#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 11


“Stop!” He called after me, his voice echoing through the dark night sky.

It was a cool, June night with a clear sky, hundreds of stars sparkling in the sky as a soft breeze blew off the water. I ignored Caspian’s orders as I stomped away from the harbor and towards the street. Impossibly fast, he was at my side and gripping my arm, forcing me to stop.

“What do you want?” I asked harshly.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He narrowed his dark eyes on me.

“Leaving.” I replied.

“I can see that. I meant, what were you doing back there?” He looked at me with an annoyed expression.


“Enough with the smart replies.” He chastised me like a child, “Why were you even here?”

“What? I’m not good enough to attend one of your richy rich parties, sir King?” I cocked an eyebrow. Caspian had the good sense to look offended.

“Riley Wyatt is married.” Caspian said.

“Sounds like a problem for him and his wife, not me.” I shrugged. Caspian growled in frustration, dropping my arm and stepping back.

“Stay away from here.” He said dangerously.

“Why don’t you just admit it? You didn’t like another man touching what’s yours. It doesn’t matter that you want nothing to do with me. You Alphas are all the same, possessive assholes.” I spit in his face.

Well, that sent Caspian right over the age. His eyes swirled with anger and another emotion I couldn’t name. His face was stone cold as his hands shook furiously at his side.

“How dare you talk to me like that?” He shouted.

“What? You can strute your whore all around the club but I dance with one man and all bets are off? Sound about right to you, your highness?” I continued to attack him ruthlessly.

“Who? Ruth?” Caspian looked confused.

“Is there more than one?” I huffed.

“Are you jealous?” Caspian had the nerve to smirk at me.

“Why don’t you just leave me the hell alone?” I threw my hands in the air theatrically.

“You followed me here.” He said.

“I did not follow you. This is a human party, remember? My friend brought me.” I argued.

“Maybe I should keep Cole around you, to make sure you stay out of places you don’t belong.” Caspian said.

“Why don’t you just reject me so we can both move on with our lives.” I asked, wrapping my arms around myself as I felt the energy slowly leaving my body.

“Why don’t you reject me?” Caspian countered. My lips parted in shock as a small gasp escaped my mouth,

“You’re the Alpha, it won’t matter if I initiate the rejection unless you accept it.” I said.

“Or maybe you just don’t want to let the Alpha King get away.” Caspian stalked closer to me with a menacing grin.

“Go to hell. I don’t want anything to do with you,” I refused to shrink away from his dominating presence, “I, June Cooper, reject you….” Before I could finish, Caspian clamped his hand around my mouth.

“Shut up. You don’t get to humiliate me, you don’t get to decide when this ends. I suggest you learn your place.” His face was inches from mine. I shoved my palms against his chest, escaping his grip.

“Whatever you say, your grace.” I mumbled under my breath before hailing a taxi and getting the hell out of there.

Cole was waiting for me when I got home, leaning against the outside door to my apartment. I sighed loudly but otherwise ignored him. He stepped to the side as I fiddled with my keys and opened the door.

“You okay, Junie?” He asked as I switched on the lights.

“Go away, Cole.” I said in response.

“Hey, I’m just as pissed at him as you are. Don’t take it out on me.” Cole genuinely sounded concerned. I looked back at him and sighed again, nodding my head to invite him inside.

“I don’t get what his issue is!” I grumbled in frustration, tossing my purse on the table and digging through the fridge for a bottle of wine.

“You told me you didn’t want me to tell you.” Cole said. I glared at him as I reached for a glass,

“Nothing can excuse his actions.” I said.

“That’s true. I know what his issues are and I still think he’s being an ass.” Cole nodded when I offered him a glass of wine.

“Why doesn’t he just reject me? Is it a power play?” I plopped down at the kitchen table with the entire bottle of sweet red.

“Yes and no.” Cole shrugged, sipping the blush liquid.

“Thanks for clearing that up.” I muttered.

“He has the ultimate Alpha genes, no questioning that. His wolf is possessive as hell, Jess won’t let him reject you without going feral himself. Caspian, on the other hand, wants to reject you for his own reasons.” Cole explained.

“Oh, what a gentleman.” I scoffed.

“Jess is a good Alpha wolf, strong and compassionate. He’s a good warrior and an even better leader. He’s fierce when he needs to be, kind when it’s warranted, and passionate about those he cares about. Above all of that, he’s protective of Caspian. Jess is the good left in Cas.” Cole ducked his head, watching me closely, “I could tell you what happened to Cas to make him so cruel.”

I paused before I answered, thinking it through carefully. I was desperate to know why Caspian was the way he was, but not so desperate that I would give him a free pass and let his Gamma bail him out. I had my own issues, my own reasons for wanting to reject my mate, and I was ready to disclose them. Caspian was a coward. He wanted to hide behind his reasons.

“No, I meant what I said before. Either he tells me, or no one does. Do me a favor, and stop inviting him to my bar.” I said, pouring another glass.

“I can’t do that, Junie. I think you’re just what Cas needs.” Cole smirked at me. I grabbed the wine glass from his hand and dumped it out,

“Then you don’t get any wine and you can sleep in the hallway.” I shooed him out of the apartment, despite his arguments, and slammed the door in his face.

I hopped in the shower and got ready for bed, sending a quick text to Vivan to check in on her. She reported back that she wouldn’t be home until late and to not wait up for her. I slipped under the covers and closed my eyes on this dreadful day.

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