“Ugh, Gross!” Gamma says. How dare he? I lunge at him, and Alpha Jett pulls me off.

“Their brother and sister, Jack!” He yells.

“What? No! With Molly, I saw you both yesterday. She looks like you too, and the way you were talking to her, and..."

“I don't look like her, aside from blonde hair. She's my niece. Dude, Lexi is my sister,” Gamma says while standing up. s**t “Ym sorry, I thought I couldn't have her because she had a family with you, and when I saw what I thought was you not treating her well... lost it," I admit. I feel like a weight is lifted off my chest. But wait, who's the father? “Is she mated to someone?” I ask. Alpha Jett and Gamma both shake their heads no.

50 you left the hospital last night because you thought we were together?” Gamma asks and I nod. He bursts out laughir then I can see his face gets very serious.

“She thinks that you were pissed and left because you found out she has a kid," he confesses.

“What?” I feel my heart racing.

“I thought she got carried away with the mate bond and was trying to keep her distance because of you, and you gave me some dirty looks... it just seemed to further that theory,” I explain.

“I need to talk to her. Can you take me to her?” I ask.

“Yes you do, but she'll be back soon. She just went home for a shower. Hardly the place to talk to her, Gamma says. “I'm Lev, by the way,” he adds, extending his hand.

“Jack.” 1 shake his hand.

“Wait, so who is Molly's Dad?" 1 ask.

“Mmm... That's a conversation to have with Lex,” Lev says firmly. I nod. I hear cheering, and look behind me, and I see my warrior Alex is standing victorious over his opponent, Marcus. The same Marcus that was flirting with my Lexi earlier. Thin just keep getting better for me.

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