7 days till Heartbreak

Chapter Day 7 & 8 The Weekend Part 1

~ Saturday ~

She had spent the previous night crying in her house, Willow wasn’t sure what to do now. She wanted to leave and yet she couldn’t get the begging look of Drayn’s face out of her memory. She had shifted uncomfortably on the bed, it was cold too cold. Despite her efforts to grab more blankets, she knew that it wouldn’t help. The only thing that would help would be seeing him, maybe just once more. And then, the burning sensation in her heart would go away, the need to go to him would disappear.

So now, she stood outside his house. Raising her hand and lowering it every other second. But she had to see him, to talk to him, the regret of not answering him was eating her alive. She knocked on the door hesitantly, feeling like she was about to be swallowed whole as the door swung open and she was met with Drayn who scowled at her. She winced at his look, understanding his anger and hurt. “Drayn-” “What are you doing here?” His voice came out demanding. “It’s Saturday, you made yourself clear, you don’t want me. I got it. Now, why are you here?” Willow faltered, she had to explain. “I-” “Don’t. Just don’t. Leave Willow.”

His front door slammed shut.

And she felt a coldness she had never known take over her heart.

~ Sunday 1:00 am ~

The day had been filled with crying sensations with her pillow and packing up her belongings. And with each tick towards midnight, she felt worse about leaving. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting when the bond ended, a glowing light? Would All feelings be gone from her heart? Maybe both. Hopefully both. Her bleary eyes looked to the clock and saw the numbers staring at her tauntingly.

None of that happened, in fact, the need just increased the more she thought about it. Her heart yearning for her to go to him, to force him to face her. Her fingers tingled to feel his warm skin against hers. How was this possible? Maybe.. She nibbled on her lip and threw on a dress, she had a summoning ceremony to perform.


It was a stupid idea, after all, Mayari was a goddess they had better things to do than worry about the fact that their creations were currently shattering from the inside out. That they couldn’t stop thinking or seeing their ex-mate. But the curiosity ran out, it was now 2 am and her whole body still seemed to ache.

Willow kneeled before her sacrifice, not even sure if her goddess would appear. But she felt herself mentally begging her too. Hoping Mayari would listen because Willow had to know, she needed to know. Winds signaled the goddess’s entrance and also caused her heart to speed up in fear. “Willow. My child, why have you called me here?” Willow stood slowly, as to not fall over from the speed she was shaking at. “I have a question regarding my mate. Uh, ex-mate.” It was Sunday, the bond was over.

“What is your question?”

Willow shifted on her feet. “I, I went through separation week, but I still felt the bond. I still feel the feelings of being mates with him, even now, I can’t stop it. I hurt when we’re apart, when he, when he’s angry at me. Are, Are we still mates? Did I do something wrong?”

Mayari regarded the wolf with a sad smile. “This week has been for my own pure amusement, I am sorry, my child.”

Willow took a step away, not believing the words she was hearing.

“What? What do you mean?”

Mayari sighed,

“The truth is that your mate bond ended a week ago,”




“The feelings you feel now are not of the bond my child.”

Her heart stopped as the world came crashing down around her.

“The emotions toward him, are purely your own.”

That can’t be true.


She found herself swimming in denial.

“But, but Drayn he, he went through separation this week.”

Mayari shook her head, “No my dear, he only thinks he did. He went through it a week after you did but was blissfully unaware. I made it painless for him, then. Moving the pain to now where I made him think he was undergoing it.” She placed a hand on the girl’s shoulder and squeezed.

“I used you and your mate as an example for the others, I wanted this ridiculous rejection phase to stop. It was only meant for those who severely mistreated their mates and brought shame upon me. Too many have abused it. When you and your mate summoned me I saw an opportunity. I unleashed a curse upon them meant to teach them a lesson, the curse of which has been lifted. I then let the word of it spread through the world. I had hopes that you would overcome it, that you two would end up fighting against your pride. However, that was not the goal, the goal was for your story to serve a purpose for others, and it did. I apologize you had to deal with the aftermath of what happened but it was necessary.”

Mayari looked deeply saddened.

“Now the choice is yours, Willow, you’re free to go, the mate bond is over and you can leave. You’ll be able to choose a new mate and have a different life. The question is, will you leave? Or will you fight for him?”

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