A Gold Alpha For A Silver Alpha

Chapter 24


(lL rip out his throat, rip out his heart with my claws and laugh as my fangs tear his body apart.

It's the first thought that crosses my mind when I see Maurice.

He looks exactly the same as he did 900 years ago, porcelain pale skin, perfect hair, dry lips, white teeth and elongated fangs.

Go away, leave us alone

I bark through the mental link to Logan.

I'm not leaving you unprotected with this bloodsucking bastard.

That's an order.


Go and help Dannia protect the herd, I don’t want any dead on our side.

As Alpha wishes

Logan lets out one last bark at Maurice before rushing off to help my Beta, the vampire gets into position to attack him from behind but I jump in the way cutting him off.

A grim smile curves his lips as he sees me.

Well well, this is no way to greet me my queen, aren't you happy to see me, after all, I'm only here for you my precious.

I bark angrily.

His smile changes to a furious grin.

am not one of your faithful dogs, you can talk to me like a person, or stop barking at me like a common mutt’.


Luna screams inside me.

Relax little wolf.

I want his heart in our paws Rae.

You'll get it, I promise.

My body untransforms, leaving the human part of me in Maurice's sight, he looks me up and down with a smirk as he lick his lips.


A grunt makes our gazes shift to the body of my mate still lying on the floor, right where he fell since Logan stopped him from being killed.

He's so handsome.

It's the first thing that crosses my mind when I see him uncovered.

Even bruised and bloody, he's still able to look good.

I shake my head because it's neither the time nor the place to have these kinds of thoughts.

Apart from him rejecting me.

A pang runs through my heart at the memory of that fact.

-Don't look at her like that, bloodsucker.

jason snapped at Maurice, his voice husky but menacing.

The vampire lets out a laugh.

“What are you going to do about it, little wolf, try to kill me, if we hadn't been so rudely interrupted a few minutes ago, yc heart wouldn't be pounding any more.

My vision turns red at the words of my enemy, Jason can NOT die, especially not at the hands of Maurice.

Jason, get the hell out of here.

The blond's gaze leaves the vampires face to focus on me, his features don't relax, in fact, they harden as he looks into m eyes.


-Get out. I mutter.

jason squares his back as he stands up.

I'm not leaving your side.


His eyes look hurt but he looks at me with defiance.

-1 don't take orders from anyone anymore, remember?

My gaze goes to the tattoo on his forearm, and with nothing more to say, my attention returns to the man primarily responsible for the miserable life I've become.

Maurice is watching us with his head cocked to one side, analysing us, as his eyes wander from me to Jason and back aga Very interesting.

When his attention stops on Jason my heart rate shoots into overdrive. He can’t know that Jason is my mate. So I walk ove and stand in front of Jason.

~You came all this way just to talk, how disappointing, I was hoping for some action.

The vampire's eyes darken and his fangs protrude.

-Bring out your wolf claws.

He says as he goes into an attack position which I mimic.

-Bite me, bloodsucker.

Satisfaction crosses his face.


He responds before attacking me, running at an impressive speed and knocking me backwards into the damp earth, from the impact the air in my lungs disappears and black motes blur my vision.

I feel hands reaching for my throat and instinctively I let my fist reach for his side, it's not strong enough to get him off m but it's enough to push him back a few centimetres and I turn my face and with my fangs I reach for his hand, I rip his wri and the taste of his nauseating blood explodes in my mouth.

Maurice lets out a yelp of pain and punches me in the face, causing me to drop him, immediately he jumps back and 'm able to get back to my feet.

We don't let a second pass before he attacks again, this time I am the one who catches him first with a kick to the stomac he receives it and falls to throw himself on my feet to try to throw me off, I jump to avoid him, but his hand grazes my leg and leaves a long bruise that goes through my thigh.

Back on his feet, he directs his hands towards my face and I protect myself, as I reach for his abdomen with my knee, I fee his ribs crack from the impact and my defence drops for a second, which he uses to bury his nails in my face. I push him I the shoulders and pull away with a thud.

Maurice lets out a laugh as he holds his side, my breathing heavy as my hands push the blood from the wound away from my eyes.

Not bad, little one, not bad at all, I see that after all these centuries you finally learned to defend yourself instead of running away like a coward.

He spits with contempt.

“What about you, you were the one who attacked a defenceless human, demonstrating your marvellous strength?

50 defenceless that she pierced my body with a sword, don’t be hypocritical, besides, if I remember correctly, my marvellous strength tore your beloved wolf to pieces.

My body tenses and images of Mikael defending me appear in my mind.

-I sill remember the taste of his blood, in all my centuries of life, I have never encountered another as powerful and wonderful as his, of course, except for yours.

He pauses as he closes his eyes and lets out a sigh, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as I swallow saliva. Shivers ru down my spine.

-It was so sweet the last time I tasted it, I wonder if it will taste the same now that you're a wolf, or if it will taste like a we dog now too.

He says mockingly and I just look at him with contempt.

Shut your mouth before your voice hurts my ears.

-Oh, of course I'm going to shut my mouth, but around your tempting throat.

We attack again.

Kick, punch, bite, scream, scream, pain, fist, knee.

Blood, blood and more blood.

At some point his blows bring me to my knees, his arm tightens around my neck and I can't breathe, my nails become cla and I desperately try to shake him off, but his grip doesn't loosen, and in a couple of seconds I feel his lips caress my earlobe as he speaks to me.

~You don't know how long I've waited to do this.

And seconds later, his fangs pierce the skin of my neck.

I let out a cry of pain from the depths of my soul.

Flashbacks come to me, thanks to the distant memory of this same pain, and in a few moments I feel my body grow weak from the lack of blood.

I only need a moment of distraction to attack him.

I pray to the goddess Selene that Maurice makes a mistake and gives me a chance to defend myself.

And my chance comes, but not thanks to a carelessness of the bloodsucker, but thanks to Jason, who attacks Maurice anc pulls him away from my body, his fangs tear my throat and my blood covers me completely, my hands immediately seek t stop my bleeding. As I recover I can watch as my mate confronts the vampire.

Jason's eyes blaze with fury as he attacks, and Maurice has only a sneer on his face as he dodges the attacks. Until one ki sends him to the ground, Jason falls on top of me and steals my breath.

Stupid dogs, don’t you understand, there's nothing you can do to stop me.

1 wouldn't be so sure if I were you.

And before I can react Jason lunges at Maurice and throws him to the ground, his hands twist his arm and I can hear his bones snapping, Maurice spins so that now Jason is underneath him with his back to me.

You'll pay for that, you f*+¢ mutt.

And his fangs dig into MY mate's shoulder.

jason screams in pain as he is still badly bruised from his earlier confrontation.

Still dizzy from the considerable blood loss in my system, I get to my feet and throw myself at the vampire’s back.

-Don’t mess with my mate, you idiot.

I say before I transform. Maurice lets go of Jason and turns to look at me impressed by my words, Jason wastes no time ar with his claws he rips through Maurice's chest taking out his heart while my muzzle closes around his neck ripping his he off.

And as if it was a bad dream.

Maurice's threat disappears.

But for some reason.

I don't feel as satisfied as I should.

Maybe it's because seeing my mate's face brings it all back to me.

His words, his smile, his contempt, his son.


I hear him call my name.

The promise I made to myself comes back to me and the call of my instinct cries out for this woman's blood.

Rae, are you okay?

Jason tries to approach me as I untransform, but I back away as I bare my fangs.

-Don't touch me.

Please let me explain.

“There's nothing more to say, besides, you had two chances to talk to me, and both times you kept quiet.

“1 was affraid. he says desperately.

A broken laugh escapes my lips.

~You were the one who was afraid, please don't be pathetic.

His gaze is hurt, but he doesn't give up.

-Please, now that this is over, we need to talk.

“This is far from over.

Now he looks at me doubtfully.

“What do you mean by that? He asks me softly.

That this will only end when that female's blood is spilled between my fingers.

Jason's eyes widen and he opens his mouth to say something.

But I let the darkness come out of me and take over, and so before he can see it coming, I hit him in the head, knocking him unconscious, and I run away.

On my way to spill the blood of one last victim.

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