#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 25


“Is he….” I started to ask but another knock came from the door and I groaned loudly.

“Who is it?” Matt yelled.

“It’s Hunter.” I suddenly felt fear. I ran away from the door and towards my room.

“I don’t want him here.” I said.

“Maizey, maybe he can help.” Matt was a traitor.

“No!” I demanded before slamming my bedroom door shut. I pressed my ear against the door so I could listen to their conversation.

“She doesn’t want you here right now, Hunter.” Matt sighed.

“I was with her when she got the call, I know everything.” Hunter said.

“I think I understand everything, too.” Matt said. Huh? “Just give her some time, okay?”

“I don’t think time can fix this.” I could practically hear the frown in Hunter’s voice. The door shut and I relaxed.

I decided to take a shower to try and rinse off today’s events. I knew it was no use, but the scolding water in my skin made me feel a little better. After about an hour, I hopped out and threw on some loungewear. I shuffled across my bedroom and towards the window. I looked out for those green eyes that I had come to rely on.

I stifled a scream when I was staring face to face with the white wolf. His head was literally inches from my window and his eyes were beckoning me forward. I stepped out of my room and noticed that Matt and Nicky were gone, they must’ve gone upstairs to bed or to talk privately. I snuck over to the french doors in the kitchen and opened them.

I am a complete idiot. I repeated that over and over again in my head. I had just gone outside where a giant white wolf, who had been stalking me, was standing. The wolf was smack dab in the middle of my yard.

“Who are you?” Like it was going to answer, “What do you want?” Yep, keep on sounding like a crazy person, Maze.

The wolf cocked its head to the side like it understood me. He took a step backwards and reared up on its hindlegs. I screamed, stumbling back towards the house all while keeping my eyes fixated on the wolf. It started to spasm and I heard the unmistakable sound of bones cracking. I realized that I was still screaming.

I slammed into someone and spun around, standing face to face with Matt.

“Stop screaming, Maze.” He laughed at me. He was laughing at me?

“Matt! What are you doing? There’s a giant wolf.” I yelled, trying to push him back inside.

“Where?” Excuse me? He was seven feet tall, how do you miss that?

“Right there….” I spun around and pointed at the spot where the white wolf was just standing. Instead, a man was in his place, “Hunter?” What the hell?

I looked back and forth between Matt and Hunter, who both seemed to know exactly what was going on. I won’t even get in to the fact that Hunter was standing there butt ass naked and no one even flinched.

“Maizey, I have to tell you something.” Hunter said and my head snapped towards him.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Matt steadied me and let me go. He tossed Hunter a pair of his sweatpants before retreating inside the house.

“Start talking, Mr. Greyback.” I snapped.

“First off, stop calling me that, like forever. I’m Hunter to you, I’m your Hunter. I belong to you, little red.” I was already confused.

“How can you say that? You hate me!” I yelled at him again. Why did he always make me want to yell? Hunter was walking towards me and I was frozen in place, unsure if I wanted him near me or not.

“Stop saying that. I have never hated you. I did what I did to protect you but now….now I don’t give a fuck anymore. I’ll die protecting you and I’ll do it by standing beside you. Now I know that you’ve always been in danger, even before I came along. I’m so sorry that I hurt you, Maizey, I’m so sorry. After everything you just told me, I know that I can’t cause you anymore pain. You deserve so much happiness. But, I knew I couldn’t win you over without telling you the whole truth.” Hunter was right in front of me now, his hands holding my face as he rambled.

“Matt knows the truth, doesn’t he?” My voice wasn’t above a whisper.

“He does. He’s known almost everything for a while now, but I told him the rest a few minutes ago. I needed his blessing to continue with you, after everything that I have done.” Hunter’s eyes were staring so blindly into mine.

My body betrayed me, it yearned for him and I swooned at the idea of him asking my brother’s permission to do anything.

Wait a second, his eyes.

“Your eyes.” I said suddenly, reaching up to touch his face with my own hands. He purred at my touch, like actually purred. His chest was vibrating.

“You know them.” He said softly.

I closed my eyes and pictured the green eyes of my wolf, I opened and looked straight into those same green eyes. I stumbled backwards and Hunter let me go. The wolf was in the yard and then Hunter was in the yard. Hunter has green eyes and the wolf has those same green eyes.

“You….you’re the white wolf?” That made no sense and, yet, Hunter nodded. “How?” I couldn’t think straight. I was clearly certifiable.

“I’m a werewolf.”

Oh hell to the no. I’m a freaking scientist, I don’t believe in werewolves. I should run. This guy is off his rocker.

But, I didn’t run. I stayed rooted in place.

“Show me.” My mouth said while my brain argued about my sanity.

A sly grin crept across Hunter’s face as he stepped out of Matt’s pants. I resisted the urge to let my eye wander and Hunter seemed a little disappointed by that. He stepped far away from me, standing in the middle of the yard again. He arched his back and the sound of bones breaking once again filled my ears. In a matter of seconds, a large white wolf was standing where Hunter just stood.

“That’s impossible.” I squeaked.

The wolf gently walked up towards me. I knew that I should run, but my legs didn’t move. He flopped down in front of me and rolled on his back, showing me his belly. His tongue was hanging from his mouth in a huge grin.

“What the….” The wolf looked at me expectantly.

“You want me to…pet you?” The wolf nodded. The wolf nodded?

I reached out a shaky hand and touched the wolf’s fur. I gasped at how soft it was. Sparks shot up my skin, making me shiver, as I stroked the wolf’s fur. Not an ounce of me was afraid of this wolf. Somehow I knew that he belonged to me.

After a few minutes, the wolf jumped up and licked my face, knocking me back off my heels. I squealed and dropped to my butt on the hard ground.

“Hey!” I complained but the sound of breaking bones was there again and I saw naked, human legs. I refused to look up until those legs were covered by gray sweatpants. Hunter appeared in my vision, crouching down in front of me,

“Believe me now, little red?” He smirked at me and I nodded, biting my bottom lip.

God damn he was handsome. How have I resisted this face for so long? Something inside me was burning, my heart was beating so fast I thought it would spring free from my chest, and my brain was telling me to use caution; but, my body was telling me to throw caution to the wind. Something else inside me was telling me that this man belonged to me, he was mine and he would be mine forever.

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