667: Issue #7 Pt. 2 "The Seventh Son"

Chapter July 23rd, 2016 Subject #001: Violet Eve

As usual, sleep was lost on me. I tossed and turned all night, but when I would finally nod off…the nightmares began.

They all involved Asher in the role of the Antichrist and me trying to save those that I loved and convince him to come back to our side.

I woke up drenched in sweat with my hand clutching my phone and I checked the time to see that it was just past eight in the morning.

Even though my body wanted me to get more sleep, my mind wasn’t going to allow it.

I rolled out of the bed and crawled over to my computer to check my messages.

There was one from Angelica, sending me her phone number, and I quickly composed an e-mail and sent mine back, even though I had her phone sitting right next to me.

“Should I send this Jeremy a message?” I asked myself aloud as I got the address from my mobile.

I started the e-mail and just stared at the screen for a moment before finally writing the message. I decided to hide my identity and hoped that the man would want to expose L. Cipher Labs just as much as I wanted his classified information.


You don’t know me, but I have been trying to get more information on the inhumane practices that L. Cipher Laboratories have been using regarding their fertility clinic. I can’t tell you where I was able to obtain your name as it would put others at risk, but I can assure you that our correspondences will stay confidential. Please, if you have anything that may be of use to me, I could sure use it right now. I have a friend who was conceived in that laboratory and strange things have been happening to him since June.

Please get back to me ASAP.

I left my name off at the end since I couldn’t seem to come up with a good persona and hit send on the message.

“Breakfast?” My door cracked open and Adam poked his head through.

“Protein.” I sighed and got up from my chair without even changing out of my pajamas.

“You didn’t sleep, did you?” Adam looked troubled over my exhausted appearance.

“Not really.” I pulled my violet hair atop my head and didn’t even bother with smoothing anything out.

“Medusa’s comfort food should do you some good then.” He responded and I could now smell the fried chicken wafting from the kitchen.

“Then let us eat.” I followed my nose to the delightful smell that was awaiting me downstairs.


“When are we going to talk to Asher?” I had taken over the last few disks of files and was working diligently to get them finished in Josiah’s office.

“When do you want to?” Josiah was working on some sort of parchment with a feathered quill.

“When do I want to? I particularly don’t want to talk to him about anything.” I didn’t want it to be me that brought up the possibility of him being the Antichrist.

“But don’t you think that you’d be the best one to physically break the news to him? You’re sort of his girlfriend.” Josiah had a good point, but he wasn’t exactly accurate with his words.

“I’m not his girlfriend and I don’t know if I have the nerve to confront him with this. Why can’t you just say something?” I went back to cataloguing as I waited for Josiah’s answer.

“I will gladly be present when you speak with him, but I think the news would best be broken to him by you.” He retorted.

I wasn’t going to win this one.

“Fine. Then I will talk to him about it this evening after dinner. That should give me enough time to swallow this lump in my throat and keep myself from spiraling into a full-blown panic attack.” I grunted.

“Sounds like a plan.” Josiah was such a prat sometimes.

I took a break from the files and went to check my e-mail and see if Angelica had written anything back.

Instead, I was greeted with a message from Wicked1666.

How do I know that you aren’t working for them? The clinics may have been shut down, but I know their creators still linger on the fringe.

I don’t know who you got my name from, but I can’t help you.

Bust. The ruse had been a bust and this man didn’t trust me, but I didn’t blame him.

I was going to try one last ditch effort and if that didn’t work, then I would have to find a different outlet to pursue.

“Josiah…” I began and I heard him mumble in response, “I met a woman the other day in New Orleans and obtained the most recent files from me to Khaine. I was going to say something about it when I got back, but it slipped my mind.” I waited for the inevitable disappointed speech from Josiah.

“You are just so hard headed, you know that? What did they say?” I turned to see Josiah had given me his full, undivided attention.

“Nothing we didn’t already know, but my informant said that she obtained the information from a former employee of L. Cipher Labs…so I stole her phone and got the man’s contact information.” I winced, waiting for Josiah to scold my careless behavior.

“Violet! How very clever of you…what are you trying to get at?” Josiah seemed almost proud of me.

“I messaged him asking about the clinic, but he won’t give me anything. I need him to trust me, to come talk to me if possible, and I was wondering if Cassandra wouldn’t mind if he possibly met me here?” It was a stretch, but it was one way to get the man’s trust.

“You think he’ll really want to meet you at a private residence? It would be safer to meet him in public and at a place with lots of people…” Josiah had a good point.

“Where then? Jackson Square?” It was open and that was where I met Angelica.

“How about Jackie’s club? We can place us all strategically so that you are in our line of sight at all times and the man would never know—just in case things get out of hand.” Josiah offered up Jackie’s place of business.

“Jackie would be okay with that?” Josiah nodded his head at me, “Okay, I need a name and an address.”

“It’s called Ivre D’Amour; it’s on Bourbon Street so he can’t miss it,” Josiah informed me and I started composing a new message.

What if we met in public so there would be no problems? Ivre D’Amour on Bourbon Street is a good spot; plenty of people around and a popular public setting.

I promise you that I am in no way affiliated with the labs, I just need some answers for my friend…he’s not doing well and I can’t stand to see him this way.

I will be wearing a gold and purple feather clip in my hair, just ask for Snow.

I sent the e-mail and prepared to go back to my work when a response came through quicker than I thought.

If I find anything to be suspicious, I won’t show. I’m trusting you, for whatever reason, but don’t abuse that trust.

Tonight at nine PM; don’t be late.

“We’re on.” I grinned to myself as I replied back one last time.

“What’s the plan then?” Josiah seemed pleased.

I closed my laptop and turned to him, “Tonight at nine PM…I guess talking to Asher will just have to wait; this is far more important. This man could have the answers that we’re looking for.”

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