A Marionette's Dream

Chapter Something's Missing

July 12, 1903

Lucas’s pov

I huff in annoyance as I stare out the window, for the past two days something has been tugging at the back of my mind. Piercing blue eyes haunt my dreams, they scream at me, telling me to remember something that I had lost. I frown, what are they talking about? I haven’t lost anything, I have my lovely wife Adeline and our beautiful son Aidan. I clench my fists frustration, “What the bloody hell are they talking about!” I yell to no one. Each night these eyes stare at me in my dreams, I try to get answers from them, but all they do is constantly yelling for me to remember.

“Daddy? Are you okay?” My son’s small voice breaks me from my frustrated trance. I turn to look at him and smile, he’s quite small for his age. The boy is twelve years old, but yet he’s as small as a seven-year-old. “I’m alright Aidan...I didn’t mean to disturb you with my yelling, where is your mother?” I ask as I walk over to him. He gives me a bright smile as he hugs my legs, “Mummy went out to the market. She said she would be back soon.” He replied. I smile back at him and place my pale hand on top of his head. “Well how about we clean the house up for her hm? It’s the least we could do for her.”

Aidan grinned and nodded his head, he ran off to his room saying that he was going to start there. I chuckle and make my way to the kitchen. “That boy is something else,” I mutter as I lift the sleeves to my white button down shirt. I fill the sink with hot water and begin to wash the dirty dishes. I gasp and grip the sink tight, a shock wave of pain runs through my head. I clench my eyes shut and let out a small whimper. “Lucas? Darling, what’s wrong?” Adeline’s soft voice filled my ear, the pain begins to fade away slowly. I relax and let go of the sink. “I...I don’t feel too good love...” I mutter as I place my still wet hand on my forehead.

The world around begins to spin, I lean against the sink for support as I take a deep breath. I can feel my wife’s worried gaze burning at the back of my head. “Here darling let me help you to our room, I’ll finish the dishes.” She says as she takes my arm gently. I don’t fight her on this, I nod my head tiredly and follow her slowly to our room. Adeline opens the door and slowly helps me over to our large bed. I pull the duvet down with a shaky hand and sit down on the edge of the bed. Adeline bends and removes my shoes for me. “I want you to get some rest dear, I’ll be back shortly with some water.” She says as she places a light kiss on my lips. I give her a weak smile as I lay down, she pulls the duvet over me and tucks me in.

She places one more kiss on my lips before she walks out, my eyes are heavy with sleep. I try to fight it off, but I can’t. A pair of blue eyes stares into my red ones, I glare at them. “What do you want?” I ask. Slowly the eyes begin to form into a person, I step back in fear. Standing in front of me is a young woman, her porcelain skin flushed beautifully with a shade of pink. Her black locks tied into two pigtails. A black and white dress covers her small form, ribbons cover her wrists and neck. “W-Who are you?” I ask. She gives me a small smile and takes my big hand into her small one. “I’m Scarlet.”

Adeline’s pov

Damn it! That spell my mother gave me is wearing off! I knew I should have given him another dose when he mentioned the blue eyes in his dream. He can’t remember her, if he does then I’ll lose him. I laugh to myself as I lean against the wall, “Oh you won’t get him back, I won’t let you.” I say softly as I quickly walk to the kitchen. I rummage through the cabinets in search for the vile that holds the potion, I’ll just mix it with his water. I grab it and a small glass, I fill the glass with water and then add the potion to it. He doesn’t need her, he only needs me, even if he doesn’t have romantic feelings towards her he doesn’t need that stupid doll!

I walk back to my room fast, I peek and see that my lovely husband is sound asleep. I step inside and freeze, “S-Scarlet.” He breathed out, how dare he speak that name! I glare and walk over to him, I gently lift his head and place the edge of the glass to his mouth. “Come on darling drink up, you’ll need your energy,” I say quietly. He opens his mouth slightly and slowly takes in the water. Once all of it is gone I set the glass onto the bedside table, I crawl into bed beside him and wrap my arms around his slender but muscular waist. I lay my head on his chest, he gently wraps his arms around me. “D-Darling...w-when...w-when are we going to kill that stupid doll?” He asks softly.

I smirk and look up at him through my lashes, his face his tired, but his eyes are alive with energy. “Soon my love, soon.”

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