#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 52


It was the day of my Luna ceremony and I was a bundle of nerves. I was in my room with Elena, Mel, and Winter getting ready. My brothers, my mates, Zane, and Wesley were all in Hunter’s office getting dressed as well. Elena and my new sisters had taken care of everything since I wasn’t a big party planner. They even picked out my dress which went along with Satin Moon’s traditional Luna gowns.

My dress was a deep, blood red, the iconic pack color of Satin Moon. It had a deep V in the front that went all the way down to my rib cage. It fanned out at my hips in a classic ballgown style, yet was still flattering on my small figure. It was completely backless with fluffy straps that fell off my shoulders. It was satin, like the pack’s name, and didn’t have a scrap of glitter or jewels on it. It was a shiny, simple fabric, which was my only request for the dress.

Elena placed a golden band around my forehead. It looked like three twigs twisting around each other. She called it the Luna crown and said that I would only wear it this one day. She gifted me a beautiful matching set of gold jewelry, saying that it was also tradition for the outgoing Luna to give the new Luna a gift to wear on her ceremony day.

The necklace was a simple golden chain with a large ruby pendant dangling from the end. It was encased in an antique gold setting. The necklace was also antique and gold with small rubies and diamonds going all the way around. The earrings each had one simply cut ruby dangling from a gold teardrop. They were elegant and regal. I cried when Elena put them on me.

“I hope those are happy tears, dear.” Elena sniffed, hiding her own tears.

“They are, Elena. It’s just….thank you for being like a mother to me.” I sobbed, hugging her closely. Elena laughed in my ear,

“You are my daughter, Maizey, and I am your mother.” She kissed my cheek and held me at arms length, “You are the vision of beauty. Isn’t she, girls?” She asked Winter and Mel who were dabbing their eyes with a tissue.

“Stunning!” Mel gushed.

“You look really nice, Maizey.” Winter smiled softly.

“Thank you, you two also look beautiful.” My new sisters were wearing black, tea length dresses with delicate lace detailing. They also had ruby jewelry that was much similar than mine.

There was a knock at the door and Nicky poked his head in.

“Is everyone decent?” He asked.

“Yes, come in.” Elena waved for my brothers to enter.

Nicky and Matt were wearing matching tuxedos with red bow ties and handkerchiefs. They grinned at me before going in for a group hug.

“Careful! You’ll smug her.” Melody cried, yanking my brothers away.

“You look beautiful, sis.” Matt smiled.

“Those two fools better know how lucky they are.” Nicky frowned, “No offense, Mrs. Greyback.” He said to Elena who laughed heartily.

“Oh, I agree with you, Nicky.” My brothers quickly became favorites of Elena, Wesley, Winter, Mel, and Zane. They won over their hearts like they do everybody’s, with their charm and wit. They fit right into this crazy family and I was beyond blessed to call it mine.

“Everyone is ready when you are.” Matt said to me.

“Let’s do this.” I nodded.

Elena, Winter, and Mel gave me one last hug and smile before hurrying out of the room. Toby and Derek arrived to escort us all down stairs. Of course, I couldn’t even be left unguarded for my own Luna ceremony. The Gammas opened the glass doors to the front yard and my brothers helped me walk down the porch steps.

The yard was transformed into a beautiful fairytale complete with twinkly lights and flowers. Archer had taken to decorating everything in lilacs and daisies because he said that’s what I smelt like to him and Hunter. So, it was only fitting that those flowers covered every inch of the transformed yard.

The entire pack was there sitting on either side of a makeshift aisle. I was suddenly nervous as I felt hundreds of pairs of eyes on me. I gripped Nicky and Matt’s arms tightly as they led me around the corner and down the aisle. The second my eyes landed on my two mates, my nerves dissolved and I felt calm. Archer and Hunter were looking handsome in all black suits with red ties and a red daisy in their jacket pockets. They looked exactly the same, and yet I could pick out their delicate differences.

When we reached the end of the aisle, Nicky and Matt handed me off to my mates who each took one of my hands. One of the pack elders was standing in front of us droning on about pack protocols and ceremonies. I had no idea what he was saying. If it wasn’t for the fact that we rehearsed this for hours yesterday, I wouldn’t have known what to say. Like a robot, I responded to my parts. My eyes never left Archer and Hunter’s faces. My body felt like I was floating and I never wanted this feeling to end.

The pack cheered and I jumped a little as our bubble burst. I was brought back to the present. Hunter and Archer each kissed me passionately as the Elder officially introduced me as the pack’s Luna. Just like that, the ceremony was over and the party began.

“You don’t want a drink, my love?” Archer asked after hours of dancing. He was trying to offer me a glass of champagne after the toast, but I refused.

“You’ve hardly eaten anything, princess, are you feeling okay?” Hunter observed, pressing his lips to my forehead.

“Just a little nauseous.” I shrugged, trying to sound casual. I wanted to wait until we were all alone in our rooms to give them the big news, which I had only found out this morning.

“Are you sure? You seem a little off.” Hunter narrowed his eyes on me in concern. I sighed, fidgeting with my hands. I was eager to tell them, so much so that I was practically bouncing with excitement.

“Can we go upstairs to our room? I have to tell you two something.” I said, smiling at them both.

But, that smile didn’t help to ease their worries. They didn’t respond, instead, Archer scooped me up and they practically ran with me up the steps. They gently sat me on the bed and hovered above me. I rolled my eyes at my two fidgeting mates.

“You two need to breathe or you’re going to pass out.” I laughed at them.

“What’s wrong, baby? Something seems wrong.” Hunter was rambling.

“Are you okay? Do you regret becoming our Luna?” Archer looked more scared than I had ever seen him before.

I grabbed both their hands and forced them to look at me. They needed to calm down before I told them the news or they really were going to pass out.

“I’m okay, I promise, everything is fine. I need you both to sit down so I can show you something.” I ordered them, pushing them down onto the bed. They sat just like they were told, looking like two scolded children. I laughed at the pair of them as I went to grab something from the bathroom.

“I’ve been feeling sick recently and a little off. I talked with your mom and sisters, and decided to take a test.” I started. Hunter and Archer’s eyes widened.

“A test, are you sick?” Hunter was panicking and Archer was pale.

“Relax or I’m not going to show you!” I laughed at them. They composed their faces and stopped wiggling around. I handed them each a little pink stick.

“What is this?” Hunter was looking at the stick with an angry expression while Archer was frozen, looking pale again.

“Archer?” I talked to him first, thinking that he knew what the stick meant.

“You’re pregnant?” His voice was barely above a whisper.

“What?” Hunter’s eyes bulged from his head, “This is a pregnancy test?” I couldn’t help but laugh at the innocent looking Hunter and the terrified looking Archer.

“Yes, and they both say positive. I made an appointment with the hospital for tomorrow.” I said. I started to feel worried when neither of them was reacting how I thought, “This is a good thing, right?” I asked, feeling insecure.

My voice seemed to unlock both of my mates, because they jumped up and wrapped their arms around me.

“Of course this is a good thing, princess.” Hunter chuckled.

“We told you we wanted pups, little mate.” Archer purred

“I know, but it’s so soon.” I sighed. The boys pulled back and held onto me tightly. Archer cupped my face in his hands,

“We have forever, love.” He replied sweetly, pressing his lips to mine passionately.

While I was being consumed by Archer’s kiss, Hunter must’ve dropped to his knees because the next thing I knew, his warm mouth was on my stomach.

“I love you, little baby.” Hunter said to my stomach, “And I love you, mama.” He smiled up at me. I fell in love with him all over again. I pulled his face up to mine for a deep kiss.

I pulled myself into the warm embrace of my mates and fell in love with my little life and my little family. It was all like a fairy tale, like my wildest dream come true. I had never expected that my life, the life of a tiny, abused little girl, would turn out to be this beautiful, wild story, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.



“I hate you both so much!” I screamed at my mates. Archer was sitting behind me, holding my legs apart while Hunter was standing beside me, letting me break his hand.

“You say that everytime.” Archer mumbled in my ear and I nearly bit his head off.

“On more good push, Luna!” The doctor yelled from between my legs. I almost kicked him right in his stupid face. I screamed and pushed against my mates, then the sound of a baby’s precious cries filled the air.

“Congratulations Luna, Alphas, you have a daughter.”

“Finally!” Hunter cheered. He had been waiting for his little girl for years now. Archer was massaging my shoulders as I waited for the doctor to hand me my daughter.

“She’s in perfect health, Luna.” The doctor said, laying my daughter down on my chest. She had a full head of dark hair just like her daddies, but her mommy’s hazel eyes.

“Are you sure about her name, little Luna?” Archer asked me for the hundredth time.

“Yes, this is our Thea.” I cooed as Thea wrapped her tiny fingers around one of mine.

“I love you so much, Maizey.” Archer kissed my cheek as he placed his hand on Thea’s head. Hunter kissed my cheek as he played with Thea’s tiny foot.

Toby and Derek brought in our older children. The twins were walking now and running head first into their terrible twos. I had to go and give birth to twin Alphas right off the bat, alleviating any arguments for sure, but giving myself one hell of a first experience with motherhood.

Theo and Tigris kept me on my toes, that was for sure. They had my red hair but their fathers’ bright green eyes and wicked smirks. They also had my mates’ knack for getting into trouble and causing mischief. My golden child, the singleton who took completely after me, is one year old Tate. He was curious and a genius, like me, and witty like his uncles. He never got into trouble and was a total mommy’s boy.

We all have been waiting patiently for our little princess. I took after Elena, and didn’t want to know how many babies or their genders before birth. So, each new bundle of joy was a surprise. But, I always knew that our first daughter would be named Thea, after Hunter and Archer’s best childhood friend. The same little girl who Archer’s wolf murdered at just 15 years old.

Before my Luna ceremony, Archer and I went to speak to Thea’s parents. He was able to give them what they needed, an apology and closure. They could never forgive Archer for what he did, but they knew he would spend the rest of his life making up for his crime. When I stayed inside to speak to them privately, I had asked for their permission to name our daughter after theirs, to honor the lovely light that was taken too soon.

“We make beautiful babies, little Luna.” Archer said, kissing his mark on my neck. I was too busy staring at my precious daughter to react, but I did have a few choice words for my mates.

“Relish in it, boys, because this is the last baby.” I grumbled, but I knew Hunter and Archer were smirking behind my back.

We all knew that I was just like their own mother, in a constant stage of baby fever. I hated them when I was in labor, but the second I was discharged from the hospital, I was ready for another. Hence why Tate and Thea were only 16 months apart. Basically, I was certifiably insane.

I had to admit, nothing was better than seeing Hunter and Archer as father’s and doting husbands. They waited on me hand and foot during and after pregnancy. They were amazing at making sure I got the rest I needed and taking care of the newborns. Sometimes I had to fight them to get some alone time with my own baby. I had the luckiest life with a full heart, full home, and a full family that was overcome with love and joy.

With my newborn in my arms, my toddlers laying next to me, and my mates hovering around me, I knew that I was ready for any future as long as I was their mother, their wife, and their Luna for the rest of my life.

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