A Long Time Coming

: Chapter 20

“Is the blindfold really necessary?” I ask as he stops at what feels like a stoplight.

“For the tenth time, yes.”

“And dressing me yourself, was that necessary? Or did you just do that so you could play with my boobs?”

“Lia,” he says in a stern voice. “I don’t need to blindfold you and say I need to dress you to cop a feel. I can do that any time I want.”

“Oh? And when exactly did my body become your body?”

“The moment you came on my tongue,” he answers as his hand lands on my thigh.

“Okay, well, that’s an answer.”

He chuckles and says, “We’re almost there, just a bit longer. And I have to say, you did an excellent job eating your donut this morning. You didn’t get any crumbs on you.”

“Not my first time eating a donut. And it was a different experience, eating it blindfolded.”

“Ah, see, the day is already starting out to be a winning one.” He stops the car and the window rolls down. “Good morning,” I hear him say. “Surprising her, not kidnapping.” That makes me laugh.

Whoever he’s talking to says, “Enjoy, Mr. Cane.”

And then Breaker pulls forward.

“Mr. Cane? Are you flashing your billionaire card today?”

“Perhaps,” he answers with a smile in his voice. He squeezes my hand and pulls the car around until he parks.

“Are we here?”

“We are.” He undoes his seat belt and says, “Stay here.”

I hear him hop out of the car, and then within a few seconds, he’s opening my car door as well.

“Am I going to have to walk blindfolded?”

“No,” he answers as he reaches behind me and undoes the blindfold. It takes my eyes a few seconds to adjust, but when they do, I’m met with an underground parking lot.

“Where are we?” I ask and then that’s when I see his shirt.

It’s black and clings to every inch of his muscular chest, but it’s the picture of Jack Skellington on it as well as the saying, “Her Jack” that truly catches my attention. I glance down at my shirt, and it’s of Sally with “His Sally” on it.

“Umm . . . are we at Disneyland?”

He tilts my chin up, and I come face to face with his beautiful smile. “We are.”

My eyes well up, and I lean against the passenger seat chair as I say, “I can’t believe you remembered.”

He takes my hand in his. “Junior year in college, it was right after you went on that date with the squid eater. Perhaps one of your worst first dates ever. You came back to my dorm and bitched about how guys are such idiots, and they don’t know how to conduct a real first date. I asked you what would be your perfect first date, and you said Disneyland. You would test the guy to see if he would wear matching shirts. If he did, it was a check in the plus column.” He gestures to his shirt. “Pretty sure I’m doing pretty well so far.” Oh my God. Doing pretty well so far . . . I’m simply stunned. I’m also feeling so emotional because how did he remember every detail of that conversation? How?

A tear falls down my cheek, and he leans in and wipes it away.

“Why are you crying?”

“Because,” I say. “This is . . . this is thoughtful.” I turn toward him. “You’re the only person who has done something thoughtful like this for me. Ever.”

“Because you’re so special to me.” His thumb caresses my cheek. “I’d move mountains for you, Lia.” He wipes my tears again and then tugs on my hand. “Come on, no more crying. It’s time to have fun.”

I let him help me out of his car, and then as we walk and he holds my hand, I lean into his strong presence, into this man who has always treated me as if I’m his number one. The one who has remembered everything about me—from the type of coffee I love to my idea of the perfect first date.

I never imagined him like this, the doting man, yet it seems to fit him so perfectly. He seems to fit me perfectly.

I thought long and hard about why he’s pursuing me. About his point last night—why he’s never had a long-term girlfriend.

“I think it’s because in my mind, I’ve always been with you. You’ve always been mine.”

Those words, that declaration, floored me. From the moment something flicked on for Breaker, he has treated me as if I’m precious. Something I’ve never experienced. In fact, it’s lightyears away from how Brian treated me. Breaker’s treated me the same way I’ve seen Huxley and JP treat Lottie and Kelsey. And that has given me more confidence to take this next step with Breaker. Because I believe him. I believe in him. He’s not one to lie. You’ve always been mine. And if I’ve always been his, it’s starting to become clearer that he’s always been mine too.

Consider this your last first date ever.

When he said that last night, I wanted to believe it. As I cling to him, walking past row after row of cars, I believe it.

I can see it.

I can feel it.

“BREAKER,” I whisper as I hold his hand tightly. “You got us the VIP package?”

“More like the Breaker Cane package,” he whispers into my ear.

The parking lot we parked in was some secret parking lot that lets you skip all the lines. We went straight to the VIP section where we were greeted with Mickey ears, Nightmare Before Christmas themed, of course, and the cutest part of all of it is that Breaker is wearing his with no shame.

Reminds me of the guy I met back in college. Couldn’t care less what anyone thinks about him, does what he likes, and doesn’t think twice about it.

“Mr. Cane, welcome to Disneyland. I’m Jorge, your guide for today.”

Breaker lends out his hand. “Jorge, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Please call me Breaker.”

“My pleasure,” Jorge says and then lends out his hand. “This must be Miss Fairweather-Fern.”

“Please, call me Lia,” I say as I shake his hand.

“Miss Lia, it’s a pleasure.” Gripping an iPad to his side, he says, “I understand it’s just your small party today. I received the planned schedule of events, and I have your reservations organized as well. It looks like we’re going to have a great day.”

“We are,” Breaker says.

“Wonderful, and please, if you want to stop for any food or need me to pick up food for you while you’re on a ride, I’d be more than happy to assist with that. I’m here to make your experience unforgettable.”

“Thank you, Jorge,” Breaker says.

“Well, if we’re ready, I think the first thing on our schedule today is to ride the Matterhorn.”

I glance up at Breaker, who is smiling because he knows—of course he knows—the Matterhorn is my favorite ride. I love how old and janky it is. Being tossed around makes me laugh more than the actual ride.

“Might as well start with a bang, right?” he asks.

“You’re spoiling me today, aren’t you?” I ask as Jorge leads the way through the park.

“I am, but not to impress you. I don’t feel like I need to at this point.” He brings our connected hands to his lips as he says, “I’m spoiling you because I want to, because I get to, and because you deserve nothing but the best, Lia.” He presses a gentle kiss to my knuckles.

I don’t know how this happened, how I became so lucky to be with this man, but somehow, the universe has made it happen—maybe it was with the help of my parents who always loved Breaker, who always expected us to end up together. Maybe they had a little part in putting us together.

“You deserve so much too,” I say to Breaker, who just shakes his head.

“I have all I need, Lia,” he answers, looking me in the eyes.

“YOU READY FOR THIS?” Breaker whispers into my ear as the bar to our Peter Pan ship falls over our legs.

“Yes,” I say as we take off into the darkness of the ride.

“Good, now pull down your shorts.”

“What?” I ask on a laugh, and then I turn toward him.

“It’s a two-minute ride, Lia. If I can’t get you off in two minutes, then I don’t know what I’m doing as a man.”

“Stop.” I push at his chest. “You’re not getting me off on Peter Pan.” Whispering, I add, “Children ride these rides.”

“But it’s the Peter Pan Challenge.”

“Says who?” I ask.

“Says the behind-the-scenes sex enthusiasts.”

“Yeah, well you can contact your sex enthusiasts and tell them they’re freaks. Disney is sacred!”

“Sooo . . . is that going to be a no?”

I chuckle and shake my head. “That’s a hard no. My God, Breaker.”

He laughs and then loops his arm around me. “You know, I was only kidding.”

“For some reason, I don’t believe that.”

Our ship flies through London and off to Neverland, the enchanting children’s ride also one of my favorites. So far, we’ve made our way through all of Fantasyland, this being our last ride, and then we’re heading to Star Wars: Galaxy Edge next. We haven’t had to wait in line, and when we got off Snow White’s Enchanted Wish, Jorge had waters and cream cheese-stuffed pretzels for us. We found a place to sit, and I devoured my pretzel. Of course we shared with Jorge, who was more than gracious about it. We stopped to take pictures in front of the castle as well as in front of the Matterhorn, and we even went into a gift shop where Breaker bought us matching Disneyland shirts with the year on them. Classic souvenir. Lucky for us, Jorge has been carrying our bag.

It’s been so magical.

“Thank you,” I say to him. “This has really been such a perfect day. The perfect first date.”

“It’s not over yet,” he says. “We still have to hit up California Adventure after this.”

“We’re going to California Adventure?”

“Uh, yeah, it’s going to be a whole day.”

“Are we ending with fireworks?”

“What do you think?” he asks with a smirk.

“Wow, Breaker. You know . . . if you wanted a blow job that bad, you could have just asked for one. You didn’t have to go through all of this.”

He chuckles. “Oh, I know, Lia.” His lips right next to my ear. “Trust me, I know how much you want my cock.”

My cheeks heat, and I’m glad we’re in a dark room, or else people would be able to read the expression and desire I have for this man all over my face.

“I TRULY THINK I got a hard-on while riding Rise of the Resistance,” Breaker says as we sit at our reserved seat in Docking Bay 7. “Like actual chills.”

“Same,” I say. “Although I can’t speak on the erection that you’re talking about. I did get chills. That has to be one of the most immersive experiences I’ve ever been a part of. And the way the cast members yell at you. I truly felt like I was a prisoner.”

“Yeah, we’re doing that again.” Breaker leans back in the small circular booth we have to ourselves. “Makes me want to get out my Chewbacca costume and start running around the apartment.”

“You still have that?” I ask.

“Yeah, and I still have your Leia costume, which . . . I think we need to upgrade, you know, since now I get to see you naked. I think I deserve you in the gold bikini.”

“Oh my God, seriously? Are you going to be that cliché?”

“Yeah, you have a problem with that?” he asks.

I smirk and lean into him. “No, I actually think it would be really hot.”

“Don’t fucking tease me, Lia. You know I’ll buy that bikini right now.”

I’m about to tell him to do so when Jorge delivers our food. Breaker went with the smoked ribs, and I was drawn toward the shrimp noodles. He also drops off some Sprites and then says, “I’m going to take a break for a moment while you two eat. You have my number if you need anything.”

“Thank you, Jorge,” Breaker says right before he takes off.

“This looks delicious,” I say as Breaker hands me a fork.

“It does.” He slips his arm around my waist and pulls me in closer before resting his hand on my hip, keeping me right next to him.

As we dig into our lunch, I ask him, “Have you always been this possessive over the women you’re seeing?”

“Nope,” he answers before swallowing his first bite. “You’re the only one.”

“Can I ask why?”

“Why? Do you hate it?”

I shake my head. “No, I love it, but it’s so different. I haven’t ever met a guy who has held me like you do. Or wanted to touch me like you. And I guess I didn’t know how much I liked it until you came along.”

“Yeah, I didn’t know how much I needed it either until I touched you.” He smirks at me and then shoves a forkful of his food in his mouth, looking all goofy and ridiculously cute. When I shake my head at him, he nudges me and asks, “What?”

“You’re just . . . God, you’re annoying with how hot you are. You can just smirk, and it makes my stomach all twisted in knots.”

“I consider that a good thing.”

“Of course you do because you think you have me wrapped around your pinky.”

“Don’t I?”

I fork a piece of shrimp and mutter, “Unfortunately.”

He chuckles. “Don’t be upset about it or anything.”

“You’re just charming and sweet and thoughtful, and ugh . . . it makes it hard to find fault in you.”

“Are you looking for faults?” he asks as he sips from his Sprite cup.

“Aren’t we always looking for faults?” I ask as I twirl noodles on my fork. “Without faults, we wouldn’t be human.”

“True,” he answers. “So if you’re looking for faults, I have something for you to chew on.”

“Oh yeah, is it a real thing?”

“Very real. I think about this all the time and how I could have done better,” he replies.

“Okay, let me hear it.” I take a bite from my fork and listen intently.

“One of my greatest faults would be not asking you out on a date the first night I met you.”

I roll my eyes. “Come on, Breaker.”

“I’m serious,” he says, and from the tone in his voice and the expression in his eyes, I can truly tell he is. “Ever since I got a taste of you, I keep thinking about how I’m such an idiot for not asking you out sooner, for not making a move earlier. I can’t believe I waited this long to hold your hand, to have you in my bed. It makes me feel like a real fucking idiot. And all those years of not having a girlfriend, it’s because of you. Because I had deep-rooted feelings for you that I wasn’t allowing myself to feel. So yeah, there’s my fault, being a legitimate idiot when it comes to how I feel about you.”

“Wow, okay,” I say, unsure of how to respond to that. “I don’t know if we would have the same relationship that we do now. I probably wouldn’t have been as open with you about certain things if I was looking for something romantic. When you’re just friends, it’s as if you can drop all the walls and be yourself, but when you’re trying to be romantic with someone, you almost put on this façade to show that you’re good enough to be with that person. I’ve sort of felt that way recently with you.”

“Why?” he asks, turning toward me and abandoning his meal.

“It’s nothing huge, just subtle things, but I’ve had some self-conscious moments, and I just think it comes with the territory when someone is more sexually experienced. I mean, this past week, Breaker.” My cheeks redden. “I have never done half the things we’ve done. I didn’t even know that kind of sexuality was in me.”

“Do you still feel that way?” he asks.

“Sometimes. You’re just . . . I don’t know, it’s stupid.” I adjust my glasses on my head and turn back to my meal.

“I’m just what?” he asks, tugging on my hand.

Knowing he’s not going to let this go, I say, “You’re not the same nerdy guy from college. Sure, if I was able to look past the mustache back then and the floppy hair, I probably would have been intimidated, but I wasn’t because you were goofy, and I loved that about you. Now that you’re all grown up and . . . you know . . . muscular, there’s an intimidating factor to your transformation. I don’t feel like I’m in your league.”

“Jesus, you can’t be serious, Lia.”

“I know, I said it was stupid, but it’s hard not to feel that way when the guy who is . . . well, whatever this is between us, when he’s gorgeous, rich, and extremely well endowed with the kind of experience that would make any woman blush. I don’t feel worthy.”

He forces me to look at him by looping his finger under my chin. “I can’t tell you how to feel, and those feelings are something I will help you work through, but I want you to know this right here and now. I’m the one who feels lucky, okay? I’m the one who feels like they’re trying to dig their claws into you so you don’t run away. That insecurity lives heavily in my heart as well. I fear you’ll wake up one day and realize that you made a mistake, that you miss Brian, that you should never have called off the wedding. Or that maybe I’m the rebound guy, that I shouldn’t have made a move on you so soon.”

“Breaker, you know that’s not the case.”

“I want to believe that, but in my head, I know I didn’t go about this the right way. I didn’t pursue you appropriately, normally. I should have eased more into the sexual aspect.”

“Why did you jump in headfirst?” I ask.

“Because I wanted to show you that there was chemistry between us. I didn’t want to give you an inkling that there wasn’t. And frankly, I wanted you. I want you. Badly, Lia. The moment you put on that wedding dress, everything changed.”

I smile softly. If I think about his reaction when he saw me in the wedding dress, I’ll get teary. I was so emotional that day, and Breaker’s unconditional support was the only thing that held me together. I had never seen his face look so . . . adoring. Or perhaps wowed. “You look . . . fuck, you look stunning, Ophelia.”

“I think everything changed in me at that moment too.”

“I HATE YOU,” Breaker says. He’s leaning against a low fence, taking deep breaths while I giggle next to him, Jorge taking in the scene as well and trying not to laugh.

“Why do you hate me?” I ask.

His eyes shoot to me as he says, “You know I despise that godforsaken ride. It’s death waiting to happen.”

“It’s a kid’s ride,” I say about Goofy’s Skycoaster.

“That is not a fucking kid’s ride, that is . . . that is a nightmare.” He takes a deep breath, and Jorge walks over to him. “Can I get you some water, Breaker?”

“Oh, he’s fine,” I say, but Breaker tells him differently.

“Water would be amazing. Thank you so much, Jorge.”

“Not a problem. Be right back.”

Once Jorge leaves, Breaker stands straight and grabs my wrist, pulling me in close to his chest. With a firm hold on me, he says, “You’re going to pay for that later.”

“Why? I didn’t force you to go on the ride. That was your own choice.”

“You taunted me and then pleaded. As if I can fucking deny you anything.” He nods toward the ride behind me with the sharp C curves that make you feel like you’re going to fall right off the track. “You knew I hated that ride.”

“I would have been just fine riding that on my own.”

“Bullshit.” He chuckles, his chest rumbling against mine. “Jesus, you’re such a liar. Face the facts, Lia, you’re going to pay for that.”

“What are you going to do? Spank me?” I ask.

His eyes darken as his hands fall to my lower back. “Yeah, I might just fucking spank you. I’ll spank you so hard that your pussy is drenched, begging for my dick, and then . . . I’ll leave you completely unsatisfied.”

I swallow hard. “You . . . you wouldn’t.”

“And then, when you’re lying there, restless, your cunt throbbing for release, I’ll make myself come all over your beautiful sloped back just to remind you who owns you.”

Well, good God.

“Here you go, Breaker,” Jorge says, coming up to us.

And as if someone turned off a light switch in him, Breaker goes from dominating alpha to cheery park guest. “Thank you so much, Jorge.” He shakes his head. “That Goofy Coaster gets me every time.”

“Me too. My niece loves it, and whenever I bring her here, it’s a requirement. I think she’s testing my love every time she makes me go on it.”

“I think Lia is doing the same . . . testing my love.”

And with one wink, my stomach bottoms out. That wink, and his use of the word love, it just about makes me throw my arms around his neck and kiss him.

And . . . why hasn’t he kissed me yet? For a moment, at lunch, I thought it was going to happen. Or earlier, when we were on the Ferris wheel, just enjoying the view while I sat on his lap, I thought that maybe it would happen then, but it didn’t.

If he wasn’t already intimately involved, I would have suspected that it would never happen.

Or even last night, that would have been the perfect moment, after we were done being all . . . carnal, when I rested in his arms, that would have been perfect. So I don’t understand the wait.

“You ready for the next ride?” Breaker asks. “I think we’re headed over to The Little Mermaid, right?”

I smile up at him. “Yup, I believe we are.”

And then hand in hand, we move on.

“RIGHT THIS WAY,” Jorge says as he lifts a red velvet rope blocking a bench from the public.

After a few more rides, we were taken back to The Office, a secret restaurant in California Adventure with a beautiful view of the pier. It’s where we were served some of the best lobster I’ve ever had. And the room was so cute. We had to walk through a vault to get into it, and then it was covered in cartoon pictures of animators.

Of course, Breaker had to sit right next to me in the booth where he could always keep a hand on me and occasionally feed me food with his fork. I loved every second of it.

After that, we headed back to Disneyland, where we rode Indiana Jones one more time and then proceeded to pick up desserts from the Candy Palace. I got a Rice Krispie treat, and Breaker got caramel popcorn. We took the train around the park while we ate our desserts, and Breaker even got a cookie for Jorge. And then after one more ride of Space Mountain, where Breaker held my hand the whole time, laughing, Jorge took us to our roped-off bench that looked over the castle.

“Fireworks should be starting shortly. Can I get you anything else?” Jorge asks.

“No, thank you, I think we can take it from here.”

Jorge nods. “And you have your pass to get back to your parking lot?”

Breaker nods. “Yup.” He then reaches into his pocket and slips something into Jorge’s hand. “Thank you so much for everything. You have been fantastic.”

“Of course. Thank you, Breaker. Miss Lia, it was a joy meeting you. Before I leave, can I offer to take one more pic of you two?”

“Nah, I think we’re good. Thank you, though.”

And with another goodbye, Jorge takes off, leaving us alone.

“What did you slip into his hand?” I ask.

“One thousand dollars,” Breaker answers casually.

“One thousand dollars? Oh my God, Breaker.”

He chuckles. “What? He did a good job.”

“You probably just made his day.”

“Yeah, well, it’s the least I can do after he made this day so special for us both.” He drapes his arm over the back of the bench and snuggles me in close. “Did you have a good time?”

“I had the best time,” I say as I lean into his hold. “This was the kind of day you always dream of, but it never really comes to life.”

“Well, it’s real. All of this is real,” he says.

“Hard to believe.”

People scavenge for spots in front of the castle, strollers bumping into sidewalks, crying children tired from the events of the day, and a lot of tired people vying for a spot to sit down. Weirdly, it adds to the magic.

I turn toward him and rest my hand on his thigh as I say, “Thank you for today.”

“You’re welcome, Lia. You know I’d do anything for you, right?”

“Yes, I know.”

“So you just name it, and it’s yours.”

“I think . . .” I move my hand up to his chest. “I know I want something, but I’m nervous to say it.”

He turns toward me more and asks, “What is it?”

Just then, the show begins, and the crowd hushes as music plays through the speakers placed throughout the park.

“It can wait,” I say.

“Uh, no, it can’t,” he says. “Just ask me.”

I move my hands to the hem of his shirt, and I twist it through my hands as I say, “It’s going to sound really stupid, but I don’t know. I guess I just want to make sure this is real.”

“What is it?” Breaker asks.

When I glance up at him, the first firework shoots up to the sky, lighting up the dark night. “I want to make sure that we’re, you know . . . actually dating. That we’re exclusive, that . . . I don’t know, that I’m your girlfriend or something.”

The smile that crosses his face is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. “You asking me to be your boyfriend, Lia?”

“I mean, if you want to put a label on it. I just don’t want this to be a flash-in-the-pan kind of thing. You know? Like . . . just sex and fun. I don’t want that.”

His face grows serious, and he slips his hand behind my neck as he says, “You would never be a fling to me, Lia. Ever. What we have, it’s serious, and I won’t treat it any other way.”

“Okay,” I say as I glance away, gaining the courage to say what I want to say next. When my eyes fall back on his, I say, “Then if that’s the case, kiss me.”

His hand grows tight at the nape of my neck, pulling me toward him. I have never seen such a determined yet adoring look on his face before. I feel so . . . loved.

My breath catches in my chest. I wet my lips right before he brings me in the last few inches, and his mouth lands on mine.

I can feel my eyes roll in the back of my head as his soft lips capture mine.



Absolute perfection.

It’s the most intense, satisfying, and thrilling moment of my life—kissing Breaker, kissing my best friend, feeling the electricity bounce between us as our mouths collide. With fireworks exploding above us, his lips mold around mine, his other hand tilting my face ever so slightly, controlling the moment.

And I let him, because I can’t do anything else other than fall into this man’s grasp as his open mouth works over mine.




When his mouth parts, I part mine. When he turns to the right, I turn to the left. When his grip grows tighter, so does mine.

And when his tongue presses against mine, I moan and swipe my tongue against his.

He’s so delicious.

I tangle my tongue with his, my hand growing tight around his shirt, needing him closer, needing more, and when I slip my hand under his shirt, he pulls away, stunning me.

I blink a few times just as huge fireworks burst above us.

Catching his breath, he stares at me for a few moments and then says, “I, uh . . . I don’t want to give the kids a different show.”

And I’m brought back to reality.

We’re still in Disneyland.

Surrounded by children.

“Oh God.” I press my hand to my chest. “I’m sorry, I just . . . I guess I got carried away.”

“That’s okay, so did I.” A boyish grin spreads across his face. “You’re a really good fucking kisser.”

My cheeks heat as I say, “I was going to say the same about you.”

He pulls on the small strands of his hair as he says, “Just another regret of mine. We could have started doing that a long time ago.”

“Looks like we have some time to make up for.”

“We do,” he says as he grips my chin and places one more kiss on my lips. Even though it’s a light, featherlike kiss, it packs a powerful punch because it was willing and a way to express his desire for me.

It makes my stomach flutter. It’s confirmation that we are doing this . . . we are becoming an us. And I shiver as I hear my mom’s sweet voice saying, “About time, sweet cheeks. About time.”

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