667 Issue #10: "Old Wounds"

Chapter March 24th, 2017 Subject #002: Adam Baudin

I was sitting in the living room when I heard the French doors open and Violet’s booted feet clomping over the tile floor.

She was wet from head to toe and looked a bit tired as she entered the room, a brown paper bag in one hand.

“Thank God, you’re back.” I got up from the couch to hug her but thought better of it.

Violet looked slightly alarmed as she spoke, “Why? Did something happen?”

“You’ve been gone for hours.” I looked at her strangely soaked clothing and wet hair, “Did you fall in the ocean?”

I was wondering if that was what had taken her so long.

“No, it was raining in Edinburgh and I know there’s the time difference, but it’s only 5:30.” I watched Violet check her watch and make a funny face.

“It’s almost two in the morning, Vi.” I eyed her curiously.

“There’s no way. I got there quickly and didn’t stay but an hour before I came back.” Violet shook her head as she tapped her watch.

“Yeah, it was about five when you called, but when you didn’t show up, we were starting to get worried and we had no way to call you…what happened?” I asked curiously. I didn’t understand where the lapse in time had gone.

“Maybe I took a different route back? I don’t know.” Violet seemed bewildered herself.

“Well, you’re back and in one piece so that’s all that matters.” I placed my hand on her shoulder and felt her draw in on herself as she pulled away and went to the kitchen silently.

“What’s in the bag?” I followed her before she sat down at the table and pulled out something wrapped in newspaper.

“Scotch fish n’ chips.” She had a rather wistful look on her face as she opened it up and took a bite.

“Want a beer to go with that?” I asked as I opened the fridge and pulled out a tall can of Guinness stout.

“That’s my favorite beer. No one drinks that stuff here; only hoppy IPA.” Violet made a face at the thought of the pale ale.

“Wanted to try something different, I guess.” I set the can on the table and Violet eyed me for a second before picking up the can and popping the tab.

“So, you think you’ll be able to get everyone over that way safely?” I started up a conversation, but I didn’t know if Violet even wanted to talk.

“I think so, though I don’t know about this time gap issue. I’m still nervous about taking so many people over there at one time, so we may have to go in smaller groups.” Violet finished her fish and chips and disposed of the trash in the garbage can.

I tried to keep up the conversation, “How many at a time?”

“Two maybe; not including myself. Have we settled on who all is going?” Violet washed her hands in the sink and shook them dry.

“Henri wants to, but he doesn’t want to close down shop for however long it will take us, but Nate says he’s going.”

“He really likes him some Angelica; that makes seven of us then. So, at least three separate trips. I should be getting paid for these flights.” Violet actually laughed and I felt my heart swell at the sound.

“Right? But it’s a duty that we accepted. A thankless job it seems.” I shrugged and she just nodded her head.

“When are we leaving? Early morning?” Violet yawned. She looked like she was ready to crash.

“I guess the sooner the better, especially if all this wibbly wobbly time stuff gets in the way.” I yawned myself and stretched.

I could have sworn I saw the corner of Violet’s mouth turn up in a genuine smile.

“Wake me when it’s time to go then.” Violet took off her jacket and tossed it on the back of a kitchen chair, “Oh, and make sure everyone packs light. I charge extra for more than one carry-on bag.” She smirked before gliding by me and up the stairs to her bedroom.

I didn’t think I was going to get much sleep tonight as I had promised myself to deliver a special surprise for Violet in the morning before we left on her trip…I also had a few other things lined up for her while we were gone.

I had filled my plate, but I wasn’t going to let Violet starve anymore.


I got maybe two hours of sleep before I got myself up and started breakfast.

I spent the whole time Violet was gone researching traditional Irish breakfasts on the internet and picking Jackie’s brain about international cuisine since he fancied himself a cultured amateur chef.

I was somehow able to procure some off version of black pudding thanks to Henri and the rest was much easier to come by. Making the soda bread from scratch proved to be messy on my part, as I pretty much exploded flour all over Jackie’s kitchen, but by the time it was finished it looked edible.

“What a mess, Adam Baudin.” Jackie laughed at me as he came into the kitchen around 6:30 AM.

“Well, you try making traditional Irish soda bread when you have never really baked before.” I was attempting to wipe down the counter with a rag, but Jackie took it from me.

“Go set the table and I will handle the rest. Did you make the tea?” He asked and I smacked my hand to my forehead.

“Just go set the table.” Jackie whipped me with the rag and I grabbed the plates and silverware before toting them out to the dining room table.

“What is that wonderful smell?” I heard Khaine coming down the stairs.

“My cooking apparently.” I passed him with an armful of tableware and he thankfully took some of the load off of me and helped me set the table.

“She’s going to love this.” He grinned at me as he set down the final fork.

“Hopefully.” I wiped flower from my face and peered at myself in the mirror hanging by the china cabinet.

Salome and Naomi had joined us and I could hear Angelica talking to Nate as they entered the room.

Jackie came busting in with pans of food and whispered to me that he heard Violet in the hall and I raced to get the rest of everything and at least have it on the table when she came down.

“Why do I smell blood sausage?” Her voice called from the living room and everyone took their seats at the table and folded their hands in their lap.

“Come eat some breakfast, Vi. We have to get going soon.” Jackie hollered out when Violet appeared in the doorway, bleary eyed and disheveled.

Her eyes fell upon the table covered with thick slices of soda bread, an array of pork, fried eggs, potatoes, and lots of butter with steaming tea to top it off.

“Who did this?” Her eyes were wide and glistening.

Everyone pointed at me at once.

I beckoned for her to take a seat and everyone began making their plate, but Violet just sat there watching them pass food around. I took it upon myself to make her plate instead and made sure to pile it high before setting it in front of her.

“Thank you.” She replied meekly and slowly began to eat.

“So, Cassandra and I have procured you all a rather lovely rental just outside of Edinburgh, lined up a large vehicle for you all to drive about, and purchased enough calling cards to keep you connected to us for several weeks. I’m not sure how long you all will be over there, but you should be good.” Jackie spoke around a mouthful of potatoes.

“Awesome.” I nodded, eating my own food.

“Did everyone pack light?” Violet asked, “I don’t want to make too many trips back and forth. I can only carry a couple of you at a time for safety reasons.” Violet poured herself a cup of tea and sat back to sip it.

Everyone just nodded and went back to eating their meal.

“Good. Finish up and get your bags so you can set out early. Based on what Adam told me about Violet’s late arrival back here last night, there may be a bump in the road as far as time.” Jackie poured himself a cup of coffee.

“I still don’t know why that happened.” Violet shrugged, finishing her food.

Jackie pointed at her, “Either way, now you’re prepared.”

Everyone finished their food and hastily retrieved their bags from their rooms when the front door opened and Henri came flying in with a duffle bag in his hand.

“Don’t leave without me! I convinced Cassandra to keep an eye on the shop for me so I could go with you.” He dropped his bag by the front stairs.

“Wonderful; now there are eight of us.” Violet sighed and I knew that tacking on more people was only addling her.

“Why don’t you take Khaine and Henri first since they are the smallest and the largest and then come back for me and Nate,” I suggested to Violet to make it easier on her.

“Good idea. Then I can come back and possibly snag the girls in one go. Maybe.” Violet was analyzing everyone as they picked up their bags and Jackie handed out information sheets and calling cards.

“You’ve got this.” I placed my hand on her shoulder before handing her vacation package to her.

“You’re right. Let’s go then.” Violet signaled for Khaine and Henri to follow her to the French doors, “Hold my hand and don’t let go, please. I don’t know what would happen if you were to let go.”

She was visibly sweating as Khaine took one hand and Henri the other.

Like a scene out of Stargate, the three of them walked out the door and disappeared.

A few minutes later Violet walked back through the door from the garden alone and motioned for me and Nate.

“Please, Adam. Whatever you do…don’t let go of my hand.” She was shaking as I placed my hand in hers and she gripped it tight.

“I won’t let go; I promise,” I assured her as the three of us stepped back through the door on our way to Edinburgh.

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