A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 61

A sharp pain shoots through my chest. What he says, these words, I can only understand the weight of these words. I comforted myself with the idea that the two of them would stay together. That they would not be alone and that they cov continue to live.

He's right, I acted for good reasons, but I acted without imagining, without realizing that they love me as much as I can lo them both. I made them suffer by trying to protect them. I walked away hoping to be able to fix everything when I only le the injured.

- Stop torturing yourself, Jason continues. She will understand, like me. But I advise you not to do that again. Don't ever ¢ far from us again.

His hand squeezes mine a little tighter as I perceive what he feels, the love he has for me, the tenderness he has towards me. 1 close my eyes for a short moment, smiling. I wouldn't do it again, ever. From now on, I would stay with them until th end of our days.

- You better be interested, he said, smiling at me.

- I swear, Jason. I will never leave you again.

I ry to move slightly which I immediately regret. I really need to regain my strength and as quickly as possible. I want to ¢ home, I want to see her, I want to tell her how sorry I am and above all how much 1 love them.

The warmth of his hand spreads throughout my body. It's soft and pleasant and this time, when I close my eyes, I let mys go, I let myself fall asleep.

Jason's POV

We've been in this room for two days, two long days without moving, without being able to go out and it's starting to get my nerves. I miss Emma so much it's unbearable. I could never wait a week. It's impossible.

I sigh for the umpteenth time which makes Dorian roll his eyes.

~ We have to wait, he said. That's all we can do.

- We have to find a solution to get out of here and quickly.

~ How do you want to leave? You're not ready to be able to transform, you can barely walk and I'm not talking to you abot myself.

~ I know. But, I also know that I won't be able to stay there much longer. Its killing me to be away from Emma.

It's his turn to sigh. I know he wants to join her too. At the same time, the doctor enters the room.

- So, how are you today, he asks.

- Better, enough to start getting up, I said confidently.

- I don't think that's a good idea, he continues. It could slow down your healing. You still need a little more time.

How much ?

He approaches silently and examines me. I do everything not to wince but it's no use, it's more painful than I want you to believe and it annoys me to no end not to heal more quickly.

- At least two more days, maybe three.

- Impossible, it's too long.

~ I can see that you are in a hurry, but I am not performing miracles. I can’t do anything more.

- Could it be moved by car? Dorian asks.

- Itis indeed possible but under certain conditions. He should stay lying down during the journey.

I turn to Dorian. What he is talking about 7 Does he really think I'm going to get in a car without him? He thinks I'm going walk away without bringing him back?

- And what about me? Is this also possible?

- It's more delicate. You would need a vehicle designed so that your arm remains immobilized. And then, you're going to need follow-up. Rehabilitation, special exercises to regain maximum mobility.

He watches us both. He knows none of us want to stay. He knows that Dorian will not become their Alpha, that his place i not here. He sighs before continuing.

~The pack is waiting to know what you plan to do Dorian. She has known you for a long time and recognizes your strengt and power. Our Luna left yesterday, during the night. I guess she was afraid you would attack her. In addition I must also warn you that our former Alpha brought a human here. She has been living there for a few days now. She doesn’t mix wit ours but everyone knows she’s the sister of both of your partners.

Dorian straightens up slightly. He is as surprised as I am by his presence here. It seems like Loic was ready to do anything to attack us. To kill us.

- She knows that Loic is dead?

- She knows it, just like she knows you are both here, he continues. She holed up in her room. I don't know the whole sto but I know she’s terrified. She probably has no idea, but we are all predators and fear has a smell. A smell that we all recognized. You're going to leave, aren't you?

~ I can't stay, said Dorian, breathing. Jason and I are not alone and our companion is not a Wolf. That's not what any of us want. All we want is to find our house, our territory, our wife. You will find an Alpha, I have no doubt, but it won't be me. ~ I think I knew that since I started treating you, just like I knew you were going to leave the pack after Juliette died. I can’ even blame you, no one was for this manhunt that launched Loic against you. We all saw you lose your taste for life wher you lost it and when we learned that you were finally happy again. Many of us were happy about it. You have always had special place here, a special place for the Wolves.

- Dorian also has a special place for us. He was ready to sacrifice himself for us, to take on everything even though it was me who killed Ophélie. We all left our old lives, Emma left everything, just so the three of us could live together and all that, it's only thanks to him. It was he who brought us together, it was he who managed to ensure that each of us found h place and that we were as united as that. It's more important to us than you all may believe.

- The pack has two vehicles, one of which is easily convertible to transport you Dorian, but that doesn't change the fact that for the moment, Jason can't drive and no one will take you there, although I don't know where be that over there. I understand that you want to leave as quickly as possible, but I think you should wait a few more days. Enough for us to prepare the car and gather materials to continue your care.

~ Then start preparing everything, said Dorian smiling. As soon as Jason can drive, we'll leave. As for Emma's sister, I don’ have any orders to give you, but if I were you, I would kick her out of the pack. She is not someone who can be trusted, st has bartered her only sister for money as if she were just an object. Do what you want, but none of us want to cross her unless it's to kill her.

- I doubt she’s trying to leave her room. I doubt she'll even try to come and confront you but I won't be the next Alpha so can't give orders I'll pass the message on.

- Where is your Beta? It is up to him to take over, it is up to him to ensure the continued survival of the pack.

- Unfortunately, things are not going as they should. Before you came to surrender, he had gone into Jason's pack to enst Loic’ arrival, so that he could take the lead. But after the death of our Alpha and while he made a clear space there, whil he ensured that there was no longer any resistance, he took the opportunity to consolidate his position and therefore tal the head of the pack. He abandoned us, he moved elsewhere and he won't come back.

- I'm sorry for you, we all wish it had happened differently. We all wish we hadn't gotten to this point.

~ 1 know, we all know it I think, We'll make it. A new Alpha will lead the pack and we will continue to move forward.

- I have no doubt, it's a good pack, it always has been. Your next Alpha will be very lucky to have Wolves like you under their thumb.

~ The future will tell. I will prepare everything for your departure, but I can only advise you to wait a few more days, he says, looking at Jason who rolls his eyes.

- OK OK, I understand, continues the latter. We're going to wait a little, but two days, maximum and not a day more.

I see the doctor smiling as if he had just won a small battle. He ends up leaving us both as I grab his hand and squeeze it gently.

- I almost thought you wanted me to leave first.

~ Impossible, I learned my lesson. We stay together, you don't leave without me.

- I'm not counting on it. Especially since if 1 go home without you, Emma will kill me, I say with a wink.

- No risk, I won't leave you again.

He would like to hold me in his arms. Make me understand that he means each of these words. I miss the warmth of her body, like Emma's. I can't wait to go home and slip between them to finally feel the sweetness of their embraces.

Emma's POV

They've been gone for days. I know they're hurt and can't get home as quickly as they want. But it's t*****e, real te, n having them with me. Madeleine is adorable. She takes care of me, talks to me, does everything to take my mind off thing without it changing anything.

I sigh for the hundredth time today. It's long, too long, almost endless. I had never missed anyone this much. I almost fee like this absence is killing me a little more every day. I can't wait to see them again, to touch them, to smell them.

The day is coming to an end when I see Madeleine walking towards the window, smiling. A noise catches my attention, on haven't heard in a while. The sound of an engine, the sound of a vehicle approaching. 1 sit up quickly, feeling my two mar pulsing gently. It's them, finally, they're here.

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