A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me

A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 23

Friday came too quickly and started with Jace who burst into my room at 6:30 in the morning, tearing off the covers, disturbing my perfect sleep and shouting nonsense such as “Wake up or Henris will leave your a*s dry here in the colonies!”. “Are you serious?”] screamed, going from the quiet lying position to the furious sitting position. He crossed his arms over his chest and gave me a stupid smile that made me want to take his happy morning face and take it out the window. “You look like a troll I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that my hair, usually intractable, was more so than usual and that my makeup, which 1 had forgotten to remove the day before, was smeared under my eyes. He tried to hold back his laughter while I tried, unsuccessfully, to put my hair in order with my fingers. I then turned to him, anger in my eyes. “Why did you wake me up, and what is this colony shit?" said it was boring. “You will leave with Henris for the motherland in two hours!"He said enthusiastically. After my confused look, he put his hands on his hips and continued. “You know... the motherland, England... because we live in the colonies. Have you packs your suitcase?” “Yes.” “Liar” “OK, maybe I didn’t. But I have a mental list of things that I'm going to put on it" “You are hopeless. Will you at least have time to take a shower and pack your suitcase?"He joked. I narrowed my eyes inI direction. “Yes, there are only six... Damn it, Jace! I will never be ready in time!"l screamed, jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I immediately got into the shower, thus finding myself washing with cold water for the first five minutes. When finished, I put a towel on my hair and went back to my room. I found my roommate with my suitcase already open and outfits stored in two piles, one for each day of my absence, I guess. She turned around with an innocent smile on her lips and a very pretty brown dress in her hand. “Do you think it would be good for the wedding?” I almost jumped on him but I held back, because I would have dropped the towel and I wouldn't say that Jace is a guy wh cares a lot about women's bodies. Instead, I chose to give her endless kisses around the face shouting “thank you” while was getting dressed. After putting on comfortable jeans and a sweater, I dried my hair and quickly put on makeup. I found my suitcase tidy wh I returned to my room. This time, I hugged Jace, who quickly returned the favor before letting me go. “You are the best roommate I can have. You know that, don't you?"l asked sincerely. He hugged me very tightly. “Yes"He whispered in my ear. “But to be honest, I'm trying to get you to leave as soon as possible so that I can invite all n boys to come here” “Oh, shut up.” He let me go and a little smile appeared on his lips. “Breakfast cereal, are you okay?" “Yes, I'm making coffee.” AL 7:45 a.m, I was ready, my stomach full of Lucky Charms and a coffee in my right hand. James would arrive soon, probat sooner if Henris would get on with it. I waited patiently in the kitchen, listening to the latest celebrity news and waiting fc my drink to cool. As expected, James arrived at 7:50 a.m. knocking on the door. “Hi, James"l greeted him, carrying my suitcase out of the apartment. “Mrs. Wishe"she replied by taking the suitcase out of my hands. “Let me take this for you." I thanked him and we walked down the stairs to the usually parked Range Rover. He put my suitcase in the trunk and I climbed into the back seat. We traveled in awkward silence, my only effort to open the conversation was “It's cold in England, isn't it?"and James nodded. I stopped trying soon after. We arrived at the airport a few minutes later. He opened the door for me and carried my suitcase, leading me to a door. When we entered, Henris was turning his back on me, he was sitting and had the phone to his ear. “I'm tired of all this. I don’t want to have anything to do with this anymore, Claire... Don't contact me while I'm in England, OK? Yes. Always."She whispered. She looked up at mine when I approached. “We'll talk about that later, Claire. Bye" He put the phone in his pocket and stood up to greet me. His body, bigger than mine, attracted me to him, my hands on I torso as he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “Ym glad you came."He whispered, his thumbs stroking my lower back. “And I'm glad you put those glasses back on." “soam I, 1 think”l answered. He frowned and stepped back, holding out his hand to me. “Come. The jet is waiting. And don’t say anything about Claire.” I chuckled when I saw that I was so predictable and we headed to a different door than the one James and I had entered through. The fresh air greeted us when we came out, a large black jet with the stairs down stood in front of our eyes. “Ste Enterprises” written in large letters on the side. I climbed the stairs carefully, only Henris’ strong hand on my back prevented me from falling backwards. A blonde dresse as a hostess was waiting for us upstairs, her smile disappearing as soon as she saw me with Henris. “Mr. Steve, I have not been informed that you will have a guest.” He barely looked at her as we entered the sumptuous cabin, equipped with leather sofas, a television, a mini-bar and a door that was supposed to lead to the bathroom. “Well, you should have been. Get me the files I requested immediately well as everything Noras wants.” She turned to me with a fake smile. “What can I offer you?” “Uh, some water would be nicel whispered. He left and I sat down on the leather sofa next to Henris, who had his head i his hands and his fingers in his hair. Shyly, I put my hand on his shoulder, he stiffens and looks at me. “Uh, are you okay?’ “Yes.” “May I know why you are wearing a suit for an airplane trip?” “I had a meeting this morning, NorasHe said sharply. I removed my hand from his shoulder. “I have work to finish during the trip. You should get some sleep. The time difference will be heavy” “I've already had a coffee, I won't be able to sleep”l shrugged my shoulders. “You should" “Well, I can't, OKAY?" Before she could give me the unpleasant answer, which I knew was about to come out of her lips, the hostess returned wi a bottle of water that seemed to be expensive and a large box containing several folders. She put the box on the table ne to Henris and handed me the bottle before leaving. I sipped my water and watched him out of the corner of my eye take folders and start reading, making marks on the shee with a pen that he held between his lips. A few minutes later, the plane started rolling down the runway and we took off, and I was already beginning to regret having agreed to leave. He looked at me when I sighed. “What's the matter?” “No one.” “NorasHe warned me. I rolled my eyes, then tried to make myself comfortable by tucking my legs under me. “Don’t roll your eyes at me. Talk to me." “Are you going to be like this all the time?” “Like what?” I grunted slightly. “Everything is laborious and distant. I thought you invited me because you wanted me to be there, not because you were ignoring me all the time” “I have work to do. But I want you to be here.” “It doesn’t matter."l said that I was bored, I turned away and took the latest issue of People magazine out of my bag. I pretended not to see him while he was staring at me and flipping through the pages pretending to be interested in Zac Berg's rehabilitation. After a good five minutes during which he continued to stare at me, I threw the magazine away in frustration and turned 1 him. “Why do you keep looking at me?” “Come here He ordered, holding out his hand to me. 1 looked at him suspiciously and he gave me a little smile to reassur me, which made me get closer to him. As soon as I was next to him, he took me in his arms and sat me on his lap. “Hey.” “Hil whispered. “Are you angry with me?” “Angry, no. Frustrated? Yes. I just want you to relax for once. You seemed so stressed out this morning, and here you are c a vacation trip reading these stupid files and ignoring me." “These files are the key to a multimillion-dollar merger” I wrinkled my nose and moved slightly so that I could look him in the face. This is all really great, but can't it wait? Your mother is getting married. It should be a fun weekend.” “I don't have fun on weekends'He answered sharply. “Come on, Steve. Let yourself go for a bit scolded him. Henris looked upset, his black eyebrows furrowed and his head tilted to the side. I took a deep breath and with all the confidence in myself, I leaned over to him and started kissing his jaw. His grip on my hips intensified as my kisses went all the way to his ear. “Please? For me?"I whispered. His body stiffened and he stepped back with big eyes, running his fingers through his hair. 1 played with the collar of his shirt before sliding my hands under his jacket, sliding it off his shoulders. “Noras.” The jacket fell on the sofa behind him and I shifted my attention back to his tie, my fingers working on the expert knot. H looked at me carefully, his green eyes fixed on me as I undid the tie, and it also fell off. I tried to maintain the confidence that I displayed, even unbuttoning the first two buttons of his shirt. Her breaths gradually became deeper as she looked at me darkly. Finally, I ran my fingers through her curls, disordering them with a smile on my lips. “It's done,” I said proudly. “Now you just look like a guy fresh out of work and not a stressec out company CEO." “You just want to undress me."He answered coldly. “It's not true!” “Yes, you are. Now I'm going to kiss you and I'm not going to stop until the fucking plane lands He whispered hoarsely before getting up from his legs, resting me on the couch. He got up and walked to the cabin door, locking it. He then turn around with a smirk. Henris calmly walked over to the couch and sat down next to me without ever taking his eyes off me. My hands started to sweat and he bent down to kiss me, his hands taking me by the waist, bringing my body back against his. “Put your arms up, baby."He ordered gently. I put my hands up and he slid my sweater down, tossing it to the side before reattaching his lips to mine. His mouth moved to my neck, slowly forming new marks on the skin just above my collarbones. “Henri whispered. His head rose from my chest, worried eyes and tousled hair. “Not well?"He asked. He felt my cheeks blush as I slowly shook my head, indicating that everything was fine. He frowned i confusion. “So, what is it, Noras?” I bit my lip while looking at the ceiling. I tried to think of a way not to embarrass myself. “I... uh, I want to... you know. You TS Although the word was short, I could catch the amused tone in his voice. I returned my gaze to her beautiful face and a smirk appeared on her lips, her dimples clearly visible and her green eyes fixed on me. “You know what I mean." He shakes his head, crossing his arms over my chest. He raised an eyebrow and I blushed even more, if that's possible. “Ym afraid not, Noras. Please explain.” “Stop itl complained childishly. He burst out laughing and buried his face in my neck, taking me by surprise. I let my fingers curl through her hair at the base of her neck. He turned us around, changing positions so that I was on top, one leg on each side of his pelvis. “You know,” he said amused. “It's easier with you above.” I playfully slapped his chest and stooped down, my hair on his face. Her breathing changed slightly when I got closer and my lips brushed hers. The fact that I made Henris Steve breathe like that was all I needed to reduce the distance betweer our mouths. Her fingers rested on my hips as we kissed, tongues in action and breaths exchanged between us. Reluctantly, I removed my now reddened lips from hers, pressing them to her neck. My fingers ran over her abdomen, over her tense muscles, he tattoos and the strip of hair under her belly button, then silently followed by my mouth. Henris's muscles tensed under my lips as I tackled his belt, slowly opening it before unbuttoning his black pants. I lookec at him for a second, meeting his black gaze, before taking him down, revealing the tight boxer shorts on his private parts. When my fingers started running over the elastic band of his Calvin Klein, he straightened up, taking my hands. “Are you sure?"He asked in a hoarse tone, his voice deep and full of passion. “Yes!"I whispered. With a sigh, she let herself fall, leaning against the back of the sofa, breathing slowly and deeply. My fingers went under the elastic band and gently took possession of its most intimate part. She let out a hiss of pleasure. I started moving my hand up and down, keeping my eyes fixed on hers the whole time. For the first time in our relationsh I was in complete control. The confidence I didn't know I had gave me the courage to lower my head and wrap my lips around its sensitive tip. “NorasHe said softly. His hands got lost in my hair, playing with the strands before letting them go, giving me back contr I looked at him as I started to move my head up and down slowly, passing my tongue over his tip, which surprised him fr time to time. I wrapped my left hand around the base and pulled it up and down, marveling at the power I had over this incredibly attractive man. 1 looked up at him, finding him with his eyes almost closed, his mouth slightly open and a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. “Shit” He said through gritted teeth. I dug my cheeks in response, tracing my tongue over the underside of his erection. “Noras.” A few seconds later, his hands ended up in my hair, pulling it slightly as I desperately tried to keep my mouth on him. His torso moved quickly up and down in response to the work of my lips. His fingers grabbed my shoulder and he came, emitting a grow, releasing his fluids in my mouth. His eyes slowly open as he catches his breath, biting his lip. When he recovered himself, he sighed and uttered a single word, making it deep, hoarse and full of astonishment as much as admiration. “Noras. I burst out laughing and got off on top of him. I watched him pull up his pants, fasten them and put the belt back in place The shirt that had been thrown to the side for the moment had fallen back on his shoulders, covering his defined muscle that made it even more difficult for me to control myself. He looked down, amused, and didn't look like the stressed-out man who had boarded the plane with me less than an ho before. The lines of stress on her face seemed to have disappeared. I sat on the floor with my back against the couch and put my hand over my mouth to stop my embarrassed laughter. “Why are you laughing?"He asked. “I don't know what to do after things like thatI said before laughing again. He sat down on the floor next to me, lifted me up and sat me on his lap, leaving kisses on my hair. “You are horribly embarrassing”He mumbled. I could hear the smile in her voice. “It doesn’t matter.” “Ym relaxed now, anyway." “Oh my God.” With a smirk, he got up, settled back on the couch, motioned for me to follow him, I smiled and reluctantly returned to th couch. He took me between his legs, my back against his chest and rested his chin on my head. “You should do it more often and then maybe I won't be so bad"He teased me. “Oh, shut pI grumbled. “I'm tired now." “So am I. Sleep.” “You're asleep.” “Don't start, NorasHe warned, letting his hand go under my sweater and rest on my abdomen. I rolled my eyes and snuggled up to him. “You know, if the rest of the flight is this exciting, we might never get off the plane.” “Are you kidding now? Are you sure you're still Henris Steve?"I feigned astonishment. He laughed deeply and tightened hi arms around me. After a few minutes, his breaths became regular and soon after, I fell asleep too, the noise of the jet engine being the only noise in the room.

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